private void totalSale()
                var         now          = DateTime.Now;
                var         startOfMonth = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, 1);
                var         endOfMonth   = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(now.Year, now.Month));
                SalesTarget repository   = new SalesTarget();

                String currentMonthName = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(now.Month);
                currentMonthName += " " + now.Year;

                lblPurchaseMonth.InnerHtml = "Total purchase of " + currentMonthName;
                lblSaleMonth.InnerHtml     = "Total sale of " + currentMonthName;

                var currentMonthtarget = repository.GetAll().Where(r => r.MonthName.Equals(currentMonthName)).FirstOrDefault();

                SaleInvoice repo      = new SaleInvoice();
                decimal     totalSale = repo.totalSaleByMonth(startOfMonth, endOfMonth);
                lblTotalSale.InnerHtml = "$" + totalSale.ToString();
                double percentage = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble((totalSale / currentMonthtarget.TargetAmount) * 100), 2);

                lbltarget.InnerHtml = "Congratulations! You have achieved " + percentage + "% of total sale";

                string rateBar = "<div style='float: left;'>" +
                                 "   <div class='meter red animate' style='width: 970px;;'>" +
                                 "<span style='width: " + percentage + "%'><span></span>" +

                divRate.InnerHtml = rateBar;
            catch (Exception)