public override Server creack(String ip, int port, String username, String password, int timeOut) { SMTP_Client conn = null; Server server = new Server(); try { conn = new SMTP_Client(); conn.Timeout = timeOut; conn.Connect(ip, port, false); if (conn.IsConnected) { conn.EhloHelo(ip); AUTH_SASL_Client_Plain authInfo = new AUTH_SASL_Client_Plain(username, password); conn.Auth(authInfo); if (conn.IsAuthenticated) { server.isSuccess = conn.IsAuthenticated; server.banner = conn.GreetingText; } } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.Disconnect(); } } return(server); }
public bool Authenticate() { var musername = mSMTPUsername; if (mSMTPUsername != null && mSMTPUsername.IndexOf("@") >= 0) { musername = mSMTPUsername.Substring(0, mSMTPUsername.IndexOf("@")); } using (SMTP_Client client = new SMTP_Client()) { try { client.Connect(mSMTPServer, mSMTPPort); client.EhloHelo(mSMTPServer); client.Authenticate(musername, mSMTPPassword); return(client.IsAuthenticated); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { client.Disconnect(); } } }
public void CreateHost(ConfigHost host) { Host = new SMTP_Client(); Host.Connect(host.Server, host.Port, host.EnableSsl); Host.EhloHelo(host.Server); Host.Auth(Host.AuthGetStrongestMethod(host.Username, host.Password)); }
/// <summary> /// Smart host relay session constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="server">Owner relay server.</param> /// <param name="realyItem">Relay item.</param> /// <param name="smartHosts">Smart hosts.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Is raised when <b>server</b>,<b>realyItem</b> or <b>smartHosts</b>is null.</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.</exception> internal Relay_Session(Relay_Server server, Relay_QueueItem realyItem, Relay_SmartHost[] smartHosts) { if (server == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("server"); } if (realyItem == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("realyItem"); } if (smartHosts == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("smartHosts"); } m_pServer = server; m_pRelayItem = realyItem; m_pSmartHosts = smartHosts; m_RelayMode = Relay_Mode.SmartHost; m_SessionID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); m_SessionCreateTime = DateTime.Now; m_pTargets = new List <Relay_Target>(); m_pSmtpClient = new SMTP_Client(); }
/// <summary> /// Dns relay session constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="server">Owner relay server.</param> /// <param name="localBindInfo">Local bind info.</param> /// <param name="realyItem">Relay item.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Is raised when <b>server</b>,<b>localBindInfo</b> or <b>realyItem</b> is null.</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.</exception> internal Relay_Session(Relay_Server server, IPBindInfo localBindInfo, Relay_QueueItem realyItem) { if (server == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("server"); } if (localBindInfo == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("localBindInfo"); } if (realyItem == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("realyItem"); } m_pServer = server; m_pLocalBindInfo = localBindInfo; m_pRelayItem = realyItem; m_SessionID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); m_SessionCreateTime = DateTime.Now; m_pTargets = new List <Relay_Target>(); m_pSmtpClient = new SMTP_Client(); m_pSmtpClient.BdatEnabled = false; }
/// <summary> /// 发送邮件 /// </summary> /// <param name="smtp">Smtp对象</param> /// <param name="_strRcpTo">收件地址</param> /// <param name="mimeStreams">内存流</param> private void SendMail(SMTP_Client smtp, string _strRcpTo, MemoryStream mimeStreams) { smtp.Connect(this.Smtp, WellKnownPorts.SMTP); smtp.EhloHelo(this.Smtp); smtp.Authenticate(this.Account, this.CurrentUserMailPassWord); smtp.MailFrom(this.CurrentUserMail, -1); smtp.RcptTo(_strRcpTo); mimeStreams.Position = 0; smtp.SendMessage(mimeStreams); smtp.Disconnect(); }
