public RepositoryResponse AddOrEditConfigurationDetails(ConfigurationModel model, string _loggedInUserID) { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse(); try { using (objSOMEntities = new SOMEntities()) { var db = objSOMEntities.Configurations.Where(r => r.ID == model.ID).First(); if (db == null) { db = new Configuration(); db.Description = model.Description; db.Module = model.Module; if (db.Module == "SMTP" && db.Type == "SMTPDetails") { db.Value = model.SMTP + "; " + model.PortNo + "; " + model.FromUserID + "; " + model.Password; } else { db.Value = model.Value; } db.Type = model.Type; db.CreatedBy = _loggedInUserID; objSOMEntities.Configurations.Add(db); objSOMEntities.SaveChanges(); baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = true, message = "Successfully Added Configuration Details" }; } else { //db.Description = model.Description; if (db.Module == "SMTP" && db.Type == "SMTPDetails") { db.Value = model.SMTP + "; " + model.PortNo + "; " + model.FromUserID + "; " + model.Password; } else { db.Value = model.Value; } db.ModifiedBy = _loggedInUserID; objSOMEntities.SaveChanges(); baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = true, message = "Successfully updated Configuration Details" }; } } } catch (Exception ex) { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = false, message = ex.ToString() }; } return(baseModel); }
public RepositoryResponse AddOrEditTQCHeadDetails(TQCHeadModel model, string _loggedInUserID) { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse(); TQCHead dbModel; try { using (objSOMEntities = new SOMEntities()) { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; dbModel = new TQCHead(); //var usr = objSOMEntities.EmpMasters.Where(r => r.EmpID == model.EmployeeID).FirstOrDefault(); dbModel = objSOMEntities.TQCHeads.Where(r => r.ID == model.ID).FirstOrDefault(); if (dbModel != null) { dbModel.StartDate = Assistant.SOMDateConversionFrom_UIToDb((DateTime)model.StartDate); dbModel.EndDate = "01019999"; dbModel.EmployeeNumber = model.EmpNumber; dbModel.Name = model.EmpName; dbModel.IsActive = true; dbModel.ModifiedBy = _loggedInUserID; objSOMEntities.SaveChanges(); baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = true, message = "TQC Head Details updated Successfully" }; } else { dbModel = new TQCHead(); dbModel.EmployeeNumber = model.EmpNumber; dbModel.Name = model.EmpName; dbModel.StartDate = Assistant.SOMDateConversionFrom_UIToDb((DateTime)model.StartDate); dbModel.EndDate = "01019999"; dbModel.IsActive = true; dbModel.CreatedBy = _loggedInUserID; objSOMEntities.TQCHeads.Add(dbModel); objSOMEntities.SaveChanges(); baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = true, message = "TQC Head Details added Successfully" }; } } } catch (Exception ex) { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = false, message = ex.ToString() }; } return(baseModel); }
public RepositoryResponse AddOrEditPanelMembersDetails(PanelMembersModel model, string _loggedInUserID) { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse(); EvaluatorAvailability dbModel; try { using (objSOMEntities = new SOMEntities()) using (objIPEntities = new IntranetPortalEntities()) { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; dbModel = new EvaluatorAvailability(); var usr = objIPEntities.EmpMasters.Where(r => r.EmployeeNumber == model.EvaluatorID.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); dbModel = objSOMEntities.EvaluatorAvailabilities.Where(r => r.ID == model.ID && r.Month == model.MonthFilter && r.Year == model.YearFilter).FirstOrDefault(); if (dbModel != null) { dbModel.EvaluatorID = usr.EmployeeNumber; dbModel.Month = model.MonthFilter; dbModel.Year = model.YearFilter; dbModel.IsActive = true; dbModel.ModifiedBy = _loggedInUserID; objSOMEntities.SaveChanges(); baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = true, message = "Panel Members Details updated Successfully" }; } else { dbModel = new EvaluatorAvailability(); dbModel.EvaluatorID = usr.EmployeeNumber; dbModel.Month = model.MonthFilter; dbModel.Year = model.YearFilter; dbModel.IsActive = true; dbModel.CreatedBy = _loggedInUserID; objSOMEntities.EvaluatorAvailabilities.Add(dbModel); objSOMEntities.SaveChanges(); baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = true, message = "Panel Members Details added Successfully" }; } } } catch (Exception ex) { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = false, message = ex.ToString() }; } return(baseModel); }
