Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// List_ID基础资料批量审核成功后,更新物料的相关信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx"></param>
        /// <param name="infos"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int UpdateMaterialInfo(Context ctx, IEnumerable <AbsSynchroDataInfo> datas)
            int             count = 0;
            List <ListInfo> infos = null;

            if (datas != null && datas.Count() > 0)
                infos = datas.Select(d => (ListInfo)d).ToList();

            if (infos != null && infos.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var info in infos)
                    if (info != null)
                        string sql = string.Format(@"/*dialect*/update a set a.F_HS_LISTNAME = '{0}'
                                                                from T_BD_MATERIAL a 
                                                                inner join T_BD_MATERIAL_L b on b.FMATERIALID = a.FMATERIALID and b.FLOCALEID=2052
                                                                inner join T_BD_MATERIALBASE c on c.FMATERIALID = a.FMATERIALID 
                                                                inner join T_BD_MATERIALSALE d on d.FMATERIALID = a.FMATERIALID
                                                                inner join T_BD_MATERIALSTOCK e on e.FMATERIALID = a.FMATERIALID
                                                                inner join T_ORG_ORGANIZATIONS f on a.FUSEORGID=f.FORGID
                                                                left join T_BD_unit_L h on d.FSaleUnitId =h.FUNITID and h.FLOCALEID=2052
											                    inner join HS_T_Brand j on j.FID = a.F_HS_Brand
											                    inner join HS_T_BRAND_L r on r.FID = j.FID
											                    inner join HS_T_BD_LISTID k on k.FID = a.F_HS_ListIDNew
											                    inner join HS_T_BD_LISTID_L l on l.FID = k.FID
											                    inner join T_BAS_ASSISTANTDATAENTRY_L m ON a.F_HS_PRODUCTSTATUS=m.FENTRYID
                                                                inner join T_BAS_ASSISTANTDATAENTRY n ON m.FentryID=n.FentryID
                                                                inner join T_BD_MATERIALGROUP q on q.FID = a.FMaterialGroup  
											                    where a.FNUMBER not like '99.%'
											                    and k.FNUMBER = '{1}'

											            "                                            , SQLUtils.DealQuotes(info.F_HS_ListName), info.F_HS_ListID) + System.Environment.NewLine;
                        sql += string.Format(@"/*dialect*/    update b set b.FName  ='{0}'
                                                                from T_BD_MATERIAL a 
                                                                inner join T_BD_MATERIAL_L b on b.FMATERIALID = a.FMATERIALID and b.FLOCALEID=2052
                                                                inner join T_BD_MATERIALBASE c on c.FMATERIALID = a.FMATERIALID 
                                                                inner join T_BD_MATERIALSALE d on d.FMATERIALID = a.FMATERIALID
                                                                inner join T_BD_MATERIALSTOCK e on e.FMATERIALID = a.FMATERIALID
                                                                inner join T_ORG_ORGANIZATIONS f on a.FUSEORGID=f.FORGID
                                                                left join T_BD_unit_L h on d.FSaleUnitId =h.FUNITID and h.FLOCALEID=2052
											                    inner join HS_T_Brand j on j.FID = a.F_HS_Brand
											                    inner join HS_T_BRAND_L r on r.FID = j.FID
											                    inner join HS_T_BD_LISTID k on k.FID = a.F_HS_ListIDNew
											                    inner join HS_T_BD_LISTID_L l on l.FID = k.FID
											                    inner join T_BAS_ASSISTANTDATAENTRY_L m ON a.F_HS_PRODUCTSTATUS=m.FENTRYID
                                                                inner join T_BAS_ASSISTANTDATAENTRY n ON m.FentryID=n.FentryID
                                                                inner join T_BD_MATERIALGROUP q on q.FID = a.FMaterialGroup  
											                    where a.FNUMBER not like '99.%'
											                    and k.FNUMBER = '{1}'"                                            , SQLUtils.DealQuotes(info.F_HS_ListName), info.F_HS_ListID);

                        count += DBUtils.Execute(ctx, sql);

Esempio n. 2
        public override string GetExecuteUpdateSql(Context ctx, List <AbsSynchroDataInfo> datas)
            string sql     = string.Empty;
            string execSql = string.Empty;
            int    i       = 0;

                if (datas != null && datas.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var data in datas)
                        if (data != null)
                            if (data != null)
                                AbsDataInfo reFund = data as AbsDataInfo;

                                if (reFund != null)
                                    if (reFund.F_HS_RateToUSA > 0)
                                        string billNo = reFund.FBillNo.Contains("_") ? reFund.FBillNo.Split('_')[0] : reFund.FBillNo;

