Esempio n. 1
        public static void DrawQuests(SKCanvas c, BaseBundle icon)
            using SKPaint paint = new SKPaint
                      IsAntialias   = true,
                      FilterQuality = SKFilterQuality.High,
                      TextSize      = 27,
                      Color         = SKColors.White,
                      TextAlign     = SKTextAlign.Left,
                      Typeface      = Text.TypeFaces.BundleDisplayNameTypeface

            int y = icon.HeaderHeight + 50;

            foreach (Quest q in icon.Quests)
                DrawQuestBackground(c, icon, y, true);

                paint.TextSize    = 27;
                paint.ImageFilter = null;
                paint.Color       = SKColors.White;
                paint.TextAlign   = SKTextAlign.Left;
                paint.Typeface    = Text.TypeFaces.BundleDisplayNameTypeface;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(q.Description))
                    if ((ELanguage)Properties.Settings.Default.AssetsLanguage == ELanguage.Arabic)
                        SKShaper shaper = new SKShaper(paint.Typeface);
                        float    shapedTextWidth;

                        while (true)
                            SKShaper.Result shapedText = shaper.Shape(q.Description, paint);
                            shapedTextWidth = shapedText.Points[^ 1].X + paint.TextSize / 2f;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a <see cref="SKPaint"/> containing information needed to render text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This modifies and returns the local <see cref="paint"/> instance.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="fontFamily">The font family.</param>
        /// <param name="fontSize">The font size.</param>
        /// <param name="fontWeight">The font weight.</param>
        /// <param name="shaper">The font shaper.</param>
        /// <returns>The paint.</returns>
        private SKPaint GetTextPaint(string fontFamily, double fontSize, double fontWeight, out SKShaper shaper)
            var fontDescriptor = new FontDescriptor(fontFamily, fontWeight);

            if (!this.typefaceCache.TryGetValue(fontDescriptor, out var typeface))
                typeface = SKTypeface.FromFamilyName(fontFamily, new SKFontStyle((int)fontWeight, (int)SKFontStyleWidth.Normal, SKFontStyleSlant.Upright));
                this.typefaceCache.Add(fontDescriptor, typeface);

            if (this.UseTextShaping)
                if (!this.shaperCache.TryGetValue(fontDescriptor, out shaper))
                    shaper = new SKShaper(typeface);
                    this.shaperCache.Add(fontDescriptor, shaper);
                shaper = null;

            this.paint.Typeface     = typeface;
            this.paint.TextSize     = this.Convert(fontSize);
            this.paint.IsAntialias  = true;
            this.paint.Style        = SKPaintStyle.Fill;
            this.paint.HintingLevel = this.RendersToScreen ? SKPaintHinting.Full : SKPaintHinting.NoHinting;
            this.paint.SubpixelText = this.RendersToScreen;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Measures text using the specified <see cref="SKShaper"/> and <see cref="SKPaint"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The text to measure.</param>
        /// <param name="shaper">The text shaper.</param>
        /// <param name="paint">The paint.</param>
        /// <returns>The width of the text when rendered using the specified shaper and paint.</returns>
        private float MeasureText(string text, SKShaper shaper, SKPaint paint)
            if (!this.UseTextShaping)

            // we have to get a bit creative here as SKShaper does not offer a direct overload for this.
            // see also
            using var buffer = new HarfBuzzSharp.Buffer();
            switch (paint.TextEncoding)
            case SKTextEncoding.Utf8:

            case SKTextEncoding.Utf16:

            case SKTextEncoding.Utf32:

                throw new NotSupportedException("TextEncoding is not supported.");

            shaper.Shape(buffer, paint);
            return(buffer.GlyphPositions.Sum(gp => gp.XAdvance) * paint.TextSize / 512);
Esempio n. 4
        public void DrawShapedTextExtensionMethodDraws()
            using (var bitmap = new SKBitmap(new SKImageInfo(512, 512)))
                using (var canvas = new SKCanvas(bitmap))
                    using (var tf = SKTypeface.FromFile(Path.Combine(PathToFonts, "content-font.ttf")))
                        using (var shaper = new SKShaper(tf))
                            using (var paint = new SKPaint {
                                IsAntialias = true, TextSize = 64, Typeface = tf

