public override IRequestInfo StoreRequestInfo(SIF_Request request, Query q, IZone zone) { // validate that the userdata supplied with the query is serializable if (q.UserData != null) { Type userDataType = q.UserData.GetType(); if (!userDataType.IsSerializable) { throw new ArgumentException ("Query.UserData contains " + userDataType.AssemblyQualifiedName + " which is not serializable"); } } try { RequestCacheFileEntry entry = new RequestCacheFileEntry(true); entry.SetObjectType(request.SIF_Query.SIF_QueryObject.ObjectName); entry.SetMessageId(request.MsgId); entry.SetUserData(q.UserData); Store(fFile, entry); return(entry); } catch (Exception thr) { throw new AdkException ("Error writing to SIF_Request ID cache (MsgId: " + request.MsgId + ") " + thr, zone, thr); } }
public void testComplexAndQuery() { String sifQuery = "<SIF_Request><SIF_Query>" + " <SIF_QueryObject ObjectName=\"StudentSchoolEnrollment\"/>" + " <SIF_ConditionGroup Type=\"None\">" + " <SIF_Conditions Type=\"And\">" + " <SIF_Condition>" + " <SIF_Element>@MembershipType</SIF_Element>" + " <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator>" + " <SIF_Value>Home</SIF_Value>" + " </SIF_Condition>" + " <SIF_Condition>" + " <SIF_Element>@RefId</SIF_Element>" + " <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator>" + " <SIF_Value>49B02D134D6D445DA7B5C76160BF3902</SIF_Value>" + " </SIF_Condition>" + " <SIF_Condition>" + " <SIF_Element>@SchoolInfoRefId</SIF_Element>" + " <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator>" + " <SIF_Value>EF8850D522E54688B036B08F9C4C1312</SIF_Value>" + " </SIF_Condition>" + " <SIF_Condition>" + " <SIF_Element>@SchoolYear</SIF_Element>" + " <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator>" + " <SIF_Value>2006</SIF_Value>" + " </SIF_Condition>" + " <SIF_Condition>" + " <SIF_Element>@StudentPersonalRefId</SIF_Element>" + " <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator>" + " <SIF_Value>1AA295D3BC5146FA9058BB62FB6CC602</SIF_Value>" + " </SIF_Condition>" + " <SIF_Condition>" + " <SIF_Element>@TimeFrame</SIF_Element>" + " <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator>" + " <SIF_Value>Historical</SIF_Value>" + " </SIF_Condition>" + " <SIF_Condition>" + " <SIF_Element>EntryDate</SIF_Element>" + " <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator>" + " <SIF_Value>2005-08-28</SIF_Value>" + " </SIF_Condition>" + " </SIF_Conditions>" + " </SIF_ConditionGroup>" + " </SIF_Query></SIF_Request>"; SifParser parser = SifParser.NewInstance(); SIF_Request sifR = (SIF_Request)parser.Parse(sifQuery, null, 0, SifVersion.LATEST); Query query = new Query(sifR.SIF_Query); String sse = "<StudentSchoolEnrollment RefId=\"49B02D134D6D445DA7B5C76160BF3902\" StudentPersonalRefId=\"1AA295D3BC5146FA9058BB62FB6CC602\" SchoolInfoRefId=\"EF8850D522E54688B036B08F9C4C1312\" MembershipType=\"Home\" TimeFrame=\"Historical\" SchoolYear=\"2006\">" + "<EntryDate>2005-08-28</EntryDate>" + "</StudentSchoolEnrollment>"; SifDataObject sdo = (SifDataObject)parser.Parse(sse, null, 0, SifVersion.SIF20r1); Assert.IsTrue(query.Evaluate(sdo)); }
private void storeRequest( RequestCache rc, SIF_Request request, Query q, String msgID, String objectName) { //request.getSIF_Query().getSIF_QueryObject().setObjectName(objectName); request.SIF_Query.SIF_QueryObject.ObjectName = objectName; request.Header.SIF_MsgId = msgID; rc.StoreRequestInfo(request, q, null); }
public static Query SaveToXMLAndReparse(Query query, SifVersion version) { String sifQueryXML = query.ToXml(version); Console.WriteLine(sifQueryXML); SifParser parser = SifParser.NewInstance(); SIF_Request sifR = (SIF_Request)parser.Parse("<SIF_Request>" + sifQueryXML + "</SIF_Request>", null); Query newQuery = new Query(sifR.SIF_Query); return(newQuery); }