                                        sql += string.Format(@"/*dialect*/ update a set a.F_HS_YNSync ='{0}',a.F_HS_RateToUSA = {1}
                                                                    from T_AR_REFUNDBILL a
                                                                    inner join T_AR_REFUNDBILLENTRY b on a.FID = b.FID
                                                                    inner join T_BD_CUSTOMER c on a.F_HS_B2CCustId = c.FCUSTID
                                                                    inner join T_ORG_ORGANIZATIONS d on a.FSALEORGID = d.FORGID
                                                                    where a.F_HS_YNSync = '{2}'and c.FNumber = '{3}'
                                                                    and a.FBillNo = '{4}'
                                                                    and d.FNUMBER = '{5}'", "1", reFund.F_HS_RateToUSA, "0", reFund.F_HS_B2CCustId, billNo, reFund.FSaleOrgId) + Environment.NewLine;
                                        sql += string.Format(@"/*dialect*/ update a set a.F_HS_RefundTurnUSD = {0},F_HS_BalanceRechargeUSD = {4},F_HS_CreditLineRechargeUSD = {5}
                                                                    from T_AR_REFUNDBILLENTRY a
			                                                        inner join T_AR_REFUNDBILL b on b.FID = a.FID
			                                                        inner join T_ORG_ORGANIZATIONS c on b.FSALEORGID = c.FORGID
			                                                        where b.FBILLNO = '{1}'
			                                                        and c.FNUMBER = '{2}'
			                                                        and a.FENTRYID = {3}"            , reFund.FRealAmountFor_USD, billNo, reFund.FSaleOrgId, reFund.FEntryId
                                                             , reFund.F_HS_BalanceRechargeUSD, reFund.F_HS_CreditLineRechargeUSD) + Environment.NewLine;
                                        sql += string.Format(@"/*dialect*/  update a set a.F_HS_USDBalance = a.F_HS_USDBalance + {0}{3}{4}
                                                                    from T_BD_CUSTOMER a
                                                                    left join T_AR_REFUNDBILL b on a.FCUSTID = b.F_HS_B2CCustId
                                                                    left join T_AR_REFUNDBILLENTRY c on b.FID = c.FID
                                                                    inner join T_ORG_ORGANIZATIONS d on a.FUSEORGID = d.FORGID
                                                                    where a.FNUMBER = '{1}'
                                                                    and d.FNUMBER = '{2}'", reFund.F_HS_BalanceRechargeUSD, reFund.F_HS_B2CCustId, reFund.FSaleOrgId
                                                             , reFund.FSaleOrgId.CompareTo("100.03") == 0 && reFund.FSettleCurrId.CompareTo("CNY") == 0 ? string.Format(@",a.F_HS_CNYBalance = a.F_HS_CNYBalance + {0}"
                                                                                                                                                                        , reFund.FRealAmountFor) : "", string.Format(@",a.F_HS_SurplusCreditUSD = a.F_HS_SurplusCreditUSD + {0}", reFund.F_HS_CreditLineRechargeUSD)) + System.Environment.NewLine;
                                        sql      = "'" + SQLUtils.DealQuotes(sql) + "'";
                                        execSql += string.Format(@"EXEC(" + sql + ")") + Environment.NewLine;
                                        execSql += string.Format(@"declare @balance{2} decimal(10,2)
                                                                   declare @cnybalance{4} decimal(10,2)
                                                                   declare @creditbalance{11} decimal(10,2)
                                                                       set @balance{3} = ( select F_HS_USDBalance from T_BD_CUSTOMER a 
                                                                                           inner join T_ORG_ORGANIZATIONS b on a.FUSEORGID = b.FORGID
                                                                                           where a.FNUMBER = '{0}' and b.FNUMBER = '{1}'
                                                                       set @cnybalance{5} = ( select F_HS_CNYBalance from T_BD_CUSTOMER a 
                                                                                              inner join T_ORG_ORGANIZATIONS b on a.FUSEORGID = b.FORGID
                                                                                              where a.FNUMBER = '{6}' and b.FNUMBER = '{7}'
                                                                       set @creditbalance{8} = ( select F_HS_SurplusCreditUSD from T_BD_CUSTOMER a 
                                                                                              inner join T_ORG_ORGANIZATIONS b on a.FUSEORGID = b.FORGID
                                                                                              where a.FNUMBER = '{9}' and b.FNUMBER = '{10}'
                                                            ", reFund.F_HS_B2CCustId, reFund.FSaleOrgId, i, i, i, i, reFund.F_HS_B2CCustId, reFund.FSaleOrgId, i, reFund.F_HS_B2CCustId, reFund.FSaleOrgId, i) + System.Environment.NewLine;