public RepositoryResponse DeleteStarOfMonthDetailsByID(int ID, string loggedInuserID) { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse(); try { using (objSOMEntities = new SOMEntities()) { var data = objSOMEntities.StarOfTheMonths.Where(r => r.TransID == ID).FirstOrDefault(); if (data != null) { objSOMEntities.StarOfTheMonths.Remove(data); objSOMEntities.SaveChanges(); baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = true, message = "Star of month details deleted Sucessfully", Data = "" }; } } } catch (Exception ex) { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = false, message = "", Data = ex.ToString() };; } return(baseModel); }
public RepositoryResponse AddNotification(string sCategory, string sMessage, string sSourceUser, string sDestinationUser, string CreatedUser) { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse(); try { using (objSOMEntities = new SOMEntities()) { Notification dbModel = new Notification(); dbModel.Category = sCategory; dbModel.CreatedBy = CreatedUser; dbModel.DestinationUser = sDestinationUser; dbModel.SourceUser = sSourceUser; dbModel.Message = sMessage; dbModel.UserSeen = false; dbModel.IsActive = true; objSOMEntities.Notifications.Add(dbModel); objSOMEntities.SaveChanges(); baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = true, message = "Notification Details added Successfully" }; } } catch (Exception ex) { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = false, message = "Notification Details unable to add" }; } return(baseModel); }
public RepositoryResponse AddPanelMembers(string data, string _loggedInUserID) { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse(); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data)) { string[] _dataStr = data.Split(','); foreach (var item in _dataStr) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) { string month = Assistant.GetMonthFromCurrentDate(); string year = Assistant.GetYearFromCurrentDate(); using (objSOMEntities = new SOMEntities()) { var _details = objSOMEntities.EvaluatorAvailabilities.Where(r => r.EvaluatorID == item && r.IsActive == true && r.Month == month && r.Year == year).FirstOrDefault(); if (_details == null) { EvaluatorAvailability dbModel = new EvaluatorAvailability(); dbModel.EvaluatorID = item; dbModel.CreatedBy = _loggedInUserID; dbModel.IsActive = true; dbModel.Month = month; dbModel.Year = year; objSOMEntities.EvaluatorAvailabilities.Add(dbModel); objSOMEntities.SaveChanges(); } } baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = true, message = "Panel Members Added Successfully" }; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = false, message = ex.ToString() }; } return(baseModel); }
public RepositoryResponse AddOrEditStarOfMonth(StarOfMonthModel model, string loggedInuserID) { _nominationRepo = new NominationRepo(); baseModel = new RepositoryResponse(); try { string nomID = string.Empty; //string IPValue = string.Empty; Nomination dbNomModel = new Nomination(); using (objSOMEntities = new SOMEntities()) { //var config = objSOMEntities.Configurations.Where(r => r.Module == "SOM" && r.Type == "UPDATEIP" && r.