Esempio n. 1
        private Dictionary <int, SWATUnit> readUnitBasicInfo(SWATUnitType type)
            Dictionary <int, SWATUnit> units = new Dictionary <int, SWATUnit>();
            List <int> ids = new List <int>();

            DataTable dt = GetDataTable("select * from " + getInfoTableFromType(type));

            foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
                SWATUnit unit = null;
                switch (type)
                case SWATUnitType.HRU: unit = new HRU(r, this); break;

                case SWATUnitType.SUB: unit = new Subbasin(r, this); break;

                case SWATUnitType.RCH: unit = new Reach(r, this); break;

                case SWATUnitType.RES: unit = new Reservoir(r, this); break;
                if (unit != null && unit.ID != ScenarioResultStructure.UNKONWN_ID && !units.ContainsKey(unit.ID))
                    units.Add(unit.ID, unit);

            _units.Add(type, units);
            _unitIds.Add(type, ids);

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Load given csv file into the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="csvFile"></param>
        /// <param name="unitType"></param>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="col"></param>
        public bool loadCSV(string csvFile, SWATUnitType unitType, int id, string col)
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(csvFile))
                throw new Exception(csvFile + " doesn't exist.");

            if (getObservedData(unitType, id, col) != null)
                if (System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(
                        string.Format("Observed data for {0},{1},{2} already exist. Do you want to overwrite?", unitType, id, col),
                        SWAT_SQLite.NAME, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)
                    == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)

            //save data
            using (CsvReader csv = new CsvReader(new StreamReader(csvFile), true))
                if (csv.FieldCount < 2)
                    throw new Exception("There should be at least two data columns in the csv file!");

                //create the table
                //this would also delete existing data
                string tableName = "[" + getTableName(unitType, id, col) + "]";
                SQLite.PrepareTable(_databasePath, tableName,

                StringBuilder sb    = new StringBuilder();
                DateTime      date  = DateTime.Now;
                double        value = -99.0;
                while (csv.ReadNextRecord())
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(csv[0], out date) &&
                        double.TryParse(csv[1], out value) && value >= 0)
                        sb.Append(string.Format(INSERT_SQL_FORMAT, tableName, date, value));
                if (sb.Length == 0)
                    throw new Exception("The given file is empty!");

                SQLite.insert(_databasePath, sb.ToString());

                //update the file status. It may not exist before the data is loaded.
                _exist = System.IO.File.Exists(_databasePath);

                //reload the data
                loadData(unitType, id, col);

Esempio n. 3
        public SWATUnitObservationData getObservedData(SWATUnitType unitType, int id, string col)
            string uniqueID = getUniqueId(unitType, id, col);

            if (_allData.ContainsKey(uniqueID))
        public SWATUnitObservationData(SWATUnitColumnYearResult result, ObservationData parent)
            _parentData = parent;

            _id        = result.UnitResult.Unit.ID;
            _unitType  = result.UnitResult.Unit.Type;
            _col       = result.Column;
            _startYear = result.UnitResult.Unit.Scenario.StartYear;
            _endYear   = result.UnitResult.Unit.Scenario.EndYear;
Esempio n. 5
        private string getUniqueId(SWATUnitColumnYearResult result)
            int          startYear = result.UnitResult.Unit.Scenario.StartYear;
            int          endYear   = result.UnitResult.Unit.Scenario.EndYear;
            SWATUnitType unitType  = result.UnitResult.Unit.Type;
            int          id        = result.UnitResult.Unit.ID;
            string       col       = result.Column;

            return(getUniqueId(unitType, id, col, startYear, endYear));
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to get observed data for display
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="unitType"></param>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <SWATUnitObservationData> getObservedData(SWATUnitType unitType, int id)
            string display_id = string.Format("{0}_{1}", unitType, id);

            if (_allData_display.ContainsKey(display_id))
            return(new List <SWATUnitObservationData>());
        public SWATUnitObservationData(SWATUnitColumnYearResult result, ObservationData parent)
            _parentData = parent;