                                canvas.DrawShapedText(shaper, "متن", 100, 200, paint);


                                Assert.Equal(SKColors.Black, bitmap.GetPixel(110, 210));
                                Assert.Equal(SKColors.Black, bitmap.GetPixel(127, 196));
                                Assert.Equal(SKColors.Black, bitmap.GetPixel(142, 197));
                                Assert.Equal(SKColors.Black, bitmap.GetPixel(155, 195));
                                Assert.Equal(SKColors.Black, bitmap.GetPixel(131, 181));
                                Assert.Equal(SKColors.White, bitmap.GetPixel(155, 190));
                                Assert.Equal(SKColors.White, bitmap.GetPixel(110, 200));
Esempio n. 5
        public void ShapeTest()
            using var bmp    = new Bitmap(600, 400);
            using var canvas = new SKCanvas(bmp.skBitmap);

            using var typeface = SKFontManager.Default.MatchCharacter('中');
            using var paint    = new SKPaint();
            paint.IsAntialias  = true;
            paint.TextEncoding = SKTextEncoding.Utf16;
            paint.TextSize     = 30;
            paint.Color        = new SKColor(255, 0, 0, 255);
            paint.Style        = SKPaintStyle.Fill;
            paint.Typeface     = typeface;
            var src = "Hello Future! 你好,未来!";

            canvas.DrawText(src, 0, 100, paint);

            using var shaper = new SKShaper(typeface);
            paint.TextAlign  = SKTextAlign.Right;
            //paint.TextEncoding = SKTextEncoding.GlyphId; //Not implemented
            canvas.DrawShapedText(shaper, src, 0, 200, paint);

            using var fs = File.OpenWrite("A_document.jpg");
            bmp.Save(fs, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
Esempio n. 6
        public static SKPoint[] MeasureCharacters(string text, SKTypeface font, int fontSize, float xOffset = 0, float yOffset = 0)
            using var paint  = SkiaTextExtensions.CreateTextPaint(font, fontSize, SKColors.Black);
            using var shaper = new SKShaper(font);

            var result = shaper.Shape(text, xOffset, yOffset, paint);

        protected void DrawLabels(SKCanvas canvas, SKPoint[] points, SKSize itemSize, int height, float footerHeight)
            for (int i = 0; i < this.Entries.Count(); i++)
                var entry = this.Entries.ElementAt(i);
                var point = points[i];

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.Label))
                    using (var paint = new SKPaint())
                        paint.TextSize    = this.LabelTextSize;
                        paint.IsAntialias = true;
                        paint.Color       = entry.TextColor;
                        paint.IsStroke    = false;

                        var bounds = new SKRect();
                        var text   = entry.Label;
                        paint.MeasureText(text, ref bounds);

                        if (bounds.Width > itemSize.Width)
                            text = text.Substring(0, Math.Min(3, text.Length));
                            paint.MeasureText(text, ref bounds);

                        if (bounds.Width > itemSize.Width)
                            text = text.Substring(0, Math.Min(1, text.Length));
                            paint.MeasureText(text, ref bounds);

                        //canvas.DrawText("asdf", point.X - (bounds.Width / 2), height - this.Margin + (this.LabelTextSize / 2), paint);

                        using (var tf = SKFontManager.Default.MatchCharacter('م'))
                            using (var shaper = new SKShaper(tf))
                                using (var paint1 = new SKPaint {
                                    TextSize = 30, Typeface = tf
                                    //canvas.DrawShapedText(shaper, "سلام", 100, 200, paint1);
                                    paint.Typeface = tf;
                                    var balanceValue = 35;
                                    canvas.DrawShapedText(shaper, text, point.X - (bounds.Width / 2) - balanceValue, height - this.Margin + (this.LabelTextSize / 2) - balanceValue, paint);
Esempio n. 8
        public void OnCanvasViewPaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs args)
                SKImageInfo info     = args.Info;
                SKSurface   surface  = args.Surface;
                SKCanvas    canvas   = surface.Canvas;
                Assembly    assembly = GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly;

                if (_saveBitmap == null)
                    _saveBitmap = new SKBitmap(info.Width, info.Height);