                                        if (reFund.F_HS_BalanceRechargeUSD > 0)
                                            execSql += string.Format(@"/*dialect*/ insert into HS_T_customerBalance(F_HS_TradeType,F_HS_UseOrgId,F_HS_B2CCUSTID,changedAmount,changedType,changedCause
                                                               ,updateUser,FBillNo,fentryID,needfreezed,remark) values ('{18}','{15}','{0}',{1},'{2}','{3}',@balance{13}*{17},{4},{5}
                                                               ,{6},@balance{14}, @cnybalance{16},'{7}',{8},'{9}',{10},{11},'{12}') ", SQLUtils.GetCustomerId(ctx, reFund.F_HS_B2CCustId, 1), reFund.F_HS_BalanceRechargeUSD * reFund.F_HS_RateToUSA
                                                                     , reFund.ChangedType, reFund.ChangedCause, reFund.F_HS_RateToUSA, SQLUtils.GetSettleCurrId(ctx, reFund.FSettleCurrId)
                                                                     , reFund.F_HS_BalanceRechargeUSD, DateTime.Now, ctx.UserId, billNo, reFund.FEntryId, reFund.NeedFreezed == false ? 0 : 1, reFund.Remark, i, i
                                                                     , SQLUtils.GetOrgId(ctx, reFund.FSaleOrgId), i, reFund.F_HS_RateToUSA, "余额") + Environment.NewLine;

                                        if (reFund.F_HS_CreditLineRechargeUSD > 0)
                                            execSql += string.Format(@"/*dialect*/ insert into HS_T_customerBalance(F_HS_TradeType,F_HS_UseOrgId,F_HS_B2CCUSTID,changedAmount,changedType,changedCause
                                                               ,updateUser,FBillNo,fentryID,needfreezed,remark) values ('{18}','{15}','{0}',{1},'{2}','{3}',@creditbalance{13}*{17},{4},{5}
                                                               ,{6},@creditbalance{14}, @cnybalance{16},'{7}',{8},'{9}',{10},{11},'{12}') ", SQLUtils.GetCustomerId(ctx, reFund.F_HS_B2CCustId, 1), reFund.F_HS_CreditLineRechargeUSD * reFund.F_HS_RateToUSA
                                                                     , reFund.ChangedType, reFund.ChangedCause, reFund.F_HS_RateToUSA, SQLUtils.GetSettleCurrId(ctx, reFund.FSettleCurrId)
                                                                     , reFund.F_HS_CreditLineRechargeUSD, DateTime.Now, ctx.UserId, billNo, reFund.FEntryId, reFund.NeedFreezed == false ? 0 : 1, reFund.Remark, i, i
                                                                     , SQLUtils.GetOrgId(ctx, reFund.FSaleOrgId), i, reFund.F_HS_RateToUSA, "剩余信用额度") + Environment.NewLine;
                                        sql = string.Empty;
                                        LogUtils.WriteSynchroLog(ctx, this.DataType, "获取【" + reFund.FSettleCurrId + "币别】兑美元的实时汇率失败");
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogUtils.WriteSynchroLog(ctx, this.DataType, ex.Message + System.Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace);
        public override string GetExecuteUpdateSql(Context ctx, List <AbsSynchroDataInfo> datas)
            string sql = string.Empty;

            string execSql = string.Empty;
            int    i       = 0;

                if (datas != null && datas.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var data in datas)
                        if (data != null)
                            AbsDataInfo order = data as AbsDataInfo;

                            if (order != null)
                                if (order.F_HS_RateToUSA > 0)
                                    if (order.F_HS_SaleOrderSource.CompareTo("HCWebPendingOder") == 0 && order.FCancelStatus.CompareTo("B") == 0 &&
                                        order.FRealAmountFor > 0 && !order.F_HS_BalanceDeducted)
                                        execSql += string.Format(@"/*dialect*/ update a set a.F_HS_BalanceDeducted = '{0}' 
                                                                        from T_SAL_ORDER a 
                                                                        inner join T_BD_CUSTOMER b on a.FCUSTID = b.FCUSTID
                                                                        inner join T_ORG_ORGANIZATIONS c on a.FSALEORGID = c.FORGID
                                                                        where a.FBillNo = '{1}'
                                                                        and c.FNUMBER = '{2}'", "1", order.FBillNo, order.FSaleOrgId) + System.Environment.NewLine;
                                        if (order.F_HS_SaleOrderSource.CompareTo("DropShippingOrder") == 0)
                                            sql += string.Format(@"/*dialect*/ update a set a.F_HS_BalanceDeducted = '{0}' ,a.F_HS_BalancePayments = {1},a.F_HS_USDBalancePayments = {2}
                                                                ,a.F_HS_CreditLineUSDPayments = {3},a.F_HS_NeedPayAmount = 0,a.F_HS_PaymentStatus = '3'
                                                                from T_SAL_ORDER a 
                                                                inner join T_BD_CUSTOMER b on a.FCUSTID = b.FCUSTID
                                                                inner join T_ORG_ORGANIZATIONS c on a.FSALEORGID = c.FORGID
                                                                where a.FBillNo = '{4}'
                                                                and b.FNUMBER = '{5}'
                                                                and c.FNUMBER = '{6}'", "1", -order.F_HS_BalanceRecharge, -order.F_HS_BalanceRechargeUSD, -order.F_HS_CreditLineRechargeUSD, order.FBillNo, order.F_HS_B2CCustId, "100.01");

