Esempio n. 1
 private static int EncodeMaskGroup(SYMBHeader *symb, SYMBMaskHeader *header, List <RSAREntryNode> gList,
                                    RSARNode n, int grp)
     int[] stringIds = gList.Select(x => x._rebuildStringId).Where(x => x >= 0).ToArray();
     SYMBMaskEntry.Build(stringIds, symb, header, header->Entries);
     return(SYMBMaskHeader.Size + (stringIds.Length * 2 - 1) * SYMBMaskEntry.Size);
Esempio n. 2
        //Failed attempts at generating symb ids commented out below, enjoy

        //static void GenIds(SYMBHeader* symb, SYMBMaskHeader* header, int index, ushort allowedBit)
        //    SYMBMaskEntry* first = &header->Entries[index];
        //    string mainName = symb->GetStringEntry(first->_stringId);

        //    for (int i = 1; i < header->_numEntries; i += 2)
        //    {
        //        SYMBMaskEntry* secName = &header->Entries[i];
        //        SYMBMaskEntry* secBit = &header->Entries[i + 1];

        //        if (i == index || secBit->_bit != allowedBit)
        //            continue;

        //        string compName = symb->GetStringEntry(secName->_stringId);

        //        int bitIndex = mainName.CompareBits(compName);
        //        if (bitIndex >= 0)
        //        {
        //            //Set the bit index
        //            secBit->_bit = (ushort)bitIndex;

        //            int bit = bitIndex % 8;
        //            int byteIndex = (bitIndex - bit) / 8;

        //            bool leftFound = false, rightFound = false;

        //            mainName = compName;

        //            //Keeping looking down the list for the left and right entries
        //            for (int x = i + 2; x < header->_numEntries; x += 2)
        //            {
        //                SYMBMaskEntry* lrName = &header->Entries[x];
        //                SYMBMaskEntry* lrBit = &header->Entries[x + 1];
        //                compName = symb->GetStringEntry(lrName->_stringId);

        //                if (x == index || lrBit->_bit != allowedBit)
        //                    continue;

        //                bool forceLeft = false;

        //                if (byteIndex >= Math.Min(mainName.Length, compName.Length))
        //                    forceLeft = true;

        //                if (forceLeft || mainName.AtBit(bitIndex) != compName.AtBit(bitIndex))
        //                {
        //                    if (leftFound)
        //                        continue;

        //                    leftFound = true;

        //                    secBit->_leftId = x + 1;
        //                    GenIds(symb, header, x, lrBit->_bit);
        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    if (rightFound)
        //                        continue;

        //                    rightFound = true;

        //                    secBit->_rightId = x + 1;
        //                    GenIds(symb, header, x, lrBit->_bit);
        //                }
        //            }

        //            if (!leftFound) //No strings matched
        //                secBit->_leftId = i;
        //            else if (!rightFound) //All strings matched
        //                secBit->_rightId = i;

        //            break;
        //        }
        //    }

        //String Table to convert to a tree

        //public class TEntry
        //    public string _string;
        //    public string _binary;
        //    public int _bit = -1;
        //    public int _leftID = -1;
        //    public int _rightID = -1;
        //    public int _stringID;
        //    public int _id;

        //    public TEntry(RSAREntryState s)
        //    {
        //        _binary = (_string = s._node._fullPath).ToBinaryArray();
        //        _stringID = s._stringId;
        //        _id = s._index;
        //    }

        //Making the output table to save me buttloads of time >.>
        //public void convertToBinary(string):
        //    ''' Converts a text string to a string representation of itself in binary. '''
        //    return ''.join(['%08d'%int(bin(ord(i))[2:]) for i in string])

        //Populating an empty table for my own convenience.
        //I assume the stringlist is ordered by ID, and is the first and only segment in the symb.
        //Cause I'm a lazy bastard.