public void testParseFieldRestrictions020() { String filteredRequest = "<SIF_Message xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" Version=\"2.0r1\">" + "<SIF_Request>" + " <SIF_Header>" + " <SIF_MsgId>EC357ED020F811DD9039FE9AB6D9D924</SIF_MsgId>" + " <SIF_Timestamp>2008-05-13T10:28:57.789-05:00</SIF_Timestamp>" + " <SIF_SourceId>DDD7112020E211DD9039DFD0562B2BED</SIF_SourceId>" + " <SIF_DestinationId>Classroll Agent</SIF_DestinationId>" + " </SIF_Header>" + " <SIF_Version>2.*</SIF_Version>" + " <SIF_MaxBufferSize>11984</SIF_MaxBufferSize>" + " <SIF_Query>" + " <SIF_QueryObject ObjectName=\"SectionInfo\">" + " <SIF_Element>@RefId</SIF_Element>" + " <SIF_Element>@SchoolCourseInfoRefId</SIF_Element>" + " <SIF_Element>@SchoolYear</SIF_Element>" + " <SIF_Element>LocalId</SIF_Element>" + " <SIF_Element>ScheduleInfoList/ScheduleInfo/@TermInfoRefId</SIF_Element>" + " <SIF_Element>Description</SIF_Element>" + " <SIF_Element>LanguageOfInstruction</SIF_Element>" + " <SIF_Element>LanguageOfInstruction/Code</SIF_Element>" + " </SIF_QueryObject>" + " </SIF_Query>" + "</SIF_Request>" + "</SIF_Message>"; SifParser parser = SifParser.NewInstance(); SIF_Request request = (SIF_Request)parser.Parse(filteredRequest, null, 0, SifVersion.LATEST); Query query = new Query(request.SIF_Query); // Assert things about the query Assert.AreEqual(StudentDTD.SECTIONINFO, query.ObjectType); Assert.AreEqual("SectionInfo", query.ObjectTag); IElementDef[] elements = query.FieldRestrictions; Assert.IsNotNull(elements); Assert.AreEqual(8, elements.Length); // Attempt reparsing and then re-asserting: query = SaveToXMLAndReparse(query, SifVersion.LATEST); // Assert things about the query Assert.AreEqual(StudentDTD.SECTIONINFO, query.ObjectType); Assert.AreEqual("SectionInfo", query.ObjectTag); elements = query.FieldRestrictions; Assert.IsNotNull(elements); Assert.AreEqual(8, elements.Length); }
/// <summary> Called by the Adk to construct a SifMessageInfo</summary> /// <param name="msg">The SIF_Message /// </param> /// <param name="zone">The associated zone /// </param> public SifMessageInfo(SifMessagePayload msg, IZone zone) { fZone = zone; fPayload = Adk.Dtd.GetElementType(msg.ElementDef.Name); if (zone.Properties.KeepMessageContent) { try { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); SifWriter writer = new SifWriter(sw); writer.Write(msg); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); sw.Close(); fMessage = sw.ToString(); } catch { // Do nothing } } // Set SIF_Header values fHeader = msg.Header; IList <SifContext> contexts = msg.SifContexts; fContexts = new SifContext[contexts.Count]; contexts.CopyTo(fContexts, 0); // Set information about the message payload fPayloadVersion = msg.SifVersion; switch (fPayload) { case SifMessageType.SIF_Request: { SIF_Request req = (SIF_Request)msg; fObjects["SIF_MaxBufferSize"] = req.SIF_MaxBufferSize; fObjects["SIF_RequestVersions"] = req.parseRequestVersions(fZone.Log); } break; case SifMessageType.SIF_Response: { SIF_Response rsp = (SIF_Response)msg; this.SIFRequestMsgId = rsp.SIF_RequestMsgId; fObjects["SIF_PacketNumber"] = rsp.SIF_PacketNumber; SetAttribute("SIF_MorePackets", rsp.SIF_MorePackets); } break; } }
public void testPersistenceWithRemoval() { fRC = RequestCache.GetInstance(fAgent); SIF_QueryObject obj = new SIF_QueryObject(""); SIF_Query query = new SIF_Query(obj); SIF_Request request = new SIF_Request(); request.SIF_Query = query; Query q = new Query(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL); String testStateItem = Adk.MakeGuid(); TestState ts = new TestState(); ts.State = testStateItem; q.UserData = ts; fMsgIds = new String[10]; // Add 10 entries to the cache, interspersed with other entries that are removed for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { String phantom1 = Adk.MakeGuid(); String phantom2 = Adk.MakeGuid(); storeRequest(fRC, request, q, phantom1, "foo"); fMsgIds[i] = Adk.MakeGuid(); storeRequest(fRC, request, q, fMsgIds[i], "Object_" + i); storeRequest(fRC, request, q, phantom2, "bar"); fRC.GetRequestInfo(phantom1, null); fRC.GetRequestInfo(phantom2, null); } // remove every other entry, close, re-open and assert that the correct entries are there for (int i = 0; i < 10; i += 2) { fRC.GetRequestInfo(fMsgIds[i], null); } Assertion.AssertEquals("Before closing Should have five objects", 5, fRC.ActiveRequestCount); fRC.Close(); // Create a new instance. This one should retrieve its settings from the persistence mechanism fRC = RequestCache.GetInstance(fAgent); Assertion.AssertEquals("After Re-Openeing Should have five objects", 5, fRC.ActiveRequestCount); for (int i = 1; i < 10; i += 2) { IRequestInfo cachedInfo = fRC.GetRequestInfo(fMsgIds[i], null); Assertion.AssertNotNull("No cachedID returned for " + i, cachedInfo); } Assertion.AssertEquals("Should have zero objects", 0, fRC.ActiveRequestCount); }
// TODO: Implement /* * [Test] * public void testReportPublishSIFExceptionAfterReportInfo() * { * ElementDef objType = SifDtd.SIF_REPORTOBJECT; * ErrorMessageHandler handler = new ErrorMessageHandler( ErrorMessageHandler.BVR_SET_REPORT_INFO_THROW_EXCEPTION ); * fZone.setReportPublisher( handler, ADKFlags.PROV_NONE); * * TestProtocolHandler testProto = new TestProtocolHandler(); *; * MessageDispatcher testDispatcher = new MessageDispatcher( fZone ); * fZone.setDispatcher(testDispatcher); * fZone.setProto(testProto); * testDispatcher.dispatch( createSIF_Request( objType, ADK.makeGUID(), fZone ) ); * String msg = testProto.readMsg(); * assertNull(testProto.readMsg()); *; * * SIFParser parser = SIFParser.newInstance(); * SIFElement element = parser.parse(new StringReader(msg), fZone); * assertTrue(element instanceof SIF_Response); * SIF_Response response = (SIF_Response) element; * assertTrue(response.getSIF_Error() != null); * assertTrue(response.getSIF_Error().getSIF_Desc().startsWith("Blah")); * } * * public void testReportPublishSIFExceptionAfterReportInfo() throws ADKException, IOException * { * ElementDef objType = SifDtd.SIF_REPORTOBJECT; * ErrorMessageHandler handler = new ErrorMessageHandler( ErrorMessageHandler.BVR_SET_REPORT_INFO_THROW_EXCEPTION ); * fZone.setReportPublisher( handler, ADKFlags.PROV_NONE); * * TestProtocolHandler testProto = new TestProtocolHandler(); *; * MessageDispatcher testDispatcher = new MessageDispatcher( fZone ); * fZone.setDispatcher(testDispatcher); * fZone.setProto(testProto); * testDispatcher.dispatch( createSIF_Request( objType, ADK.makeGUID(), fZone ) ); * String msg = testProto.readMsg(); * assertNull(testProto.readMsg()); *; * * SIFParser parser = SIFParser.newInstance(); * SIFElement element = parser.parse(new StringReader(msg), fZone); * assertTrue(element instanceof SIF_Response); * SIF_Response response = (SIF_Response) element; * assertTrue(response.getSIF_Error() != null); * assertTrue(response.getSIF_Error().getSIF_Desc().startsWith("Blah")); * } * */ private SIF_Request createSIF_Request(IElementDef objType) { SIF_Request request = new SIF_Request(); request.Header.SIF_MsgId = MSG_GUID; request.Header.SIF_SourceId = "foo"; request.SIF_MaxBufferSize = 32768; request.AddSIF_Version(new SIF_Version(Adk.SifVersion.ToString())); SIF_Query q = new SIF_Query(); SIF_QueryObject sqo = new SIF_QueryObject(); sqo.ObjectName = objType.Name; q.SIF_QueryObject = sqo; request.SIF_Query = q; return(request); }