                                            sql += string.Format(@"/*dialect*/  update a set a.F_HS_USDBalance = a.F_HS_USDBalance + {0},a.F_HS_SurplusCreditUSD = F_HS_SurplusCreditUSD + {1}
                                                                from T_BD_CUSTOMER a
                                                                left join T_SAL_ORDER b on a.FCUSTID = b.FCUSTID
                                                                inner join T_ORG_ORGANIZATIONS c on a.FUSEORGID = c.FORGID
                                                                where a.FNUMBER = '{2}'
                                                                and c.FNUMBER = '{3}'", order.F_HS_BalanceRechargeUSD, order.F_HS_CreditLineRechargeUSD, order.F_HS_B2CCustId, "100.01") + System.Environment.NewLine;
                                            sql += string.Format(@"/*dialect*/ update a set a.F_HS_USDBalance = a.F_HS_USDBalance + {0}{3}
                                                                from T_BD_CUSTOMER a
                                                                left join T_SAL_ORDER b on a.FCUSTID = b.FCUSTID
                                                                inner join T_ORG_ORGANIZATIONS c on a.FUSEORGID = c.FORGID
                                                                where a.FNUMBER = '{1}'
                                                                and c.FNUMBER = '{2}'", order.FRealAmountFor_USD, order.F_HS_B2CCustId, order.FSaleOrgId, order.FSaleOrgId.CompareTo("100.03") == 0 && order.FSettleCurrId.CompareTo("CNY") == 0 ? string.Format(@",a.F_HS_CNYBalance = a.F_HS_CNYBalance + {0}", order.FRealAmountFor) : "") + System.Environment.NewLine;

                                            sql += string.Format(@"/*dialect*/ update a set a.F_HS_BalanceDeducted = '{0}' 
                                                                    from T_SAL_ORDER a 
                                                                    inner join T_ORG_ORGANIZATIONS c on a.FSALEORGID = c.FORGID
                                                                    where a.FBillNo = '{1}'
                                                                    and c.FNUMBER = '{2}'", "1", order.FBillNo, order.FSaleOrgId) + System.Environment.NewLine;

                                        sql      = "'" + SQLUtils.DealQuotes(sql) + "'";
                                        execSql += string.Format(@"EXEC(" + sql + ")") + System.Environment.NewLine;

                                        if (order.F_HS_SaleOrderSource.CompareTo("DropShippingOrder") == 0)
                                            execSql += string.Format(@"declare @balance{0} decimal(10,2)
                                                                       declare @cnybalance{1} decimal(10,2)
                                                                       declare @creditbalance{2} decimal(10,2)
                                                                       set @balance{3} = ( select F_HS_USDBalance from T_BD_CUSTOMER a 
                                                                                           inner join T_ORG_ORGANIZATIONS b on a.FUSEORGID = b.FORGID
                                                                                           where a.FNUMBER = '{4}' and b.FNUMBER = '{5}'
                                                                       set @cnybalance{6} = ( select F_HS_CNYBalance from T_BD_CUSTOMER a 
                                                                                              inner join T_ORG_ORGANIZATIONS b on a.FUSEORGID = b.FORGID
                                                                                              where a.FNUMBER = '{7}' and b.FNUMBER = '{8}'
                                                                       set @creditbalance{9} = ( select F_HS_SurplusCreditUSD from T_BD_CUSTOMER a 
                                                                                              inner join T_ORG_ORGANIZATIONS b on a.FUSEORGID = b.FORGID
                                                                                              where a.FNUMBER = '{10}' and b.FNUMBER = '{11}'
                                                            ", i, i, i, i, order.F_HS_B2CCustId, order.FSaleOrgId, i, order.F_HS_B2CCustId, order.FSaleOrgId, i, order.F_HS_B2CCustId, order.FSaleOrgId) + System.Environment.NewLine;