            _id = result.UnitResult.Unit.ID;
            _unitType = result.UnitResult.Unit.Type;
            _col = result.Column;
            _startYear = result.UnitResult.Unit.Scenario.StartYear;
            _endYear = result.UnitResult.Unit.Scenario.EndYear;
 public SWATUnitObservationData(int id, SWATUnitType unitType, 
     string dataType,
     int startYear, int endYear,
     ObservationData parent)
     _parentData = parent;
     _id = id;
     _unitType = unitType;
     _col = dataType;
     _startYear = startYear;
     _endYear = endYear;
Esempio n. 9
        private void loadData(SWATUnitType type, int id, string col)
            if (!_exist)

            string    tableName = getTableName(type, id, col);
            DataTable dt        = GetDataTable(
                string.Format("select name from sqlite_master where type = 'table' and name = '{0}'", tableName));

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                //see if there are some data
                //don't consider empty tables
                dt = GetDataTable(
                    string.Format("select count(*) from [{0}]", tableName));
                if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                RowItem item = new RowItem(dt.Rows[0]);
                if (item.getColumnValue_Int(0) == 0)

                //read data
                string dataUniqueId = getUniqueId(type, id, col);

                //remove previous one

                //add new one
                SWATUnitObservationData data =
                    new SWATUnitObservationData(
                        id, type, col,
                        -1, -1,

                //add to all data
                _allData.Add(dataUniqueId, data);

                //add to display data
                string display_id = string.Format("{0}_{1}", type, id);
                if (!_allData_display.ContainsKey(display_id))
                    _allData_display.Add(display_id, new List <SWATUnitObservationData>());
Esempio n. 10
 public static string[] getObservationDataColumns(SWATUnitType unitType)
     if (unitType == SWATUnitType.RCH)
     if (unitType == SWATUnitType.RES)
 public SWATUnitObservationData(int id, SWATUnitType unitType,
                                string dataType,
                                int startYear, int endYear,
                                ObservationData parent)
     _parentData = parent;
     _id         = id;
     _unitType   = unitType;
     _col        = dataType;
     _startYear  = startYear;
     _endYear    = endYear;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get tables with data in it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public StringCollection getResultTablesWithData(SWATUnitType type)
            string[]         tbls_fromType = getResultTableNames(type);
            StringCollection tbls          = new StringCollection();

            foreach (string tbl in tbls_fromType)
                if (isTableHasData(tbl))
Esempio n. 13
        public SWATUnit getSWATUnit(SWATUnitType type, int id)
            if (type == SWATUnitType.WSHD)

            Dictionary <int, SWATUnit> units = _units[type];

            if (units.ContainsKey(id))
Esempio n. 14
        public static string[] getSWATFileExtentions(SWATUnitType type)
            switch (type)
            case SWATUnitType.HRU: return(SWAT_UNIT_EXTENSIONS_HRU);

            case SWATUnitType.SUB: return(SWAT_UNIT_EXTENSIONS_SUB);

            case SWATUnitType.RCH: return(SWAT_UNIT_EXTENSIONS_RCH);

            case SWATUnitType.RES: return(SWAT_UNIT_EXTENSIONS_RES);

            default: return(new string[] {});
Esempio n. 15
        private string getInfoTableFromType(SWATUnitType type)
            switch (type)
            case SWATUnitType.HRU: return(ScenarioResultStructure.INFO_TABLE_NAME_HRU);

            case SWATUnitType.SUB: return(ScenarioResultStructure.INFO_TABLE_NAME_SUB);

            case SWATUnitType.RCH: return(ScenarioResultStructure.INFO_TABLE_NAME_RCH);

            case SWATUnitType.RES: return(ScenarioResultStructure.INFO_TABLE_NAME_RSV);

            default: return("");
Esempio n. 16
        public List <int> getSWATUnitIDs(SWATUnitType type)
            List <int> ids = new List <int>();

            if (type == SWATUnitType.UNKNOWN || type == SWATUnitType.WSHD)

            if (_unitIds == null || !_unitIds.ContainsKey(type))

