Esempio n. 1
        /* Function: GetInfoOnLinksThatResolveToTopicID
         * Returns aggregate information on all links that resolve to the passed topic ID.
         * Parameters:
         *		topicID - The topic ID to look up links for.
         *		fileIDs - The file IDs of all the links.  Will be null if none.
         *		classIDs - The class IDs of all the links.  Will be null if none.
        public void GetInfoOnLinksThatResolveToTopicID(int topicID, out IDObjects.NumberSet fileIDs, out IDObjects.NumberSet classIDs)

            fileIDs  = null;
            classIDs = null;

            using (SQLite.Query query = accessor.Connection.Query("SELECT FileID, ClassID FROM Links WHERE TargetTopicID=?", topicID))
                while (query.Step())
                    if (fileIDs == null)
                        fileIDs = new NumberSet();


                    int classID = query.IntColumn(1);

                    if (classID != 0)
                        if (classIDs == null)
                            classIDs = new NumberSet();

Esempio n. 2
        /* Function: GetFileIDsThatDefineClassID
         * Returns the file IDs that contain topics which define the class ID.
        public NumberSet GetFileIDsThatDefineClassID(int classID)

            NumberSet fileIDs = new NumberSet();

            using (SQLite.Query query = accessor.Connection.Query("SELECT FileID FROM Topics WHERE ClassID=? AND DefinesClass=1", classID))
                while (query.Step())

Esempio n. 3
        /* Function: GetInfoOnClassParents
         * Looks up the parents of the passed class ID and returns their class IDs and all the file IDs that define them.
        public void GetInfoOnClassParents(int classID, out NumberSet parentClassIDs, out NumberSet parentClassFileIDs)

            parentClassIDs     = new NumberSet();
            parentClassFileIDs = new NumberSet();

            using (SQLite.Query query = accessor.Connection.Query("SELECT TargetClassID FROM Links " +
                                                                  "WHERE ClassID=? AND Type=? AND TargetClassID != 0",
                                                                  classID, (int)Links.LinkType.ClassParent))
                while (query.Step())

            if (parentClassIDs.IsEmpty)

            IDObjects.NumberSet remainingParentClassIDs = parentClassIDs;

                IDObjects.NumberSet temp;
                string queryText = "SELECT FileID FROM Topics WHERE " + Accessor.ColumnIsInNumberSetExpression("ClassID", remainingParentClassIDs, out temp) + " AND DefinesClass=1";
                remainingParentClassIDs = temp;

                using (SQLite.Query query = accessor.Connection.Query(queryText))
                    while (query.Step())
            }while (remainingParentClassIDs != null);
Esempio n. 4
        /* Function: GetInfoOnClassParents
         * Looks up the parents of the passed class ID and returns their class IDs and all the file IDs that define them.
        public void GetInfoOnClassParents(int classID, out NumberSet parentClassIDs, out NumberSet parentClassFileIDs)

            parentClassIDs     = new NumberSet();
            parentClassFileIDs = new NumberSet();

            using (SQLite.Query query = accessor.Connection.Query("SELECT TargetClassID FROM Links " +
                                                                  "WHERE ClassID=? AND Type=? AND TargetClassID != 0",
                                                                  classID, (int)Links.LinkType.ClassParent))
                while (query.Step())

            if (parentClassIDs.IsEmpty)

            StringBuilder queryText   = new StringBuilder("SELECT FileID FROM Topics WHERE (");
            List <object> queryParams = new List <object>();

            Accessor.AppendWhereClause_ColumnIsInNumberSet("ClassID", parentClassIDs, queryText, queryParams);

            queryText.Append(") AND DefinesClass=1");

            using (SQLite.Query query = accessor.Connection.Query(queryText.ToString(), queryParams.ToArray()))
                while (query.Step())
Esempio n. 5
        /* Function: GetInfoOnLinksToTopicsWithNDLinkInSummary
         * What the hell?  Okay, check this out: First it finds the topics which have the passed Natural Docs link in their
         * summaries.  Then it returns aggregate information on all links that resolve to any of those topics.  This is needed
         * for keeping tooltips accurate with differential building.  It makes sense, trust me.
         * Parameters:
         *		link - The link to look up.  It must be a Natural Docs link.
         *		fileIDs - The file IDs of all the links that resolve to the topics that have the link in the summary.  Will be null if none.
         *		classIDs - The class IDs of all the links that resolve to the topics that have the link in the summary.  Will be null if none.
        public void GetInfoOnLinksToTopicsWithNDLinkInSummary(Link link, out IDObjects.NumberSet fileIDs, out IDObjects.NumberSet classIDs)
                        #if DEBUG
            if (link.Type != LinkType.NaturalDocs)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("GetInfoOnLinksToTopicsWithNDLinkInSummary() must be used with Natural Docs links.  It's right there in the title, derp.");


            fileIDs  = null;
            classIDs = null;

            IDObjects.NumberSet topicIDs = null;
            string likeText = "%<link type=\"naturaldocs\" originaltext=\"" + link.Text.EntityEncode() + "\"%";

            using (SQLite.Query query = accessor.Connection.Query("SELECT TopicID FROM Topics WHERE FileID=? AND Summary LIKE ?",
                                                                  link.FileID, likeText))
                while (query.Step())
                    if (topicIDs == null)
                        topicIDs = new NumberSet();


            if (topicIDs == null)

