Esempio n. 1
        // Sarsa thread
        private void SarsaThread()
            int iteration = 0;
            TabuSearchExploration    tabuPolicy        = (TabuSearchExploration)sarsa.ExplorationPolicy;
            EpsilonGreedyExploration explorationPolicy = (EpsilonGreedyExploration)tabuPolicy.BasePolicy;

            while ((!needToStop) && (iteration < learningIterations))
                explorationPolicy.Epsilon = explorationRate - ((double)iteration / learningIterations) * explorationRate;
                sarsa.LearningRate        = learningRate - ((double)iteration / learningIterations) * learningRate;

                var    agentCurrentX  = agentStartX;
                var    agentCurrentY  = agentStartY;
                int    steps          = 1;
                int    previousState  = GetStateNumber(agentCurrentX, agentCurrentY);
                int    previousAction = sarsa.GetAction(previousState);
                double reward         = UpdateAgentPosition(ref agentCurrentX, ref agentCurrentY, previousAction);

                while ((!needToStop) && ((agentCurrentX != agentStopX) || (agentCurrentY != agentStopY)))

                    tabuPolicy.SetTabuAction((previousAction + 2) % 4, 1);
                    int nextState  = GetStateNumber(agentCurrentX, agentCurrentY);
                    int nextAction = sarsa.GetAction(nextState);
                    sarsa.UpdateState(previousState, previousAction, reward, nextState, nextAction);
                    reward         = UpdateAgentPosition(ref agentCurrentX, ref agentCurrentY, nextAction);
                    previousState  = nextState;
                    previousAction = nextAction;

                if (!needToStop)
                    sarsa.UpdateState(previousState, previousAction, reward);



                SetText(iterationBox, iteration.ToString());

            // enable settings controls
Esempio n. 2
        // Sarsa thread
        private void SarsaThread()
            int iteration = 0;
            // curent coordinates of the agent
            int agentCurrentX, agentCurrentY;
            // exploration policy
            TabuSearchExploration    tabuPolicy        = (TabuSearchExploration)sarsa.ExplorationPolicy;
            EpsilonGreedyExploration explorationPolicy = (EpsilonGreedyExploration)tabuPolicy.BasePolicy;

            // loop
            while ((!needToStop) && (iteration < learningIterations))
                // set exploration rate for this iteration
                explorationPolicy.Epsilon = explorationRate - ((double)iteration / learningIterations) * explorationRate;
                // set learning rate for this iteration
                sarsa.LearningRate = learningRate - ((double)iteration / learningIterations) * learningRate;
                // clear tabu list

                // reset agent's coordinates to the starting position
                agentCurrentX = agentStartX;
                agentCurrentY = agentStartY;

                // steps performed by agent to get to the goal
                int steps = 1;
                // previous state and action
                int previousState  = GetStateNumber(agentCurrentX, agentCurrentY);
                int previousAction = sarsa.GetAction(previousState);
                // update agent's current position and get his reward
                double reward = UpdateAgentPosition(ref agentCurrentX, ref agentCurrentY, previousAction);

                while ((!needToStop) && ((agentCurrentX != agentStopX) || (agentCurrentY != agentStopY)))

                    // set tabu action
                    tabuPolicy.SetTabuAction((previousAction + 2) % 4, 1);

                    // get agent's next state
                    int nextState = GetStateNumber(agentCurrentX, agentCurrentY);
                    // get agent's next action
                    int nextAction = sarsa.GetAction(nextState);
                    // do learning of the agent - update his Q-function
                    sarsa.UpdateState(previousState, previousAction, reward, nextState, nextAction);

                    // update agent's new position and get his reward
                    reward = UpdateAgentPosition(ref agentCurrentX, ref agentCurrentY, nextAction);

                    previousState  = nextState;
                    previousAction = nextAction;

                if (!needToStop)
                    // update Q-function if terminal state was reached
                    sarsa.UpdateState(previousState, previousAction, reward);



                // show current iteration
                SetText(iterationBox, iteration.ToString());

            // enable settings controls
Esempio n. 3
        public void learn_test()
            #region doc_main
            // Fix the random number generator
            Accord.Math.Random.Generator.Seed = 0;

            // In this example, we will be using the Sarsa algorithm
            // to make a robot learn how to navigate a map. The map
            // is shown below, where a 1 denotes a wall and 0 denotes
            // areas where the robot can navigate:
            int[,] map =
                { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },
                { 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
                { 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 },
                { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
                { 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1 },
                { 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
                { 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
                { 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 },
                { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },

            // Now, we define the initial and target points from which the
            // robot will be spawn and where it should go, respectively:
            int agentStartX = 1;
            int agentStartY = 4;

            int agentStopX = 7;
            int agentStopY = 4;

            // The robot is able to sense the environment though 8 sensors
            // that capture whether the robot is near a wall or not. Based
            // on the robot's current location, the sensors will return an
            // integer number representing which sensors have detected walls

