protected void processLicense(VerifyEntitlementTokenResponse verifiedLicense)
            SPAppLicenseType licenseType = SPAppLicenseHelper.GetLicenseTypeFromLicense(verifiedLicense);

            switch (licenseType)
            case SPAppLicenseType.Trial:
                //Do something for a valid trial besides presenting a message on the UI
                if (SPAppLicenseHelper.GetRemainingDays(verifiedLicense) > 0)
                    //Valid trial
                    //The UI string retrieved above will already contain the appropiate info
                    //In real app code you could take additional steps (we encourage trials to be fully featured)
                    //Helper code will return int.MaxValue for an unlimited trial
                    //Expired trial
                    //The UI string retrieved above will already contain the appropiate info
                    //In real app code you could take additional steps (e.g. provide reduced functionality)

            case SPAppLicenseType.Paid:
                //Do something for a paid app

            case SPAppLicenseType.Free:
                //Do something for a free app

                throw new Exception("Unknown License Type");
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a TEST token. Note that the token returned will always contain a hardcoded AssetId that points to the Cheezburguers App
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="licenseType">The type of license to generate</param>
        /// <param name="productId">The productId of the app</param>
        /// <param name="userLimit">Number of users for the license; 0 for unlimited</param>
        /// <param name="expirationDays">Number of days the license will be valid for. -1 for unlimited</param>
        /// <param name="purchaserId">Id of the purchaser; random GUID</param>
        public static string GenerateTestToken(SPAppLicenseType licenseType, String productId, String userLimit, int expirationDays, String purchaserId)
            //Note that the AssetId matches that of the Cheezburgers app on the marketplace.
            //This is just for TEST purposes so that the storefront URL takes you to a valid app page
            string hardCodedBaseToken = "<r v=\"0\"><t aid=\"WA103524926\"  did=\"{3F47392A-2308-4FC6-BF24-740626612B26}\"  ad=\"2012-06-19T21:48:56Z\"  te=\"2112-07-15T23:47:42Z\" sd=\"2012-02-01\" test=\"true\"/><d>449JFz+my0wNoCm0/h+Ci9DsF/W0Q8rqEBqjpe44KkY=</d></r>";

            string tokenXml = hardCodedBaseToken;

            tokenXml = AddAttributesToToken(tokenXml, "pid", productId);
            tokenXml = AddAttributesToToken(tokenXml, "et", UppercaseFirst(licenseType.ToString()));
            tokenXml = AddAttributesToToken(tokenXml, "cid", purchaserId);

            //Set user limit
            if (licenseType == SPAppLicenseType.Free)
                tokenXml = AddAttributesToToken(tokenXml, "ts", "0");
                tokenXml = AddAttributesToToken(tokenXml, "ts", userLimit);

            //Set site license == unlimited users
            if (userLimit.Equals("0"))
                tokenXml = AddAttributesToToken(tokenXml, "sl", "true");
                tokenXml = AddAttributesToToken(tokenXml, "sl", "false");

            //Set expiration (only supported for Trials)
            if (licenseType == SPAppLicenseType.Trial)
                DateTime expirationDate;
                if (expirationDays == -1)
                    //expired token
                    expirationDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(10));
                else if (expirationDays == 9999)
                    //Unlimited trial
                    expirationDate = DateTime.MaxValue;
                    //today + the selected number of days
                    expirationDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(expirationDays);
                tokenXml = AddAttributesToToken(tokenXml, "ed", expirationDate.ToString("o"));
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a ready to display UI string for a given license. Includes a link to the storefront if necessary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verifiedLicense">A license object that has already been verified by the Store web service</param>
        /// <param name="hostWebUrl">The URL of the web where the app is installed. Get this from SP tokens</param>
        /// <param name="currentPageUrl">The URL of the current page (so users can return to it from the storefront); must be same domain as hostWeb</param>
        /// <param name="appDisplayName">The title of the breadcrum that storefront will display on the back link</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetUIStringText(VerifyEntitlementTokenResponse verifiedLicense, string hostWebUrl, string currentPageUrl, string appDisplayName, string additionalFeaturesFullVersion)
            string uiWarning = String.Empty;

            if (verifiedLicense == null)
                uiWarning = String.Format(GetLicenseStringFromResource(_noLicenseStringKey), appDisplayName, "<a href='" + GetStoreSearchUrl(appDisplayName, hostWebUrl, currentPageUrl) + "'>", "</a>", additionalFeaturesFullVersion);
                string           storeFrontUrl = SPAppLicenseHelper.GetStorefrontUrl(verifiedLicense, hostWebUrl, currentPageUrl, appDisplayName);
                SPAppLicenseType licenseType   = GetLicenseTypeFromLicense(verifiedLicense);

                switch (licenseType)
                case SPAppLicenseType.Free:
                    uiWarning = String.Format(GetLicenseStringFromResource(_freeStringKey), appDisplayName, "<a href='" + storeFrontUrl + "'>", "</a>");

                case SPAppLicenseType.Paid:
                    uiWarning = String.Format(GetLicenseStringFromResource(_paidStringKey), appDisplayName, "<a href='" + storeFrontUrl + "'>", "</a>");

                case SPAppLicenseType.Trial:
                    int remainingDays = GetRemainingDays(verifiedLicense);
                    if (remainingDays == int.MaxValue)
                        //Unlimited time trial
                        uiWarning = String.Format(GetLicenseStringFromResource(_trialUnlimitedStringKey), appDisplayName, "<a href='" + storeFrontUrl + "'>", "</a>", additionalFeaturesFullVersion);
                        //Time limited trial
                        if (remainingDays > 0)
                            uiWarning = String.Format(GetLicenseStringFromResource(_trialStringKey), appDisplayName, remainingDays, "<a href='" + storeFrontUrl + "'>", "</a>", additionalFeaturesFullVersion);
                            //Expired trial
                            uiWarning = String.Format(GetLicenseStringFromResource(_trialExpiredStringKey), "<a href='" + storeFrontUrl + "'>", "</a>");


        protected void ImportLicense_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            statusMessage.Text = "";

            ClientContext ctx = TokenHelper.GetClientContextWithContextToken(Session["SPHostUrl"].ToString(), Session["contexToken"].ToString(), Request.Url.Authority);

            string           appIconUrl  = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Substring(0, Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.LastIndexOf("/")) + "/AppIcon.png";
            SPAppLicenseType licenseType = SPAppLicenseHelper.GetLicenseTypeFromString(importLicenseType.SelectedValue);
            string           token       = SPAppLicenseHelper.GenerateTestToken(licenseType, importProductId.Text, importUserLimit.SelectedValue, int.Parse(importExpiration.SelectedValue), importPurchaserId.Text);

            SPAppLicenseHelper.ImportLicense(ctx, token, appIconUrl, importAppTitle.Text, importProviderName.Text);
            WebColorConverter converter = new WebColorConverter();

            statusMessage.Text = "License Imported Succesfully!  Time=" + DateTime.Now;
            //importTokenGenerated.Text = token;