/// <summary> /// Start processing relay message. /// </summary> /// <param name="state">User data.</param> internal void Start(object state) { try{ m_pSmtpClient = new SMTP_Client(); m_pSmtpClient.LocalHostName = m_pLocalBindInfo.HostName; if (m_pServer.Logger != null) { m_pSmtpClient.Logger = new Logger(); m_pSmtpClient.Logger.WriteLog += new EventHandler <WriteLogEventArgs>(SmtpClient_WriteLog); } LogText("Starting to relay message '" + m_pRelayItem.MessageID + "' from '" + m_pRelayItem.From + "' to '" + m_pRelayItem.To + "'."); // Get all possible target hosts for active recipient. List <string> targetHosts = new List <string>(); if (m_RelayMode == Relay_Mode.Dns) { foreach (string host in SMTP_Client.GetDomainHosts(m_pRelayItem.To)) { try{ foreach (IPAddress ip in Dns_Client.Resolve(host)) { m_pTargets.Add(new Relay_Target(new IPEndPoint(ip, 25))); } } catch { // Failed to resolve host name. LogText("Failed to resolve host '" + host + "' name."); } } } else if (m_RelayMode == Relay_Mode.SmartHost) { foreach (Relay_SmartHost smartHost in m_pSmartHosts) { try{ m_pTargets.Add(new Relay_Target(new IPEndPoint(Dns_Client.Resolve(smartHost.Host)[0], smartHost.Port), smartHost.SslMode, smartHost.UserName, smartHost.Password)); } catch { // Failed to resolve smart host name. LogText("Failed to resolve smart host '" + smartHost.Host + "' name."); } } } BeginConnect(); } catch (Exception x) { Dispose(x); } }
/// <summary> /// 发送邮件 /// </summary> public void SendMail() { //为发件构造邮件内存流 MemoryStream mimeStreams = this.MemoryStreamMime(); Mime myMime = this.MakeMime(); try { using (SMTP_Client smtp = new SMTP_Client()) { LumiSoftSendMailBaseArgs e = OnSendMailing(this.Account, this.CurrentUserMail, this.To, this.CC, this.BCC, myMime, mimeStreams); if (!e.IsCancel) { //To: string[] _ArrayTo = this.To.Split(';'); foreach (string _str_each_to in _ArrayTo) { if (_str_each_to.Trim() != "") { this.SendMail(smtp, _str_each_to, mimeStreams); } } //CC: string[] _ArrayCC = this.CC.Split(';'); foreach (string _str_each_cc in _ArrayCC) { if (_str_each_cc.Trim() != "") { this.SendMail(smtp, _str_each_cc, mimeStreams); } } //BCC: string[] _ArrayBCC = this.BCC.Split(';'); foreach (string _str_each_bcc in _ArrayBCC) { if (_str_each_bcc.Trim() != "") { this.SendMail(smtp, _str_each_bcc, mimeStreams); } } OnSendMailSuccessed(this.Account, this.CurrentUserMail, this.To, this.CC, this.BCC, myMime, mimeStreams); } } } catch (Exception ex) { OnSendMailError(this.Account, this.CurrentUserMail, this.To, this.CC, this.BCC, myMime, mimeStreams, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Completes relay session and does clean up. This method is thread-safe. /// </summary> /// <param name="exception">Exception happened or null if relay completed successfully.</param> public void Dispose(Exception exception) { try { lock (this) { if (m_IsDisposed) { return; } try { m_pServer.OnSessionCompleted(this, exception); } catch { } m_pServer.Sessions.Remove(this); m_IsDisposed = true; m_pLocalBindInfo = null; m_pRelayItem = null; m_pSmartHosts = null; if (m_pSmtpClient != null) { m_pSmtpClient.Dispose(); m_pSmtpClient = null; } m_pTargets = null; if (m_pActiveTarget != null) { m_pServer.RemoveIpUsage(m_pActiveTarget.Target.Address); m_pActiveTarget = null; } m_pServer = null; } } catch (Exception x) { if (m_pServer != null) { m_pServer.OnError(x); } } }
public void SendEmail(Mail mail, Setting setting) { Mail_Message message = new Mail_Message() { From = new Mail_t_MailboxList(), Subject = mail.Subject, //增加主题 Priority = mail.Priority.ToString(), //设置优先级 MessageID = MIME_Utils.CreateMessageID(), Date = mail.CreatedDateTime }; //增加发件人地址 message.From.Add(new Mail_t_Mailbox(null, mail.From)); //增加收件人地址 mail.To.ForEach(address => message.To.Add(new Mail_t_Mailbox(address, address))); //增加邮件内容 MIME_Entity.CreateEntity_Text_Html("Base64", Encoding.Default, mail.Body); //增加附件 if (mail.Attachments != null && mail.Attachments.Count > 0) { mail.Attachments.ForEach(attachment => { MIME_Entity.CreateEntity_Attachment(attachment.Name); }); } using (SMTP_Client smtpClient = new SMTP_Client()) { //设置SMPT服务地址和端口并连接 smtpClient.Connect(setting.SmtpHostName, setting.SmtpPort); //设置Authentication smtpClient.Auth(new LumiSoft.Net.AUTH.AUTH_SASL_Client_Login(setting.User.UserName, setting.User.Password)); using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { message.ToStream(stream); stream.Position = 0; //发送邮件 smtpClient.SendMessage(stream); } } }
