public async Task CancelCallUnitTest() { logger.LogDebug("--> " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); logger.BeginScope(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); SIPTransport aliceTransport = new SIPTransport(); aliceTransport.AddSIPChannel(new SIPUDPChannel(IPAddress.Loopback, 0)); var alice = new SIPUserAgent(aliceTransport, null, true); SIPServerUserAgent uas = null; // Auto accept but NOT answering. alice.OnIncomingCall += (ua, req) => uas = ua.AcceptCall(req); SIPTransport bobTransport = new SIPTransport(); bobTransport.AddSIPChannel(new SIPUDPChannel(IPAddress.Loopback, 0)); var bob = new SIPUserAgent(bobTransport, null, true); var callTask = bob.Call(alice.ContactURI.ToString(), null, null, CreateMediaSession()); await Task.Delay(500); Assert.True(bob.IsRinging); Assert.NotNull(uas); Assert.False(uas.IsCancelled); bob.Cancel(); await Task.Delay(500); Assert.False(alice.IsCallActive); Assert.False(bob.IsCallActive); Assert.True(uas.IsCancelled); }
static async Task Main() { Console.WriteLine("SIPSorcery Getting Started Demo"); AddConsoleLogger(); _waveFile = new WaveFileWriter("output.mp3", _waveFormat); var sipTransport = new SIPTransport(); var userAgent = new SIPUserAgent(sipTransport, null); userAgent.ClientCallFailed += (uac, err, resp) => { Console.WriteLine($"Call failed {err}"); _waveFile?.Close(); }; userAgent.OnCallHungup += (dialog) => _waveFile?.Close(); WindowsAudioEndPoint winAudioEP = new WindowsAudioEndPoint(new AudioEncoder()); VoIPMediaSession voipSession = new VoIPMediaSession(winAudioEP.ToMediaEndPoints()); voipSession.OnRtpPacketReceived += OnRtpPacketReceived; // Ctrl-c will gracefully exit the call at any point. Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = true; if (userAgent.IsCallActive) { Console.WriteLine("Hanging up."); userAgent.Hangup(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Cancelling call"); userAgent.Cancel(); } }; // Place the call and wait for the result. bool callResult = await userAgent.Call(DESTINATION, null, null, voipSession); Console.WriteLine($"Call result {((callResult) ? "success" : "failure")}."); Console.WriteLine("press any key to exit..."); Console.Read(); if (userAgent.IsCallActive) { Console.WriteLine("Hanging up."); userAgent.Hangup(); } // Clean up. sipTransport.Shutdown(); }
/// <summary> /// Cancels an outgoing SIP call that hasn't yet been answered. /// </summary> public void Cancel() { StatusMessage(this, "Cancelling SIP call to " + m_userAgent.CallDescriptor?.Uri + "."); m_userAgent.Cancel(); }
static async Task Main() { Console.WriteLine("SIPSorcery Asterisk + ICE Demo"); AddConsoleLogger(); CancellationTokenSource exitCts = new CancellationTokenSource(); var sipTransport = new SIPTransport(); EnableTraceLogs(sipTransport); var userAgent = new SIPUserAgent(sipTransport, null); userAgent.ClientCallFailed += (uac, error, sipResponse) => Console.WriteLine($"Call failed {error}."); userAgent.OnCallHungup += async(dialog) => { // Give time for the BYE response before exiting. await Task.Delay(1000); exitCts.Cancel(); }; var audioExtras = new AudioExtrasSource(); audioExtras.SetSource(AudioSourcesEnum.PinkNoise); var testPattern = new VideoTestPatternSource(new VpxVideoEncoder()); var pc = new RTCPeerConnection(null); pc.OnAudioFormatsNegotiated += (formats) => audioExtras.SetAudioSourceFormat(formats.First()); pc.OnVideoFormatsNegotiated += (formats) => testPattern.SetVideoSourceFormat(formats.First()); var audioTrack = new MediaStreamTrack(audioExtras.GetAudioSourceFormats(), MediaStreamStatusEnum.SendOnly); pc.addTrack(audioTrack); audioExtras.OnAudioSourceEncodedSample += pc.SendAudio; var videoTrack = new