internal static SKBitmap Decode(string path, bool forceCleanBitmap, IFileSystem fileSystem, ImageOrientation?orientation, out SKCodecOrigin origin) { if (!fileSystem.FileExists(path)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File not found", path); } var requiresTransparencyHack = TransparentImageTypes.Contains(Path.GetExtension(path) ?? string.Empty); if (requiresTransparencyHack || forceCleanBitmap) { using (var stream = new SKFileStream(NormalizePath(path, fileSystem))) { using (var codec = SKCodec.Create(stream)) { if (codec == null) { origin = GetSKCodecOrigin(orientation); return(null); } // create the bitmap var bitmap = new SKBitmap(codec.Info.Width, codec.Info.Height, !requiresTransparencyHack); if (bitmap != null) { // decode codec.GetPixels(bitmap.Info, bitmap.GetPixels()); origin = codec.Origin; } else { origin = GetSKCodecOrigin(orientation); } return(bitmap); } } } var resultBitmap = SKBitmap.Decode(NormalizePath(path, fileSystem)); if (resultBitmap == null) { return(Decode(path, true, fileSystem, orientation, out origin)); } // If we have to resize these they often end up distorted if (resultBitmap.ColorType == SKColorType.Gray8) { using (resultBitmap) { return(Decode(path, true, fileSystem, orientation, out origin)); } } origin = SKCodecOrigin.TopLeft; return(resultBitmap); }
public void SpecialCharactersPath() { var stream = new SKFileStream(@"C:\Projects\SkiaSharp\tests\Content\images\上田jj雅美.jpg"); Assert.NotNull(stream); Assert.True(stream.Length > 0); }
public static int Main() { using SKFileStream skfs = new SKFileStream("mono.png"); using SKImage img = SKImage.FromEncodedData(skfs); Console.WriteLine($"Size: {skfs.Length} Height: {img.Height}, Width: {img.Width}"); return(0); }
protected override void OnDrawSample(SKCanvas canvas, int width, int height) { string text = "\u03A3 and \u0750"; canvas.Clear(SKColors.White); using (var paint = new SKPaint()) { paint.IsAntialias = true; using (var tf = SKTypeface.FromFile(SampleMedia.Fonts.ContentFontPath)) { paint.Color = SampleMedia.Colors.XamarinGreen; paint.TextSize = 60; paint.Typeface = tf; canvas.DrawText(text, 50, 50, paint); } using (var fileStream = new SKFileStream(SampleMedia.Fonts.ContentFontPath)) using (var tf = SKTypeface.FromStream(fileStream)) { paint.Color = SampleMedia.Colors.XamarinDarkBlue; paint.TextSize = 60; paint.Typeface = tf; canvas.DrawText(text, 50, 100, paint); } using (var resource = SampleMedia.Fonts.EmbeddedFont) using (var memory = new MemoryStream()) { resource.CopyTo(memory); var bytes = memory.ToArray(); using (var stream = new SKMemoryStream(bytes)) using (var tf = SKTypeface.FromStream(stream)) { paint.Color = SampleMedia.Colors.XamarinLightBlue; paint.TextSize = 60; paint.Typeface = tf; canvas.DrawText(text, 50, 150, paint); } } using (var managedResource = SampleMedia.Fonts.EmbeddedFont) using (var managedStream = new SKManagedStream(managedResource, true)) using (var tf = SKTypeface.FromStream(managedStream)) { paint.Color = SampleMedia.Colors.XamarinPurple; paint.TextSize = 60; paint.Typeface = tf; canvas.DrawText(text, 50, 200, paint); } } }
public void DecodeImageScanlines() { var path = Path.Combine(PathToImages, "CMYK.jpg"); var imageHeight = 516; var fileData = File.ReadAllBytes(path); var correctBitmap = SKBitmap.Decode(path); var stream = new SKFileStream(path); using (var codec = SKCodec.Create(stream)) { var info = new SKImageInfo(codec.Info.Width, codec.Info.Height); using (var scanlineBitmap = new SKBitmap(info)) { scanlineBitmap.Erase(SKColors.Fuchsia); var result = codec.StartScanlineDecode(info); Assert.Equal(SKCodecResult.Success, result); Assert.Equal(SKCodecScanlineOrder.TopDown, codec.ScanlineOrder); Assert.Equal(0, codec.NextScanline); // only decode every second line for (int y = 0; y < info.Height; y += 2) { Assert.Equal(1, codec.GetScanlines(scanlineBitmap.GetAddress(0, y), 