                                            if (order.F_HS_BalanceRechargeUSD < 0)
                                                execSql += string.Format(@"/*dialect*/ insert into HS_T_customerBalance(F_HS_TradeType,F_HS_UseOrgId,F_HS_B2CCUSTID,changedAmount,changedType,changedCause
                                                                        ,updateUser,FBillNo,fentryID,needfreezed,remark) values ('{0}',{1},{2},{3},'{4}','{5}',@balance{6}*{7},{8},{9}
                                                                        ,{10},@balance{11}, @cnybalance{12},'{13}',{14},'{15}',{16},{17},'{18}')", "余额", SQLUtils.GetOrgId(ctx, order.FSaleOrgId), SQLUtils.GetCustomerId(ctx, order.F_HS_B2CCustId, 1)
                                                                         , order.F_HS_BalanceRechargeUSD * order.F_HS_RateToUSA, order.ChangedType, order.ChangedCause, i, order.F_HS_RateToUSA, order.F_HS_RateToUSA, SQLUtils.GetSettleCurrId(ctx, order.FSettleCurrId)
                                                                         , order.F_HS_BalanceRechargeUSD, i, i, DateTime.Now, ctx.UserId, order.FBillNo, order.FEntryId, order.NeedFreezed == false ? 0 : 1, order.Remark
                                            if (order.F_HS_CreditLineRechargeUSD < 0)
                                                execSql += string.Format(@"/*dialect*/ insert into HS_T_customerBalance(F_HS_TradeType,F_HS_UseOrgId,F_HS_B2CCUSTID,changedAmount,changedType,changedCause
                                                                        ,updateUser,FBillNo,fentryID,needfreezed,remark) values ('{0}',{1},{2},{3},'{4}','{5}',@creditbalance{6}*{7},{8},{9}
                                                                        ,{10},@creditbalance{11}, @cnybalance{12},'{13}',{14},'{15}',{16},{17},'{18}') "
                                                                         , "信用额度", SQLUtils.GetOrgId(ctx, order.FSaleOrgId), SQLUtils.GetCustomerId(ctx, order.F_HS_B2CCustId, 1)
                                                                         , order.F_HS_CreditLineRechargeUSD * order.F_HS_RateToUSA, order.ChangedType, order.ChangedCause, i, order.F_HS_RateToUSA, order.F_HS_RateToUSA, SQLUtils.GetSettleCurrId(ctx, order.FSettleCurrId)
                                                                         , order.F_HS_CreditLineRechargeUSD, i, i, DateTime.Now, ctx.UserId, order.FBillNo, order.FEntryId, order.NeedFreezed == false ? 0 : 1, order.Remark
                                                                         ) + System.Environment.NewLine;

                                            execSql += string.Format(@"declare @balance{2} decimal(10,2)
                                                                   declare @cnybalance{4} decimal(10,2)
                                                                   set @balance{3} = ( select F_HS_USDBalance from T_BD_CUSTOMER a 
                                                                                       inner join T_ORG_ORGANIZATIONS b on a.FUSEORGID = b.FORGID
                                                                                       where a.FNUMBER = '{0}' and b.FNUMBER = '{1}'
                                                                   set @cnybalance{5} = ( select F_HS_CNYBalance from T_BD_CUSTOMER a 
                                                                                          inner join T_ORG_ORGANIZATIONS b on a.FUSEORGID = b.FORGID
                                                                                          where a.FNUMBER = '{6}' and b.FNUMBER = '{7}'
                                                            ", order.F_HS_B2CCustId, order.FSaleOrgId, i, i, i, i, order.F_HS_B2CCustId, order.FSaleOrgId) + System.Environment.NewLine;

                                            execSql += string.Format(@"/*dialect*/ insert into HS_T_customerBalance(F_HS_TradeType,F_HS_UseOrgId,F_HS_B2CCUSTID,changedAmount,changedType,changedCause
                                                                    ,updateUser,FBillNo,fentryID,needfreezed,remark) values ('{18}','{15}','{0}',{1},'{2}','{3}',@balance{13}*{17},{4},{5}
                                                                    ,{6},@balance{14}, @cnybalance{16},'{7}',{8},'{9}',{10},{11},'{12}') ", SQLUtils.GetCustomerId(ctx, order.F_HS_B2CCustId, 1), order.FRealAmountFor
                                                                     , order.ChangedType, order.ChangedCause, order.F_HS_RateToUSA, SQLUtils.GetSettleCurrId(ctx, order.FSettleCurrId)
                                                                     , order.FRealAmountFor_USD, DateTime.Now, ctx.UserId, order.FBillNo, order.FEntryId, order.NeedFreezed == false ? 0 : 1, order.Remark, i, i
                                                                     , SQLUtils.GetOrgId(ctx, order.FSaleOrgId), i, order.F_HS_RateToUSA, "余额") + System.Environment.NewLine;

                                        sql = string.Empty;
                                    LogUtils.WriteSynchroLog(ctx, this.DataType, "获取【" + order.FSettleCurrId + "币别】兑美元的实时汇率失败");
                                    throw new Exception("获取【" + order.FSettleCurrId + "币别】兑美元的实时汇率失败!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogUtils.WriteSynchroLog(ctx, this.DataType, ex.Message + System.Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行同步客户操作
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceDatas"></param>
        /// <param name="logs"></param>
        /// <param name="operationType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override HttpResponseResult ExecuteSynchro(IEnumerable <AbsSynchroDataInfo> sourceDatas, List <SynchroLog> logs, SynOperationType operationType)
            HttpResponseResult    result = null;
            List <K3CustomerInfo> custs  = null;

