Esempio n. 1
        private static void SaveMesh(Mesh mesh, string filename)
            using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(filename))
                STL.AppendMeshToSTL(mesh, sw);

                Vector3D aStart = H3Ruled.Transform(new Vector3D(0, 0, -1));
                Vector3D aEnd   = H3Ruled.Transform(new Vector3D(0, 0, 1));
                Mesh     m3     = new Mesh();
                AddEdge(m3, aStart, aEnd);
                //STL.AppendMeshToSTL( m3, sw );
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Our approach will be:
        /// (1) Generate a portion of one cell.
        /// (2) Reflect all facets in the central facet, to get things filled-in inside the central facet.  (Trim small edges here?)
        /// (3) Copy this region around the plane, and go back to step (2) if density is not high enough.
        /// (4) Map to Ball, trimming edges that become too small.
        /// NOTE: All verts are on the boundary, so we can reflect around
        //		  in circles on the plane at infinity, rather than spheres.
        /// </summary>
        public static void GenerateExotic(EHoneycomb honeycomb, H3.Settings settings)
            settings.AngularThickness = 0.17;

            Tiling tiling;
            Tile   baseTile;

            GetAssociatedTiling(honeycomb, out tiling, out baseTile);

            List <H3.Cell.Edge> edges = new List <H3.Cell.Edge>();

            foreach (Segment seg in baseTile.Boundary.Segments)
                edges.Add(new H3.Cell.Edge(seg.P1, seg.P2));

            settings.Position = Polytope.Projection.FaceCentered;
            double   scale  = 1;
            Vector3D offset = new Vector3D();

            if (settings.Position == Polytope.Projection.FaceCentered)
                scale  = FaceCenteredScale(baseTile.VertexCircle);
                offset = new Vector3D();
            else if (settings.Position == Polytope.Projection.EdgeCentered)
                scale  = EdgeCenteredScale(baseTile);
                offset = baseTile.Boundary.Segments[0].Midpoint;

            int iterations = m_params.Iterations;

            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                edges = DoOneStep(edges, tiling, baseTile.VertexCircle);
            edges = CopyAndProject(edges, tiling, scale, offset);

            if (m_params.RemoveDangling)
                Dictionary <H3.Cell.Edge, int> edgeDict = edges.ToDictionary(e => e, e => 1);
                edges = edgeDict.Keys.ToList();

            string outputFileName = H3.m_baseDir + Honeycomb.String(honeycomb, false);


            if (m_params.Output == H3.Output.STL)
                outputFileName += ".stl";

                // Now mesh the edges.
                Shapeways mesh = new Shapeways();
                foreach (H3.Cell.Edge edge in edges)
                    // Append to the file vs. writing out all at once because I was running out of memory otherwise.
                    mesh = new Shapeways();
                    int div;
                    H3Models.Ball.LODThin(edge.Start, edge.End, out div);
                    mesh.Div = div;
                    H3.Util.AddToMeshInternal(mesh, edge.Start, edge.End);
                    STL.AppendMeshToSTL(mesh.Mesh, outputFileName);
                outputFileName += ".pov";
                PovRay.WriteH3Edges(new PovRay.Parameters()
                    AngularThickness = settings.AngularThickness,
                    Halfspace        = settings.Halfspace,
                    ThinEdges        = settings.ThinEdges,
                                    edges.ToArray(), outputFileName);
Esempio n. 3
        public static void HoneycombHyperidealLegs(HoneycombDef def)
            // This will be used to avoid duplicates.
            // The key is the cell center.
            Dictionary <Vector3D, H3.Cell> complete = new Dictionary <Vector3D, H3.Cell>();

            m_thresh = 0.05;
            //m_thresh = 0.07;
            HoneycombHyperidealLegs(def, 3, complete);

            m_thresh = 0.01;
            //m_thresh = 0.02;
            HoneycombHyperidealLegs(def, 2, complete);

            m_thresh = 0.004;
            //m_thresh = 0.007;
            HoneycombHyperidealLegs(def, 1, complete);

            string filename = "cell.stl";

            using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(filename))
                HashSet <H3.Cell.Edge> edgesToMesh = new HashSet <H3.Cell.Edge>(new H3.Cell.EdgeEqualityComparer());
                foreach (H3.Cell cell in complete.Values)
                    int depth = cell.Depths.Sum();

                    Mesh   m      = new Mesh();
                    Sphere normal = cell.Facets[0].Sphere;
                    foreach (Mesh.Triangle tri in cell.Mesh.Triangles)
                        Mesh.Triangle[] thickened = Thicken(tri, normal);
                        m.Triangles.AddRange(thickened.Select(t => Transform(t)));

                    List <object> boundary = new List <object>();
                    int           skip     = 2;
                    int           stride   = (int)Math.Sqrt(cell.Mesh.Triangles.Count) / 2 + 1;
                    int           num      = stride;
                    skip += num;
                    skip += num;
                    num   = 2 * m_div + 1;
                    skip += num;
                    skip += num;
                    foreach (object e in boundary)
                        var enumerable = (IEnumerable <Vector3D>)e;
                        //if( depth % 2 == 0 )
                        //	enumerable = enumerable.Reverse();

                        Mesh m2 = ThickenBoundary(enumerable.ToArray(), normal);

