Esempio n. 1
        public SPAWNTIMER(SPAWNINFO si, DateTime dt)

            SpawnLoc = si.SpawnLoc;

            ZoneSpawnLoc = si.ZoneSpawnLoc;

            zone = "";

            X = si.X;

            Y = si.Y;

            Z = si.Z;

            SpawnTimeDT = dt;

            SpawnTimeStr = dt.ToLongTimeString() + " " + dt.ToShortDateString();

            SpawnCount = 1;

            LastSpawnName = si.Name;

            AllNames = RegexHelper.TrimName(si.Name);
Esempio n. 2
        public SPAWNTIMER(SPAWNINFO si, DateTime dt)

            this.SpawnLoc = si.SpawnLoc;

            this.ZoneSpawnLoc = si.ZoneSpawnLoc;

   = "";

            this.X = si.X;

            this.Y = si.Y;

            this.Z = si.Z;

            this.SpawnTimeDT = dt;

            this.SpawnTimeStr = dt.ToLongTimeString() + " " + dt.ToShortDateString();

            this.SpawnCount = 1;

            this.LastSpawnName = si.Name;

            this.AllNames = Regex.Replace(si.Name.Replace("_", " "), "[0-9]", "").Trim();
Esempio n. 3
        // We're pretty positive that the mob has been processed before, here.

        // This updates KillTime and NextSpawn.

        public void Kill(SPAWNINFO mob)

                if ((Settings.Instance.SaveSpawnLogs) || (mapName.Length > 0))
                    LogSpawns(String.Format("[KILL] Loc: {0} Name: {1}", mob.SpawnLoc, mob.Name));

                if (mobsTimer.ContainsKey(mob.ZoneSpawnLoc))
                    SPAWNTIMER stold = (SPAWNTIMER)mobsTimer[mob.ZoneSpawnLoc];

                    string log = stold.Kill(DateTime.Now);

                    // update mobsTimer2 also with kill info
                    if (mobsTimer2.ContainsKey(stold.ZoneSpawnLoc))
                        SPAWNTIMER st2 = (SPAWNTIMER)mobsTimer2[stold.ZoneSpawnLoc];

                        st2.KillTimeDT   = stold.KillTimeDT;
                        st2.KillTimeStr  = stold.KillTimeStr;
                        st2.NextSpawnDT  = stold.NextSpawnDT;
                        st2.NextSpawnStr = stold.NextSpawnStr;

                    if (log != string.Empty && Settings.Instance.MaxLogLevel > 0)
                        SpawnTimerLog(String.Format("Updating Kill Time for Spawn: {0} Name: {1} Killed: {2}", mob.SpawnLoc, mob.Name, log));

            catch (Exception ex) { LogLib.WriteLine("Error updating the SPAWNTIMER for " + mob.Name + ": ", ex); }

            MustSave = true;
Esempio n. 4
        private void ProcessPacket(byte[] packet, int bytes)
            int offset = 0;

            const int SIZE_OF_PACKET = 100; //104 on new server

            try {
                if (bytes > 0)

                    // we have received some bytes, check if this is the beginning of a new packet or a chunk of an existing one.

                    if (numPackets == 0)

                        // The first word in the data stream is the number of packets

                        numPackets = BitConverter.ToInt32(packet, 0);
                        offset     = 4;
                        // We havent finished processing packets, so check if we have any extra bytes stored in our incomplete buffer.

                        offset = -incompleteCount;


                    for (; (offset + SIZE_OF_PACKET) <= bytes; offset += SIZE_OF_PACKET)

                        SPAWNINFO si = new SPAWNINFO();

                        if (offset < 0)

                            // copy the missing chunk of the incomplete packet to the incomplete packet buffer

                            try {
                                if (incompleteCount > 0 && packet.Length > 0)
                                    Array.Copy(packet, 0, incompletebuffer, incompleteCount, SIZE_OF_PACKET - incompleteCount);
                            catch (Exception ex) { LogLib.WriteLine("Error in ProcessPacket() Copy Incomplete packet buffer: ", ex); }

                            incompleteCount = 0;

                            if (incompletebuffer.Length == 0)
                                numPackets = 0;

                            si.frombytes(incompletebuffer, 0);
                            si.frombytes(packet, offset);

                        f1.ProcessPacket(si, update_hidden);

            catch (Exception ex) { LogLib.WriteLine("Error in ProcessPacket(): ", ex); }

            if (numProcessed < numPackets)

                if (offset < bytes)

                    // Copy unprocessed bytes into the incomplete buffer

                    incompleteCount = bytes - offset;