MediaStreamTrack(testPattern.GetVideoSourceFormats(), MediaStreamStatusEnum.SendOnly); pc.addTrack(videoTrack); testPattern.OnVideoSourceEncodedSample += pc.SendVideo; // Diagnostics. pc.OnReceiveReport += (re, media, rr) => Console.WriteLine($"RTCP Receive for {media} from {re}\n{rr.GetDebugSummary()}"); pc.OnSendReport += (media, sr) => Console.WriteLine($"RTCP Send for {media}\n{sr.GetDebugSummary()}"); pc.GetRtpChannel().OnStunMessageReceived += (msg, ep, isRelay) => Console.WriteLine($"STUN {msg.Header.MessageType} received from {ep}."); pc.oniceconnectionstatechange += (state) => Console.WriteLine($"ICE connection state change to {state}."); // ICE connection state handler. pc.onconnectionstatechange += (state) => { Console.WriteLine($"Peer connection state change to {state}."); if (state == RTCPeerConnectionState.connected) { audioExtras.StartAudio(); testPattern.StartVideo(); } else if (state == RTCPeerConnectionState.failed) { if (userAgent.IsCallActive) { Console.WriteLine("ICE connection failed, hanging up active call."); userAgent.Hangup(); } } }; // Place the call and wait for the result. var callTask = userAgent.Call(DESTINATION, USERNAME, PASSWORD, pc); Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = true; if (userAgent != null) { if (userAgent.IsCalling || userAgent.IsRinging) { Console.WriteLine("Cancelling in progress call."); userAgent.Cancel(); } else if (userAgent.IsCallActive) { Console.WriteLine("Hanging up established call."); userAgent.Hangup(); } } ; exitCts.Cancel(); }; Console.WriteLine("press ctrl-c to exit..."); bool callResult = await callTask; if (callResult) { Console.WriteLine($"Call to {DESTINATION} succeeded."); exitCts.Token.WaitHandle.WaitOne(); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Call to {DESTINATION} failed."); } Console.WriteLine("Exiting..."); if (userAgent?.IsHangingUp == true) { Console.WriteLine("Waiting 1s for the call hangup or cancel to complete..."); await Task.Delay(1000); } // Clean up. sipTransport.Shutdown(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("SIPSorcery call hold example."); Console.WriteLine("Press ctrl-c to exit."); // Plumbing code to facilitate a graceful exit. CancellationTokenSource exitCts = new CancellationTokenSource(); // Cancellation token to stop the SIP transport and RTP stream. bool isCallHungup = false; bool hasCallFailed = false; AddConsoleLogger(); // Check whether an override desination has been entered on the command line. SIPURI callUri = SIPURI.ParseSIPURI(DEFAULT_DESTINATION_SIP_URI); if (args != null && args.Length > 0) { if (!SIPURI.TryParse(args[0])) { Log.LogWarning($"Command line argument could not be parsed as a SIP URI {args[0]}"); } else { callUri = SIPURI.ParseSIPURIRelaxed(args[0]); } } Log.LogInformation($"Call destination {callUri}."); // Set up a default SIP transport. _sipTransport = new SIPTransport(); _sipTransport.AddSIPChannel(new SIPUDPChannel(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0))); EnableTraceLogs(_sipTransport); var lookupResult = SIPDNSManager.ResolveSIPService(callUri, false); Log.LogDebug($"DNS lookup result for {callUri}: {lookupResult?.GetSIPEndPoint()}."); var dstAddress = lookupResult.GetSIPEndPoint().Address; IPAddress localIPAddress = NetServices.GetLocalAddressForRemote(dstAddress); // Initialise an RTP session to receive the RTP packets from the remote SIP server. _ourRtpSocket = null; Socket controlSocket = null; NetServices.CreateRtpSocket(localIPAddress, 48000, 48100, false, out _ourRtpSocket, out controlSocket); var rtpRecvSession = new RTPSession((int)RTPPayloadTypesEnum.PCMU, null, null); var rtpSendSession = new RTPSession((int)RTPPayloadTypesEnum.PCMU, null, null); _ourSDP = GetSDP(_ourRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint as IPEndPoint, RTP_ATTRIBUTE_SENDRECV); // Create a client/server user agent to place a call to a remote SIP server along with event handlers for the different stages of the call. var userAgent = new SIPUserAgent(_sipTransport, null); userAgent.ClientCallTrying += (uac, resp) => { Log.LogInformation($"{uac.CallDescriptor.To} Trying: {resp.StatusCode} {resp.ReasonPhrase}."); }; userAgent.ClientCallRinging += (uac, resp) => Log.LogInformation($"{uac.CallDescriptor.To} Ringing: {resp.StatusCode} {resp.ReasonPhrase}."); userAgent.ClientCallFailed += (uac, err) => { Log.LogWarning($"{uac.CallDescriptor.To} Failed: {err}"); hasCallFailed = true; exitCts.Cancel(); }; userAgent.ClientCallAnswered += (uac, resp) => { if (resp.Status == SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.Ok) { Log.LogInformation($"{uac.CallDescriptor.To} Answered: {resp.StatusCode} {resp.ReasonPhrase}."); // Only set the remote RTP end point if there hasn't already been a packet received on it. if (_remoteRtpEndPoint == null) { _remoteRtpEndPoint = SDP.GetSDPRTPEndPoint(resp.Body); Log.LogDebug($"Remote RTP socket {_remoteRtpEndPoint}."); } } else { Log.LogWarning($"{uac.CallDescriptor.To} Answered: {resp.StatusCode} {resp.ReasonPhrase}."); } }; userAgent.CallHungup += () => { Log.LogInformation($"Call hungup by remote party."); exitCts.Cancel(); }; userAgent.OnReinviteRequest += ReinviteRequestReceived; // The only incoming requests that need to be explicitly in this example program are in-dialog // re-INVITE requests that are being used to place the call on/off hold. _sipTransport.SIPTransportRequestReceived += (localSIPEndPoint, remoteEndPoint, sipRequest) => { try { if (sipRequest.Header.From != null && sipRequest.Header.From.FromTag != null && sipRequest.Header.To != null && sipRequest.Header.To.ToTag != null) { userAgent.InDialogRequestReceivedAsync(sipRequest).Wait(); } else if (sipRequest.Method == SIPMethodsEnum.OPTIONS) { SIPResponse optionsResponse = SIPTransport.GetResponse(sipRequest, SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.Ok, null); _sipTransport.SendResponse(optionsResponse); } } catch (Exception excp) { Log.LogError($"Exception processing request. {excp.Message}"); } }; // It's a good idea to start the RTP receiving socket before the call request is sent. // A SIP server will generally start sending RTP as soon as it has processed the incoming call request and // being ready to receive will stop any ICMP error response being generated. Task.Run(() => RecvRtp(_ourRtpSocket, rtpRecvSession, exitCts)); Task.Run(() => SendRtp(_ourRtpSocket, rtpSendSession, exitCts)); // Start the thread that places the call. SIPCallDescriptor callDescriptor = new SIPCallDescriptor( SIP_USERNAME, SIP_PASSWORD, callUri.ToString(), $"sip:{SIP_USERNAME}@localhost", callUri.CanonicalAddress, null, null, null, SIPCallDirection.Out, SDP.SDP_MIME_CONTENTTYPE, _ourSDP.ToString(), null); userAgent.Call(callDescriptor); // At this point the call has been initiated and everything will be handled in an event handler. Task.Run(() => { try { while (!exitCts.Token.WaitHandle.WaitOne(0)) { var keyProps = Console.ReadKey(); if (keyProps.KeyChar == 'h') { // Place call on/off hold. if (userAgent.IsAnswered) { if (_holdStatus == HoldStatus.None) { Log.LogInformation("Placing the remote call party on hold."); _holdStatus = HoldStatus.WePutOnHold; _ourSDP = GetSDP(_ourRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint as IPEndPoint, RTP_ATTRIBUTE_SENDONLY); userAgent.SendReInviteRequest(_ourSDP); } else if (_holdStatus == HoldStatus.WePutOnHold) { Log.LogInformation("Removing the remote call party from hold."); _holdStatus = HoldStatus.None; _ourSDP = GetSDP(_ourRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint as IPEndPoint, RTP_ATTRIBUTE_SENDRECV); userAgent.SendReInviteRequest(_ourSDP); } else { Log.LogInformation("Sorry we're already on hold by the remote call party."); } } } else if (keyProps.KeyChar == 'q') { // Quit application. exitCts.Cancel(); } } } catch (Exception excp) { SIPSorcery.Sys.Log.Logger.LogError($"Exception Key Press listener. {excp.Message}."); } }); // Ctrl-c will gracefully exit the call at any point. Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = true; exitCts.Cancel(); }; // Wait for a signal saying the call failed, was cancelled with ctrl-c or completed. exitCts.Token.WaitHandle.WaitOne(); #region Cleanup. Log.LogInformation("Exiting..."); _ourRtpSocket?.Close(); controlSocket?.Close(); if (!isCallHungup && userAgent != null) { if (userAgent.IsAnswered) { Log.LogInformation($"Hanging up call to {userAgent?.CallDescriptor?.To}."); userAgent.Hangup(); } else if (!hasCallFailed) { Log.LogInformation($"Cancelling call to {userAgent?.CallDescriptor?.To}."); userAgent.Cancel(); } // Give the BYE or CANCEL request time to be transmitted. Log.LogInformation("Waiting 1s for call to clean up..."); Task.Delay(1000).Wait(); } SIPSorcery.Net.DNSManager.Stop(); if (_sipTransport != null) { Log.LogInformation("Shutting down SIP transport..."); _sipTransport.Shutdown(); } #endregion }
static async Task Main() { Console.WriteLine("SIPSorcery Getting Started Demo"); AddConsoleLogger(); _waveFile = new WaveFileWriter("output.mp3", _waveFormat); var sipTransport = new SIPTransport(); var userAgent = new SIPUserAgent(sipTransport, null); userAgent.ClientCallFailed += (uac, err, resp) => { Console.WriteLine($"Call failed {err}"); _waveFile?.Close(); }; userAgent.OnCallHungup += (dialog) => _waveFile?.Close(); var rtpSession = new RtpAVSession( new AudioOptions { AudioSource = AudioSourcesEnum.CaptureDevice, AudioCodecs = new List <SDPMediaFormatsEnum> { SDPMediaFormatsEnum.PCMU, SDPMediaFormatsEnum.PCMA } }, null); rtpSession.OnRtpPacketReceived += OnRtpPacketReceived; // Ctrl-c will gracefully exit the call at any point. Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = true; if (userAgent.IsCallActive) { Console.WriteLine("Hanging up."); userAgent.Hangup(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Cancelling call"); userAgent.Cancel(); } }; // Place the call and wait for the result. bool callResult = await userAgent.Call(DESTINATION, null, null, rtpSession); Console.WriteLine($"Call result {((callResult) ? "success" : "failure")}."); Console.WriteLine("press any key to exit..."); Console.Read(); if (userAgent.IsCallActive) { Console.WriteLine("Hanging up."); userAgent.Hangup(); } // Clean up. sipTransport.Shutdown(); }
static async Task Main() { Console.WriteLine("SIPSorcery Play Sounds Demo"); AddConsoleLogger(); CancellationTokenSource exitCts = new CancellationTokenSource(); var sipTransport = new SIPTransport(); EnableTraceLogs(sipTransport); var userAgent = new SIPUserAgent(sipTransport, OUTBOUND_PROXY); userAgent.ClientCallFailed += (uac, error, sipResponse) => Console.WriteLine($"Call failed {error}."); userAgent.ClientCallFailed += (uac, error, sipResponse) => exitCts.Cancel(); userAgent.OnCallHungup += (dialog) => exitCts.Cancel(); var windowsAudio = new WindowsAudioEndPoint(new AudioEncoder()); //windowsAudio.RestrictFormats(format => format.Codec == AudioCodecsEnum.PCMU); var voipMediaSession = new VoIPMediaSession(windowsAudio.ToMediaEndPoints()); voipMediaSession.AcceptRtpFromAny = true; //voipMediaSession.AudioExtrasSource.AudioSamplePeriodMilliseconds = 20; //voipMediaSession.AudioLocalTrack.Capabilities.Clear(); //voipMediaSession.AudioLocalTrack.Capabilities.Add( // new