Esempio n. 17
        public static string[] getResultTableNames(SWATUnitType type)
            switch (type)
            case SWATUnitType.HRU: return(HRU_TABLES);

            case SWATUnitType.RCH: return(REACH_TABLES);

            case SWATUnitType.SUB: return(SUBBASIN_TABLES);

            case SWATUnitType.RES: return(RESERVOIR_TABLES);

            case SWATUnitType.WSHD: return(WATERSHED_TABLES);

            default: return(new string[] { });
Esempio n. 18
        public bool delete(SWATUnitType unitType, int id, string col)
            if (getObservedData(unitType, id, col) == null)

            //empty the table, but not drop the table
            string tableName = "[" + getTableName(unitType, id, col) + "]";

            SQLite.PrepareTable(_databasePath, tableName,

            //reload all observed data

Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate (average) annual results
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="col"></param>
        /// <param name="year">-1 means all years, the average annual will be calculated</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>It works best for daily output. No calculation is required for yearly output.</remarks>
        public Dictionary<int, double> getAverageAnnualResults(SWATUnitType type, string col,int year)
            //look in the cache first
            string result_id = string.Format("averageannual_{0}_{1}_{2}", type, col, year);
            if (!_avgAnnualResults.ContainsKey(result_id))
                //get outputs for all subbasins/reaches with given column
                string sql = string.Format("select {0},{1},{2} from [{3}]",
                    ScenarioResultStructure.COLUMN_NAME_YEAR, type, col,type);
                if (type == SWATUnitType.SUB)
                        sql = string.Format("select {0},{1},{2} as {3} from [{4}]",
                                ScenarioResultStructure.COLUMN_NAME_YEAR, type, ScenarioResultStructure.SUBBAIN_NITROGEN_COLUMNS_SQL, col, type);
                    else if (col.Equals(ScenarioResultStructure.SUBBAIN_TOTAL_PHOSPHORUS_COLUMN))
                        sql = string.Format("select {0},{1},{2} as {3} from [{4}]",
                                ScenarioResultStructure.COLUMN_NAME_YEAR, type, ScenarioResultStructure.SUBBAIN_PHOSPHORUS_COLUMNS_SQL, col, type);

                if (year != -1)
                    sql += string.Format(" where {0} = {1}",
                        ScenarioResultStructure.COLUMN_NAME_YEAR, year);

                DataTable dt = GetDataTable(sql);

                //summary the result by year and id
                //for reach flow, average operation should be used
                var query = from oneresult in dt.AsEnumerable()
                            group oneresult by new {
                                Year = oneresult.Field<int>(ScenarioResultStructure.COLUMN_NAME_YEAR),  //group by year
                                ID = oneresult.Field<int>(type.ToString())                              //group by id
                            } into g
                            select new
                                ID = g.Key.ID,
                                Year = g.Key.Year,
                                Total = g.Sum(oneresult => oneresult.Field<double>(col)),

                Dictionary<int, double> results = new Dictionary<int, double>();

                //calculate the average annual
                int numofyear = 1;
                if (year == -1) numofyear = EndYear - StartYear;
                foreach (var oneyearid in query)
                    //Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}:{1}", oneyearid.ID, oneyearid.Year));
                    if (!results.ContainsKey(oneyearid.ID))
                        results.Add(oneyearid.ID, 0.0);
                    results[oneyearid.ID] += oneyearid.Total / numofyear; //get the average

                _avgAnnualResults.Add(result_id, results);

            return _avgAnnualResults[result_id];
Esempio n. 20
 private string getUniqueId(SWATUnitType type, int id, string col, int startYear, int endYear)
                          type, id, col, startYear, endYear));
Esempio n. 21
 public static string getTableName(SWATUnitType type, int id, string col)
     return string.Format("{0}{3}{1}{3}{2}", type, id, col, OBSERVATION_TABLE_NAME_DELIMITER);
Esempio n. 22
        public SWATUnit getSWATUnit(SWATUnitType type, int id)
            if (type == SWATUnitType.WSHD) return _watershed;

