protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <SaveAllCR> saveAllCRList = new List <SaveAllCR>();
            SaveAllCR        saveAllCR     = new SaveAllCR();

            Relation   relation      = new Relation();
            ConceptOne c1Details     = new ConceptOne();
            ConceptTwo c2Details     = new ConceptTwo();
            Topic      topicDBEntity = new Topic();

            List <string> lstTopicName = new List <string>();

            List <TopicDetailsEOModel> topicDetailsEOList = new List <TopicDetailsEOModel>();

                using (var context = new ConceptsRelationDBEntities())
                    //saveAllCRList = context.SaveAllCRs.ToList<SaveAllCR>().Distinct();
                    lstTopicName = context.SaveAllCRs.Select(scr => scr.Topic.TopicsName).Distinct().ToList <string>();
                    //var result = EFContext.TestAddresses.Select(m => m.Name).Distinct();

                    //foreach (SaveAllCR cr in saveAllCRList)
                    foreach (string cr in lstTopicName)
                        topicDetailsEOList.Add(new TopicDetailsEOModel
                            //TopicDetailsId = cr.Id,
                            //ConceptOne = cr.ConceptOne.ConceptOneName,
                            //ConceptTwo = cr.ConceptTwo.ConceptTwoName,
                            //RelationType = cr.Relation.RelationName,
                            //TopicName = cr.Topic.TopicsName
                            TopicName = cr

                //topicDetailsEOList.Select(x => x.TopicDetailsId).Distinct();
                //topicDetailsEOList.Select(x => x.TopicDetailsId=5);

                grdvTopics.DataSource = topicDetailsEOList;
                //  return topicDetailsEOList;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            //using (var context = new ConceptsRelationDBEntities())

            //    grdvTopics.DataSource = context.MasterConceptRelations.ToList<MasterConceptRelation>();
            //    grdvTopics.DataBind();
Esempio n. 2
        public static List <Label> GetNeo4JQuery(string topic, int c1, int c2, int rt)
            int count = 0;
            List <SaveAllCR> saveAllCRList = new List <SaveAllCR>();
            SaveAllCR        saveAllCR     = new SaveAllCR();

            Relation   relation      = new Relation();
            ConceptOne c1Details     = new ConceptOne();
            ConceptTwo c2Details     = new ConceptTwo();
            Topic      topicDBEntity = new Topic();

            List <TopicDetailsEOModel> topicDetailsEOList = new List <TopicDetailsEOModel>();

                var searchCriteria = new
                    topicName    = topic,
                    concept1     = c1,
                    concept2     = c2,
                    relationType = rt

                var predicate = PredicateBuilder.New <SaveAllCR>();

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchCriteria.topicName.ToString()))
                    predicate = predicate.And(p => p.Topic.TopicsName.Contains(searchCriteria.topicName));

                //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchCriteria.concept1.ToString()))
                if (searchCriteria.concept1.ToString() != "0")
                    //predicate = predicate.And(p => p.ConceptOne.ConceptOneName.Contains(searchCriteria.concept1.ToString()));
                    predicate = predicate.And(p => p.ConceptOne.C1Id.ToString().Contains(searchCriteria.concept1.ToString()));
                //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchCriteria.concept2.ToString()))
                if (searchCriteria.concept2.ToString() != "0")
                    predicate = predicate.And(p => p.ConceptTwo.C2Id.ToString().Contains(searchCriteria.concept2.ToString()));
                //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchCriteria.relationType.ToString()))
                if (searchCriteria.relationType.ToString() != "0")
                    predicate = predicate.And(p => p.Relation.RelID.ToString().Contains(searchCriteria.relationType.ToString()));
                using (var context = new ConceptsRelationDBEntities())
                    saveAllCRList = context.SaveAllCRs.
                                    //Where(tp => tp.Topic.TopicsName == topic)
                                    .ToList <SaveAllCR>();

                    foreach (SaveAllCR cr in saveAllCRList)
                        topicDetailsEOList.Add(new TopicDetailsEOModel
                            TopicDetailsId = cr.Id,
                            ConceptOne     = cr.ConceptOne.ConceptOneName,
                            ConceptTwo     = cr.ConceptTwo.ConceptTwoName,
                            RelationType   = cr.Relation.RelationName,
                            TopicName      = cr.Topic.TopicsName