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault(); //IPValue = config.Value; var dbModel = objSOMEntities.StarOfTheMonths.Where(r => r.TransID == model.TransID).FirstOrDefault(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SelectedNominationID)) { dbNomModel = objSOMEntities.Nominations.Where(r => r.NominationId == dbModel.NominationID).FirstOrDefault(); } else { dbNomModel = objSOMEntities.Nominations.Where(r => r.NominationId == model.SelectedNominationID.Replace("\r\n", "")).FirstOrDefault(); } if (dbModel == null) { nomID = dbNomModel.NominationId; dbModel = new StarOfTheMonth.DataBase.StarOfTheMonth(); dbModel.EmpId = int.Parse(dbNomModel.EmployeeNumber); dbModel.IsApproved = true; dbModel.IsDisplay = true; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Month)) { dbModel.Month = model.MonthFilter; } else { dbModel.Month = model.Month; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Year)) { dbModel.Year = model.YearFilter; } else { dbModel.Year = model.Year; } dbModel.NominationID = dbNomModel.NominationId; dbModel.Description = dbNomModel.Idea; dbModel.ApprovedBy = int.Parse(loggedInuserID); dbModel.CreatedBy = int.Parse(loggedInuserID); //dbModel.CreatedDate = toISTDate(DateTime.Now); dbModel.ModifiedBy = int.Parse(loggedInuserID); // dbModel.ModifiedDate = toISTDate(DateTime.Now); objSOMEntities.StarOfTheMonths.Add(dbModel); objSOMEntities.SaveChanges(); baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = true, message = "Star of Month Declared Successfully", Data = "" }; } else { nomID = dbModel.NominationID; //dbModel.EmpId = int.Parse(model.EmpId); //dbModel.IsApproved = true; //dbModel.IsDisplay = true; //dbModel.Description = model.Description; dbModel.Month = model.MonthFilter; dbModel.Year = model.YearFilter; //dbModel.NominationID = model.NominationID; dbModel.CreatedBy = int.Parse(loggedInuserID); //dbModel.CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow; dbModel.ModifiedBy = int.Parse(loggedInuserID); //dbModel.ModifiedDate = DateTime.UtcNow; objSOMEntities.SaveChanges(); baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = true, message = "Star of Month Declared updated Successfully", Data = "" }; } if (dbNomModel != null) { dbNomModel.SOMComments = model.SOMComments; dbNomModel.SOMSubmittedDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy"); dbNomModel.SOMSignature = loggedInuserID; dbNomModel.Status = (int)NominationStatus.TQC_Declare_SOM; dbNomModel.ModifiedBy = loggedInuserID; objSOMEntities.SaveChanges(); } Evaluation evalDbModel = objSOMEntities.Evaluations.Where(r => r.NominationID == nomID && r.EvaluatorID != "").FirstOrDefault(); long HODId = _nominationRepo.GetReportingIDByEmpID(dbNomModel.EmployeeNumber); AuditLogModel objAuditLog = new AuditLogModel(); objAuditLog.CurrentStatus = NominationStatus.TQC_Declare_SOM; objAuditLog.EmployeeNumber = dbNomModel.EmployeeNumber; objAuditLog.IsNewAlert = true; objAuditLog.IsNotification = true; objAuditLog.DepartmentHeadID = HODId.ToString(); objAuditLog.TQCHeadID = loggedInuserID; objAuditLog.EvaluatorID = evalDbModel.EvaluatorID; objAuditLog.NominationID = nomID; objAuditLog.CreatedBy = loggedInuserID; _nominationRepo.AddEntryIntoAuditLog(objAuditLog); } //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(IPValue) && IPValue == "true") //{ // AddOrEditStarOfMonth_IntranetPortal(model, loggedInuserID); //} } catch (Exception ex) { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = false, message = ex.ToString() }; } return(baseModel); }
public RepositoryResponse AddorUpdateEvaluationData(EvaluationModel model, string _loggedInUserID, bool isSubmit) { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse(); try { using (objSOMEntities = new SOMEntities()) { Evaluation db = objSOMEntities.Evaluations.Where(r => r.ID == model.ID).FirstOrDefault(); if (db == null) { objSOMEntities.Evaluations.Add(ConvertEvaluation_Model2DB(model, _loggedInUserID, isSubmit)); objSOMEntities.SaveChanges(); if (isSubmit) { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = true, message = "Evaluations Scroe Details Submitted to TQC Successfully" }; } else { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = true, message = "Evaluations Scroe Details added