            Func <int, int, int> getState = (int x, int y) =>
                int c1 = (map[y - 1, x - 1] != 0) ? 1 : 0;
                int c2 = (map[y - 1, x + 0] != 0) ? 1 : 0;
                int c3 = (map[y - 1, x + 1] != 0) ? 1 : 0;
                int c4 = (map[y + 0, x + 1] != 0) ? 1 : 0;
                int c5 = (map[y + 1, x + 1] != 0) ? 1 : 0;
                int c6 = (map[y + 1, x + 0] != 0) ? 1 : 0;
                int c7 = (map[y + 1, x - 1] != 0) ? 1 : 0;
                int c8 = (map[y + 0, x - 1] != 0) ? 1 : 0;

                return(c1 | (c2 << 1) | (c3 << 2) | (c4 << 3) | (c5 << 4) | (c6 << 5) | (c7 << 6) | (c8 << 7));

            // The actions are the possible directions the robot can go:
            //   - case 0: go to north (up)
            //   - case 1: go to east (right)
            //   - case 2: go to south (down)
            //   - case 3: go to west (left)

            int    learningIterations = 1000;
            double explorationRate    = 0.5;
            double learningRate       = 0.5;

            double moveReward = 0;
            double wallReward = -1;
            double goalReward = 1;

            // The function below specifies how the robot should perform an action given its
            // current position and an action number. This will cause the robot to update its
            // current X and Y locations given the direction (above) it was instructed to go:
            Func <int, int, int, Tuple <double, int, int> > doAction = (int currentX, int currentY, int action) =>
                // default reward is equal to moving reward
                double reward = moveReward;

                // moving direction
                int dx = 0, dy = 0;

                switch (action)
                case 0:             // go to north (up)
                    dy = -1;

                case 1:             // go to east (right)
                    dx = 1;

                case 2:             // go to south (down)
                    dy = 1;

                case 3:             // go to west (left)
                    dx = -1;

                int newX = currentX + dx;
                int newY = currentY + dy;

                // check new agent's coordinates
                if ((map[newY, newX] != 0) || (newX < 0) || (newX >= map.Columns()) || (newY < 0) || (newY >= map.Rows()))
                    // we found a wall or got outside of the world
                    reward = wallReward;
                    currentX = newX;
                    currentY = newY;

                    // check if we found the goal
                    if ((currentX == agentStopX) && (currentY == agentStopY))
                        reward = goalReward;

                return(Tuple.Create(reward, currentX, currentY));

            // After defining all those functions, we create a new Sarsa algorithm:
            var explorationPolicy = new EpsilonGreedyExploration(explorationRate);
            var tabuPolicy        = new TabuSearchExploration(4, explorationPolicy);
            var sarsa             = new Sarsa(256, 4, tabuPolicy);

            // curent coordinates of the agent
            int agentCurrentX = -1;
            int agentCurrentY = -1;

            bool needToStop = false;
            int  iteration  = 0;

            // loop
            while ((!needToStop) && (iteration < learningIterations))
                // set exploration rate for this iteration
                explorationPolicy.Epsilon = explorationRate - ((double)iteration / learningIterations) * explorationRate;

                // set learning rate for this iteration
                sarsa.LearningRate = learningRate - ((double)iteration / learningIterations) * learningRate;

                // clear tabu list

                // reset agent's coordinates to the starting position
                agentCurrentX = agentStartX;
                agentCurrentY = agentStartY;

                // steps performed by agent to get to the goal
                int steps = 1;

                // previous state and action
                int previousState  = getState(agentCurrentX, agentCurrentY);
                int previousAction = sarsa.GetAction(previousState);

                // update agent's current position and get his reward
                var    r      = doAction(agentCurrentX, agentCurrentY, previousAction);
                double reward = r.Item1;
                agentCurrentX = r.Item2;
                agentCurrentY = r.Item3;

                while ((!needToStop) && ((agentCurrentX != agentStopX) || (agentCurrentY != agentStopY)))

                    // set tabu action
                    tabuPolicy.SetTabuAction((previousAction + 2) % 4, 1);

                    // get agent's next state
                    int nextState = getState(agentCurrentX, agentCurrentY);

                    // get agent's next action
                    int nextAction = sarsa.GetAction(nextState);

                    // do learning of the agent - update his Q-function
                    sarsa.UpdateState(previousState, previousAction, reward, nextState, nextAction);

                    // update agent's new position and get his reward
                    r             = doAction(agentCurrentX, agentCurrentY, nextAction);
                    reward        = r.Item1;
                    agentCurrentX = r.Item2;
                    agentCurrentY = r.Item3;

                    previousState  = nextState;
                    previousAction = nextAction;

                if (!needToStop)
                    // update Q-function if terminal state was reached
                    sarsa.UpdateState(previousState, previousAction, reward);


            // The end position for the robot will be (7, 4):
            int finalPosX = agentCurrentX; // 7
            int finalPosY = agentCurrentY; // 4;