                List <TopicDetailsEOModel> topicConceptRelation = new List <TopicDetailsEOModel>();
                List <Label> PlaceHolder1 = new List <Label>();

                var concepOnetList = topicDetailsEOList.Select(x => x.ConceptOne).Distinct().ToList();
                var concepTwotList = topicDetailsEOList.Select(x => x.ConceptTwo).Distinct().ToList();
                //  return topicDetailsEOList;

                topicConceptRelation = topicDetailsEOList;

                List <string> concepOnetList_1 = new List <string>();
                int           j = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < concepOnetList.Count(); i++)
                    // topicConceptRelation.Add(new TopicDetailsEOModel() {  ConceptOne = concept1 });
                    string concept1 = "";
                    concept1 = concepOnetList[i].Replace(" ", String.Empty);
                    concept1 = concept1 + j.ToString();

                    foreach (var item in topicConceptRelation)
                        if (concepOnetList[i] == item.ConceptOne)
                            int index = topicConceptRelation.FindIndex(obj => obj.ConceptOne == concepOnetList[i]);
                            //int index = topicConceptRelation.FindIndex(ind => ind.Equals(concepOnetList[i])); //Finds the item index

                            //topicConceptRelation[index].ConceptOne = concept1;
                            topicConceptRelation[index].ConceptOne = concept1;

                    Label myLabel = new Label();
                    myLabel.ID = "myLabel_" + j;

                    myLabel.Text = "CREATE(" + concept1 + ":Album { Name:" + '"' + concepOnetList[i] + '"' + "})";
                    //PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));

                int k = concepOnetList.Count() + 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < concepTwotList.Count(); i++)
                    string concept2 = "";
                    concept2 = concepTwotList[i].Replace(" ", String.Empty);
                    concept2 = concept2 + k.ToString();
                    foreach (var item in topicConceptRelation)
                        if (concepTwotList[i] == item.ConceptTwo)
                            int index = topicConceptRelation.FindIndex(obj => obj.ConceptTwo == concepTwotList[i]);
                            //int index = topicConceptRelation.FindIndex(ind => ind.Equals(concepOnetList[i])); //Finds the item index

                            //topicConceptRelation[index].ConceptOne = concept1;
                            topicConceptRelation[index].ConceptTwo = concept2;

                    List <Label> testlist = new List <Label>();
                    Label        myLabel  = new Label();
                    myLabel.ID = "myLabel_" + k;

                    myLabel.Text = "CREATE(" + concept2 + ":Album { Name:" + '"' + concepTwotList[i] + '"' + "})";
                    // PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));

                // var totalConcepts = concepOnetList.Concat(concepTwotList).ToList();

                int           r             = 1;
                List <string> relationsList = new List <string>();
                //for (int i = 0; i < topicConceptRelation.Count(); i++)
                foreach (var item in topicConceptRelation)
                    string relations = "";
                    relations = item.RelationType.Replace(" ", String.Empty);
                    relations = relations + r.ToString();

                    Label myLabel = new Label();
                    myLabel.ID = "myLabel_" + j;

                    //if(item.TopicDetailsId == tipicId )

                    //var concept1 = totalConcepts.Select(x => x = item.ConceptOne);
                    ////CREATE(a) -[r: RELEASED]->(b)
                    myLabel.Text = "CREATE(" + item.ConceptOne + ") -[" + relations + ":" + item.RelationType + "]->(" + item.ConceptTwo + ")";
                    // PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));

                string retDtat         = "";
                string ret             = "RETURN ";
                var    concepOnetList1 = topicConceptRelation.Select(x => x.ConceptOne).Distinct().ToList();
                var    concepTwoList1  = topicConceptRelation.Select(x => x.ConceptTwo).Distinct().ToList();
                for (int i = 0; i < concepOnetList1.Count(); i++)
                    //foreach (var item in topicConceptRelation)
                    //    if (concepOnetList[i] == item.ConceptOne)
                    //    {

                    retDtat = retDtat + concepOnetList1[i] + ",";
                    //    }

                    //   // j++;

                for (int i = 0; i < concepTwoList1.Count(); i++)
                    //foreach (var item in topicConceptRelation)
                    //    if (concepTwotList[i] == item.ConceptTwo)
                    //    {

                    retDtat = retDtat + concepTwoList1[i] + ",";
                    //    }

                for (int i = 0; i < relationsList.Count(); i++)
                    retDtat = retDtat + relationsList[i] + ",";