Successfully" }; } } else { db.TotalScore = int.Parse(model.TotalScore); db.AheadOfPlan = model.AheadOfPlan; db.AsPerPlan = model.AsPerPlan; db.BasedOnInstruction = model.BasedOnInstruction; db.BreakthroughImprovement = model.BreakthroughImprovement; db.CoordiantionWithInTheDept = model.CoordiantionWithInTheDept; db.CoordinationWithAnotherFunction = model.CoordinationWithAnotherFunction; db.CoordinationWithMultipleFunctions = model.CoordinationWithMultipleFunctions; db.Delayed = model.Delayed; //db.EmployeeID = model.EmployeeID; db.NominationID = model.NominationID; //db.EvaluatorID = model.EvaluatorID; db.FollowedUp = model.FollowedUp; //db.ID = model.ID; db.Implemented = model.Implemented; db.ImplementedInAllApplicableAreas = model.ImplementedInAllApplicableAreas; db.ImplementedPartially = model.ImplementedPartially; db.ImprovementFromCurrentSituation = model.ImprovementFromCurrentSituation; db.IsActive = true; db.Participated = model.Participated; db.PreventionOfaFailure = model.PreventionOfaFailure; db.ProactiveIdeaGeneratedBySelf = model.ProactiveIdeaGeneratedBySelf; db.ReactiveIdeaDrivenBySituation = model.ReactiveIdeaDrivenBySituation; db.ScopeIdentified = model.ScopeIdentified; if (isSubmit) { db.Status = (int)NominationStatus.Evaluators_Assign_TQC; } else { db.Status = (int)NominationStatus.Evaluators_Save; } db.ModifiedBy = _loggedInUserID; objSOMEntities.SaveChanges(); if (isSubmit) { configRepo = new ConfigurationRepo(); bool result = configRepo.SendEmailUsingSOM_Evaluator_Assign_TQC(db.NominationID, _loggedInUserID); if (result) { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = true, message = "Evaluations Scroe Details Submitted to TQC Successfully and Send Mail to TQC" }; } else { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = true, message = "Evaluations Scroe Details Submitted to TQC Successfully. Unable to Send Mail to TQC" }; } } else { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = true, message = "Evaluations Scroe Details updated Successfully" }; } } } using (objSOMEntities = new SOMEntities()) { if (isSubmit) { var nomDet = objSOMEntities.Nominations.Where(r => r.NominationId == model.NominationID).FirstOrDefault(); nomDet.Status = (int)NominationStatus.Evaluators_Assign_TQC; nomDet.ModifiedBy = _loggedInUserID; objSOMEntities.SaveChanges(); } } if (isSubmit) { nomRepo = new NominationRepo(); //Add entry into Audit Log AuditLogModel objAuditLog = new AuditLogModel(); objAuditLog.CurrentStatus = NominationStatus.Evaluators_Assign_TQC; objAuditLog.EmployeeNumber = model.EmployeeNumber; objAuditLog.IsNewAlert = true; objAuditLog.IsNotification = true; objAuditLog.NominationID = model.NominationID; objAuditLog.CreatedBy = _loggedInUserID; objAuditLog.EvaluatorID = _loggedInUserID; nomRepo.AddEntryIntoAuditLog(objAuditLog); Nomination _nomModel; using (objSOMEntities = new SOMEntities()) { _nomModel = objSOMEntities.Nominations.Where(r => r.NominationId == model.NominationID).FirstOrDefault(); } // Add entry into SOM StarOfMonthModel SOMmodel = new StarOfMonthModel(); SOMmodel.Month = _nomModel.SubmittedMonth; SOMmodel.Year = _nomModel.SubmittedYear; SOMmodel.Description = _nomModel.Idea; SOMmodel.EmpId = model.EmployeeNumber; SOMmodel.NominationID = model.NominationID; SOMmodel.IsDisplay = true; SOMmodel.IsApproved = true; SOMmodel.ApprovedBy = int.Parse(_loggedInUserID); SOMmodel.CreatedBy = int.Parse(_loggedInUserID); SOMmodel.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; SOMmodel.ModifiedBy = int.Parse(_loggedInUserID); SOMmodel.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; starRepo = new StarOfMonthRepo(); //starRepo.AddOrEditStarOfMonth(SOMmodel, _loggedInUserID); } if (isSubmit) //Send Nomination Submit Details to DH { using (objSOMEntities = new SOMEntities()) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { baseModel = new RepositoryResponse { success = false, message = ex.ToString() }; } return(baseModel); }