Esempio n. 1
        static void Complete(string filePath, int population, ISeeder seeder)
            var random = new Random(0);
            var paths  = new Paths(new Complete(random, population));
            var state  = new State(population, false, 0.0f);

            var sir = SIR.Study(paths, state, seeder, 100);

            sir.Save(filePath, $"# Complete graph of size {population} with seeding {seeder.Description}");
Esempio n. 2
        static void Complete(string filePath, float discard)
            var random     = new Random(0);
            var population = 1000;
            var paths      = new Paths(new Complete(random, population));
            var state      = new State(population, true, discard);

            var sir = SIR.Study(paths, state, new FirstOne(), 100);

            sir.Save(filePath, $"# Complete graph of size {population} discarding {100 * discard}%");