                Label retLabel = new Label();
                retLabel.ID   = "myLabel_" + j;
                retLabel.Text = ret + retDtat;

            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 3
        public static List <Label> GetNeo4JQuery(string topic, int c1, int c2, int rt)
            int count = 0;
            List <SaveAllCR> saveAllCRList  = new List <SaveAllCR>();
            List <SaveAllCR> saveAllCRList1 = new List <SaveAllCR>();
            SaveAllCR        saveAllCR      = new SaveAllCR();

            Relation   relation      = new Relation();
            ConceptOne c1Details     = new ConceptOne();
            ConceptTwo c2Details     = new ConceptTwo();
            Topic      topicDBEntity = new Topic();

            List <TopicDetailsEOModel> topicDetailsEOList = new List <TopicDetailsEOModel>();

                //var searchCriteria = new
                //    topicName = topic,
                //    concept1 = c1,
                //    concept2 = c2,
                //    relationType = rt

                //var predicate = PredicateBuilder.New<SaveAllCR>();

                //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchCriteria.topicName.ToString()))
                //    predicate = predicate.And(p => p.Topic.TopicsName.Contains(searchCriteria.topicName));

                ////if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchCriteria.concept1.ToString()))
                //if (searchCriteria.concept1.ToString() != "0")
                //    //predicate = predicate.And(p => p.ConceptOne.ConceptOneName.Contains(searchCriteria.concept1.ToString()));
                //    predicate = predicate.And(p => p.ConceptOne.C1Id.ToString().Contains(searchCriteria.concept1.ToString()));
                ////if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchCriteria.concept2.ToString()))
                //if (searchCriteria.concept2.ToString() != "0")
                //    predicate = predicate.And(p => p.ConceptTwo.C2Id.ToString().Contains(searchCriteria.concept2.ToString()));
                ////if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchCriteria.relationType.ToString()))
                //if (searchCriteria.relationType.ToString() != "0")
                //    predicate = predicate.And(p => p.Relation.RelID.ToString().Contains(searchCriteria.relationType.ToString()));
                //using (var context = new ConceptsRelationDBEntities())
                //    saveAllCRList = context.SaveAllCRs.
                //        Where(predicate.Compile())
                //        //Where(tp => tp.Topic.TopicsName == topic)
                //        .ToList<SaveAllCR>();

                //    foreach (SaveAllCR cr in saveAllCRList)
                //    {

                //        topicDetailsEOList.Add(new TopicDetailsEOModel
                //        {
                //            TopicDetailsId = cr.Id,
                //            ConceptOne = cr.ConceptOne.ConceptOneName,
                //            ConceptTwo = cr.ConceptTwo.ConceptTwoName,
                //            RelationType = cr.Relation.RelationName,
                //            TopicName = cr.Topic.TopicsName
                //        });
                //    }

                using (var context = new ConceptsRelationDBEntities())
                    saveAllCRList = context.SaveAllCRs.Where(tp => tp.Topic.TopicsName == topic).ToList <SaveAllCR>();

                    foreach (var item in saveAllCRList)
                        if (item.fC1Id == c1 || item.fC1Id == c2 || item.fRId == rt)

                    foreach (SaveAllCR cr in saveAllCRList1)
                        topicDetailsEOList.Add(new TopicDetailsEOModel
                            TopicDetailsId = cr.Id,
                            ConceptOne     = cr.ConceptOne.ConceptOneName,
                            ConceptTwo     = cr.ConceptOne1.ConceptOneName,
                            RelationType   = cr.Relation.RelationName,
                            TopicName      = cr.Topic.TopicsName