                SKBitmap bitmap = new SKBitmap(Math.Max(_saveBitmap.Width, info.Width),
                                               Math.Max(_saveBitmap.Height, info.Height));

                float x = info.Width / 3;
                float y = (float)(info.Height / 1.5);

                using (SKCanvas c = new SKCanvas(bitmap))
                    foreach (SKPath p in _completedPaths)
                        c.DrawPath(p, paint);

                    foreach (SKPath p in _inProgressPaths.Values)
                        c.DrawPath(p, paint);

                canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0);

                var emoji   = _vm.Image;
                int exEmoji = 0x1f600;

                paint.Typeface = SKFontManager.CreateDefault().MatchCharacter(exEmoji);
                paint.TextSize = 210.0f;

                var tf     = SKFontManager.CreateDefault().MatchCharacter(exEmoji);
                var shaper = new SKShaper(tf);
                canvas.DrawShapedText(shaper, emoji, x, y, paint);
            catch { }
        protected override void OnDrawSample(SKCanvas canvas, int width, int height)

            using var tf          = SKFontManager.Default.MatchCharacter('م') ?? SKTypeface.FromStream(SampleMedia.Fonts.EmbeddedFont);
            using var paint       = new SKPaint { IsAntialias = true, TextSize = 64 };
            using var arabicPaint = new SKPaint { IsAntialias = true, TextSize = 64, Typeface = tf };

            // unshaped
            canvas.DrawText("Unshaped:", 100, 100, paint);
            canvas.DrawText("مرحبا بالعالم", 100, 180, arabicPaint);

            // shaped
            using var shaper = new SKShaper(tf);
            canvas.DrawText("Shaped:", 100, 300, paint);
            canvas.DrawShapedText(shaper, "مرحبا بالعالم", 100, 380, arabicPaint);
Esempio n. 10
        public void Draw(SKCanvas c)
            c.DrawRect(new SKRect(0, 0, Width, Height),
                       new SKPaint
                IsAntialias   = true,
                FilterQuality = SKFilterQuality.High,
                Shader        = SKShader.CreateLinearGradient(
                    new SKPoint(Width / 2, Height),
                    new SKPoint(Width, Height / 4),
                    new SKColor[2] {
                    SKColor.Parse("01369C"), SKColor.Parse("1273C8")

            int     textSize  = 45;
            SKPaint namePaint = new SKPaint
                IsAntialias   = true,
                FilterQuality = SKFilterQuality.High,
                Typeface      = Text.TypeFaces.DisplayNameTypeface,
                TextSize      = textSize,
                Color         = SKColors.White,
                TextAlign     = SKTextAlign.Left
            SKPaint optionPaint = new SKPaint
                IsAntialias   = true,
                FilterQuality = SKFilterQuality.High,
                Typeface      = Text.TypeFaces.DisplayNameTypeface,
                TextSize      = 20,
                Color         = SKColor.Parse("EEFFFF"),
                TextAlign     = SKTextAlign.Left

            if ((ELanguage)Properties.Settings.Default.AssetsLanguage == ELanguage.Arabic)
                SKShaper shaper = new SKShaper(namePaint.Typeface);
                float    shapedTextWidth;

                while (true)
                    SKShaper.Result shapedText = shaper.Shape(OptionDisplayName, namePaint);
                    shapedTextWidth = shapedText.Points[^ 1].X + namePaint.TextSize / 2f;
Esempio n. 11
        public void CorrectlyShapesArabicScript()
            var clusters   = new uint[] { 4, 2, 0 };
            var codepoints = new uint[] { 629, 668, 891 };
            var points     = new SKPoint[] { new SKPoint(0, 0), new SKPoint(28.375f, 0), new SKPoint(42.125f, 0) };

            using (var tf = SKTypeface.FromFile(Path.Combine(PathToFonts, "content-font.ttf")))
                using (var shaper = new SKShaper(tf))
                    using (var paint = new SKPaint {
                        IsAntialias = true, TextSize = 64, Typeface = tf
                        var result = shaper.Shape("متن", paint);