        //Normal String, String (in binary), bit, LeftID, RightID, StringID, ID

        //outputTable = [{'string':stringTable[x], 'binary':convertToBinary(stringTable[x]),
        //                'bit':-1, 'LeftID':-1, 'RightID':-1, 'StringID':x, 'ID':x} for x in xrange(len(stringTable))]

        //private static void WriteData(List<TEntry> Left, List<TEntry> Right, int bit)
        //    //Writes all the necessary information to the node

        //    TEntry currentNode = Right[0];

        //    //Write Position
        //    currentNode._bit = bit;

        //    //Write the left branch (matching) This is a bit fugly, because of how I handle the output table.
        //    //I basically determine the 'line' based off the ID.
        //    if (Left.Count > 1)
        //        currentNode._leftID = Left[0]._id * 2;
        //    else
        //    {
        //        currentNode._leftID = Left[0]._id * 2 - 1;
        //        //Edge case for the first node, who has no -1 line.
        //        if (currentNode._leftID < 0)
        //            currentNode._leftID = 0;
        //    }

        //    if (Right.Count > 1)
        //        currentNode._rightID = Right[1]._id * 2;
        //    else
        //    {
        //        currentNode._rightID = Right[0]._id * 2 - 1;
        //        //Edge case for the first node, who has no -1 line.
        //        if (currentNode._rightID < 0)
        //            currentNode._rightID = 0;
        //    }

        //private static void SplitTable(List<TEntry> outputTable, out List<TEntry> Left, out List<TEntry> Right)
        //    //Splits the table in two and writes the data

        //    TEntry originalNode = outputTable[0];
        //    List<TEntry> Temp;

        //    //Iterate bit by bit
        //    int bit = 0, entry = 0;
        //    for (bit = 0; bit < originalNode._binary.Length; bit++)
        //    {
        //        char compareBit = originalNode._binary[bit];

        //        //Go over the table
        //        for (entry = 0; entry < outputTable.Count; entry++)
        //        {
        //            //F*****g Ugly edge case - initial string is too long to compare
        //            if (bit >= outputTable[entry]._binary.Length)
        //            {
        //                //Python stuff to change the 'start' of the table to the current position
        //                Temp = outputTable.ShiftFirst(entry);

        //                //Split the ordered table there into Left (matching) and right (non-matching)
        //                Left = new List<TEntry> { outputTable[entry] };

        //                Right = new List<TEntry>();
        //                foreach (TEntry t in Temp)
        //                    if (t._id != outputTable[entry]._id)
        //                        Right.Add(t);

        //                WriteData(Left, Right, bit);

        //                //It splits!
        //                return;
        //            }

        //            //This is the normal case - applies 90% of the time, I find.
        //            if (outputTable[entry]._binary[bit] != compareBit)
        //            {
        //                //Python stuff to change the 'start' of the table to the current position
        //                Temp = outputTable.ShiftFirst(entry);

        //                //Split the ordered table there into Left (matching) and right (non-matching)
        //                Left = new List<TEntry>();
        //                foreach (TEntry t in Temp)
        //                    if (t._binary[bit] == '0')
        //                        Left.Add(t);

        //                Right = new List<TEntry>();
        //                foreach (TEntry t in Temp)
        //                    if (t._binary[bit] == '1')
        //                        Right.Add(t);

        //                WriteData(Left, Right, bit);

        //                //It splits!
        //                return;
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        //    //If it got this far, then it ran out of bits.
        //    //So now we gotta

        //    //Split the ordered table there into Left (matching) and right (non-matching)
        //    Left = new List<TEntry> { originalNode };
        //    Right = new List<TEntry>();
        //    foreach (TEntry t in outputTable)
        //        if (t._id != originalNode._id)
        //            Right.Add(t);

        //    WriteData(Left, Right, bit);

        //    //It splits!
        //    return;

        //public static void CalcMatch(List<TEntry> outputTable)
        //    //Split the Table by node
        //    List<TEntry> Left, Right;
        //    SplitTable(outputTable, out Left, out Right);

        //    //foreach (TEntry t in Left)
        //    //    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Left: {0} {1} {2} {3} ", t._string, t._bit, t._leftID, t._rightID));

        //    //Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------");

        //    //foreach (TEntry t in Right)
        //    //    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Right: {0} {1} {2} {3} ", t._string, t._bit, t._leftID, t._rightID));

        //    if (Left.Count > 1)
        //        CalcMatch(Left);
        //    if (Right.Count > 1)
        //        CalcMatch(Right);

        //public class PatriciaTree
        //    public string[] strings;
        //    public string[] bin_strings;
        //    public int out_node_idx = 0;

        //    public PatriciaTree(string[] str)
        //    {
        //        strings = str;
        //        bin_strings = strings.Select(x => x.ToBinaryArray()).ToArray();
        //    }