            Dictionary<int, SWATUnit> units = _units[type];
            if (units.ContainsKey(id)) return units[id];
            return null;
Esempio n. 23
        private void getPerformanceTableForType(int splitYear, bool withSplitYear, DataTable dt, SWATUnitType type, StatisticCompareType statisticType)
            Dictionary<int, SWATUnit> units = null;
            if (type == SWATUnitType.RCH)
                units = _reaches;
            else if (type == SWATUnitType.RES)
                units = _reservoirs;
            if (units == null) return;

            StringCollection ids = new StringCollection();
            foreach (SWATUnit oneUnit in units.Values)
                foreach (SWATUnitResult unitResult in oneUnit.Results.Values)
                    foreach (string col in unitResult.Columns)
                        SWATUnitColumnYearResult oneResult = unitResult.getResult(col, -1);
                        if (oneResult.CompareWithObserved == null) continue;

                        //avoid repeat records, like TSS
                        string id = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", unitResult.Unit.Type, unitResult.Unit.ID, col);
                        if (ids.Contains(id)) continue;

                        //create a new row
                        DataRow r = dt.NewRow();
                        r[0] = unitResult.Unit.Type.ToString();
                        r[1] = unitResult.Unit.ID;
                        r[2] = ObservationData.getObservationColumnFromSWAT(col);

                        double total = oneResult.CompareWithObserved.Statistics.Statistic("",statisticType);
                        r[3] = Math.Round(total, 4);
                        if (withSplitYear)
                            double before = ScenarioResultStructure.EMPTY_VALUE;
                            double after = ScenarioResultStructure.EMPTY_VALUE;
                            oneResult.CompareWithObserved.Statistics.Statistic(splitYear,statisticType, out before, out after);

                            r[4] = Math.Round(before, 4);
                            r[5] = Math.Round(after, 4);
Esempio n. 24
 private string getUniqueId(SWATUnitType type, int id, string col)
     return(getUniqueId(type, id, col, -1, -1));
Esempio n. 25
 public static string getTableName(SWATUnitType type, int id, string col)
     return(string.Format("{0}{3}{1}{3}{2}", type, id, col, OBSERVATION_TABLE_NAME_DELIMITER));
Esempio n. 26
        private void loadData(SWATUnitType type)
            if (!_exist)

            DataTable dt = GetDataTable("select name from sqlite_master where type = 'table'");

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
                    //get table name
                    string tableName = r[0].ToString();
                    if (!tableName.Contains(type.ToString()))

                    //see if there are some data
                    //don't consider empty tables
                    dt = GetDataTable(
                        string.Format("select count(*) from [{0}]", tableName));
                    RowItem item = new RowItem(dt.Rows[0]);
                    if (item.getColumnValue_Int(0) == 0)

                    //extract the id from table name
                    string[] all_in_tableName = tableName.Split(OBSERVATION_TABLE_NAME_DELIMITER);
                    if (all_in_tableName.Length < 3)

                    int id = -1;
                    if (int.TryParse(all_in_tableName[1], out id))
                        string col = all_in_tableName[2];

                        string dataUniqueId = getUniqueId(type, id, col);

                        if (!_allData.ContainsKey(dataUniqueId))
                            SWATUnitObservationData data =
                                new SWATUnitObservationData(
                                    id, type, col,
                                    -1, -1,

                            //add to all data
                            _allData.Add(dataUniqueId, data);

                            //add to display data
                            string display_id = string.Format("{0}_{1}", type, id);
                            if (!_allData_display.ContainsKey(display_id))
                                _allData_display.Add(display_id, new List <SWATUnitObservationData>());
Esempio n. 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Used to get observed data for display
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="unitType"></param>
 /// <param name="id"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public List<SWATUnitObservationData> getObservedData(SWATUnitType unitType, int id)
     string display_id = string.Format("{0}_{1}", unitType, id);
     if (_allData_display.ContainsKey(display_id)) return _allData_display[display_id];
     return new List<SWATUnitObservationData>();
Esempio n. 28
        private void getPerformanceTableForType(int splitYear, bool withSplitYear, DataTable dt, SWATUnitType type, StatisticCompareType statisticType)
            Dictionary <int, SWATUnit> units = null;

            if (type == SWATUnitType.RCH)
                units = _reaches;
            else if (type == SWATUnitType.RES)
                units = _reservoirs;
            if (units == null)