                        Assert.Equal(clusters, result.Clusters);
                        Assert.Equal(codepoints, result.Codepoints);
                        Assert.Equal(points, result.Points);
Esempio n. 12
        public static void DrawCenteredMultilineText(SKCanvas canvas, string text, int maxLineCount, int size, int margin, ETextSide side, SKRect area, SKPaint paint)
            float       lineHeight = paint.TextSize * 1.2f;
            List <Line> lines      = SplitLines(text, paint, area.Width - margin);

            if (lines == null)
            if (lines.Count <= maxLineCount)
                maxLineCount = lines.Count;

            float    height = maxLineCount * lineHeight;
            float    y      = area.MidY - height / 2;
            SKShaper shaper = (ELanguage)Settings.Default.AssetsLanguage == ELanguage.Arabic ? new SKShaper(paint.Typeface) : null;

            for (int i = 0; i < maxLineCount; i++)
                Line line = lines[i];

                y += lineHeight;
                float x = side switch
                    ETextSide.Center => area.MidX - line.Width / 2,
                    ETextSide.Right => size - margin - line.Width,
                    ETextSide.Left => margin,
                    _ => area.MidX - line.Width / 2

                string lineText = line.Value.TrimEnd();

                if (shaper == null)
                    canvas.DrawText(lineText, x, y, paint);
                    if (side == ETextSide.Center)
                        SKShaper.Result shapedText      = shaper.Shape(lineText, paint);
                        float           shapedTextWidth = shapedText.Points[^ 1].X + paint.TextSize / 2f;
Esempio n. 13
        public void DrawShapedTextExtensionMethodDraws()
            using (var surface = SKSurface.Create(new SKImageInfo(512, 512)))
                using (var tf = SKTypeface.FromFile(Path.Combine(PathToFonts, "content-font.ttf")))
                    using (var shaper = new SKShaper(tf))
                        using (var paint = new SKPaint {
                            IsAntialias = true, TextSize = 64, Typeface = tf

                            surface.Canvas.DrawShapedText(shaper, "متن", 100, 200, paint);


                            using (var img = surface.Snapshot())
                                using (var data = img.Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100))
                                    using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(PathToImages, "test.png")))
Esempio n. 14
        private void DrawHeaderText(SKCanvas c)
            using SKPaint paint = new SKPaint
                      IsAntialias   = true,
                      FilterQuality = SKFilterQuality.High,
                      Typeface      = Text.TypeFaces.BundleDisplayNameTypeface,
                      TextSize      = 50,
                      Color         = SKColors.White,
                      TextAlign     = SKTextAlign.Left,

            string text = DisplayName.ToUpper();
            int    x    = 300;

            if ((ELanguage)Properties.Settings.Default.AssetsLanguage == ELanguage.Arabic)
                SKShaper shaper = new SKShaper(paint.Typeface);
                float    shapedTextWidth;

                while (true)
                    SKShaper.Result shapedText = shaper.Shape(text, paint);
                    shapedTextWidth = shapedText.Points[^ 1].X + paint.TextSize / 2f;
Esempio n. 15
        public static async Task Run(
            [QueueTrigger("create-hero")] KeyValuePair <string, string> hf,
            [Blob("heroimages")] CloudBlobContainer heroContainer,
            [Blob("hashflags")] CloudBlobContainer hashflagsContainer,
            [Queue("tweet")] ICollector <KeyValuePair <string, string> > tweetCollector,
            ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation($"Function executed at: {DateTime.Now}");

            var hashtag = '#' + hf.Key;

            var textSize = GetAdjustedFont(hashtag);
            var info     = new SKImageInfo(ImageWidth, ImageHeight);

            using var surface = SKSurface.Create(info);
            var canvas = surface.Canvas;


            #region hashtag

            var typefaces = hf.Key.Select(character => SKFontManager.CreateDefault().MatchCharacter(FontFamily, character)).ToList();

            using var tf = typefaces.FirstOrDefault(t => t.FamilyName != FontFamily) ??
            using var shaper = new SKShaper(tf);

            var paint = new SKPaint
                IsAntialias = true,
                Color       = new SKColor(29, 161, 242),
                TextSize    = textSize,
                Typeface    = tf

            var bounds = new SKRect();
            paint.MeasureText(hashtag, ref bounds);
            var point = GetPoint(hashtag, bounds.Height, bounds.Width);
            canvas.DrawShapedText(shaper, hashtag, point.X, point.Y, paint);