public static void Main() { // By defining the CORRECT! date, mail messages could get a lower spam score in spam filters //Utility.SetLocalTime(new DateTime(2012, 1, 26, 20, 43, 0, 0)); // Defines the sender SMTP_Client.MailContact From = new SMTP_Client.MailContact("administrator@localhost", "Your name"); // Defines the receiver SMTP_Client.MailContact Receiver = new SMTP_Client.MailContact("someone@else", "Recipients name"); // Defines the mail message SMTP_Client.MailMessage Message = new SMTP_Client.MailMessage("Small test result"); Message.Body = "This mail is sent by a Netduino :-)\r\n"; Message.Body += "Good day!"; // Initializes the mail sender class (When your ISP blocks port 25, try 587. A lot of SMTP servers respond to that as well!) SMTP_Client Sender = new SMTP_Client(new IntegratedSocket("", 25)); // Sends the mail Sender.Send(Message, From, Receiver); }
/// <summary> /// 调用lumisoft发送邮件 /// </summary> /// <param name="fromEmailAddr">发送者的邮件地址</param> /// <param name="toEmailAddr">给谁发的邮件地址</param> /// <param name="subjectText">主题</param> /// <param name="bodyText">正文</param> /// <param name="filePath">附件路径</param> /// <returns>成功与否</returns> public static bool SendMailByLumisoft(string fromEmailAddr, string toEmailAddr, string subjectText, string bodyText, string filePath) { Mime m = new Mime(); MimeEntity mainEntity = m.MainEntity; // Force to create From: header field mainEntity.From = new AddressList(); mainEntity.From.Add(new MailboxAddress(fromEmailAddr, fromEmailAddr)); // Force to create To: header field mainEntity.To = new AddressList(); mainEntity.To.Add(new MailboxAddress(toEmailAddr, toEmailAddr)); mainEntity.Subject = subjectText; //添加正文 mainEntity.ContentType = MediaType_enum.Multipart_mixed; MimeEntity textEntity = mainEntity.ChildEntities.Add(); textEntity.ContentType = MediaType_enum.Text_html; textEntity.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentTransferEncoding_enum.Base64; textEntity.DataText = bodyText; //发送附件 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) { MimeEntity attachmentEntity = new MimeEntity(); attachmentEntity.ContentType = MediaType_enum.Application_octet_stream; attachmentEntity.ContentDisposition = ContentDisposition_enum.Attachment; attachmentEntity.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentTransferEncoding_enum.Base64; attachmentEntity.ContentDisposition_FileName = filePath; attachmentEntity.DataFromFile(filePath); mainEntity.ChildEntities.Add(attachmentEntity); } try { SMTP_Client.QuickSend(m); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { //Console.Write(e.StackTrace); return(false); } }
public static bool SendMail(string Body, string Title, string reciveEmail) { bool sended = false; using (SMTP_Client client = new SMTP_Client()) { try { //与Pop3服务器建立连接 client.Connect(smtp, port, false); client.EhloHelo(smtp); //验证身份 var authhh = new AUTH_SASL_Client_Plain(sendEmail, sendPassword); client.Auth(authhh); client.MailFrom(sendEmail, -1); //收件人列表 client.RcptTo(reciveEmail); //采用Mail_Message类型的Stream Mail_Message m = Create_PlainText_Html_Attachment_Image(reciveEmail, sendEmail, sendEmail, Title, Body); using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { m.ToStream(stream, new MIME_Encoding_EncodedWord(MIME_EncodedWordEncoding.Q, Encoding.UTF8), Encoding.UTF8); stream.Position = 0; client.SendMessage(stream); sended = true; } if (m != null) { m.Dispose(); } client.Disconnect(); client.Dispose(); } catch { return(false); } } return(sended); }