            JObject bizData = null;
            string  msgs    = string.Empty;

            if (sourceDatas != null && sourceDatas.Count() > 0)
                custs   = sourceDatas.Select(c => (K3CustomerInfo)c).ToList();
                bizData = BuildSynchroDataJsons(sourceDatas, operationType);
                if (operationType == SynOperationType.SAVE)
                    if (bizData == null)
                        if (bizData["Model"] == null)
                    result = ExecuteOperate(SynOperationType.SAVE, null, null, bizData.ToString());

                    if (result != null && result.Success)
                        RemoveRedisData(this.K3CloudContext, result.SuccessEntityNos);
                else if (operationType == SynOperationType.UPDATE)
                    List <SqlObject> sqlObjects = null;
                    List <SqlParam>  sqlParams  = null;
                    List <string>    custNos    = new List <string>();

                    int count = 0;

                        if (custs != null && custs.Count > 0)
                            custNos = new List <string>();

                            foreach (var cust in custs)
                                if (cust != null && cust.lstCustCtaInfo != null && cust.lstCustCtaInfo.Count > 0)
                                    foreach (var contact in cust.lstCustCtaInfo)
                                        if (contact != null)
                                            string sql = string.Format(@"/*dialect*/ update a 
                                                                            set FNAME = @FNAME,FADDRESS = @FADDRESS,FMOBILE = @FMOBILE,F_HS_POSTCODE = @F_HS_POSTCODE,
                                                                            F_HS_DELIVERYCITY = @F_HS_DELIVERYCITY,F_HS_DELIVERYPROVINCES = @F_HS_DELIVERYPROVINCES
                                                                            ,F_HS_RECIPIENTCOUNTRY = @F_HS_RECIPIENTCOUNTRY,F_HS_DELIVERYNAME = @F_HS_DELIVERYNAME
                                                                            from T_BD_CUSTLOCATION a
                                                                            inner join T_BD_CUSTOMER b
                                                                            on a.FCUSTID = b.FCUSTID
                                                                            where b.FNUMBER = @BFNUMBER 
                                                                            and a.FNUMBER = @AFNUMBER
                                                                            and FUSEORGID = 1");

                                            sqlObjects = new List <SqlObject>();
                                            sqlParams  = new List <SqlParam>();

                                            sqlParams.Add(new SqlParam("@FNAME", KDDbType.String, SQLUtils.DealQuotes(contact.FNAME1)));
                                            sqlParams.Add(new SqlParam("@FADDRESS", KDDbType.String, SQLUtils.DealQuotes(contact.FADDRESS1)));
                                            sqlParams.Add(new SqlParam("@FMOBILE", KDDbType.String, SQLUtils.DealQuotes(contact.FMOBILE)));
                                            sqlParams.Add(new SqlParam("@F_HS_POSTCODE", KDDbType.String, SQLUtils.DealQuotes(contact.F_HS_PostCode)));
                                            sqlParams.Add(new SqlParam("@F_HS_DELIVERYCITY", KDDbType.String, SQLUtils.DealQuotes(contact.F_HS_DeliveryCity)));
                                            sqlParams.Add(new SqlParam("@F_HS_DELIVERYPROVINCES", KDDbType.String, SQLUtils.DealQuotes(contact.F_HS_DeliveryProvinces)));
                                            sqlParams.Add(new SqlParam("@F_HS_RECIPIENTCOUNTRY", KDDbType.String, SQLUtils.DealQuotes(SQLUtils.GetCountryId(this.K3CloudContext, contact.F_HS_RecipientCountry))));
                                            sqlParams.Add(new SqlParam("@F_HS_DELIVERYNAME", KDDbType.String, SQLUtils.DealQuotes(contact.F_HS_DeliveryName)));
                                            sqlParams.Add(new SqlParam("@BFNUMBER", KDDbType.String, contact.FCustNo));
                                            sqlParams.Add(new SqlParam("@AFNUMBER", KDDbType.String, contact.FNUMBER1));
                                            sqlObjects.Add(new SqlObject(sql, sqlParams));

                                            count = DBUtils.ExecuteBatch(this.K3CloudContext, sqlObjects);

                                            if (count > 0)
                                                msgs += string.Format("客户[{0}]地址[{1}]更新成功!", contact.FCustNo, contact.FNUMBER1) + Environment.NewLine;
                                                LogUtils.WriteSynchroLog(this.K3CloudContext, SynchroDataType.CustomerAddress, string.Format("客户[{0}]地址[{1}]更新成功!", contact.FCustNo, contact.FNUMBER1));

