static Graph convert(string filePath) { Graph result = new Graph(); try { result = Converter.convert(filePath); SVGcreator.drawGraph("graph.svg", filePath, result); Console.WriteLine("Your map has been converted. The resulting graph is in graph.svg"); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error converting the map into a graph"); string response = ""; do { Console.WriteLine("Try again? Y/N"); response = Console.In.ReadLine(); if (response == "Y" || response == "y") { filePath = askPath(); result = convert(filePath); } }while (response != "Y" && response != "N" && response != "y" && response != "n"); } return(result); }
static void search(int end_office, Graph my_graph, string filePath) { int start_office = 7104; try { Node start_node = my_graph.findNodeByOfficeNumber(start_office); Node end_node = my_graph.findNodeByOfficeNumber(end_office); MinCostPathFinder pathfinder = new MinCostPathFinder(); Path shortest_path = pathfinder.findPath(start_node, end_node); SVGcreator.drawPath("path.svg", filePath, shortest_path); Console.WriteLine("Your path has been calculated. The resulting path is in path.svg"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("The path cannot be calculated"); } getNewCommands(my_graph, filePath); }