private static void startDelivery() { DirectoryInfo curdir = new DirectoryInfo(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\INBOUND\"); FileInfo[] fileEntries = curdir.GetFiles("*.eml"); //string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\INBOUND\","*.eml"); foreach (FileInfo fileName in fileEntries) { DefaultLogger.Log.LogDebug("Filename: " + fileName.FullName); var eml = MsgReader.Mime.Message.Load(fileName); if (eml.Headers != null) { if (eml.Headers.To != null) { foreach (var recipient in eml.Headers.To) { var to = recipient.Address; DefaultLogger.Log.LogDebug("Mail to: " + to); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (LumiSoft.Net.SMTP.Client.SMTP_Client client = new LumiSoft.Net.SMTP.Client.SMTP_Client()) { var message = LumiSoft.Net.Mail.Mail_Message.ParseFromFile(fileName.FullName); //SMTP_Client.QuickSendSmartHost("localhost", "", 25, false, "fakeuser", "fakepassword", message); SMTP_Client.QuickSendSmartHost("", 26, false, message); } } } } } }
private Boolean SendMailNew(bool isAsync, object userState) { string[] mailTos = mMailTo; string[] mailCcs = mMailCc; string[] mailBccs = mMailBcc; Dictionary <string, string> attachments = mMailAttachments; var toList = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var to in MailTo) { toList.Add(to, to); } var musername = mSMTPUsername; if (mSMTPUsername != null && mSMTPUsername.IndexOf("@") >= 0) { musername = mSMTPUsername.Substring(0, mSMTPUsername.IndexOf("@")); } bool checkspmail = CheckSpecialMail(toList); if (!checkspmail && MailCc != null) { checkspmail = CheckSpecialMail(MailCc); } if (checkspmail) { foreach (string address in toList.Keys) { using (SMTP_Client client = new SMTP_Client()) { client.Timeout = this.Timeout; client.Connect(mSMTPServer, mSMTPPort); client.EhloHelo(mSMTPServer); client.Authenticate(musername, mSMTPPassword); client.MailFrom(mMailFrom, -1); client.RcptTo(address); Mail_Message m = Create_PlainText_Html_Attachment_Image(toList, new Dictionary <string, string>() , mMailFrom, mMailFrom, MailSubject, mMailBody, attachments, "", "", CheckSpecialMail(new string[] { address })); try { using (System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) { m.ToStream(stream, new MIME_Encoding_EncodedWord(MIME_EncodedWordEncoding.Q, Encoding.UTF8), Encoding.UTF8); stream.Position = 0; client.SendMessage(stream); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } if (m != null) { m.Dispose(); } client.Disconnect(); } } return(true); } else { using (SMTP_Client client = new SMTP_Client()) { client.Timeout = this.Timeout; client.Connect(mSMTPServer, mSMTPPort); client.EhloHelo(mSMTPServer); AUTH_SASL_Client authhh = client.AuthGetStrongestMethod(musername, mSMTPPassword); client.Auth(authhh); client.MailFrom(mMailFrom, -1); foreach (string address in toList.Keys) { client.RcptTo(address); } Mail_Message m = Create_PlainText_Html_Attachment_Image(toList, new Dictionary <string, string>() , mMailFrom, mMailFrom, MailSubject, mMailBody, attachments, "", "", false); try { using (System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) { m.ToStream(stream, new MIME_Encoding_EncodedWord(MIME_EncodedWordEncoding.Q, Encoding.UTF8), Encoding.UTF8); stream.Position = 0; client.SendMessage(stream); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (m != null) { m.Dispose(); } client.Disconnect(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Completes relay session and does clean up. This method is thread-safe. /// </summary> /// <param name="exception">Exception happened or null if relay completed successfully.</param> public void Dispose(Exception exception) { try { lock (this) { if (m_IsDisposed) { return; } try { m_pServer.OnSessionCompleted(this, exception); } catch {} m_pServer.Sessions.Remove(this); m_IsDisposed = true; m_pLocalBindInfo = null; m_pRelayItem = null; m_pSmartHosts = null; if (m_pSmtpClient != null) { m_pSmtpClient.Dispose(); m_pSmtpClient = null; } m_pTargets = null; if (m_pActiveTarget != null) { m_pServer.RemoveIpUsage(m_pActiveTarget.Target.Address); m_pActiveTarget = null; } m_pServer = null; } } catch (Exception x) { if (m_pServer != null) { m_pServer.OnError(x); } } }