                List <TopicDetailsEOModel> topicConceptRelation = new List <TopicDetailsEOModel>();

                topicConceptRelation = topicDetailsEOList;

                int    count1       = topicConceptRelation.Count();
                int    n            = 1;
                string allrelations = "";
                foreach (var item in topicConceptRelation)
                    allrelations = allrelations + " MATCH p = (a: ConceptOne) -[r:" + item.RelationType + "]->(b: ConceptTwo) WHERE =" + '"' + item.ConceptOne + '"' + "AND = " + '"' + item.ConceptTwo + '"' + "RETURN p ";

                    if (count1 != n)
                        allrelations = allrelations + " UNION ";


                // cypher.Value = allrelations;

                List <Label> PlaceHolder1 = new List <Label>();
                Label        lbl          = new Label();
                lbl.Text = allrelations;


            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 4
        public static List <TopicDetailsEOModel> Search(string topic, int c1, int c2, int rt)
        //public static List<TopicDetailsEOModel> Search(string topic, string c1, string c2, string rt)
            int count = 0;
            List <SaveAllCR> saveAllCRList  = new List <SaveAllCR>();
            List <SaveAllCR> saveAllCRList1 = new List <SaveAllCR>();
            SaveAllCR        saveAllCR      = new SaveAllCR();

            Relation   relation      = new Relation();
            ConceptOne c1Details     = new ConceptOne();
            ConceptTwo c2Details     = new ConceptTwo();
            Topic      topicDBEntity = new Topic();

            List <TopicDetailsEOModel> topicDetailsEOList = new List <TopicDetailsEOModel>();

                // Commenting below line from 348 - 373, to check if Predicate logic, which is below 373 line works or not.

                using (var context = new ConceptsRelationDBEntities())
                    saveAllCRList = context.SaveAllCRs.Where(tp => tp.Topic.TopicsName == topic).ToList <SaveAllCR>();

                    foreach (var item in saveAllCRList)
                        // The below logic is wrong, it has to be AND but if and only if the
                        // values are not 0, if any either c1, c2, rt is 0, then neglect that in the filter, for which item.fkId == 0 with OR condition
                        //if (item.fC1Id == c1 || item.fC1Id == c2 || item.fRId == rt)
                        if ((item.fC1Id == c1 || c1 == 0) &&
                            (item.fC2Id == c2 || c2 == 0) &&
                            (item.fRId == rt || rt == 0))

                    foreach (SaveAllCR cr in saveAllCRList1)
                        topicDetailsEOList.Add(new TopicDetailsEOModel
                            TopicDetailsId = cr.Id,
                            ConceptOne     = cr.ConceptOne.ConceptOneName,
                            ConceptTwo     = cr.ConceptOne1.ConceptOneName,
                            RelationType   = cr.Relation.RelationName,
                            TopicName      = cr.Topic.TopicsName

                //// 21 May 2019:  Predicate was not working thats why commented.
                //var searchCriteria = new
                //    topicName = topic,
                //    concept1 = c1,
                //    concept2 = c2,
                //    relationType = rt

                //var predicate = PredicateBuilder.New<SaveAllCR>();

                //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchCriteria.topicName.ToString()))
                //    predicate = predicate.And(p => p.Topic.TopicsName.Contains(searchCriteria.topicName));

                ////if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchCriteria.concept1.ToString()))
                //if (searchCriteria.concept1.ToString() != "0")
                //    //predicate = predicate.And(p => p.ConceptOne.ConceptOneName.Contains(searchCriteria.concept1.ToString()));
                //    //predicate = predicate.And(p => p.ConceptOne.C1Id.ToString().Contains(searchCriteria.concept1.ToString()));
                //    predicate = predicate.And(p => p.ConceptOne.C1Id.ToString().Contains(searchCriteria.concept1.ToString()));
                ////if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchCriteria.concept2.ToString()))
                //if (searchCriteria.concept2.ToString() != "0")
                //    predicate = predicate.And(p => p.ConceptTwo.C2Id.ToString().Contains(searchCriteria.concept2.ToString()));
                ////if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchCriteria.relationType.ToString()))
                //if (searchCriteria.relationType.ToString() != "0")
                //    predicate = predicate.And(p => p.Relation.RelID.ToString().Contains(searchCriteria.relationType.ToString()));
                //using (var context = new ConceptsRelationDBEntities())
                //    saveAllCRList = context.SaveAllCRs.
                //        Where(predicate.Compile())
                //        //Where(tp => tp.Topic.TopicsName == topic)
                //        .ToList<SaveAllCR>();