        //    public int[] partition_tree(List<int> idx_list, int position)
        //    {
        //        List<int> left = new List<int>(), right = new List<int>();
        //        for (int i = 0; i < idx_list.Count; i++ )
        //        {
        //            string bstr = bin_strings[i];
        //            if (position >= bstr.Length || position < 0)
        //                left.Add(i);
        //            else
        //            {
        //                char ch = bstr[position];
        //                if (ch == '1')
        //                    right.Add(i);
        //                else
        //                    left.Add(i);
        //            }
        //        }
        //        int total = left.Count + right.Count;
        //        if (total == 1)
        //        {
        //            //This is a leaf, woo

        //            int pos = -1, t;

        //            if (left.Count > 0)
        //                t = left[0];
        //            else
        //                t = right[0];

        //            return new int[] { pos, t };
        //        }
        //        else if (left.Count == 0 || right.Count == 0)
        //            //This is not a branch, let's try the next bit
        //            if (left.Count > 0)
        //                return partition_tree(left, position + 1);
        //            else
        //                return partition_tree(right, position + 1);
        //        else
        //        {
        //            int[] l = partition_tree(left, position + 1);
        //            int[] r = partition_tree(right, position + 1);
        //            return new int[] { position }.Append(l).Append(r);
        //        }
        //    }
        //    public int tree_size(int[] node)
        //    {
        //        //Node is the return from partition_tree()
        //        if (node[0] == -1)
        //            return 1;
        //        else
        //            return 1 + tree_size(new int[] { node[1] }) + tree_size(new int[] { node[2] });
        //    }
        //    public void dump_tree(int[] tree)
        //    {
        //        out_node_idx = 0;
        //        _dump_node(tree);
        //    }
        //    public void _dump_node(int[] node)
        //    {
        //        //Node is the return from partition_tree()
        //        int bit_id = node[0];
        //        if (bit_id == -1)
        //        {
        //            //We're packing a leaf
        //            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} leaf  : {1}", out_node_idx, strings[node[1]]));
        //            out_node_idx += 1;
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            //We're packing a branch
        //            int left_size = tree_size(new int[] { node[1] });
        //            int left_idx = out_node_idx + 1;
        //            int right_idx = left_idx + left_size;
        //            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} branch: bit={1} left={2} right={3}", out_node_idx, bit_id, left_idx, right_idx));
        //            out_node_idx += 1;
        //            dump_tree(new int[] { node[1] });
        //            dump_tree(new int[] { node[2] });
        //        }
        //    }


        private static int EncodeMaskGroup(SYMBHeader *symb, SYMBMaskHeader *header, List <RSAREntryState> group, RSARNode n, int grp)
            SYMBMaskEntry *entry = header->Entries;
            //List<TEntry> outputTable = new List<TEntry>();

            int i = 0;

            foreach (RSAREntryState s in group)
                entry[i++] = new SYMBMaskEntry(1, -1, -1, -1, s._stringId, s._index);
                if (s._index != 0)
                    //entry[i++] = new SYMBMaskEntry(0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1);
                    entry[i] = n._symbCache[grp][i++];
                //outputTable.Add(new TEntry(s));

            header->_numEntries = group.Count * 2 - 1;
            header->_rootId     = n._rootIds[grp];

            //GenIds(symb, header, 0, 0);

            //foreach (TEntry t in outputTable)
            //    *entry++ = new SYMBMaskEntry(1, -1, -1, -1, t._stringID, t._id);
            //    if (t._id != 0)
            //        *entry++ = new SYMBMaskEntry(0, (short)t._bit, t._leftID, t._rightID, -1, -1);

            //PatriciaTree t = new PatriciaTree(group.Select(x => x._node._fullPath).ToArray());
            //int[] p = t.partition_tree(new List<int>(t.strings.Length), 0);

            int len = 8 + i * SYMBMaskEntry.Size;

            //int rootId = 0;
            //int lowestBit = int.MaxValue;
            //entry = header->Entries;
            //for (int i = 2; i < header->_numEntries; i += 2)
            //    if (entry[i]._bit < lowestBit)
            //    {
            //        lowestBit = entry[i]._bit;
            //        rootId = i;
            //    }
            //header->_rootId = rootId;

Esempio n. 3
        private static int EncodeMaskGroup(SYMBMaskHeader *header, List <RSAREntryState> group)
            header->_entrySize = 0xA;
            header->_entryNum  = group.Count * 2 - 1;
            SYMBMaskEntry *entry = header->Entries;

            foreach (RSAREntryState s in group)
                *entry++ = new SYMBMaskEntry(0x1FFFF, -1, -1, s._stringId, s._index);
                if (s._index != 0)
                    *entry++ = new SYMBMaskEntry(0, 0, 0, -1, -1);
            return((int)entry - (int)header);