1, info.RowBytes)); Assert.Equal(y + 1, codec.NextScanline); if (codec.SkipScanlines(1)) { Assert.Equal(y + 2, codec.NextScanline); } else { Assert.Equal(imageHeight, codec.NextScanline); // reached the end } } Assert.False(codec.SkipScanlines(1)); Assert.Equal(imageHeight, codec.NextScanline); for (var x = 0; x < info.Width; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < info.Height; y++) { if (y % 2 == 0) { Assert.Equal(correctBitmap.GetPixel(x, y), scanlineBitmap.GetPixel(x, y)); } else { Assert.Equal(SKColors.Fuchsia, scanlineBitmap.GetPixel(x, y)); } } } } } }
public void FileStreamSelectCorrectStreamForASCIIPath() { var path = Path.Combine(PathToImages, "baboon.jpg"); using (var stream = SKFileStream.OpenStream(path)) { Assert.IsType <SKFileStream>(stream); } }
public void CanGetPixels() { var stream = new SKFileStream(Path.Combine(PathToImages, "baboon.png")); using (var codec = SKCodec.Create(stream)) { var pixels = codec.Pixels; Assert.Equal(codec.Info.BytesSize, pixels.Length); } }
public void FileStreamSelectCorrectStreamForNonASCIIPath() { var path = Path.Combine(PathToImages, "上田雅美.jpg"); using (var stream = SKFileStream.OpenStream(path)) { Assert.IsType <SKFileStream>(stream); Assert.True(((SKFileStream)stream).IsValid); } }
public ImageDimensions GetImageSize(string path) { using (var s = new SKFileStream(path)) using (var codec = SKCodec.Create(s)) { var info = codec.Info; return(new ImageDimensions(info.Width, info.Height)); } }
public void DataCanBeCreatedFromStream() { using var stream = new SKFileStream(Path.Combine(PathToImages, "baboon.jpg")); Assert.True(stream.IsValid); using var data = SKData.Create(stream); Assert.NotNull(data); Assert.True(data.Size > 0); }
public void GetEncodedInfo() { var stream = new SKFileStream(Path.Combine(PathToImages, "color-wheel.png")); using (var codec = SKCodec.Create(stream)) { Assert.Equal(SKEncodedInfoColor.Rgba, codec.EncodedInfo.Color); Assert.Equal(SKEncodedInfoAlpha.Unpremul, codec.EncodedInfo.Alpha); Assert.Equal(8, codec.EncodedInfo.BitsPerComponent); } }
public void StringIsMarshaledCorrectly() { var filename = Path.GetTempFileName(); bitmap.Save(filename, ImageFormat.Png); var filestream = new SKFileStream(filename); var decoder = new SKImageDecoder(filestream); string format1 = decoder.FormatName; }
public void GetEncodedInfo() { var stream = new SKFileStream(Path.Combine(PathToImages, "color-wheel.png")); using (var codec = SKCodec.Create(stream)) { Assert.Equal(SKImageInfo.PlatformColorType, codec.Info.ColorType); Assert.Equal(SKAlphaType.Unpremul, codec.Info.AlphaType); Assert.Equal(32, codec.Info.BitsPerPixel); } }
internal static SKBitmap Decode(string path, bool forceCleanBitmap, out SKCodecOrigin origin) { var requiresTransparencyHack = TransparentImageTypes.Contains(Path.GetExtension(path) ?? string.Empty); if (requiresTransparencyHack || forceCleanBitmap) { using (var stream = new SKFileStream(path)) { using (var codec = SKCodec.Create(stream)) { if (codec == null) { origin = SKCodecOrigin.TopLeft; return(null); } // create the bitmap var bitmap = new SKBitmap(codec.Info.Width, codec.Info.Height, !requiresTransparencyHack); if (bitmap != null) { // decode codec.GetPixels(bitmap.Info, bitmap.GetPixels()); origin = codec.Origin; } else { origin = SKCodecOrigin.TopLeft; } return(bitmap); } } } var resultBitmap = SKBitmap.Decode(path); if (resultBitmap == null) { return(Decode(path, true, out origin)); } // If we have to resize these they often end up distorted if (resultBitmap.ColorType == SKColorType.Gray8) { using (resultBitmap) { return(Decode(path, true, out origin)); } } origin = SKCodecOrigin.TopLeft; return(resultBitmap); }
public void SupportsNonASCIICharactersInPath() { var path = Path.Combine(PathToImages, "上田雅美.jpg"); using (var stream = new SKFileStream(path)) { Assert.NotNull(stream); Assert.True(stream.Length > 0); Assert.True(stream.IsValid); } }