            #region hashflag

            await using var stream = new MemoryStream();
            await hashflagsContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(hf.Value).DownloadToStreamAsync(stream);

            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            var hashflagImage = SKBitmap.Decode(stream);

            var x = IsRtl(hashtag) ? point.X - HashflagSize - 10 : point.X + bounds.Width + 10;
            var y = (ImageHeight - HashflagSize) / 2;

            canvas.DrawBitmap(hashflagImage, x, y);

            #region watermark

            paint = new SKPaint
                Color       = new SKColor(20, 23, 26, 127),
                TextSize    = 18,
                IsAntialias = true,
                Typeface    = tf
            canvas.DrawShapedText(shaper, "@HashflagArchive", 900, 575, paint);


            await heroContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

            var heroBlob = heroContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(hf.Key);
            heroBlob.Properties.ContentType = "image/png";
            await heroBlob.UploadFromStreamAsync(ToStream(surface));

Esempio n. 16
        public static void DrawCaptionLabels(this SKCanvas canvas, string label, SKColor labelColor, bool labelIsUnicode, char unicodeLang, string value, SKColor valueColor, float textSize, SKPoint point, SKTextAlign horizontalAlignment, SKTypeface typeface, out SKRect totalBounds)
            var hasLabel      = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(label);
            var hasValueLabel = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value);

            totalBounds = new SKRect();

            if (hasLabel || hasValueLabel)
                var hasOffset     = hasLabel && hasValueLabel;
                var captionMargin = textSize * 0.60f;
                var space         = hasOffset ? captionMargin : 0;

                if (hasLabel)
                    using (var paint = new SKPaint
                        TextSize = textSize,
                        IsAntialias = true,
                        Color = labelColor,
                        IsStroke = false,
                        TextAlign = horizontalAlignment,
                        Typeface = typeface
                        var bounds = new SKRect();
                        var text   = label;
                        paint.MeasureText(text, ref bounds);

                        var y = point.Y - ((bounds.Top + bounds.Bottom) / 2) - space;

                        if (labelIsUnicode)
                            using (var tf = SKFontManager.Default.MatchCharacter(unicodeLang))
                                using (var shaper = new SKShaper(tf))
                                    canvas.DrawShapedText(shaper, text, 0, 0, paint);
                            canvas.DrawText(text, point.X, y, paint);

                        var labelBounds = GetAbsolutePositionRect(point.X, y, bounds, horizontalAlignment);
                        totalBounds = labelBounds.Standardized;

                if (hasValueLabel)
                    using (var paint = new SKPaint()
                        TextSize = textSize,
                        IsAntialias = true,
                        FakeBoldText = true,
                        Color = valueColor,
                        IsStroke = false,
                        TextAlign = horizontalAlignment,
                        Typeface = typeface
                        var bounds = new SKRect();
                        var text   = value;
                        paint.MeasureText(text, ref bounds);

                        var y = point.Y - ((bounds.Top + bounds.Bottom) / 2) + space;

                        canvas.DrawText(text, point.X, y, paint);

                        var valueBounds = GetAbsolutePositionRect(point.X, y, bounds, horizontalAlignment);

                        if (totalBounds.IsEmpty)
                            totalBounds = valueBounds;
Esempio n. 17
        public static void DrawCaptionLabels(this SKCanvas canvas, string label, SKColor labelColor, string value, SKColor valueColor, float textSize, SKPoint point, SKTextAlign horizontalAlignment)
            var hasLabel      = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(label);
            var hasValueLabel = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value);

            if (hasLabel || hasValueLabel)
                var hasOffset     = hasLabel && hasValueLabel;
                var captionMargin = textSize * 0.60f;
                var space         = hasOffset ? captionMargin : 0;

                if (hasLabel)
                    using (var paint = new SKPaint()
                        TextSize = textSize,
                        IsAntialias = true,
                        Color = labelColor,
                        IsStroke = false,
                        //TextAlign = horizontalAlignment,
                        var bounds = new SKRect();
                        var text   = label;
                        paint.MeasureText(text, ref bounds);