            Assert.AreEqual(7, finalPosX);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, finalPosY);
Esempio n. 4
    // Sarsa thread
    private void SarsaThread()
        int iteration = 0;

        // exploration policy
        TabuSearchExploration    tabuPolicy        = (TabuSearchExploration)_sarsa.ExplorationPolicy;
        EpsilonGreedyExploration explorationPolicy = (EpsilonGreedyExploration)tabuPolicy.BasePolicy;

        // loop
        while ((!_needToStop) && (iteration < learningIterations))
            // set exploration rate for this iteration
            explorationPolicy.Epsilon = explorationRate - ((double)iteration / learningIterations) * explorationRate;
            // set learning rate for this iteration
            _sarsa.LearningRate = learningRate - ((double)iteration / learningIterations) * learningRate;
            // clear tabu list

            // reset agent's coordinates to the starting position
            _agentCurrX = _agentStartX;
            _agentCurrY = _agentStartY;

            // steps performed by agent to get to the goal
            int steps = 1;
            // previous state and action
            int previousState  = GetStateNumber(_agentCurrX, _agentCurrY);
            int previousAction = _sarsa.GetAction(previousState);
            // update agent's current position and get his reward
            double reward = UpdateAgentPosition(previousAction);

            while ((!_needToStop) && ((_agentCurrX != _agentStopX) || (_agentCurrY != _agentStopY)))

                // set tabu action
                tabuPolicy.SetTabuAction((previousAction + 2) % 4, 1);

                // get agent's next state
                int nextState = GetStateNumber(_agentCurrX, _agentCurrY);
                // get agent's next action
                int nextAction = _sarsa.GetAction(nextState);
                // do learning of the agent - update his Q-function
                _sarsa.UpdateState(previousState, previousAction, reward, nextState, nextAction);

                // update agent's new position and get his reward
                reward = UpdateAgentPosition(nextAction);

                previousState  = nextState;
                previousAction = nextAction;

            if (!_needToStop)
                // update Q-function if terminal state was reached
                _sarsa.UpdateState(previousState, previousAction, reward);

            Debug.Log(string.Format("{0} steps needed for iteration {1}.", steps, iteration));

        _enableControls = true;
        Debug.Log("SARSA training finished. Try to execute the solution.");
Esempio n. 5
        private void SarsaThread()
            int iteration = 0;
            // 当前坐标的代理 curent coordinates of the agent
            int agentCurrentX, agentCurrentY;
            // 探索策略 exploration policy
            TabuSearchExploration    tabuPolicy        = (TabuSearchExploration)sarsa.ExplorationPolicy;
            EpsilonGreedyExploration explorationPolicy = (EpsilonGreedyExploration)tabuPolicy.BasePolicy;

            // loop
            while ((!needToStop) && (iteration < learningIterations))
                // 为这个迭代设置勘探速率 set exploration rate for this iteration
                explorationPolicy.Epsilon = explorationRate - ((double)iteration / learningIterations) * explorationRate;
                // 为迭代设置学习率 set learning rate for this iteration
                sarsa.LearningRate = learningRate - ((double)iteration / learningIterations) * learningRate;
                // 清除tabu列表 clear tabu list

                // 复位代理的坐标到起始位置 reset agent's coordinates to the starting position
                agentCurrentX = _agentStartX;
                agentCurrentY = _agentStartY;

                // 代理执行的步骤以达到目标 steps performed by agent to get to the goal
                int steps = 1;
                // 以前的状态和动作 previous state and action
                int previousState  = GetStateNumber(agentCurrentX, agentCurrentY);
                int previousAction = sarsa.GetAction(previousState);
                // 更新代理的当前位置并得到他的奖励 update agent's current position and get his reward
                double reward = UpdateAgentPosition(ref agentCurrentX, ref agentCurrentY, previousAction);

                while ((!needToStop) && ((agentCurrentX != _agentStopX) || (agentCurrentY != _agentStopY)))

                    // 设置禁忌动作 set tabu action
                    tabuPolicy.SetTabuAction((previousAction + 2) % 4, 1);

                    // 获取代理的下一个状态 get agent's next state
                    int nextState = GetStateNumber(agentCurrentX, agentCurrentY);
                    // 获取代理的下一个动作 get agent's next action
                    int nextAction = sarsa.GetAction(nextState);
                    // 做学习代理 - 更新他的Q函数 do learning of the agent - update his Q-function
                    sarsa.UpdateState(previousState, previousAction, reward, nextState, nextAction);

                    // 更新代理的新位置并得到他的奖励 update agent's new position and get his reward
                    reward = UpdateAgentPosition(ref agentCurrentX, ref agentCurrentY, nextAction);

                    previousState  = nextState;
                    previousAction = nextAction;

                if (!needToStop)
                    // 如果达到终端状态,则更新Q函数 update Q-function if terminal state was reached
                    sarsa.UpdateState(previousState, previousAction, reward);



                // show current iteration
                SetText(iterationBox, iteration.ToString());

            // enable settings controls