public void FileStreamForMissingFile() { var path = Path.Combine(PathToImages, "missing-image.png"); Assert.Null(SKFileStream.OpenStream(path)); var stream = new SKFileStream(path); Assert.Equal(0, stream.Length); Assert.False(stream.IsValid); }
public void GetGifFrames() { const int FrameCount = 16; var stream = new SKFileStream(Path.Combine(PathToImages, "animated-heart.gif")); using (var codec = SKCodec.Create(stream)) { Assert.Equal(-1, codec.RepetitionCount); var frameInfos = codec.FrameInfo; Assert.Equal(FrameCount, frameInfos.Length); Assert.Equal(-1, frameInfos[0].RequiredFrame); var cachedFrames = new SKBitmap[FrameCount]; var info = new SKImageInfo(codec.Info.Width, codec.Info.Height); var decode = new Action <SKBitmap, int, int>((bm, cachedIndex, index) => { var decodeInfo = info; if (index > 0) { decodeInfo = info.WithAlphaType(frameInfos[index].AlphaType); } Assert.True(bm.TryAllocPixels(decodeInfo)); if (cachedIndex != -1) { Assert.True(cachedFrames[cachedIndex].CopyTo(bm)); } var opts = new SKCodecOptions(index, cachedIndex); var result = codec.GetPixels(decodeInfo, bm.GetPixels(), opts); if (cachedIndex != -1 && frameInfos[cachedIndex].DisposalMethod == SKCodecAnimationDisposalMethod.RestorePrevious) { Assert.Equal(SKCodecResult.InvalidParameters, result); } Assert.Equal(SKCodecResult.Success, result); }); for (var i = 0; i < FrameCount; i++) { var cachedFrame = cachedFrames[i] = new SKBitmap(); decode(cachedFrame, -1, i); var uncachedFrame = new SKBitmap(); decode(uncachedFrame, frameInfos[i].RequiredFrame, i); var cachedBytes = cachedFrame.Bytes; var uncachedBytes = uncachedFrame.Bytes; Assert.Equal(cachedBytes, uncachedBytes); } } }
public void CanCreateStreamCodec() { var stream = new SKFileStream(Path.Combine(PathToImages, "color-wheel.png")); using (var codec = SKCodec.Create(stream)) { Assert.Equal(SKEncodedFormat.Png, codec.EncodedFormat); Assert.Equal(128, codec.Info.Width); Assert.Equal(128, codec.Info.Height); Assert.Equal(SKAlphaType.Unpremul, codec.Info.AlphaType); Assert.Equal(SKImageInfo.PlatformColorType, codec.Info.ColorType); } }
public ImageSize GetImageSize(string path) { using (var s = new SKFileStream(path)) using (var codec = SKCodec.Create(s)) { var info = codec.Info; return(new ImageSize { Width = info.Width, Height = info.Height }); } }
public void GetSingleGifFrame() { var stream = new SKFileStream(Path.Combine(PathToImages, "animated-heart.gif")); using (var codec = SKCodec.Create(stream)) { var frameInfos = codec.FrameInfo; for (var i = 0; i < frameInfos.Length; i++) { Assert.True(codec.GetFrameInfo(i, out var info)); Assert.Equal(frameInfos[i], info); } } }
public ImageDimensions GetImageSize(string path) { if (!File.Exists(path)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File not found", path); } using (var s = new SKFileStream(path)) using (var codec = SKCodec.Create(s)) { var info = codec.Info; return(new ImageDimensions(info.Width, info.Height)); } }
private async void LoadSkBitmap() { var path = ContentImg; var newBitmap = await Task.Run(() => { using (var stream = new SKFileStream(path)) { return(SKBitmap.Decode(stream)); } }); _contentBitmap?.Dispose(); _contentBitmap = newBitmap; InvalidateSurface(); }
public void CanCreateStreamCodecWithResult() { var stream = new SKFileStream(Path.Combine(PathToImages, "color-wheel.png")); Assert.True(stream.IsValid); using var codec = SKCodec.Create(stream, out var result); Assert.Equal(SKCodecResult.Success, result); Assert.Equal(SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, codec.EncodedFormat); Assert.Equal(128, codec.Info.Width); Assert.Equal(128, codec.Info.Height); Assert.Equal(SKAlphaType.Unpremul, codec.Info.AlphaType); Assert.Equal(SKImageInfo.PlatformColorType, codec.Info.ColorType); }