                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msgs))
                                result                  = new HttpResponseResult();
                                result.Success          = true;
                                result.SuccessEntityNos = custNos;
                                result.Message          = msgs;

                                RemoveRedisData(this.K3CloudContext, custNos);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        result         = new HttpResponseResult();
                        result.Success = false;
                        result.Message = "客户地址更新出现异常:" + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace;
                        LogUtils.WriteSynchroLog(this.K3CloudContext, SynchroDataType.CustomerAddress, "客户地址更新出现异常:" + result.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (logs != null && logs.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var log in logs)
                        log.IsSuccess = 0;
                        log.ErrInfor  = ex.Message + System.Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace;
                LogUtils.WriteSynchroLog(this.K3CloudContext, this.DataType, ex.Message + System.Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace);

            if (result == null)

            if (result.Success == false && result.FailedResult == null && result.Result == null)
                if (logs != null && logs.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var log in logs)
                        log.IsSuccess = 0;
                        log.ErrInfor  = "数据同步失败:" + result.Message == null ? "" : result.Message;


Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 当list_ID基础资料.不覆盖物料名称==true,则仅更新物料.ListName ,不更新物料.FName 否则同时更新物料.ListName ,物料.FName
        ///物料列表审核时,更新积分返点率(澳洲2C积分返点率)的值(服务类物料除外):  ”液体:1 ;硬件:5,清仓品:0
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx"></param>
        /// <param name="datas"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int UpdateMaterialInfo(Context ctx, IEnumerable <AbsSynchroDataInfo> datas)
            int count = 0;

            List <Material>  materials  = null;
            string           sql        = string.Empty;
            List <SqlObject> sqlObjects = null;
            List <SqlParam>  sqlParams  = null;
            SqlParam         sqlParam   = null;
            SqlParam         sqlParam1  = null;
            SqlObject        sqlObject  = null;

            if (datas != null && datas.Count() > 0)
                materials = datas.Select(d => (Material)d).ToList();

            if (materials != null && materials.Count() > 0)
                sqlObjects = new List <SqlObject>();

                if (this.FormId.CompareTo(HSFormIdConst.Material) == 0)
                    foreach (var info in materials)
                        if (info != null)
                            if (materials != null && materials.Count > 0)
                                foreach (var material in materials)
                                    sql = string.Format(@"/*dialect*/update a set a.F_HS_IntegralReturnRate = @F_HS_IntegralReturnRate
                                                            from T_BD_MATERIAL a 
											                where a.FNUMBER not like '99.%'
											                and a.FNUMBER = @FNUMBER
											                "                                            ) + System.Environment.NewLine;

                                    sqlParams = new List <SqlParam>();
                                    sqlParam  = new SqlParam("@F_HS_IntegralReturnRate", KDDbType.Decimal, material.F_HS_IntegralReturnRate);
                                    sqlParam1 = new SqlParam("@FNUMBER", KDDbType.String, material.FNumber);
                                    sqlObject = new SqlObject(sql, sqlParams);

                if (this.FormId.CompareTo(HSFormIdConst.HS_List_ID) == 0)
                    foreach (var info in materials)
                        if (info != null)
                            sql = string.Format(@"/*dialect*/update a set a.F_HS_LISTNAME = @F_HS_LISTNAME
                                                    from T_BD_MATERIAL a 
											        inner join HS_T_BD_LISTID k on k.FID = a.F_HS_ListIDNew
											        where a.FNUMBER not like '99.%'
											        and k.FNUMBER = @FNUMBER
											        "                                            ) + System.Environment.NewLine;

                            sqlParams = new List <SqlParam>();
                            sqlParam  = new SqlParam("@F_HS_LISTNAME", KDDbType.String, SQLUtils.DealQuotes(info.F_HS_ListName));
                            sqlParam1 = new SqlParam("@FNUMBER", KDDbType.String, info.F_HS_ListID);
                            sqlObject = new SqlObject(sql, sqlParams);

                            if (!info.F_HS_NotCoverMaterialName)
                                sql = string.Format(@"/*dialect*/update b set b.FName  = @FName
                                                                from T_BD_MATERIAL a 
                                                                inner join T_BD_MATERIAL_L b on b.FMATERIALID = a.FMATERIALID and b.FLOCALEID=2052
                                                                inner join HS_T_BD_LISTID k on k.FID = a.F_HS_ListIDNew
											                    where a.FNUMBER not like '99.%'
											                    and k.FNUMBER = @FNUMBER"                                            );

