Esempio n. 1
        public void AdaptiveSampler_CheckNumItemsSampled()
            SamplingParameters parameters = new SamplingParameters(this.parent, this.traceId, "test", this.activityKindServer, null, null);
            AdaptiveSampler    sampler    = new AdaptiveSampler(5, 0.5);

            int numSampled = 0;

            // run for 200 seconds to let adaptive sampling adjust
            for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                // sends 10 events in 1 second
                int events = 10;
                for (int j = 0; j < events; j++)
                    SamplingResult result = sampler.ShouldSample(parameters);
                    if (result.IsSampled)
                        numSampled += 1;

                    Thread.Sleep(1000 / events);

            int expectedSampled = 10;

            Assert.Equal(expectedSampled, numSampled / 200);
        private static long SampleThreadTest(int maxItemsAllowed)
            long counter = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < 200; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    // System.Console.WriteLine("on span {0}", counter);

                    // Libraries would simply write the following lines of code to
                    // emit activities, which are the .NET representation of OT Spans.
                    var source = new ActivitySource("MyCompany.MyProduct.MyWebServer");

                    // The below commented out line shows more likely code in a real world webserver.
                    // using (var parent = source.StartActivity("HttpIn", ActivityKind.Server, HttpContext.Request.Headers["traceparent"] ))
                    using (var parent = source.StartActivity("HttpIn", ActivityKind.Server))
                        // counter += 1;

                        SamplingParameters parameters = new SamplingParameters();
                        SamplingResult     result     = Sampler.ShouldSample(parameters);
                        if (result.IsSampled)
                            System.Console.WriteLine("num of items actually sampled: {0})", counter / 200);

                        // TagNames can follow the OT guidelines
                        // from
                        parent?.AddTag("http.method", "GET");
                        parent?.AddTag("", "MyHostName");
                        if (parent != null)
                            parent.DisplayName = "HttpIn DisplayName";

                            // IsAllDataRequested is equivalent of Span.IsRecording
                            if (parent.IsAllDataRequested)
                                parent.AddTag("expensive data", "This data is expensive to obtain. Avoid it if activity is not being recorded");

                            // Actual code to achieve the purpose of the library.
                            // For websebserver example, this would be calling
                            // user middlware pipeline.

                            // There can be child activities.
                            // In this example HttpOut is a child of HttpIn.
                            using (var child = source.StartActivity("HttpOut", ActivityKind.Client))
                                child?.AddTag("http.url", "");
                                    // do actual work.

                                    child?.AddEvent(new ActivityEvent("sample activity event."));
                                    child?.AddTag("http.status_code", "200");
                                catch (Exception)
                                    child?.AddTag("http.status_code", "500");

                            parent?.AddTag("http.status_code", "200");
                        catch (Exception)
                            parent?.AddTag("http.status_code", "500");

                    Thread.Sleep(1000 / 10);
                    // System.Console.WriteLine("num items sampled in: {0}", Sampler.GetItemsSampled());

            // System.Console.WriteLine("Spans sampled: {0}", counter);
            System.Console.WriteLine("Press Enter key to exit.");