public void testParseFieldRestrictions() { String filteredRequest = "<SIF_Request>" + " <SIF_Header>" + " <SIF_MsgId>D59CE61000D011DDB8D4E57E5F08151C</SIF_MsgId>"+ " <SIF_Timestamp>2008-04-02T12:21:22.801-05:00</SIF_Timestamp>"+ " <SIF_SourceId>318D14F000D011DDB8D4AE35C22E84E0</SIF_SourceId>"+ " <SIF_DestinationId>SASIxp</SIF_DestinationId>"+ " </SIF_Header>" + " <SIF_Version>2.*</SIF_Version>" + " <SIF_MaxBufferSize>16384</SIF_MaxBufferSize>" + " <SIF_Query>" + " <SIF_QueryObject ObjectName=\"StudentSnapshot\">"+ " <SIF_Element>@SchoolYear</SIF_Element>"+ " <SIF_Element>@SnapDate</SIF_Element>"+ " <SIF_Element>@StudentPersonalRefId</SIF_Element>"+ " <SIF_Element>HomeEnrollment/GradeLevel/Code</SIF_Element>"+ " <SIF_Element>HomeEnrollment/Status</SIF_Element>"+ " <SIF_Element>LocalId</SIF_Element>"+ " <SIF_Element>Address</SIF_Element>"+ " </SIF_QueryObject>"+ " </SIF_Query>" + "</SIF_Request>"; SifParser parser = SifParser.NewInstance(); SIF_Request request = (SIF_Request)parser.Parse(filteredRequest, null, 0, SifVersion.LATEST); Query query = new Query(request.SIF_Query); // Assert things about the query Assert.AreEqual(StudentDTD.STUDENTSNAPSHOT, query.ObjectType); Assert.AreEqual("StudentSnapshot", query.ObjectTag); IElementDef[] elements = query.FieldRestrictions; Assert.IsNotNull(elements); Assert.AreEqual(7, elements.Length); Assert.AreEqual(StudentDTD.STUDENTSNAPSHOT_SCHOOLYEAR, elements[0]); Assert.AreEqual(StudentDTD.STUDENTSNAPSHOT_SNAPDATE, elements[1]); Assert.AreEqual(StudentDTD.STUDENTSNAPSHOT_STUDENTPERSONALREFID, elements[2]); Assert.AreEqual(CommonDTD.GRADELEVEL_CODE, elements[3]); Assert.AreEqual(StudentDTD.HOMEENROLLMENT_STATUS, elements[4]); Assert.AreEqual(StudentDTD.STUDENTSNAPSHOT_LOCALID, elements[5]); Assert.AreEqual(StudentDTD.STUDENTSNAPSHOT_ADDRESS, elements[6]); }
public void testPersistenceWithBadState() { //create new cache for agent RequestCache cache = RequestCache.GetInstance(fAgent); //create new queryobject SIF_QueryObject obj = new SIF_QueryObject(""); //create query, telling it what type of query it is(passing it queryobj) SIF_Query query = new SIF_Query(obj); //create new sif request SIF_Request request = new SIF_Request(); //set query property request.SIF_Query = query; Query q = new Query(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL); String testStateItem = Adk.MakeGuid(); String requestMsgId = Adk.MakeGuid(); String testObjectType = Adk.MakeGuid(); TestState ts = new TestState(); ts.State = testStateItem; ts.setCreateErrorOnRead(true); q.UserData = ts; storeRequest(cache, request, q, requestMsgId, testObjectType); cache.Close(); // Create a new instance. This one should retrieve its settings from the persistence mechanism cache = RequestCache.GetInstance(fAgent); IRequestInfo ri = cache.GetRequestInfo(requestMsgId, null); //if state is null, should still return ri object Assertion.AssertNotNull("RequestInfo was null", ri); Assertion.AssertEquals("MessageId", requestMsgId, ri.MessageId); Assertion.AssertEquals("ObjectType", testObjectType, ri.ObjectType); ts = (TestState) ri.UserData; // In order for this to be a valid test, the TestState class should have thrown // an exception during deserialization and should be null here. Assertion.AssertNull("UserData should be null", ts); }
/// <summary> Constructs a Query object from a SIF_QueryObject. /// /// This constructor is not typically called by agents but is used internally /// by the class framework. The other constructors can be used to safely /// create Query instances to request a specific SIF Data Object. Use the /// <c>addCondition</c> and <c>setFieldRestrictions</c> methods /// to further define the conditions and SIF elements specified by the query. /// /// </summary> /// <param name="query">A SIF_Query object received in a SIF_Request message /// </param> /// <exception cref="AdkUnknownOperatorException">If one of the operators in the SIF_Query is /// unrecognized by the ADK</exception> /// <exception cref="AdkSchemaException">If the object or elements defined in the query or /// not recognized by the ADK </exception> public Query(SIF_Query query) { SIF_QueryObject qo = query.SIF_QueryObject; if (qo == null) { throw new ArgumentException("SIF_Query must have a SIF_QueryObject