                                sqlParams = new List <SqlParam>();
                                sqlParam  = new SqlParam("@FName", KDDbType.String, SQLUtils.DealQuotes(info.F_HS_ListName));
                                sqlParam1 = new SqlParam("@FNUMBER", KDDbType.String, info.F_HS_ListID);
                                sqlObject = new SqlObject(sql, sqlParams);

                count = DBUtils.ExecuteBatch(ctx, sqlObjects);

Esempio n. 6
        public override HttpResponseResult ExecuteSynchro(IEnumerable <AbsSynchroDataInfo> sourceDatas, List <SynchroLog> logs, SynOperationType operationType)
            HttpResponseResult    result       = new HttpResponseResult();
            List <K3SalOrderInfo> second       = null;
            List <string>         numbers      = null;
            List <string>         auditSuccNos = null;

            if (sourceDatas == null || sourceDatas.Count() == 0)
                result         = new HttpResponseResult();
                result.Success = false;
                result.Message = "没有需要同步的数据!";

            if (operationType == SynOperationType.UPDATE)
                    second = sourceDatas.Select(o => (K3SalOrderInfo)o).ToList();

                    if (second != default(List <K3SalOrderInfo>))
                        if (second.Count > 0)
                            numbers      = new List <string>();
                            auditSuccNos = new List <string>();

                            foreach (var item in second)
                                if (IsExist(this.K3CloudContext, item))
                                    char isSameAdress = default(char);

                                    if (item.F_HS_IsSameAdress)
                                        isSameAdress = '1';
                                        isSameAdress = '0';
                                    string uSql  = string.Format(@"/*dialect*/ update T_SAL_ORDER set F_HS_PAYMENTSTATUS = '{0}',F_HS_SALEORDERSOURCE = '5a97d3123e9dff',F_HS_BillAddress = '{1}',F_HS_IsSameAdress = '{2}',F_HS_PaymentModeNew = '{4}' where FBILLNO = '{3}' and FDOCUMENTSTATUS != 'C' and FDOCUMENTSTATUS != 'D' and FDOCUMENTSTATUS != 'B' and FBILLNO <>''", item.F_HS_PaymentStatus, SQLUtils.DealQuotes(item.F_HS_BillAddress), isSameAdress, item.FBillNo, SQLUtils.GetPaymentMethodId(this.K3CloudContext, item.F_HS_PaymentModeNew));
                                    int    count = DBUtils.Execute(this.K3CloudContext, uSql);

                                    if (count > 0 && item.F_HS_PaymentStatus != null && item.F_HS_PaymentStatus.CompareTo("3") == 0)

                                    result.Message += "编码为【" + item.FBillNo + "】的订单已经审核" + System.Environment.NewLine;
                                    result.Success  = false;

                            if (numbers != null && numbers.Count > 0)
                                result = ExecuteOperate(SynOperationType.SUBMIT, numbers, null, null);

                                if (result != null && result.SuccessEntityNos != null && result.SuccessEntityNos.Count > 0)
                                    result = ExecuteOperate(SynOperationType.AUDIT, result.SuccessEntityNos, null, null);

                                    if (result != null && result.SuccessEntityNos != null && result.SuccessEntityNos.Count > 0)
                                        List <K3SalOrderInfo> auditOrders = null;
                                        if (result.Success)
                                            auditOrders = GetSelectedSalOrders(first, result.SuccessEntityNos);
                                            auditOrders = GetSelectedSalOrders(first, GetAuditedSalOrderNos(this.K3CloudContext, second));

                                        auditOrders = CombineSalOrder(second, auditOrders);
                                        if (auditOrders == null || auditOrders.Count == 0)
                                            //auditOrders = GetAuditedSalOrderDatas(ctx, second);
                                            if (second != null)
                                                auditOrders = GetSalOrdersByDb(this.K3CloudContext, second.Select(o => o.FBillNo).ToList());
                                        if (auditOrders != null)
                                            Dictionary <SynOperationType, IEnumerable <AbsSynchroDataInfo> > dict = new Dictionary <SynOperationType, IEnumerable <AbsSynchroDataInfo> >();
                                            dict.Add(SynOperationType.SAVE, auditOrders);

                                            HttpResponseResult respone = SynchroDataHelper.SynchroDataToK3(this.K3CloudContext, SynchroDataType.ReceiveBill, true, null, dict);
                                            if (respone != null)
                                                first.RemoveWhere(o => respone.SuccessEntityNos.Contains(o.FBillNo));

                                        StatisticsOrderCount(this.K3CloudContext, result.SuccessEntityNos);
                                        RemoveRedisData(this.K3CloudContext, result.SuccessEntityNos);
                        LogUtils.WriteSynchroLog(this.K3CloudContext, this.DataType, "未找到需要同步的数据!");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LogUtils.WriteSynchroLog(this.K3CloudContext, this.DataType, "数据批量更新过程中出现异常,异常信息:" + ex.Message + System.Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace);