SDPAudioVideoMediaFormat(new AudioFormat(AudioCodecsEnum.L16, 118, 8000))); Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = true; if (userAgent != null) { if (userAgent.IsCalling || userAgent.IsRinging) { Console.WriteLine("Cancelling in progress call."); userAgent.Cancel(); } else if (userAgent.IsCallActive) { Console.WriteLine("Hanging up established call."); userAgent.Hangup(); } } ; exitCts.Cancel(); }; // Place the call and wait for the result. var callTask = userAgent.Call(DESTINATION, null, null, voipMediaSession); Console.WriteLine("press ctrl-c to exit..."); bool callResult = await callTask; if (callResult) { Console.WriteLine($"Call to {DESTINATION} succeeded."); await windowsAudio.PauseAudio(); try { await voipMediaSession.AudioExtrasSource.StartAudio(); //Console.WriteLine("Sending welcome message from 8KHz sample."); await voipMediaSession.AudioExtrasSource.SendAudioFromStream(new FileStream(WELCOME_8K, FileMode.Open), AudioSamplingRatesEnum.Rate8KHz); await Task.Delay(200, exitCts.Token); Console.WriteLine("Sending sine wave."); voipMediaSession.AudioExtrasSource.SetSource(AudioSourcesEnum.SineWave); await Task.Delay(5000, exitCts.Token); Console.WriteLine("Sending white noise signal."); voipMediaSession.AudioExtrasSource.SetSource(AudioSourcesEnum.WhiteNoise); await Task.Delay(2000, exitCts.Token); Console.WriteLine("Sending pink noise signal."); voipMediaSession.AudioExtrasSource.SetSource(AudioSourcesEnum.PinkNoise); await Task.Delay(2000, exitCts.Token); Console.WriteLine("Sending silence."); voipMediaSession.AudioExtrasSource.SetSource(AudioSourcesEnum.Silence); await Task.Delay(2000, exitCts.Token); Console.WriteLine("Playing music."); voipMediaSession.AudioExtrasSource.SetSource(AudioSourcesEnum.Music); await Task.Delay(5000, exitCts.Token); Console.WriteLine("Sending goodbye message from 16KHz sample."); await voipMediaSession.AudioExtrasSource.SendAudioFromStream(new FileStream(GOODBYE_16K, FileMode.Open), AudioSamplingRatesEnum.Rate16KHz); voipMediaSession.AudioExtrasSource.SetSource(AudioSourcesEnum.None); await voipMediaSession.AudioExtrasSource.PauseAudio(); await Task.Delay(200, exitCts.Token); } catch (System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException) { } // Switch to the external microphone input source. await windowsAudio.ResumeAudio(); exitCts.Token.WaitHandle.WaitOne(); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Call to {DESTINATION} failed."); } Console.WriteLine("Exiting..."); if (userAgent?.IsHangingUp == true) { Console.WriteLine("Waiting 1s for the call hangup or cancel to complete..."); await Task.Delay(1000); } // Clean up. sipTransport.Shutdown(); }
static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("SIPSorcery call hold example."); Console.WriteLine("Press ctrl-c to exit."); // Plumbing code to facilitate a graceful exit. CancellationTokenSource exitCts = new CancellationTokenSource(); // Cancellation token to stop the SIP transport and RTP stream. bool isCallHungup = false; bool hasCallFailed = false; AddConsoleLogger(); // Set up a default SIP transport. var sipTransport = new SIPTransport(); sipTransport.AddSIPChannel(new SIPUDPChannel(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, SIP_LISTEN_PORT))); //EnableTraceLogs(sipTransport); // Get the default speaker. var(audioOutEvent, audioOutProvider) = GetAudioOutputDevice(); WaveInEvent waveInEvent = GetAudioInputDevice(); RTPMediaSession RtpMediaSession = null; // Create a client/server user agent to place a call to a remote SIP server along with event handlers for the different stages of the call. var userAgent = new SIPUserAgent(sipTransport, null); userAgent.ClientCallTrying += (uac, resp) => Log.LogInformation($"{uac.CallDescriptor.To} Trying: {resp.StatusCode} {resp.ReasonPhrase}."); userAgent.ClientCallRinging += (uac, resp) => Log.LogInformation($"{uac.CallDescriptor.To} Ringing: {resp.StatusCode} {resp.ReasonPhrase}."); userAgent.ClientCallFailed += (uac, err) => { Log.LogWarning($"{uac.CallDescriptor.To} Failed: {err}"); hasCallFailed = true; exitCts.Cancel(); }; userAgent.ClientCallAnswered += (uac, resp) => { if (resp.Status == SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.Ok) { Log.LogInformation($"{uac.CallDescriptor.To} Answered: {resp.StatusCode} {resp.ReasonPhrase}."); PlayRemoteMedia(RtpMediaSession, audioOutProvider); } else { Log.LogWarning($"{uac.CallDescriptor.To} Answered: {resp.StatusCode} {resp.ReasonPhrase}."); hasCallFailed = true; exitCts.Cancel(); } }; userAgent.OnCallHungup += () => { Log.LogInformation($"Call hungup by remote party."); exitCts.Cancel(); }; userAgent.ServerCallCancelled += (uas) => Log.LogInformation("Incoming call cancelled by caller."); sipTransport.SIPTransportRequestReceived += async(localEndPoint, remoteEndPoint, sipRequest) => { if (sipRequest.Header.From != null && sipRequest.Header.From.FromTag != null && sipRequest.Header.To != null && sipRequest.Header.To.ToTag != null) { // This is an in-dialog request that will be handled directly by a user agent instance. } else if (sipRequest.Method == SIPMethodsEnum.INVITE) { if (userAgent?.IsCallActive == true) { Log.LogWarning($"Busy response returned for incoming call request from {remoteEndPoint}: {sipRequest.StatusLine}."); // If we are already on a call return a busy response. UASInviteTransaction uasTransaction = new UASInviteTransaction(sipTransport, sipRequest, null); SIPResponse busyResponse = SIPResponse.GetResponse(sipRequest, SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.BusyHere, null); uasTransaction.SendFinalResponse(busyResponse); } else { Log.LogInformation($"Incoming call request from {remoteEndPoint}: {sipRequest.StatusLine}."); var incomingCall = userAgent.AcceptCall(sipRequest); RtpMediaSession = new RTPMediaSession(, (int)SDPMediaFormatsEnum.PCMU, AddressFamily.InterNetwork); RtpMediaSession.RemotePutOnHold += () => Log.LogInformation("Remote call party has placed us on hold."); RtpMediaSession.RemoteTookOffHold += () => Log.LogInformation("Remote call party took us off hold."); await userAgent.Answer(incomingCall, RtpMediaSession); PlayRemoteMedia(RtpMediaSession, audioOutProvider); waveInEvent.StartRecording(); Log.LogInformation($"Answered incoming call from {sipRequest.Header.From.FriendlyDescription()} at {remoteEndPoint}."); } } else { Log.LogDebug($"SIP {sipRequest.Method} request received but no processing has been set up for it, rejecting."); SIPResponse notAllowedResponse = SIPResponse.GetResponse(sipRequest, SIPResponseStatusCodesEnum.MethodNotAllowed, null); await sipTransport.SendResponseAsync(notAllowedResponse); } }; // Wire up the RTP send session to the audio output device. uint rtpSendTimestamp = 0; waveInEvent.DataAvailable += (object sender, WaveInEventArgs args) => { byte[] sample = new byte[args.Buffer.Length / 2]; int sampleIndex = 0; for (int index = 0; index < args.BytesRecorded; index += 2) { var ulawByte = NAudio.Codecs.MuLawEncoder.LinearToMuLawSample(BitConverter.ToInt16(args.Buffer, index)); sample[sampleIndex++] = ulawByte; } if (RtpMediaSession != null) { RtpMediaSession.SendAudioFrame(rtpSendTimestamp, sample); rtpSendTimestamp += (uint)(8000 / waveInEvent.BufferMilliseconds); } }; // At this point the call has been initiated and everything will be handled in an event handler. Task.Run(async() => { try { while (!exitCts.Token.WaitHandle.WaitOne(0)) { var keyProps = Console.ReadKey(); if (keyProps.KeyChar == 'c') { if (!userAgent.IsCallActive) { RtpMediaSession = new RTPMediaSession(, (int)SDPMediaFormatsEnum.PCMU, AddressFamily.InterNetwork); RtpMediaSession.RemotePutOnHold += () => Log.LogInformation("Remote call party has placed us on hold."); RtpMediaSession.RemoteTookOffHold += () => Log.LogInformation("Remote call party took us off hold."); var callDescriptor = GetCallDescriptor(DEFAULT_DESTINATION_SIP_URI); await userAgent.InitiateCall(callDescriptor, RtpMediaSession); } else { Log.LogWarning("There is already an active call."); } } else if (keyProps.KeyChar == 'h') { // Place call on/off hold. if (userAgent.IsCallActive) { if (RtpMediaSession.LocalOnHold) { Log.LogInformation("Taking the remote call party off hold."); RtpMediaSession.TakeOffHold(); } else { Log.LogInformation("Placing the remote call party on hold."); RtpMediaSession.PutOnHold(); } } else { Log.LogWarning("There is no active call to put on hold."); } } else if (keyProps.KeyChar == 't') { if (userAgent.IsCallActive) { var transferURI = SIPURI.ParseSIPURI(TRANSFER_DESTINATION_SIP_URI); bool result = await userAgent.BlindTransfer(transferURI, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TRANSFER_TIMEOUT_SECONDS), exitCts.Token); if (result) { // If the transfer was accepted the original call will already have been hungup. // Wait a second for the transfer NOTIFY request to arrive. await Task.Delay(1000); exitCts.Cancel(); } else { Log.LogWarning($"Transfer to {TRANSFER_DESTINATION_SIP_URI} failed."); } } else { Log.LogWarning("There is no active call to transfer."); } } else if (keyProps.KeyChar == 'q') { // Quit application. exitCts.Cancel(); } } } catch (Exception excp) { SIPSorcery.Sys.Log.Logger.LogError($"Exception Key Press listener. {excp.Message}."); } }); // Ctrl-c will gracefully exit the call at any point. Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = true; exitCts.Cancel(); }; // Wait for a signal saying the call failed, was cancelled with ctrl-c or completed. exitCts.Token.WaitHandle.WaitOne(); #region Cleanup. Log.LogInformation("Exiting..."); RtpMediaSession?.Close(); waveInEvent?.StopRecording(); audioOutEvent?.Stop(); if (!isCallHungup && userAgent != null) { if (userAgent.IsCallActive) { Log.LogInformation($"Hanging up call to {userAgent?.CallDescriptor?.To}."); userAgent.Hangup(); } else if (!hasCallFailed) { Log.LogInformation($"Cancelling call to {userAgent?.CallDescriptor?.To}."); userAgent.Cancel(); } // Give the BYE or CANCEL request time to be transmitted. Log.LogInformation("Waiting 1s for call to clean up..."); Task.Delay(1000).Wait(); } SIPSorcery.Net.DNSManager.Stop(); if (sipTransport != null) { Log.LogInformation("Shutting down SIP transport..."); sipTransport.Shutdown(); } #endregion }
private static SIPEndPoint OUTBOUND_PROXY = null; // SIPEndPoint.ParseSIPEndPoint("udp:"); static async Task Main() { Console.WriteLine("SIPSorcery Getting Started Demo"); AddConsoleLogger(); CancellationTokenSource exitCts = new CancellationTokenSource(); var sipTransport = new SIPTransport(); EnableTraceLogs(sipTransport); var userAgent = new SIPUserAgent(sipTransport, OUTBOUND_PROXY); userAgent.ClientCallFailed += (uac, error, sipResponse) => Console.WriteLine($"Call failed {error}."); userAgent.OnCallHungup += (dialog) => exitCts.Cancel(); var windowsAudio = new WindowsAudioEndPoint(new AudioEncoder()); var voipMediaSession = new VoIPMediaSession(windowsAudio.ToMediaEndPoints()); voipMediaSession.AcceptRtpFromAny = true; // Place the call and wait for the result. var callTask = userAgent.Call(DESTINATION, null, null, voipMediaSession); Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = true; if (userAgent != null) { if (userAgent.IsCalling || userAgent.IsRinging) { Console.WriteLine("Cancelling in progress call."); userAgent.Cancel(); } else if (userAgent.IsCallActive) { Console.WriteLine("Hanging up established call."); userAgent.Hangup(); } } ; exitCts.Cancel(); }; Console.WriteLine("press ctrl-c to exit..."); bool callResult = await callTask; if (callResult) { Console.WriteLine($"Call to {DESTINATION} succeeded."); exitCts.Token.WaitHandle.WaitOne(); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Call to {DESTINATION} failed."); } Console.WriteLine("Exiting..."); if (userAgent?.IsHangingUp == true) { Console.WriteLine("Waiting 1s for the call hangup or cancel to complete..."); await Task.Delay(1000); } // Clean up. sipTransport.Shutdown(); }
static async Task Main() { Console.WriteLine("SIPSorcery Getting Started Demo"); AddConsoleLogger(); CancellationTokenSource exitCts = new CancellationTokenSource(); var sipTransport = new SIPTransport(); EnableTraceLogs(sipTransport); var userAgent = new SIPUserAgent(sipTransport, OUTBOUND_PROXY); userAgent.ClientCallFailed += (uac, error, sipResponse) => Console.WriteLine($"Call failed {error}."); userAgent.OnCallHungup += (dialog) => exitCts.Cancel(); var windowsAudio = new WindowsAudioEndPoint(new AudioEncoder()); var voipMediaSession = new VoIPMediaSession(windowsAudio.ToMediaEndPoints()); voipMediaSession.AcceptRtpFromAny = true; voipMediaSession.OnRtpPacketReceived += OnRtpPacketReceived; string fromHeader = (new SIPFromHeader(USERNAME, new SIPURI(USERNAME, DOMAIN, null), null)).ToString(); SIPCallDescriptor callDescriptor = new SIPCallDescriptor(USERNAME, PASSWORD, DESTINATION, fromHeader, null, null, null, null, SIPCallDirection.Out, SDP.SDP_MIME_CONTENTTYPE, null, null); //callDescriptor.CallId = "16152412565"; //callDescriptor.AuthUsername = USERNAME; // Place the call and wait for the result. var callTask = userAgent.Call(callDescriptor, voipMediaSession); Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = true; if (userAgent != null) { if (userAgent.IsCalling || userAgent.IsRinging) { Console.WriteLine("Cancelling in progress call."); userAgent.Cancel(); } else if (userAgent.IsCallActive) { Console.WriteLine("Hanging up established call."); userAgent.Hangup(); _waveFile.Dispose(); } } ; exitCts.Cancel(); }; Console.WriteLine("press ctrl-c to exit..."); bool callResult = await callTask; if (callResult) { Console.WriteLine("Enter digits one after another"); string meetingNo = "1711622132"; Console.WriteLine("Enter meetingno ?"); Console.ReadLine(); foreach (var item in meetingNo) { await userAgent.SendDtmf(byte.Parse(item.ToString())); Console.WriteLine("Sending DTMF - " + byte.Parse(item.ToString())); Thread.Sleep(2000); } Thread.Sleep(2000); await userAgent.SendDtmf(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("#")[0]); Thread.Sleep(13000); Console.WriteLine("Sending AttendeeID ?"); /*string attendeeId = "635619"; * foreach (var item in attendeeId) * { * await userAgent.SendDtmf(byte.Parse(item.ToString())); * Console.WriteLine("Sending DTMF - " + byte.Parse(item.ToString())); * Thread.Sleep(2000); * }*/ await userAgent.SendDtmf(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("#")[0]); Console.ReadLine(); await userAgent.SendDtmf(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("#")[0]); Console.WriteLine($"Call to {DESTINATION} succeeded."); exitCts.Token.WaitHandle.WaitOne(); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Call to {DESTINATION} failed."); } Console.WriteLine("Exiting..."); if (userAgent?.IsHangingUp == true) { Console.WriteLine("Waiting 1s for the call hangup or cancel to complete..."); await Task.Delay(1000); } // Clean up. sipTransport.Shutdown(); }