/// <summary> /// Start processing relay message. /// </summary> /// <param name="state">User data.</param> internal void Start(object state) { try { m_pSmtpClient = new SMTP_Client(); m_pSmtpClient.LocalHostName = m_pLocalBindInfo.HostName; if (m_pServer.Logger != null) { m_pSmtpClient.Logger = new Logger(); m_pSmtpClient.Logger.WriteLog += SmtpClient_WriteLog; } LogText("Starting to relay message '" + m_pRelayItem.MessageID + "' from '" + m_pRelayItem.From + "' to '" + m_pRelayItem.To + "'."); // Get all possible target hosts for active recipient. List<string> targetHosts = new List<string>(); if (m_RelayMode == Relay_Mode.Dns) { foreach (string host in SMTP_Client.GetDomainHosts(m_pRelayItem.To)) { try { foreach (IPAddress ip in Dns_Client.Resolve(host)) { m_pTargets.Add(new Relay_Target(new IPEndPoint(ip, 25))); } } catch { // Failed to resolve host name. LogText("Failed to resolve host '" + host + "' name."); } } } else if (m_RelayMode == Relay_Mode.SmartHost) { foreach (Relay_SmartHost smartHost in m_pSmartHosts) { try { m_pTargets.Add( new Relay_Target( new IPEndPoint(Dns_Client.Resolve(smartHost.Host)[0], smartHost.Port), smartHost.SslMode, smartHost.UserName, smartHost.Password)); } catch { // Failed to resolve smart host name. LogText("Failed to resolve smart host '" + smartHost.Host + "' name."); } } } BeginConnect(); } catch (Exception x) { Dispose(x); } }
public void Send(ChannelMessage message) { var creds = CredentialsProvider.GetCredentials().ToNetworkCredential(); Mail_Message msg = new Mail_Message(); msg.MimeVersion = "1.0"; msg.MessageID = MIME_Utils.CreateMessageID(); msg.Subject = message.Context; msg.From = message.From.ToMailBoxList(); msg.ReplyTo = message.ReturnTo == null? message.From.ToAddressList() : message.ReturnTo.ToAddressList(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(message.InReplyTo) == false) { msg.InReplyTo = message.InReplyTo; } msg.To = new Mail_t_AddressList(); foreach (var address in message.To) { msg.To.Add(address.ToMailBox()); } msg.Cc = new Mail_t_AddressList(); foreach (var address in message.CC) { msg.Cc.Add(address.ToMailBox()); } //--- multipart/mixed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIME_h_ContentType contentType_multipartMixed = new MIME_h_ContentType(MIME_MediaTypes.Multipart.mixed); contentType_multipartMixed.Param_Boundary = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace('-', '.'); MIME_b_MultipartMixed multipartMixed = new MIME_b_MultipartMixed(contentType_multipartMixed); msg.Body = multipartMixed; //--- multipart/alternative ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIME_Entity entity_multipartAlternative = new MIME_Entity(); MIME_h_ContentType contentType_multipartAlternative = new MIME_h_ContentType(MIME_MediaTypes.Multipart.alternative); contentType_multipartAlternative.Param_Boundary = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace('-', '.'); MIME_b_MultipartAlternative multipartAlternative = new MIME_b_MultipartAlternative(contentType_multipartAlternative); entity_multipartAlternative.Body = multipartAlternative; multipartMixed.BodyParts.Add(entity_multipartAlternative); //--- text/plain ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIME_Entity entity_text_plain = new MIME_Entity(); MIME_b_Text text_plain = new MIME_b_Text(MIME_MediaTypes.Text.plain); entity_text_plain.Body = text_plain; // Add text body if there is any if (message.BodyText != null && message.BodyText.Length > 0) { var bodyText = message.BodyText.ReadString(); // Make sure there is a newline at the end of our text, otherwise it will screw up // our multipart data format if (!bodyText.EndsWith(Environment.NewLine)) { bodyText = bodyText + Environment.NewLine; } text_plain.SetText(MIME_TransferEncodings.SevenBit, Encoding.UTF8, bodyText); } multipartAlternative.BodyParts.Add(entity_text_plain); //--- text/html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MIME_Entity entity_text_html = new MIME_Entity(); MIME_b_Text text_html = new MIME_b_Text(MIME_MediaTypes.Text.html); entity_text_html.Body = text_html; if (message.BodyHtml != null && message.BodyHtml.Length > 0) { var bodyHtml = message.BodyHtml.ReadString(); // Make sure there is a newline at the end of our text, otherwise it will screw up // our multipart data format if (!bodyHtml.EndsWith(Environment.NewLine)) { bodyHtml = bodyHtml + Environment.NewLine; } text_html.SetText(MIME_TransferEncodings.SevenBit, Encoding.UTF8, bodyHtml); } multipartAlternative.BodyParts.Add(entity_text_html); foreach (var channelAttachment in message.Attachments) { MIME_b_Application attachmentBody = new MIME_b_Application(MIME_MediaTypes.Application.octet_stream); MIME_Entity attachment = new MIME_Entity(); attachment.Body = attachmentBody; // Has to happen before the following lines of code multipartMixed.BodyParts.Add(attachment); attachment.ContentType = new MIME_h_ContentType(MimeHelper.GetMimeType(channelAttachment.Filename)); attachment.ContentType.Param_Name = channelAttachment.Filename; MIME_h_ContentDisposition contentDisposition = new MIME_h_ContentDisposition(DispositionTypeNames.Attachment); contentDisposition.Param_FileName = channelAttachment.Filename; attachment.ContentDisposition = contentDisposition; attachment.ContentTransferEncoding = TransferEncoding.Base64.ToString(); attachmentBody.SetData(channelAttachment.ContentStream, MIME_TransferEncodings.Base64); } // Inject headers if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(message.MessageIdentifier)) { msg.Header.Add(new MIME_h_Unstructured("x-i2mp-messageid", message.MessageIdentifier)); } //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Metadata.i2mpFlow)) // msg.Header.Add(new MIME_h_Unstructured("x-i2mp-flow", message.Metadata.i2mpFlow)); //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Metadata.i2mpReference)) // mailMessage.Headers.Add("X-i2mp-ref", message.Metadata.i2mpReference); //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Metadata.i2mpSequence)) // mailMessage.Headers.Add("X-i2mp-seq", message.Metadata.i2mpSequence); //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Metadata.i2mpRelation)) // mailMessage.Headers.Add("X-i2mp-rel", message.Metadata.i2mpRelation); //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Metadata.i2mpRelationId)) // mailMessage.Headers.Add("X-i2mp-rel-id", message.Metadata.i2mpRelationId); // Send message try { SMTP_Client client = new SMTP_Client(); if ("/Settings/Channels/LoggerEnabled".AsKey(false)) { client.Logger = new LumiSoft.Net.Log.Logger(); } // todo push this logic into the smtp client implementation itself if (Hostname == "") { // Hack for hotmail, first do a connect with no secured channel, // then a STARTTLS client.Connect(Hostname, Port, false); client.StartTLS(); } else { client.Connect(Hostname, Port, IsSecured); } client.Authenticate(creds.UserName, creds.Password); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { client.MailFrom(msg.From[0].Address, -1); msg.ToStream(ms, new MIME_Encoding_EncodedWord(MIME_EncodedWordEncoding.Q, Encoding.UTF8), Encoding.UTF8); // Reset stream ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); foreach (var address in message.To) { client.RcptTo(address.Address); } foreach (var address in message.CC) { client.RcptTo(address.Address); } foreach (var address in message.BCC) { client.RcptTo(address.Address); } try { client.SendMessage(ms); } finally { client.Dispose(); } } } catch (SmtpFailedRecipientsException e) { throw new ChannelFunctionalException(e.Message, e) { DoNotRetry = true }; } catch (SmtpException e) { throw new ChannelFunctionalException(e.Message, e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ChannelFunctionalException(e.Message, e); } }