                        var y = point.Y - ((bounds.Top + bounds.Bottom) / 2) - space;

                        //canvas.DrawText(text, point.X, y, paint);

                        using (var tf = SKFontManager.Default.MatchCharacter('م'))
                            using (var shaper = new SKShaper(tf))
                                using (var paint1 = new SKPaint {
                                    TextSize = 30, Typeface = tf
                                    //canvas.DrawShapedText(shaper, "سلام", 100, 200, paint1);
                                    paint.Typeface = tf;
                                    var balaceValue = 0;
                                    if (horizontalAlignment == SKTextAlign.Right)
                                        if (text.Length <= 5)
                                            balaceValue = 60;
                                            var factor = (System.Math.Abs(text.Length - 5));
                                            balaceValue = factor * 10 + 90;
                                    canvas.DrawShapedText(shaper, text, point.X - balaceValue, y, paint);

                if (hasValueLabel)
                    using (var paint = new SKPaint()
                        TextSize = textSize,
                        IsAntialias = true,
                        FakeBoldText = true,
                        Color = valueColor,
                        IsStroke = false,
                        TextAlign = horizontalAlignment,
                        var bounds = new SKRect();
                        var text   = value;
                        paint.MeasureText(text, ref bounds);

                        var y = point.Y - ((bounds.Top + bounds.Bottom) / 2) + space;

                        canvas.DrawText(text, point.X, y, paint);
Esempio n. 18
        public SKData DrawHistogram(string referenceName, int zoom, int chunk)
            var refer = _service._references.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == referenceName);

            if (chunk == 0 && zoom == 10)

            using var surface     = SKSurface.Create(new SKImageInfo(refer.Length * zoom, 220));
            using SKCanvas canvas = surface.Canvas;


            using SKPaint paint = new SKPaint
                      Style       = SKPaintStyle.StrokeAndFill,
                      Color       = SKColors.Blue,
                      StrokeWidth = 1

            using SKPaint linePaint = new SKPaint
                      Style       = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                      Color       = SKColors.Black,
                      StrokeWidth = 1

            using SKPaint dashPaint = new SKPaint
                      Style       = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                      Color       = SKColors.Black,
                      StrokeWidth = 1,
                      PathEffect  = SKPathEffect.CreateDash(new[] { 20f, 5f }, 0)

            var histData = _service._histograms[refer.Name];

            var scale = (float)(100 / histData.Average());

            for (int i = 0; i < refer.Length; i++)
                canvas.DrawRect(i * zoom + 5, 200 - (histData[i] * scale), zoom, histData[i] * scale, paint);

            canvas.DrawLine(5, 0, 5, 200, linePaint);
            canvas.DrawLine(5, 199, refer.Length * zoom, 199, linePaint);

            var average = (int)(Math.Round(histData.Average()));

            canvas.DrawLine(5, average * scale, refer.Length * zoom, average * scale, dashPaint);

            using SKPaint textPaint = new SKPaint
                      Style        = SKPaintStyle.StrokeAndFill,
                      Color        = SKColors.Black,
                      StrokeWidth  = 1,
                      TextSize     = 20,
                      Typeface     = SKTypeface.FromFamilyName("Courier New"),
                      SubpixelText = true
            canvas.DrawText(average.ToString(), 6, average * scale - 2, textPaint);

            var cnt = textPaint.MeasureText("ACGT");

            if (zoom == 10)
                textPaint.TextSize = textPaint.TextSize * 40 / cnt;
                var shaper = new SKShaper(SKTypeface.FromFamilyName("Courier New"));

                canvas.DrawShapedText(shaper, reference, 5, 215, textPaint);

            var      width  = (chunk + 1) * WIDTH * zoom > refer.Length * zoom ? refer.Length * zoom % WIDTH : WIDTH;
            SKPixmap pixmap = surface.Snapshot().Subset(SKRectI.Create(chunk * WIDTH, 0, width, canvas.DeviceClipBounds.Height)).PeekPixels();

            var options = new SKWebpEncoderOptions(SKWebpEncoderCompression.Lossless, 100);