                        Array.Copy(packet, offset, incompletebuffer, 0, incompleteCount);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        LogLib.WriteLine("Error in ProcessPacket(): Copy to Incomplete Buffer: ", ex);
                        LogLib.WriteLine($"Packet Size: {packet.Length} Offset: {offset}");
                        LogLib.WriteLine($"Buffer Size: {incompletebuffer.Length} Incomplete Size: {incompleteCount}");
                // Finished proceessing the request

                RequestPending = false;

                if (update_hidden)
                    update_hidden = false;

                numPackets = numProcessed = 0;

                incompleteCount = 0;
                // Make sure that the incomplete buffer is actually empty
                if (incompletebuffer.Length > 0)
                    for (int pp = 0; pp < incompletebuffer.Length; pp++)
                        incompletebuffer[pp] = 0;


Esempio n. 5
        // Add a new spawn, or do a re-spawn

        public void Spawn(SPAWNINFO si)

                // ignore players boats boxes corpses and invis man races of level 1

                if (si.IsPlayer() || (si.Race == 141) || (si.Race == 533) || (si.Race == 376) || (si.Type == 2 || si.Type == 3))

                // ignore ldon objects, mounts, pets, mercs, and familiars

                if (si.isLDONObject || si.isEventController || si.isPet || si.isMerc || si.isFamiliar || si.isMount)

                // ignore any mobs where name starts with "_"

                if (si.Name.IndexOf("_") == 0)

                // If made it this far, then it is a mob that can perform alerts for proximity checks.

                si.alertMob = true;

                si.SpawnLoc = String.Format("{0:f3},{1:f3}", si.Y, si.X);

                si.ZoneSpawnLoc = String.Format("{0}{1:f3},{2:f3}", mapName.ToLower(), si.Y, si.X);

                if (!mobsTimer.ContainsKey(si.ZoneSpawnLoc))

                    // First spawn ever

                    SPAWNTIMER st = new SPAWNTIMER(si, DateTime.Now);

           = mapName;


                        mobsTimer.Add(si.ZoneSpawnLoc, st);

                        if (Settings.Instance.MaxLogLevel > 0)
                            SpawnTimerLog(String.Format("Added Spawn: {0} Name: {1}", si.SpawnLoc, si.Name));

                    catch (Exception ex) { LogLib.WriteLine("Error adding new SPAWNTIMER for " + si.Name + ": ", ex); }


                    // Process a true re-spawn

                    LogSpawns(String.Format("[SPAWN] Loc: {0} Name: {1}", si.SpawnLoc, si.Name));

                    SPAWNTIMER st = (SPAWNTIMER)mobsTimer[si.ZoneSpawnLoc];

                    SPAWNTIMER st2 = null;

                    if (mobsTimer2.ContainsKey(si.ZoneSpawnLoc))
                        st2 = (SPAWNTIMER)mobsTimer2[si.ZoneSpawnLoc];

                    int last_time = st.SpawnTimer;

                    string log = "";

                    if (st2 != null)
                        log = st2.ReSpawn(si.Name);
                        // since we updated from st2, update st values
                        st.LastSpawnName = st2.LastSpawnName;
                        st.SpawnCount    = st2.SpawnCount;
                        st.SpawnTimer    = st2.SpawnTimer;
                        st.NextSpawnDT   = st2.NextSpawnDT;
                        st.NextSpawnStr  = st2.NextSpawnStr;
                        st.SpawnTimeDT   = st2.SpawnTimeDT;
                        st.SpawnTimeStr  = st2.SpawnTimeStr;
                        st.allNames      = st2.allNames;
                        st.KillTimeDT    = st2.KillTimeDT;
                        st.KillTimeStr   = st2.KillTimeStr;
                        log = st.ReSpawn(si.Name);

                    if (Settings.Instance.MaxLogLevel > 0)
                        SpawnTimerLog(String.Format("Found Spawn: {0} Name: {1}", si.SpawnLoc, si.Name));

                        if (log != string.Empty)

                    if (st.SpawnCount > 1 && st.SpawnTimer > 10)

                        // The mob was known to spawn once, and is now re-spawning for the first

                        // time... so copy it to the other hash
                        if (!mobsTimer2.ContainsKey(si.ZoneSpawnLoc))
                            mobsTimer2.Add(si.ZoneSpawnLoc, st);

                        MustSave = true;

            catch (Exception ex) { LogLib.WriteLine("Error creating new SPAWNTIMER for " + si.Name + ": ", ex); }