element"); } fObjType = Adk.Dtd.LookupElementDef(qo.ObjectName); if (fObjType == null) { throw new AdkSchemaException (qo.ObjectName + " is not a recognized SIF Data Object, or the agent is not configured to support this object type"); } fRoot = null; SIF_ConditionGroup cg = query.SIF_ConditionGroup; if (cg != null && cg.GetSIF_Conditionses() != null) { GroupOperator grpOp; try { grpOp = Condition.ParseGroupOperator(cg.Type); } catch (AdkUnknownOperatorException) { grpOp = GroupOperator.None; } fRoot = new ConditionGroup(grpOp); SIF_Conditions[] sifConds = cg.GetSIF_Conditionses(); if (sifConds.Length == 1) { // There is one SIF_ConditionGroup with one SIF_Conditions, // so just add all of the conditions (no nested groups) string typ = sifConds[0].Type; if (typ == null) { throw new AdkSchemaException ("SIF_Conditions/@Type is a required attribute"); } fRoot.fOp = Condition.ParseGroupOperator(typ); SIF_Condition[] clist = sifConds[0].GetSIF_Conditions(); PopulateConditions(query, clist, fRoot); } else { // There are multiple SIF_Conditions, so add each as a nested // ConditionGroup of the fRoot for (int i = 0; i < sifConds.Length; i++) { ConditionGroup nested = new ConditionGroup(Condition.ParseGroupOperator(sifConds[i].Type)); PopulateConditions(query, sifConds[i].GetSIF_Conditions(), nested); fRoot.AddGroup(nested); } } } SifVersion[] reqVersions = null; // First, try to get the version from the SIF_Request Element parent = query.Parent; if (parent != null) { if (parent is SIF_Request) { SIF_Request request = (SIF_Request)parent; SifVersion[] versions = request.parseRequestVersions(Adk.Log); if (versions.Length > 0) { reqVersions = versions; } } } if (reqVersions == null) { SifVersion version = query.EffectiveSIFVersion; if (version != null) { reqVersions = new SifVersion[] { version }; } } if (reqVersions == null || reqVersions.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException( "SIF_Query is not contained in a SIF_Request that has a SIF_Version element; cannot determine version of SIF to associated with this Query object"); } else { fVersions = reqVersions; } SIF_Element[] fields = query.SIF_QueryObject.GetSIF_Elements(); if (fields != null && fields.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { string xPath = fields[i].TextValue; if (xPath == null || xPath.Length == 0) { continue; } AddFieldRestriction(xPath); } } }
public void TestToXml() { // From the javadoc example ... // Query for student where the Last Name is Jones and the First Name is // Bob, and the graduation year is 2004, 2005, or 2006 ConditionGroup root = new ConditionGroup(GroupOperator.And); ConditionGroup grp1 = new ConditionGroup(GroupOperator.And); ConditionGroup grp2 = new ConditionGroup(GroupOperator.Or); // For nested elements, you cannot reference a SifDtd constant. Instead, use // the lookupElementDefBySQL function to lookup an IElementDef constant // given a SIF Query Pattern (SQP) IElementDef lname = Adk.Dtd.LookupElementDefBySQP( StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL, "Name/LastName"); IElementDef fname = Adk.Dtd.LookupElementDefBySQP( StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL, "Name/FirstName"); grp1.AddCondition(lname, ComparisonOperators.EQ, "Jones"); grp1.AddCondition(fname, ComparisonOperators.EQ, "Bob"); grp2.AddCondition(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL_ONTIMEGRADUATIONYEAR, ComparisonOperators.EQ, "2004"); grp2.AddCondition(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL_ONTIMEGRADUATIONYEAR, ComparisonOperators.EQ, "2005"); grp2.AddCondition(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL_ONTIMEGRADUATIONYEAR, ComparisonOperators.EQ, "2006"); // Add condition groups to the root group root.AddGroup(grp1); root.AddGroup(grp2); // Query for student with the conditions prepared above by passing the // root ConditionGroup