            IDObjects.NumberSet remainingTopicIDs = topicIDs;

                IDObjects.NumberSet temp;
                string queryText = "SELECT FileID, ClassID FROM Links WHERE " + Accessor.ColumnIsInNumberSetExpression("TargetTopicID", remainingTopicIDs, out temp);
                remainingTopicIDs = temp;

                using (SQLite.Query query = accessor.Connection.Query(queryText))
                    while (query.Step())
                        if (fileIDs == null)
                            fileIDs = new NumberSet();


                        int classID = query.IntColumn(1);

                        if (classID != 0)
                            if (classIDs == null)
                                classIDs = new NumberSet();

            }while (remainingTopicIDs != null);
Esempio n. 6
        /* Function: GetInfoOnLinksToTopicsWithImageLinkInSummary
         * What the hell?  Okay, check this out: First it finds the topics which have the passed image link in their summaries.
         * Then it returns aggregate information on all links that resolve to any of those topics.  This is needed for keeping
         * tooltips accurate with differential building.  It makes sense, trust me.
         * Parameters:
         *		imageLink - The image link to look up.
         *		fileIDs - The file IDs of all the links that resolve to the topics that have the link in the summary.  Will be null if none.
         *		classIDs - The class IDs of all the links that resolve to the topics that have the link in the summary.  Will be null if none.
        public void GetInfoOnLinksToTopicsWithImageLinkInSummary(ImageLink imageLink, out IDObjects.NumberSet fileIDs, out IDObjects.NumberSet classIDs)

            fileIDs  = null;
            classIDs = null;

            // First find all the topics that have the image link in the summary.  We can restrict the search to the same file ID as the link
            // because links appearing in a different file would be seen as a different link.  Only inline image links can appear in the
            // summary so we don't need to orry about standalone ones.

            IDObjects.NumberSet topicIDs = null;
            string likeText = "%<image type=\"inline\" originaltext=\"" + imageLink.OriginalText.EntityEncode() + "\"%";

            using (SQLite.Query query = accessor.Connection.Query("SELECT TopicID FROM Topics WHERE FileID=? AND Summary LIKE ?",
                                                                  imageLink.FileID, likeText))
                while (query.Step())
                    if (topicIDs == null)
                        topicIDs = new NumberSet();


            if (topicIDs == null)

            // Now find all the links that resolve to these topics.  We only need their file and class IDs though.

            IDObjects.NumberSet remainingTopicIDs = topicIDs;

                IDObjects.NumberSet temp;
                string queryText = "SELECT FileID, ClassID FROM Links WHERE " + Accessor.ColumnIsInNumberSetExpression("TargetTopicID", remainingTopicIDs, out temp);
                remainingTopicIDs = temp;

                using (SQLite.Query query = accessor.Connection.Query(queryText))
                    while (query.Step())
                        if (fileIDs == null)
                            fileIDs = new NumberSet();


                        int classID = query.IntColumn(1);

                        if (classID != 0)
                            if (classIDs == null)
                                classIDs = new NumberSet();

            }while (remainingTopicIDs != null);
Esempio n. 7
        /* Function: GetInfoOnLinksToTopicsWithNDLinkInSummary
         * What the hell?  Okay, check this out: First it finds the topics which have the passed Natural Docs link in their
         * summaries.  Then it returns aggregate information on all links that resolve to any of those topics.  This is needed
         * for keeping tooltips accurate with differential building.  It makes sense, trust me.
         * Parameters:
         *		link - The link to look up.  It must be a Natural Docs link.
         *		fileIDs - The file IDs of all the links that resolve to the topics that have the link in the summary.  Will be null if none.
         *		classIDs - The class IDs of all the links that resolve to the topics that have the link in the summary.  Will be null if none.
        public void GetInfoOnLinksToTopicsWithNDLinkInSummary(Link link, out IDObjects.NumberSet fileIDs, out IDObjects.NumberSet classIDs)
                        #if DEBUG
            if (link.Type != LinkType.NaturalDocs)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("GetInfoOnLinksToTopicsWithNDLinkInSummary() must be used with Natural Docs links.  It's right there in the title, derp.");


            fileIDs  = null;
            classIDs = null;

            IDObjects.NumberSet topicIDs = null;
            string likeText = "%<link type=\"naturaldocs\" originaltext=\"" + link.Text.EntityEncode() + "\"%";

            using (SQLite.Query query = accessor.Connection.Query("SELECT TopicID FROM Topics WHERE FileID=? AND Summary LIKE ?",
                                                                  link.FileID, likeText))
                while (query.Step())
                    if (topicIDs == null)
                        topicIDs = new NumberSet();


            if (topicIDs == null)

            StringBuilder queryText   = new StringBuilder("SELECT FileID, ClassID FROM Links WHERE ");
            List <object> queryParams = new List <object>();

            CodeDB.Accessor.AppendWhereClause_ColumnIsInNumberSet("TargetTopicID", topicIDs, queryText, queryParams);

            using (SQLite.Query query = accessor.Connection.Query(queryText.ToString(), queryParams.ToArray()))
                while (query.Step())
                    if (fileIDs == null)
                        fileIDs = new NumberSet();


                    int classID = query.IntColumn(1);

                    if (classID != 0)
                        if (classIDs == null)
                            classIDs = new NumberSet();
