Esempio n. 1
    internal object GetMostImportantKeywords(int TakeCount)
        //KeywordsDataContext dc = new KeywordsDataContext();
        //return dc.vImportantKeywords.Take(TakeCount).OrderByDescending(p=> p.KeywordCount);

        HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;

        if (context.Cache["GetMostImportantKeywords" + TakeCount] == null)
            string    cnStr  = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["KhabardaanConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
            SQLServer dal    = new SQLServer(cnStr);
            string    SqlStr = @"SELECT        TOP " + TakeCount + @"  Name AS Keyword, COUNT(Code) AS KeywordCount, KeywordCode
                        FROM            dbo.vNewsKeywords
                        WHERE        (EntityCode IN
                                                     (SELECT        Code
                                                       FROM            dbo.News
                                                       WHERE        (DATEDIFF(day, NewsDate, GETDATE()) <= 1))) AND (KeywordCode NOT IN
                                                     (SELECT        KeywordCode
                                                       FROM            dbo.SpecialKeywords))
                        GROUP BY Name, KeywordCode
                        HAVING        (Name LIKE '% %') order by KeywordCount desc";
            DataSet   ds     = dal.runSQLDataSet(SqlStr, null);
            DataTable Result = ds.Tables[0];

            context.Cache.Insert("GetMostImportantKeywords" + TakeCount, Result, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(CachingTime), TimeSpan.Zero);
        return((DataTable)context.Cache["GetMostImportantKeywords" + TakeCount]);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 关键字
        /// </summary>
        public void getai()
            int HourNumber = DateTime.Now.Hour;

            PostServer.Getcookie = FPPcokk.ToString();
            //空调扇 string KKurl = "";
            //蒸气刷 string KKurl = "";
            //女童装 string KKurl = "";
            string KKurl = "" + CDateTime + "%7C" + CDateTime + "&dateType=today&pageSize=20&page=1&device=2&sellerType=0&cateId=" + CcateId + "&itemId=" + CItemid + "&topType=flow&indexCode=uv&_=1535778429590&token=";

            string gHtml = PostServer.GetHtml;
            // ShowInfo(FPPcokk.ToString());
            //  ShowInfo(gHtml);

            JObject json = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(gHtml);
            string  zone = json["data"]["data"].ToString();

            string Sqldel = "delete from hqKeyword  where DateHour=" + HourNumber + " and ItemID='" + CItemid + "' and DItemdate='" + CDateTime + "'";


            JArray results = JArray.Parse(zone);

            for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
                string shopNameID = results[i]["keyword"]["value"].ToString();
                int    Keynumber  = int.Parse(results[i]["uv"]["value"].ToString());
                // ShowInfo(bb + "----" + aa);
                string Sql = "INSERT INTO [hqKeyword]([shopName],[DateHour],[HouNumber],[ItemID],[DItemdate])VALUES('" + shopNameID + "'," + HourNumber + "," + Keynumber + "-(SELECT isnull(SUM(houNumber),0) FROM dbo.hqKeyword where shopname='" + shopNameID + "' and DateHour<" + HourNumber + " and ItemID='" + CItemid + "' and DItemdate='" + CDateTime + "'),'" + CItemid + "','" + CDateTime + "')";

                //  ShowInfo(Sql);

                //   ShowInfo("关建字:" + results[i]["keyword"]["value"].ToString() + ":" + results[i]["uv"]["value"].ToString());
            Ms.AddParameter("@ItemID", CItemid, SQLServer.SQLDataType.SQLString, CItemid.Length, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input);
            Ms.AddParameter("@paydate", CDateTime, SQLServer.SQLDataType.SQLDateTime, 4, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input);
            //StringBuilder Sqll = new StringBuilder();
            //Sqll.Append("SELECT [shopName],[DateHour],[HouNumber] into #KeyTable FROM [dbo].[hqKeyword] where itemid='"+ CItemid + "' and DItemdate='"+ CDateTime + "'");
            //Sqll.Append("SELECT * FROM #KeyTable");
            //Sqll.Append(" AS P");
            //Sqll.Append(" PIVOT");
            //Sqll.Append("SUM(HouNumber/*行转列后 列的值*/) FOR ");
            //Sqll.Append("p.DateHour/*需要行转列的列*/ IN ([0],[23],[22],[21],[20],[19],[18],[17],[16],[15],[14],[13],[12],[11],[10],[9],[8],[7],[6],[5],[4],[3],[2],[1]/*列的值*/)");
            //Sqll.Append(") AS T");
            //  string GSql = "select * from [hqKeyword_View]";Ms.runSPDataSet("Y_hqKeyword").Tables[0];
            // Sqll
            this.ultraGrid2.DataSource = Ms.runSPDataSet("Y_hqKeyword").Tables[0];
            ultraGrid2.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns[HourNumber.ToString()].SortIndicator = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.SortIndicator.Descending;
Esempio n. 3
    public int SearchNewsByKeywordCount(string Keyword)
        Keyword = Keyword.Trim();
        int LoopCounter = 0;

        while (Keyword.IndexOf("  ") >= 0 && LoopCounter < 100)
            Keyword = Keyword.Replace("  ", " ");
        string[] KeywordArray = Keyword.Split(' ');
        string   WhereClause  = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < KeywordArray.Length; i++)
            if (i == 0)
                WhereClause = "(CONTAINS(Title, N'" + KeywordArray[i] + "') or CONTAINS(Contents, N'" + KeywordArray[i] + "'))";
                WhereClause = WhereClause + " and (CONTAINS(Title, N'" + KeywordArray[i] + "') or CONTAINS(Contents, N'" + KeywordArray[i] + "'))";

        string    cnStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["KhabardaanConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
        SQLServer dal   = new SQLServer(cnStr);

        dal.AddParameter("@WhereClause", WhereClause, SQLServer.SQLDataType.SQLNVarchar, 4000, ParameterDirection.Input);
        DataSet ds = dal.runSPDataSet("dbo.spSearchNewsCount", null);

        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];


        //return dataContext.ExecuteQuery<>(string.Format("exec spSearchNewsCount N'{0}'", WhereClause));
        //return dataContext.spSearchNewsCount(WhereClause);
Esempio n. 4
    internal DataTable SearchNews(int PageSize, int PageNo, string Keyword, out int ResultCount)
        string    WhereClause = Tools.MakeWhereClause(Keyword, "Title,Abstract");
        string    cnStr       = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AceNewsConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
        SQLServer dal         = new SQLServer(cnStr);

        // ************************************** Add SP Parameters *********************************************
        dal.AddParameter("@WhereClause", WhereClause, SQLServer.SQLDataType.SQLNVarchar, 500, ParameterDirection.Input);
        // ************************************** Add SP Parameters *********************************************

        DataSet ds = dal.runSPDataSet("dbo.spSearchNews", null);

        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

        ResultCount = dt.Rows.Count;

        //int SkipCount = (PageNo - 1) * PageSize;
        //IQueryable<vNews> Result = dataContext.vNews.Where(p => p.Title.Contains(Keyword) || p.NewsBody.Contains(Keyword));
        //ResultCount = Result.Count();
        //Result = Result.Skip(SkipCount).Take(PageSize);
        //return Result;