                        if (depth % 2 == 0)

                        m.Triangles.AddRange(m2.Triangles.Select(t => Transform(t)));

                    STL.AppendMeshToSTL(m, sw);
                    edgesToMesh.Add(new H3.Cell.Edge(cell.AuxPoints[0], cell.AuxPoints[1]));

                /*foreach( H3.Cell.Edge e in edgesToMesh )
                 * {
                 *      Mesh m3 = new Mesh();
                 *      AddEdge( m3, Transform( e.Start ), Transform( e.End ) );
                 *      STL.AppendMeshToSTL( m3, sw );
                 * }*/
Esempio n. 4
        public static void S3BiHelicoid()
            double cutoff = 8.0;
            int    div    = 500;

            Matrix4D mat = Matrix4D.MatrixToRotateinCoordinatePlane(1 * Math.PI / 4, 0, 3);
            Mesh     m1  = S3Helicoid(div, mat, reciprocal: false);
            //m1.Triangles = m1.Triangles.Where( t => t.a.Abs() < cutoff && t.b.Abs() < cutoff && t.c.Abs() < cutoff ).ToList();

            Mesh m2 = S3Helicoid(div, mat, reciprocal: true);
            //m2.Triangles = m2.Triangles.Where( t => t.a.Abs() < cutoff && t.b.Abs() < cutoff && t.c.Abs() < cutoff ).ToList();

            Mesh m3 = new Mesh();

            System.Action <bool> addCore = recip =>
                List <Vector3D> circlePoints = new List <Vector3D>();
                double          aOffset      = 2 * Math.PI / div;
                for (int i = 0; i <= div; i++)
                    double x = Math.Sin(aOffset * i);
                    double y = Math.Cos(aOffset * i);
                    circlePoints.Add(recip ?
                                     new Vector3D(x, y) : new Vector3D(0, 0, x, y));

                // partial transform to R3 here.
                circlePoints = circlePoints.Select(p =>
                    p = mat.RotateVector(p);
                    p = Sterographic.S3toR3(p);

                List <Vector3D> ePoints = new List <Vector3D>();
                List <double>   eRadii  = new List <double>();
                foreach (Vector3D pNE in circlePoints)
                    Sphere sphere = SphereFuncBall(Geometry.Spherical, pNE, false);

                Shapeways shapeways = new Shapeways();
                shapeways.AddClosedCurve(ePoints.ToArray(), eRadii.ToArray());
            for (int i = 0; i < m3.Triangles.Count; i++)
                Mesh.Triangle t = m3.Triangles[i];
                m3.Triangles[i] = Transform(t, SphericalModels.StereoToEquidistant);

            string filename = "helicoid.stl";

            using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(filename))
                STL.AppendMeshToSTL(m1, sw);
                STL.AppendMeshToSTL(m2, sw);
                STL.AppendMeshToSTL(m3, sw);

            //HelicoidHelper( thinMesh, boundaryPoints );
Esempio n. 5
        public static void HoneycombFiniteVertexFig(HoneycombDef def)
            // This will be used to remove duplicates.
            // Our faces will be doubled-up.  We'll make a hash from one of the interior meshPoints.
            Dictionary <Vector3D, H3.Cell> complete = new Dictionary <Vector3D, H3.Cell>();

            m_thresh = 0.07;
            HoneycombFiniteVertexFig(def, 3, complete);

            m_thresh = 0.02;
            HoneycombFiniteVertexFig(def, 2, complete);

            m_thresh = 0.007;
            HoneycombFiniteVertexFig(def, 1, complete);

            //m_thresh = 0.005;
            //CreateHoneycombSTL( def, 0, complete );

            string filename = "cell.stl";

            using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(filename))
                foreach (H3.Cell cell in complete.Values)
                    //STL.AppendMeshToSTL( cell.Mesh, sw );

                    bool reverse = cell.Depths.Sum() % 2 == 1;

                    Mesh   m      = new Mesh();
                    Sphere normal = cell.Facets[0].Sphere;
                    foreach (Mesh.Triangle tri in cell.Mesh.Triangles)
                        Mesh.Triangle[] thickened = ThickenSimple(tri, normal);

                    if (reverse)

                    STL.AppendMeshToSTL(m, sw);

                    System.Func <Vector3D, System.Tuple <Vector3D, Vector3D> > thickenFn = v => ThickenSimple(v, normal);
                    int        stride = (int)Math.Sqrt(cell.Mesh.Triangles.Count) + 1;
                    Vector3D[] e1 = cell.AuxPoints.Skip(1 + 0 * stride).Take(stride).ToArray();
                    Vector3D[] e2 = cell.AuxPoints.Skip(1 + 1 * stride).Take(stride).ToArray();
                    Vector3D[] e3 = cell.AuxPoints.Skip(1 + 2 * stride).Take(stride).ToArray();
                    Mesh       m1 = ThickenBoundary(e1, thickenFn), m2 = ThickenBoundary(e2, thickenFn), m3 = ThickenBoundary(e3, thickenFn);
                    if (reverse)

                    STL.AppendMeshToSTL(m1, sw);
                    STL.AppendMeshToSTL(m2, sw);
                    STL.AppendMeshToSTL(m3, sw);