public void FileStreamSelectCorrectStreamForNonASCIIPath() { var path = Path.Combine(PathToImages, "上田雅美.jpg"); using (var stream = SKFileStream.OpenStream(path)) { if (IsWindows) { Assert.IsType <SKManagedStream>(stream); } else { Assert.IsType <SKFileStream>(stream); } } }
protected ImageData GetImage(string path) { using (var stream = new SKFileStream(path)) using (var bitmap = SKBitmap.Decode(stream)) { ConvertBitmapIfNecessary(bitmap); return(new ImageData { Path = path, Width = bitmap.Width, Height = bitmap.Height, Pixels = bitmap.Bytes, Format = ConvertToFormat(bitmap.ColorType) }); } }
public void Load(string imgFileName, Enums.ImageLoadMode loadMode = Enums.ImageLoadMode.Full) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Path = imgFileName; switch (loadMode) { case Enums.ImageLoadMode.Full: Bitmap = new Bitmap(imgFileName); Width = Bitmap.PixelSize.Width; Height = Bitmap.PixelSize.Height; break; case Enums.ImageLoadMode.Miniature: using (var stream = new SKFileStream(imgFileName)) using (var src = SKBitmap.Decode(stream)) { Width = src.Width; Height = src.Height; var scale = 100f / src.Width; var resized = new SKBitmap( (int)(src.Width * scale), (int)(src.Height * scale), src.ColorType, src.AlphaType); src.ScalePixels(resized, SKFilterQuality.Low); Bitmap = new Bitmap( resized.ColorType.ToPixelFormat(), resized.GetPixels(), new PixelSize(resized.Width, resized.Height), SkiaPlatform.DefaultDpi, resized.RowBytes); } break; default: throw new Exception($"invalid ImageLoadMode:{loadMode.ToString()}"); } Dispatcher.UIThread.InvokeAsync(() => { ImageBrush.Source = Bitmap; OnLoad?.Invoke(); }); }); }
public void SupportsNonASCIICharactersInPath() { var path = Path.Combine(PathToImages, "上田雅美.jpg"); using (var stream = new SKFileStream(path)) { if (IsWindows) { Assert.Equal(0, stream.Length); throw new SkipException("Windows does not support non-ASCII characters:"); } else { Assert.NotNull(stream); Assert.True(stream.Length > 0); } } }
public void CanCreateStreamCodec() { var stream = new SKFileStream(Path.Combine(PathToImages, "color-wheel.png")); using (var codec = SKCodec.Create(stream)) { Assert.AreEqual(SKEncodedFormat.Png, codec.EncodedFormat); Assert.AreEqual(128, codec.Info.Width); Assert.AreEqual(128, codec.Info.Height); Assert.AreEqual(SKAlphaType.Unpremul, codec.Info.AlphaType); if (IsUnix) { Assert.AreEqual(SKColorType.Rgba8888, codec.Info.ColorType); } else { Assert.AreEqual(SKColorType.Bgra8888, codec.Info.ColorType); } } }
public void GetGifFrames() { const int FrameCount = 16; var stream = new SKFileStream(Path.Combine(PathToImages, "animated-heart.gif")); using (var codec = SKCodec.Create(stream)) { Assert.Equal(-1, codec.RepetitionCount); var frameInfos = codec.FrameInfo; Assert.Equal(FrameCount, frameInfos.Length); Assert.Equal(-1, frameInfos [0].RequiredFrame); var cachedFrames = new SKBitmap [FrameCount]; var info = new SKImageInfo(codec.Info.Width, codec.Info.Height); var decode = new Action <SKBitmap, bool, int> ((bm, cached, index) => { if (cached) { var requiredFrame = frameInfos [index].RequiredFrame; if (requiredFrame != -1) { Assert.True(cachedFrames [requiredFrame].CopyTo(bm)); } } var opts = new SKCodecOptions(index, cached); var result = codec.GetPixels(info, bm.GetPixels(), opts); Assert.Equal(SKCodecResult.Success, result); }); for (var i = 0; i < FrameCount; i++) { var cachedFrame = cachedFrames [i] = new SKBitmap(info); decode(cachedFrame, true, i); var uncachedFrame = new SKBitmap(info); decode(uncachedFrame, false, i); Assert.Equal(cachedFrame.Bytes, uncachedFrame.Bytes); } } }
public void GarbageCollectionCollectsStreams() { VerifyImmediateFinalizers(); var path = Path.Combine(PathToImages, "baboon.jpg"); var weak = DoWork(); CollectGarbage(); Assert.False(weak.IsAlive); Assert.Null(weak.Target); WeakReference DoWork() { var stream = new SKFileStream(path); return(new WeakReference(stream)); } }