            StringCollection ids = new StringCollection();

            foreach (SWATUnit oneUnit in units.Values)
                foreach (SWATUnitResult unitResult in oneUnit.Results.Values)
                    foreach (string col in unitResult.Columns)
                        SWATUnitColumnYearResult oneResult = unitResult.getResult(col, -1);
                        if (oneResult.CompareWithObserved == null)

                        //avoid repeat records, like TSS
                        string id = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", unitResult.Unit.Type, unitResult.Unit.ID, col);
                        if (ids.Contains(id))

                        //create a new row
                        DataRow r = dt.NewRow();
                        r[0] = unitResult.Unit.Type.ToString();
                        r[1] = unitResult.Unit.ID;
                        r[2] = ObservationData.getObservationColumnFromSWAT(col);

                        double total = oneResult.CompareWithObserved.Statistics.Statistic("", statisticType);
                        r[3] = Math.Round(total, 4);
                        if (withSplitYear)
                            double before = ScenarioResultStructure.EMPTY_VALUE;
                            double after  = ScenarioResultStructure.EMPTY_VALUE;
                            oneResult.CompareWithObserved.Statistics.Statistic(splitYear, statisticType, out before, out after);

                            r[4] = Math.Round(before, 4);
                            r[5] = Math.Round(after, 4);
Esempio n. 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Load given csv file into the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="csvFile"></param>
        /// <param name="unitType"></param>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="col"></param>
        public bool loadCSV(string csvFile, SWATUnitType unitType, int id, string col)
                throw new Exception(csvFile + " doesn't exist.");

            if(getObservedData(unitType,id,col) != null)
                    string.Format("Observed data for {0},{1},{2} already exist. Do you want to overwrite?",unitType,id,col),
                    SWAT_SQLite.NAME, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)
                    == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)
                    return false;

            //save data
            using (CsvReader csv = new CsvReader(new StreamReader(csvFile),true))
                if (csv.FieldCount < 2)
                    throw new Exception("There should be at least two data columns in the csv file!");

                //create the table
                //this would also delete existing data
                string tableName = "[" + getTableName(unitType, id, col) + "]";
                SQLite.PrepareTable(_databasePath, tableName,

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                DateTime date = DateTime.Now;
                double value = -99.0;
                while (csv.ReadNextRecord())
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(csv[0], out date) &&
                        double.TryParse(csv[1],out value) && value >= 0)
                        sb.Append(string.Format(INSERT_SQL_FORMAT, tableName, date, value));
                if (sb.Length == 0)
                    throw new Exception("The given file is empty!");


                //update the file status. It may not exist before the data is loaded.
                _exist = System.IO.File.Exists(_databasePath);

                //reload the data
                loadData(unitType, id, col);

                return true;
Esempio n. 30
 public static string[] getObservationDataColumns(SWATUnitType unitType)
     if (unitType == SWATUnitType.RCH) return OBSERVATION_REACH_COLUMNS;
     if (unitType == SWATUnitType.RES) return OBSERVATION_RESERVOIR_COLUMNS;
     return null;
Esempio n. 31
 private string getUniqueId(SWATUnitType type, int id, string col, int startYear, int endYear)
     return string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}",
         type, id, col, startYear, endYear);
Esempio n. 32
        public bool delete(SWATUnitType unitType, int id, string col)
            if (getObservedData(unitType, id, col) == null) return true;

            //empty the table, but not drop the table
            string tableName = "[" + getTableName(unitType, id, col) + "]";
            SQLite.PrepareTable(_databasePath, tableName,