to the constructor Query query = new Query(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL, root); query.AddFieldRestriction(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL_NAME); // Now, call toXML() on the query object, reparse back into a Query object and assert all values String sifQueryXML = query.ToXml(SifVersion.LATEST); Console.WriteLine(sifQueryXML); SifParser parser = SifParser.NewInstance(); SIF_Request sifR = (SIF_Request)parser.Parse("<SIF_Request>" + sifQueryXML + "</SIF_Request>", null); Query reparsedQuery = new Query(sifR.SIF_Query); Assert.AreEqual(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL, reparsedQuery.ObjectType, "Object Type should be StudentPersonal"); Assert.AreEqual(1, reparsedQuery.FieldRestrictions.Length, "Should have one field restriction"); Assert.AreEqual(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL_NAME, reparsedQuery.FieldRestrictions[0], "Should be for StudentPersonal/Name"); ConditionGroup newRoot = reparsedQuery.RootConditionGroup; Assert.AreEqual(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL, reparsedQuery.ObjectType, "Should be StudentPersonal"); Assert.AreEqual(GroupOperator.And, newRoot.Operator, "Root should be an AND conditon"); ConditionGroup[] groups = reparsedQuery.RootConditionGroup.Groups; Assert.AreEqual(2, groups.Length, "Should have two groups"); Assert.AreEqual(GroupOperator.And, groups[0].Operator, "First group should be AND"); Assert.AreEqual(GroupOperator.Or, groups[1].Operator, "Second group should be OR"); // Assert the first group conditions Condition[] newGrp1Conditions = groups[0].Conditions; Assert.AreEqual(2, newGrp1Conditions.Length, "First group should have two conditions"); // Assert the first condition Assert.AreEqual(ComparisonOperators.EQ, newGrp1Conditions[1].Operators, "First Condition EQ"); Assert.AreEqual(lname, newGrp1Conditions[0].Field, "First Condition Field"); Assert.AreEqual("Jones", newGrp1Conditions[0].Value, "First Condition Value"); // Assert the second condition Assert.AreEqual(ComparisonOperators.EQ, newGrp1Conditions[0].Operators, "Second Condition EQ"); Assert.AreEqual(fname, newGrp1Conditions[1].Field, "First Condition Field"); Assert.AreEqual("Bob", newGrp1Conditions[1].Value, "First Condition Value"); // Assert the second group conditions Condition[] newGrp2Conditions = groups[1].Conditions; Assert.AreEqual(3, newGrp2Conditions.Length, "Second group should have three conditions"); // Assert the first condition Assert.AreEqual(ComparisonOperators.EQ, newGrp2Conditions[0].Operators, "First Condition EQ"); Assert.AreEqual(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL_ONTIMEGRADUATIONYEAR, newGrp2Conditions[0].Field, "First Condition Field"); Assert.AreEqual("2004", newGrp2Conditions[0].Value, "First Condition Value"); // Assert the second condition Assert.AreEqual(ComparisonOperators.EQ, newGrp2Conditions[1].Operators, "Second Condition EQ"); Assert.AreEqual(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL_ONTIMEGRADUATIONYEAR, newGrp2Conditions[1].Field, "Second Condition Field"); Assert.AreEqual("2005", newGrp2Conditions[1].Value, "Second Condition Value"); // Assert the third condition Assert.AreEqual(ComparisonOperators.EQ, newGrp2Conditions[2].Operators, "Third Condition EQ"); Assert.AreEqual(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL_ONTIMEGRADUATIONYEAR, newGrp2Conditions[2].Field, "Third Condition Field"); Assert.AreEqual("2006", newGrp2Conditions[2].Value, "Third Condition Value"); }