                //    foreach (SaveAllCR cr in saveAllCRList)
                //    {

                //        topicDetailsEOList.Add(new TopicDetailsEOModel
                //        {
                //            TopicDetailsId = cr.Id,
                //            ConceptOne = cr.ConceptOne.ConceptOneName,
                //            ConceptTwo = cr.ConceptTwo.ConceptTwoName,
                //            RelationType = cr.Relation.RelationName,
                //            TopicName = cr.Topic.TopicsName
                //        });
                //    }

            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 5
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // int tipicId = Request.QueryString["TopicID"];
            string topicName = Request.QueryString["topicName"];
            string par       = Request.QueryString["param1"];

            if (par != null)
                cypher.Value = par;
            //string relationType = Request.QueryString["TopicName"];
            //string conceptOne = Request.QueryString["TopicName"];
            //string conceptTwo = Request.QueryString["TopicName"];

            if (topicName != null)
                int tipicId = 1;
                List <SaveAllCR> saveAllCRList = new List <SaveAllCR>();
                SaveAllCR        saveAllCR     = new SaveAllCR();

                Relation   relation      = new Relation();
                ConceptOne c1Details     = new ConceptOne();
                ConceptTwo c2Details     = new ConceptTwo();
                Topic      topicDBEntity = new Topic();

                List <TopicDetailsEOModel> topicDetailsEOList = new List <TopicDetailsEOModel>();

                    using (var context = new ConceptsRelationDBEntities())
                        saveAllCRList = context.SaveAllCRs.Where(tp => tp.Topic.TopicsName == topicName).ToList <SaveAllCR>();

                        foreach (SaveAllCR cr in saveAllCRList)
                            topicDetailsEOList.Add(new TopicDetailsEOModel
                                TopicDetailsId = cr.Id,
                                ConceptOne     = cr.ConceptOne.ConceptOneName,
                                ConceptTwo     = cr.ConceptOne1.ConceptOneName,
                                RelationType   = cr.Relation.RelationName,
                                TopicName      = cr.Topic.TopicsName

                    //var topicIdConceptRelation= topicDetailsEOList.Select(x =>  x.TopicDetailsId= tipicId).ToList();
                    List <TopicDetailsEOModel> topicConceptRelation = new List <TopicDetailsEOModel>();

                    topicConceptRelation = topicDetailsEOList;

                    int    count        = topicConceptRelation.Count();
                    int    m            = 1;
                    string allrelations = "";
                    foreach (var item in topicConceptRelation)
                        allrelations = allrelations + "MATCH p = () -[r:" + item.RelationType + "]->() RETURN p ";

                        if (count != m)
                            allrelations = allrelations + " UNION ";


                    cypher.Value = allrelations;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
            // var concepOnetList= topicDetailsEOList.Select(x => x.ConceptOne).Distinct().ToList();
            // var concepTwotList = topicDetailsEOList.Select(x => x.ConceptTwo).Distinct().ToList();
            // //  return topicDetailsEOList;

            // List<string> concepOnetList_1 = new List<string>();
            // int j = 1;
            // for (int i = 0; i < concepOnetList.Count(); i++)
            // {

            //     // topicConceptRelation.Add(new TopicDetailsEOModel() {  ConceptOne = concept1 });
            //     string concept1 = "";
            //     concept1 = concepOnetList[i].Replace(" ", String.Empty);
            //     concept1 = concept1 + j.ToString();

            //     foreach (var item in topicConceptRelation)
            //     {

            //         if (concepOnetList[i]== item.ConceptOne)
            //         {

            //             int index = topicConceptRelation.FindIndex(obj => obj.ConceptOne == concepOnetList[i]);
            //             //int index = topicConceptRelation.FindIndex(ind => ind.Equals(concepOnetList[i])); //Finds the item index

