static void LogError(STATECODE _state) { switch (_state) { case STATECODE.STATE_PATH_ERROR: Debug.LogError("excel is not exist"); break; case STATECODE.STATE_FORMAT_ERROR: Debug.LogError("Data format is not standard"); break; case STATECODE.STATE_NOCLASS_ERROR: Debug.LogError("this class is not exist"); break; case STATECODE.STATE_NOGAMEOBJECT_ERROR: Debug.LogError("GameObject can not be found"); break; case STATECODE.STATE_NOPROPERTY_ERROR: Debug.LogError("this class have not this property"); break; case STATECODE.STATE_VALUETRANSFER_ERROR: Debug.LogError("Data can not be Transferred"); break; } }
static void Load() { STATECODE statecode = 0; statecode = LoadExcel(ExcelName); if (statecode != STATECODE.STATE_SUCCEED) { LogError(statecode); return; } for (int i = 0; i < KeyName.Length; i++) { GameObject[] tempResult = null; statecode = FindGameObject(ref tempResult, KeyName[i], MatchMode[i]); if (statecode != STATECODE.STATE_SUCCEED) { LogError(statecode); return; } for (int j = 0; j < tempResult.Length; j++) { MonoBehaviour[] monothis = tempResult [j].GetComponents <MonoBehaviour> (); for (int k = 0; k < monothis.Length; k++) { if (monothis [k].GetType().ToString() == ClassName [i]) { FieldInfo fInfo = monothis [k].GetType().GetField(PropertyName[i]); if (fInfo == null) { LogError(STATECODE.STATE_NOPROPERTY_ERROR); return; } object tempTargetResult = null; statecode = DataTransfer(DataType[i], DataValue[i], ref tempTargetResult); if (statecode != STATECODE.STATE_SUCCEED) { LogError(statecode); return; } fInfo.SetValue(monothis[k], tempTargetResult); break; } if (k == monothis.Length - 1) { LogError(STATECODE.STATE_NOCLASS_ERROR); return; } } } } }