/** * SIF_Request */ public SIF_Ack SifRequest(IZone zone, Query query, String destinationId, String sifMsgId) { // Send SIF_Request... SIF_Request msg = new SIF_Request(); // Find the maxmimum requested version and set the version of the message to lower // if the version is currently higher than the highest requested version. // In other words, if the Adk is initialized to 2.0, but the highest requested version // is 1.5r1, set the message version to 1.5r1 SifVersion highestRequestVersion = SifVersion.SIF11; if (query.ObjectType == InfraDTD.SIF_ZONESTATUS) { // This query will be satisfied by the ZIS. Use the ZIS compatibility // version, which returns the highest version supported by the ZIS // (Default to Adk.SIFVersion() if not specified in the config) highestRequestVersion = ((ZoneImpl)zone).HighestEffectiveZISVersion; msg.AddSIF_Version(new SIF_Version(highestRequestVersion)); } else { SifVersion[] requestVersions = query.SifVersions; if (requestVersions.Length > 0) { // If the Query has one or more SIFVersions set, use them, // and also add [major].* foreach (SifVersion version in requestVersions) { msg.AddSIF_Version(new SIF_Version(version)); if (version.CompareTo(highestRequestVersion) > 0) { highestRequestVersion = version; } } } else { highestRequestVersion = Adk.SifVersion; if (highestRequestVersion.Major == 1) { msg.AddSIF_Version(new SIF_Version(highestRequestVersion)); } else { // 2.0 and greater, request all data using // [major].*, with 2.0r1 as the message version // This allows for maximum compatibility will all 2.x providers msg.AddSIF_Version(new SIF_Version(highestRequestVersion.Major + ".*")); msg.SifVersion = SifVersion.GetEarliest(highestRequestVersion.Major); } } } AgentProperties zoneProperties = zone.Properties; if (zoneProperties.OverrideSifMessageVersionForSifRequests != null) { //There is a property in Agent.cfg that can be used to override the message version from the //default of 2.0r1 This is needed to pass the test harness for 2.3 msg.SifVersion = SifVersion.Parse(zoneProperties.OverrideSifMessageVersionForSifRequests); } else if (msg.SifVersion.CompareTo(highestRequestVersion) > 0) { // The current version of the SIF_Message is higher than the highest // requested version. Back the version number of message down to match msg.SifVersion = highestRequestVersion; } msg.SIF_MaxBufferSize = zone.Properties.MaxBufferSize; SIF_Query sifQ = CreateSIF_Query(query, highestRequestVersion, zone); msg.SIF_Query = sifQ; SIF_Header msgHeader = msg.Header; if (destinationId != null) { msgHeader.SIF_DestinationId = destinationId; } if (sifMsgId != null) { msgHeader.SIF_MsgId = sifMsgId; } // Set the SIF_Context msgHeader.SIF_Contexts = new SIF_Contexts( new SIF_Context(query.SifContext.Name)); return(((ZoneImpl)zone).Dispatcher.send(msg)); }
/// <summary> Store the request MsgId and associated SIF Data Object type in the cache</summary> public abstract IRequestInfo StoreRequestInfo(SIF_Request request, Query query, IZone zone);
public void testWithLegacyFile() { //assertStoredRequests(fRC, true); // Copy the legacy requests.adk file to the agent work directory //FileInfo legacyFile = new FileInfo("requests.adk"); //Assertion.Assert("Saved legacy file does [not?] exist", legacyFile.Exists); //FileInfo copiedFile = new FileInfo(fAgent.HomeDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "work" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "requests.adk"); //if (copiedFile.Exists) //{ // copiedFile.Delete(); //} //// Copy the file //legacyFile.CopyTo(copiedFile.FullName, true); // Now open up an instance of the request cache and verify that the contents are there fRC = RequestCache.GetInstance(fAgent); SIF_QueryObject obj = new SIF_QueryObject(""); SIF_Query query = new SIF_Query(obj); SIF_Request request = new SIF_Request(); request.SIF_Query = query; Query q; TestState ts; fMsgIds = new String[10]; fStateObjects = new String[10]; // Add 10 entries to the cache for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ts = new TestState(); ts.State = Adk.MakeGuid(); fStateObjects[i] = (String) ts.State; q = new Query(StudentDTD.STUDENTPERSONAL); q.UserData = ts; fMsgIds[i] = Adk.MakeGuid(); storeRequest(fRC, request, q, fMsgIds[i], "Object_" + i.ToString()); } Assertion.AssertEquals("Active request count", 10, fRC.ActiveRequestCount); // Lookup each setting, for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { IRequestInfo reqInfo = fRC.LookupRequestInfo(fMsgIds[i], null); Assertion.AssertEquals("Initial lookup", "Object_" + i.ToString(), reqInfo.ObjectType); } // Lookup each setting, for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { IRequestInfo reqInfo = fRC.GetRequestInfo(fMsgIds[i], null); Assertion.AssertEquals("Initial lookup", "Object_" + i.ToString(), reqInfo.ObjectType); } // all messages should now be removed from the queue Assertion.AssertEquals("Cache should be empty", 0, fRC.ActiveRequestCount); // Now run one of our other tests testPersistence(); }
private void SetRequestPolicy( SIF_Request request, IZone zone ) { SIF_Query query = request.SIF_Query; if( query == null ) { // SIF_ExtendedQuery and SIF_Example are not supported by ADK Policy yet return; } // // Object Request Policy // // Determine if there is policy in effect for this Query // String objectName = query.SIF_QueryObject.ObjectName; ObjectRequestPolicy requestPolicy = fPolicyFactory.GetRequestPolicy( zone, objectName ); if( requestPolicy != null ){ // // SIF_Request/SIF_Version policy // String requestVersions = requestPolicy.RequestVersion; if( requestVersions != null ){ if( (Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Policy ) > 0 ){ zone.Log.Info( "POLICY: Setting SIF_Request/SIF_Version to " + requestVersions ); } // Clear the list of SIF Versions foreach( SIF_Version existingVersion in request.GetSIF_Versions() ){ request.RemoveChild( existingVersion ); } // The version will be a comma-delimited list. Set each of these // as SIF_Version elements, but also try to derive the most logical // version element to set the SIF Message/@Version attribute to // NOTE: Someone could theoretically set versions incorrectly, such // as "1.1,1.5r1". Multiple SIF_Version elements are not supported in // SIF 1.x, but we won't bother with validating incorrect settings. Policy // is power in the configurator's hands to use or abuse. String[] versions = requestVersions.Split( ',' ); String lowestVersion = versions[0]; foreach( String version in versions ){ String ver = version.Trim(); request.AddSIF_Version(new SIF_Version(ver)); if (lowestVersion.CompareTo(ver) > 0) { lowestVersion = ver; } } // Determine how the SIF_Message/@Version should be set to // * If the policy is set to a single version, use it // * If a list, use the lowest // * If *, ignore // * if [major].*, use the lowest version supported if( lowestVersion.Length > 0 ){ SifVersion newMsgVersion = null; if( lowestVersion.EndsWith( "*" ) ){ try { // 2.*, requests go out with a message version of 2.0r1 int major = int.Parse( lowestVersion.Substring( 0, 1 ) ); newMsgVersion = SifVersion.GetEarliest( major ); } catch( FormatException iae ){ zone.Log.Warn( "POLICY: Error parsing ObjectRequestPolicy version '" + requestVersions + "' : " + iae.Message, iae ); } } else { try { newMsgVersion = SifVersion.Parse( lowestVersion ); } catch( FormatException iae ){ zone.Log.Warn( "POLICY: Error parsing ObjectRequestPolicy version '" + requestVersions + "' : " + iae.Message, iae ); } } if( newMsgVersion != null ){ if( (Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Policy ) > 0 ){ zone.Log.Info( "POLICY: Setting SIF_Messaage/@Version to " + newMsgVersion ); } request.SifVersion = newMsgVersion; } } } // // SIF_DestinationID policy // String requestSourceId = requestPolicy.RequestSourceId ; if( requestSourceId != null ){ if( (Adk.Debug & AdkDebugFlags.Policy) > 0 ){ zone.Log.Info( "POLICY: Setting SIF_Request SIF_DestinationID to " + requestPolicy.RequestSourceId ); } request.SIF_Header.SIF_DestinationId = requestSourceId; } } }