public void ClickSelect(int index) { if (this.SelectedIndex != index) { if (IsDropDown) { SUIMouse.MouseClick(this, this.Width - this.X - 5, (this.Height - this.Y) / 2); } else { this.Focus(); } int offset = index - this.SelectedIndex; if (offset > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < offset; i++) { SUIKeyboard.Type(SUI.Base.Win.SUIKeyboard.VK.DOWN); } } else { offset = Math.Abs(offset); for (int j = 0; j < offset; j++) { SUIKeyboard.Type(SUI.Base.Win.SUIKeyboard.VK.UP); } } SUISleeper.Sleep(500); if (IsDropDown) { SUIKeyboard.Type(SUI.Base.Win.SUIKeyboard.VK.RETURN); } } }
public void ShowShortCutIndicators() { //Only if we are working on a dialog, indicators are supposed to display. if (IsDialog) { SUIKeyboard.Type(SUIKeyboard.VK.MENU); //Type "Alt" key for twice to ensure that we could see indicators. SUIKeyboard.Type(SUIKeyboard.VK.MENU); SUISleeper.Sleep(1000); } }
public void TypeText(string str) { SUIMouse.MouseClick(this, (int)((Width - X) / 2), (int)((Height - Y) / 2)); //Clear exsting text. SUIKeyboard.Press(SUIKeyboard.VK.CONTROL); SUIKeyboard.Type(SUIKeyboard.VK.HOME); SUIKeyboard.Release(SUIKeyboard.VK.CONTROL); int textLeng = Text.Length; for (int i = 0; i < textLeng; i++) { SUIKeyboard.Type(SUIKeyboard.VK.DELETE); } SUIKeyboard.Type(str); }
public void Close() { SUIWinAPIs.SendMessage(this.hwnd, SUIMessage.WM_CLOSE, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); SUIKeyboard.Type(SUIKeyboard.VK.CONTROL); //control key }