            //reload all observed data

            return true;
Esempio n. 33
        private Dictionary<int, SWATUnit> readUnitBasicInfo(SWATUnitType type)
            Dictionary<int, SWATUnit> units = new Dictionary<int, SWATUnit>();
            List<int> ids = new List<int>();

            DataTable dt = GetDataTable("select * from " + getInfoTableFromType(type));
            foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
                SWATUnit unit = null;
                switch (type)
                    case SWATUnitType.HRU: unit = new HRU(r, this); break;
                    case SWATUnitType.SUB: unit = new Subbasin(r, this); break;
                    case SWATUnitType.RCH: unit = new Reach(r, this); break;
                    case SWATUnitType.RES: unit = new Reservoir(r, this); break;
                if (unit != null && unit.ID != ScenarioResultStructure.UNKONWN_ID && !units.ContainsKey(unit.ID))
                    units.Add(unit.ID, unit);

            _unitIds.Add(type, ids);

            return units;
Esempio n. 34
 public SWATUnitObservationData getObservedData(SWATUnitType unitType, int id, string col)
     string uniqueID = getUniqueId(unitType, id, col);
     if (_allData.ContainsKey(uniqueID)) return _allData[uniqueID];
     return null;
Esempio n. 35
        private void loadData(SWATUnitType type)
            if (!_exist) return;

            DataTable dt = GetDataTable("select name from sqlite_master where type = 'table'");
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows)
                    //get table name
                    string tableName = r[0].ToString();
                    if(!tableName.Contains(type.ToString())) continue;

                    //see if there are some data
                    //don't consider empty tables
                    dt = GetDataTable(
                        string.Format("select count(*) from [{0}]", tableName));
                    RowItem item = new RowItem(dt.Rows[0]);
                    if (item.getColumnValue_Int(0) == 0) continue;

                    //extract the id from table name
                    string[] all_in_tableName = tableName.Split(OBSERVATION_TABLE_NAME_DELIMITER);
                    if (all_in_tableName.Length < 3) continue;

                    int id = -1;
                    if (int.TryParse(all_in_tableName[1], out id))
                        string col = all_in_tableName[2];

                        string dataUniqueId = getUniqueId(type, id, col);

                        if (!_allData.ContainsKey(dataUniqueId))
                            SWATUnitObservationData data =
                                new SWATUnitObservationData(
                                    id, type, col,
                                    -1, -1,

                            //add to all data

                            //add to display data
                            string display_id = string.Format("{0}_{1}",type,id);
                            if (!_allData_display.ContainsKey(display_id))
                                _allData_display.Add(display_id, new List<SWATUnitObservationData>());
Esempio n. 36
 private string getUniqueId(SWATUnitType type, int id, string col)
     return getUniqueId(type, id, col, -1, -1);
Esempio n. 37
 private string getInfoTableFromType(SWATUnitType type)
     switch (type)
         case SWATUnitType.HRU: return ScenarioResultStructure.INFO_TABLE_NAME_HRU;
         case SWATUnitType.SUB: return ScenarioResultStructure.INFO_TABLE_NAME_SUB;
         case SWATUnitType.RCH: return ScenarioResultStructure.INFO_TABLE_NAME_RCH;
         case SWATUnitType.RES: return ScenarioResultStructure.INFO_TABLE_NAME_RSV;
         default: return "";
Esempio n. 38
        private void loadData(SWATUnitType type, int id, string col)
            if (!_exist) return;

            string tableName = getTableName(type, id, col);
            DataTable dt = GetDataTable(
                string.Format("select name from sqlite_master where type = 'table' and name = '{0}'", tableName));
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                //see if there are some data
                //don't consider empty tables
                dt = GetDataTable(
                    string.Format("select count(*) from [{0}]", tableName));
                if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) return;
                RowItem item = new RowItem(dt.Rows[0]);
                if (item.getColumnValue_Int(0) == 0) return;

                //read data
                string dataUniqueId = getUniqueId(type, id, col);

                //remove previous one

                //add new one
                SWATUnitObservationData data =
                    new SWATUnitObservationData(
                        id, type, col,
                        -1, -1,