            //             //topicConceptRelation[index].ConceptOne = concept1;
            //             topicConceptRelation[index].ConceptOne = concept1;

            //         }
            //     }

            //     Label myLabel = new Label();
            //     myLabel.ID = "myLabel_" + j;

            //     myLabel.Text = "CREATE(" + concept1 + ":Album { Name:" +'"' + concepOnetList[i] +'"' + "})";
            //     PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(myLabel);
            //     PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));
            //     j++;
            // }

            // int k = concepOnetList.Count()+1;
            // for (int i = 0; i <concepTwotList.Count(); i++)
            // {
            //     string concept2 = "";
            //     concept2 = concepTwotList[i].Replace(" ", String.Empty);
            //     concept2 = concept2 + k.ToString();
            //     foreach (var item in topicConceptRelation)
            //     {

            //         if (concepTwotList[i] == item.ConceptTwo)
            //         {

            //             int index = topicConceptRelation.FindIndex(obj => obj.ConceptTwo == concepTwotList[i]);
            //             //int index = topicConceptRelation.FindIndex(ind => ind.Equals(concepOnetList[i])); //Finds the item index

            //             //topicConceptRelation[index].ConceptOne = concept1;
            //             topicConceptRelation[index].ConceptTwo = concept2;
            //         }
            //     }

            //     List<Label> testlist = new List<Label>();
            //     Label myLabel = new Label();
            //     myLabel.ID = "myLabel_" + k;

            //     myLabel.Text = "CREATE(" + concept2 + ":Album { Name:" + '"' + concepTwotList[i] + '"' + "})";
            //     testlist.Add(myLabel);
            //     PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(myLabel);
            //     PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));
            //     k++;
            // }

            //// var totalConcepts = concepOnetList.Concat(concepTwotList).ToList();

            // int r = 1;
            // List<string> relationsList = new List<string>();
            // //for (int i = 0; i < topicConceptRelation.Count(); i++)
            // foreach (var item in topicConceptRelation)
            // {
            //     string relations = "";
            //     relations = item.RelationType.Replace(" ", String.Empty);
            //     relations = relations + r.ToString();

            //     Label myLabel = new Label();
            //     myLabel.ID = "myLabel_" + j;

            //     //if(item.TopicDetailsId == tipicId )
            //     //{

            //     //var concept1 = totalConcepts.Select(x => x = item.ConceptOne);
            //     ////CREATE(a) -[r: RELEASED]->(b)
            //     myLabel.Text = "CREATE(" + item.ConceptOne + ") -[" + relations + ":" + item.RelationType + "]->(" + item.ConceptTwo + ")";
            //     PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(myLabel);
            //     PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));
            //     relationsList.Add(relations);
            //     //}
            //     r++;
            // }

            // string retDtat = "";
            // string ret = "RETURN ";
            // var concepOnetList1 = topicConceptRelation.Select(x => x.ConceptOne).Distinct().ToList();
            // var concepTwoList1 = topicConceptRelation.Select(x => x.ConceptTwo).Distinct().ToList();
            // for (int i = 0; i < concepOnetList1.Count(); i++)
            // {
            //     //foreach (var item in topicConceptRelation)
            //     //{
            //     //    if (concepOnetList[i] == item.ConceptOne)
            //     //    {

            //             retDtat = retDtat+ concepOnetList1[i] + "," ;
            //     //    }

            //     //   // j++;
            //     //}
            // }

            // for (int i = 0; i < concepTwoList1.Count(); i++)
            // {
            //     //foreach (var item in topicConceptRelation)
            //     //{
            //     //    if (concepTwotList[i] == item.ConceptTwo)
            //     //    {

            //             retDtat = retDtat + concepTwoList1[i] + ",";
            //     //    }
            //     //}
            // }

            // for (int i = 0; i < relationsList.Count(); i++)
            // {
            //     retDtat = retDtat+relationsList[i] + ",";
            // }

            //         Label retLabel = new Label();
            // retLabel.ID = "myLabel_" + j;
            // retLabel.Text = ret + retDtat;
            // PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(retLabel);

            // for (int i = 0; i < topicDetailsEOList.Count; i++)