Esempio n. 1
    public static MeshBuilder buildMesh(float[,] voxVals, Sub[,] subs)
        MeshBuilder mb = new MeshBuilder();

        int l = voxVals.GetLength(0), w = voxVals.GetLength(1);

        //array of voxels
        SVox[,] voxels = new SVox[l, w];

        //create all the voxel objects
        for (int x = 0; x < l; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < w; y++)
                voxels[x, y] = new SVox(x, y, voxVals[x, y] < surface);

        //fill in all voxel edge data
        for (int x = 0; x < l; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < w; y++)
                //if the voxel is not the rightmost one and the edge will be used(different states), calculate its right edge
                if (x < l - 1 && (voxels[x, y].state ^ voxels[x + 1, y].state))
                    float percent = .5f;
                    //if they are not the same, use linear interpolation to find the percent
                    if (voxVals[x, y] != voxVals[x + 1, y])
                        percent = (surface - voxVals[x, y]) / (voxVals[x + 1, y] - voxVals[x, y]);

                    voxels[x, y].xEdge = voxels[x, y].pos + new Vector3(percent, 0, 0);

                if (y < w - 1 && (voxels[x, y].state ^ voxels[x, y + 1].state))
                    float percent = .5f;
                    //if they are not the same, linear interpolation
                    if (voxVals[x, y] != voxVals[x, y + 1])
                        percent = (surface - voxVals[x, y]) / (voxVals[x, y + 1] - voxVals[x, y]);
                    voxels[x, y].yEdge = voxels[x, y].pos + new Vector3(0, percent, 0);

        //finally, march the squares
        //there are 1 fewer squares than verts/voxels in each dimension
        for (int x = 0; x < l - 1; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < w - 1; y++)
                marchSquare(mb, voxels[x, y], voxels[x + 1, y], voxels[x, y + 1], voxels[x + 1, y + 1], subs[x, y]);

Esempio n. 2
    //build the mesh of the square made up of these four voxels
    private static void marchSquare(MeshBuilder mb, SVox v1, SVox v2, SVox v3, SVox v4, Sub sub)
        //calculate the cell type
        int cellType = 0;

        if (v1.state)
            cellType |= 1;
        if (v2.state)
            cellType |= 2;
        if (v3.state)
            cellType |= 4;
        if (v4.state)
            cellType |= 8;

        //Sub sub = Sub.Foyaite;
        //now build the mesh based on the cell type
        switch (cellType)
        case 0:

        case 1:
            ProcMesh.addTri(mb, v1.pos, v1.yEdge, v1.xEdge, sub);

        case 2:
            ProcMesh.addTri(mb, v2.pos, v1.xEdge, v2.yEdge, sub);

        case 3:
            ProcMesh.addQuad(mb, v1.pos, v1.yEdge, v2.yEdge, v2.pos, sub);

        case 4:
            ProcMesh.addTri(mb, v3.pos, v3.xEdge, v1.yEdge, sub);

        case 5:
            ProcMesh.addQuad(mb, v1.pos, v3.pos, v3.xEdge, v1.xEdge, sub);


        case 6:
            ProcMesh.addTri(mb, v3.pos, v3.xEdge, v1.yEdge, sub);
            ProcMesh.addTri(mb, v2.pos, v1.xEdge, v2.yEdge, sub);
            //ProcMesh.addQuad(mb, v1.yEdge, v3.xEdge, v2.yEdge, v1.xEdge, Sub.Limestone);

        case 7:
            ProcMesh.addTri(mb, v1.pos, v3.pos, v2.pos, sub);
            ProcMesh.addQuad(mb, v3.pos, v3.xEdge, v2.yEdge, v2.pos, sub);

        case 8:
            ProcMesh.addTri(mb, v4.pos, v2.yEdge, v3.xEdge, sub);

        case 9:
            ProcMesh.addTri(mb, v1.pos, v1.yEdge, v1.xEdge, sub);
            ProcMesh.addTri(mb, v4.pos, v2.yEdge, v3.xEdge, sub);
            //ProcMesh.addQuad(mb, v1.yEdge, v3.xEdge, v2.yEdge, v1.xEdge, Sub.Limestone);

        case 10:
            ProcMesh.addQuad(mb, v2.pos, v1.xEdge, v3.xEdge, v4.pos, sub);

        case 11:
            ProcMesh.addTri(mb, v1.pos, v4.pos, v2.pos, sub);
            ProcMesh.addQuad(mb, v1.pos, v1.yEdge, v3.xEdge, v4.pos, sub);

        case 12:
            ProcMesh.addQuad(mb, v3.pos, v4.pos, v2.yEdge, v1.yEdge, sub);

        case 13:
            ProcMesh.addTri(mb, v1.pos, v3.pos, v4.pos, sub);
            ProcMesh.addQuad(mb, v1.pos, v4.pos, v2.yEdge, v1.xEdge, sub);

        case 14:
            ProcMesh.addTri(mb, v3.pos, v4.pos, v2.pos, sub);
            ProcMesh.addQuad(mb, v3.pos, v2.pos, v1.xEdge, v1.yEdge, sub);

        case 15:
            //ProcMesh.addQuad(mb, v1.pos, v3.pos, v4.pos, v2.pos, sub);//Sub.TEST);
