public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        // get the target object
        SVGBackgroundBehaviour svgBackground = target as SVGBackgroundBehaviour;

        if (svgBackground != null)
Esempio n. 2
 // Reset is called when the user hits the Reset button in the Inspector's context menu or when adding the component the first time.
 // This function is only called in editor mode. Reset is most commonly used to give good default values in the inspector.
 void Reset()
     this.Camera = null;
     this.Background = null;
     this.Atlas = null;
     this.Cards = null;
     this.m_SelectedCard0 = null;
     this.m_SelectedCard1 = null;
     this.m_Animating = false;
Esempio n. 3
 void Start()
     // start with the "idle" animation
     this.m_Animator = this.gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>();
     // move the background at world origin and get the reference to its monobehaviour script
     if (this.Background != null)
         this.Background.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
         this.Background = this.Background.GetComponent<SVGBackgroundBehaviour>();
     // register handler for device orientation change
     this.Camera = (this.Camera != null) ? this.Camera.GetComponent<SVGCameraBehaviour>() : null;
     if (this.Camera != null)
         // register ourself for receiving resize events
         this.Camera.OnResize += this.OnResize;
         // now fire a resize event by hand
Esempio n. 4
    private void DrawInspector(SVGBackgroundBehaviour svgBackground)
        SVGBackgroundScaleType scaleAdaption = SVGBackgroundScaleType.Vertical;
        int size = 256;
        int slicedWidth = 256;
        int slicedHeight = 256;
        bool needUpdate = false;
        bool fullUpdate = false;
        TextAsset svgFile = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("SVG file", svgBackground.SVGFile, typeof(TextAsset), true) as TextAsset;
        bool sliced = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Sliced", "Check if you want to slice the background in order to fit specified width/height"), svgBackground.Sliced);
        if (sliced)
            slicedWidth = EditorGUILayout.IntField(new GUIContent("Width", "Sliced width, in pixels"), svgBackground.SlicedWidth);
            slicedHeight = EditorGUILayout.IntField(new GUIContent("Height", "Sliced height, in pixels"), svgBackground.SlicedHeight);
            scaleAdaption = (SVGBackgroundScaleType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Scale adaption", svgBackground.ScaleAdaption);
            size = EditorGUILayout.IntField(new GUIContent("Size", "Size in pixels"), svgBackground.Size);
        Color clearColor = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Clear color", svgBackground.ClearColor);
        bool generateOnStart = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Generate on Start()", "Generate the background texture/sprite on Start()"), svgBackground.GenerateOnStart);
        // show dimensions in pixel and world units
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Width (pixel unit)", svgBackground.PixelWidth.ToString());
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Height (pixel units)", svgBackground.PixelHeight.ToString());
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Width (world units)", svgBackground.WorldWidth.ToString());
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Height (world units)", svgBackground.WorldHeight.ToString());

        // update svg file, if needed
        if (svgFile != svgBackground.SVGFile)
            svgBackground.SVGFile = svgFile;
            needUpdate = true;
            // in this case we must destroy the current document and load the new one
            fullUpdate = true;

        if (sliced != svgBackground.Sliced)
            svgBackground.Sliced = sliced;
            needUpdate = true;

        if (sliced)
            // update sliced width (in pixels), if needed
            if (slicedWidth != svgBackground.SlicedWidth)
                svgBackground.SlicedWidth = slicedWidth;
                needUpdate = true;
            // update sliced height (in pixels), if needed
            if (slicedHeight != svgBackground.SlicedHeight)
                svgBackground.SlicedHeight = slicedHeight;
                needUpdate = true;
            // update scale adaption, if needed
            if (scaleAdaption != svgBackground.ScaleAdaption)
                svgBackground.ScaleAdaption = scaleAdaption;
                needUpdate = true;
            // update size (in pixels), if needed
            if (size != svgBackground.Size)
                svgBackground.Size = size;
                needUpdate = true;
        // update clear color, if needed
        if (clearColor != svgBackground.ClearColor)
            svgBackground.ClearColor = clearColor;
            needUpdate = true;
        // update "update on start" flag, if needed
        if (generateOnStart != svgBackground.GenerateOnStart)
            svgBackground.GenerateOnStart = generateOnStart;
        // update the background, if needed
        if (needUpdate)
    private void DrawInspector(SVGBackgroundBehaviour svgBackground)
        SVGBackgroundScaleType scaleAdaption = SVGBackgroundScaleType.Vertical;
        int       size         = 256;
        int       slicedWidth  = 256;
        int       slicedHeight = 256;
        bool      needUpdate   = false;
        bool      fullUpdate   = false;
        TextAsset svgFile      = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("SVG file", svgBackground.SVGFile, typeof(TextAsset), true) as TextAsset;
        bool      sliced       = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Sliced", "Check if you want to slice the background in order to fit specified width/height"), svgBackground.Sliced);

        if (sliced)
            slicedWidth  = EditorGUILayout.IntField(new GUIContent("Width", "Sliced width, in pixels"), svgBackground.SlicedWidth);
            slicedHeight = EditorGUILayout.IntField(new GUIContent("Height", "Sliced height, in pixels"), svgBackground.SlicedHeight);
            scaleAdaption = (SVGBackgroundScaleType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Scale adaption", svgBackground.ScaleAdaption);
            size          = EditorGUILayout.IntField(new GUIContent("Size", "Size in pixels"), svgBackground.Size);
        Color clearColor      = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Clear color", svgBackground.ClearColor);
        bool  generateOnStart = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Generate on Start()", "Generate the background texture/sprite on Start()"), svgBackground.GenerateOnStart);
        bool  fastUpload      = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Fast upload", "Use the fast native method (OpenGL/DirectX) to upload the texture to the GPU"), svgBackground.FastUpload);

        // show dimensions in pixel and world units
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Width (pixel unit)", svgBackground.PixelWidth.ToString());
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Height (pixel units)", svgBackground.PixelHeight.ToString());
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Width (world units)", svgBackground.WorldWidth.ToString());
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Height (world units)", svgBackground.WorldHeight.ToString());

        // update svg file, if needed
        if (svgFile != svgBackground.SVGFile)
            svgBackground.SVGFile = svgFile;
            needUpdate = true;
            // in this case we must destroy the current document and load the new one
            fullUpdate = true;

        if (sliced != svgBackground.Sliced)
            svgBackground.Sliced = sliced;
            needUpdate = true;

        if (sliced)
            // update sliced width (in pixels), if needed
            if (slicedWidth != svgBackground.SlicedWidth)
                svgBackground.SlicedWidth = slicedWidth;
                needUpdate = true;
            // update sliced height (in pixels), if needed
            if (slicedHeight != svgBackground.SlicedHeight)
                svgBackground.SlicedHeight = slicedHeight;
                needUpdate = true;
            // update scale adaption, if needed
            if (scaleAdaption != svgBackground.ScaleAdaption)
                svgBackground.ScaleAdaption = scaleAdaption;
                needUpdate = true;
            // update size (in pixels), if needed
            if (size != svgBackground.Size)
                svgBackground.Size = size;
                needUpdate = true;
        // update clear color, if needed
        if (clearColor != svgBackground.ClearColor)
            svgBackground.ClearColor = clearColor;
            needUpdate = true;
        // update "update on start" flag, if needed
        if (generateOnStart != svgBackground.GenerateOnStart)
            svgBackground.GenerateOnStart = generateOnStart;
        // update "fast upload" flag, if needed
        if (fastUpload != svgBackground.FastUpload)
            svgBackground.FastUpload = fastUpload;
        // update the background, if needed
        if (needUpdate)