                //add to all data
                _allData.Add(dataUniqueId, data);

                //add to display data
                string display_id = string.Format("{0}_{1}", type, id);
                if (!_allData_display.ContainsKey(display_id))
                    _allData_display.Add(display_id, new List<SWATUnitObservationData>());
Esempio n. 39
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate (average) annual results
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="col"></param>
        /// <param name="year">-1 means all years, the average annual will be calculated</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>It works best for daily output. No calculation is required for yearly output.</remarks>
        public Dictionary <int, double> getAverageAnnualResults(SWATUnitType type, string col, int year)
            //look in the cache first
            string result_id = string.Format("averageannual_{0}_{1}_{2}", type, col, year);

            if (!_avgAnnualResults.ContainsKey(result_id))
                //get outputs for all subbasins/reaches with given column
                string sql = string.Format("select {0},{1},{2} from [{3}]",
                                           ScenarioResultStructure.COLUMN_NAME_YEAR, type, col, type);
                if (type == SWATUnitType.SUB)
                    if (col.Equals(ScenarioResultStructure.SUBBAIN_TOTAL_NITROGEN_COLUMN))
                        sql = string.Format("select {0},{1},{2} as {3} from [{4}]",
                                            ScenarioResultStructure.COLUMN_NAME_YEAR, type, ScenarioResultStructure.SUBBAIN_NITROGEN_COLUMNS_SQL, col, type);
                    else if (col.Equals(ScenarioResultStructure.SUBBAIN_TOTAL_PHOSPHORUS_COLUMN))
                        sql = string.Format("select {0},{1},{2} as {3} from [{4}]",
                                            ScenarioResultStructure.COLUMN_NAME_YEAR, type, ScenarioResultStructure.SUBBAIN_PHOSPHORUS_COLUMNS_SQL, col, type);

                if (year != -1)
                    sql += string.Format(" where {0} = {1}",
                                         ScenarioResultStructure.COLUMN_NAME_YEAR, year);

                DataTable dt = GetDataTable(sql);

                //summary the result by year and id
                //for reach flow, average operation should be used
                var query = from oneresult in dt.AsEnumerable()
                            group oneresult by new {
                    Year = oneresult.Field <int>(ScenarioResultStructure.COLUMN_NAME_YEAR),             //group by year
                    ID   = oneresult.Field <int>(type.ToString())                                       //group by id
                } into g
                    select new
                    ID    = g.Key.ID,
                    Year  = g.Key.Year,
                    Total = g.Sum(oneresult => oneresult.Field <double>(col)),

                Dictionary <int, double> results = new Dictionary <int, double>();

                //calculate the average annual
                int numofyear = 1;
                if (year == -1)
                    numofyear = EndYear - StartYear;
                foreach (var oneyearid in query)
                    //Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}:{1}", oneyearid.ID, oneyearid.Year));
                    if (!results.ContainsKey(oneyearid.ID))
                        results.Add(oneyearid.ID, 0.0);
                    results[oneyearid.ID] += oneyearid.Total / numofyear; //get the average

                _avgAnnualResults.Add(result_id, results);

Esempio n. 40
 public static string[] getSWATFileExtentions(SWATUnitType type)
     switch (type)
         case SWATUnitType.HRU: return SWAT_UNIT_EXTENSIONS_HRU;
         case SWATUnitType.SUB: return SWAT_UNIT_EXTENSIONS_SUB;
         case SWATUnitType.RCH: return SWAT_UNIT_EXTENSIONS_RCH;
         case SWATUnitType.RES: return SWAT_UNIT_EXTENSIONS_RES;
         default: return new string[]{};
Esempio n. 41
        public List<int> getSWATUnitIDs(SWATUnitType type)
            List<int> ids = new List<int>();
            if (type == SWATUnitType.UNKNOWN || type == SWATUnitType.WSHD) return ids;

            if (_unitIds == null || !_unitIds.ContainsKey(type)) return ids;

            return _unitIds[type];