Esempio n. 1
 public static Mat GetHomography(Mat mMain, Mat mSecondary)
     KeyPoint[] keypoints  = null;
     KeyPoint[] keypoints2 = null;
     using (SIFT sIFT = SIFT.Create(1000))
         using (Mat mat = new Mat())
             using (Mat mat2 = new Mat())
                 sIFT.DetectAndCompute(mMain, new Mat(), out keypoints, mat);
                 sIFT.DetectAndCompute(mSecondary, new Mat(), out keypoints2, mat2);
                 FlannBasedMatcher flannBasedMatcher = new FlannBasedMatcher();
                 DMatch[]          array             = new DMatch[0];
                 array = flannBasedMatcher.Match(mat, mat2);
                 List <Point2f> list  = new List <Point2f>();
                 List <Point2f> list2 = new List <Point2f>();
                 for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                 return(Cv2.FindHomography(InputArray.Create(list2), InputArray.Create(list), HomographyMethods.Ransac));
Esempio n. 2
        public static void FindMatch(Mat modelImage, Mat observedImage, out long matchTime, out VectorOfKeyPoint modelKeyPoints, out VectorOfKeyPoint observedKeyPoints, VectorOfVectorOfDMatch matches, out Mat mask, out Mat homography)
            int    k = 2;
            double uniquenessThreshold = 0.80;
            double hessianThresh       = 100;

            Stopwatch watch;

            homography = null;

            modelKeyPoints    = new VectorOfKeyPoint();
            observedKeyPoints = new VectorOfKeyPoint();

            using (UMat uModelImage = modelImage.GetUMat(AccessType.Read))
                using (UMat uObservedImage = observedImage.GetUMat(AccessType.Read))
                    SURF surfCPU = new SURF(hessianThresh);
                    SIFT siftCPU = new SIFT();

                    //extract features from the object image
                    UMat modelDescriptors = new UMat();

                    //surfCPU.DetectAndCompute(uModelImage, null, modelKeyPoints, modelDescriptors, false);
                    siftCPU.DetectAndCompute(uModelImage, null, modelKeyPoints, modelDescriptors, false);

                    watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                    // extract features from the observed image
                    UMat observedDescriptors = new UMat();

                    //surfCPU.DetectAndCompute(uObservedImage, null, observedKeyPoints, observedDescriptors, false);
                    siftCPU.DetectAndCompute(uObservedImage, null, observedKeyPoints, observedDescriptors, false);

                    BFMatcher matcher = new BFMatcher(DistanceType.L2);

                    matcher.KnnMatch(observedDescriptors, matches, k, null);
                    mask = new Mat(matches.Size, 1, DepthType.Cv8U, 1);
                    mask.SetTo(new MCvScalar(255));

                    Features2DToolbox.VoteForUniqueness(matches, uniquenessThreshold, mask);
                    //Features2DToolbox.VoteForUniqueness(matches, 1, mask);

                    int nonZeroCount = CvInvoke.CountNonZero(mask);
                    if (nonZeroCount >= 4)
                        nonZeroCount = Features2DToolbox.VoteForSizeAndOrientation(modelKeyPoints, observedKeyPoints,
                                                                                   matches, mask, 1.5, 20);
                        if (nonZeroCount >= 4)
                            homography = Features2DToolbox.GetHomographyMatrixFromMatchedFeatures(modelKeyPoints,
                                                                                                  observedKeyPoints, matches, mask, 2);

            matchTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
Esempio n. 3
        public static void FindMatch(string modelFileName, string observedFileName, out VectorOfKeyPoint modelKeyPoints, out VectorOfKeyPoint observedKeyPoints, VectorOfVectorOfDMatch matches, out Mat mask)
            int    k = 2;
            double uniquenessThreshold = 0.8;

            modelKeyPoints    = new VectorOfKeyPoint();
            observedKeyPoints = new VectorOfKeyPoint();
                using (UMat uModelImage = CvInvoke.Imread(modelFileName, ImreadModes.Color).GetUMat(AccessType.Read))
                    using (UMat uObservedImage = CvInvoke.Imread(observedFileName, ImreadModes.Color).GetUMat(AccessType.Read))
                        SIFT sift             = new SIFT();
                        UMat modelDescriptors = new UMat();
                        sift.DetectAndCompute(uModelImage, null, modelKeyPoints, modelDescriptors, false);

                        UMat observedDescriptors = new UMat();
                        sift.DetectAndCompute(uObservedImage, null, observedKeyPoints, observedDescriptors, false);
                        BFMatcher matcher = new BFMatcher(DistanceType.L2);

                        matcher.KnnMatch(observedDescriptors, matches, k, null);
                        mask = new Mat(matches.Size, 1, DepthType.Cv8U, 1);
                        mask.SetTo(new MCvScalar(255));
                        Features2DToolbox.VoteForUniqueness(matches, uniquenessThreshold, mask);
        public static Mat Draw(Mat modelImage, Mat observedImage)
            var sift = new SIFT();

            var modelKeyPoints    = new VectorOfKeyPoint();
            var observedKeyPoints = new VectorOfKeyPoint();

            UMat modelDescriptors    = new UMat();
            UMat observedDescriptors = new UMat();

            sift.DetectAndCompute(modelImage, null, modelKeyPoints, modelDescriptors, false);
            sift.DetectAndCompute(observedImage, null, observedKeyPoints, observedDescriptors, false);

            BFMatcher matcher = new BFMatcher(DistanceType.L2);


            var matches = new VectorOfVectorOfDMatch();

            matcher.KnnMatch(observedDescriptors, matches, 2, null);

            var mask = new Mat(matches.Size, 1, DepthType.Cv8U, 1);

            mask.SetTo(new MCvScalar(255));
            Features2DToolbox.VoteForUniqueness(matches, 0.8, mask);
            Features2DToolbox.VoteForSizeAndOrientation(modelKeyPoints, observedKeyPoints, matches, mask, 1.5, 20);

            var homography = Features2DToolbox.GetHomographyMatrixFromMatchedFeatures(modelKeyPoints, observedKeyPoints, matches, mask, 10);

            var result = new Mat();

            Features2DToolbox.DrawMatches(modelImage, modelKeyPoints, observedImage, observedKeyPoints, matches, result,
                                          new MCvScalar(255, 255, 255),
                                          new MCvScalar(0, 0, 0),

            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, modelImage.Size);

            PointF[] pts =
                new PointF(rect.Left,  rect.Bottom),
                new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom),
                new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top),
                new PointF(rect.Left,  rect.Top)
            pts = CvInvoke.PerspectiveTransform(pts, homography);

            Point[] points = Array.ConvertAll <PointF, Point>(pts, Point.Round);
            using (VectorOfPoint vp = new VectorOfPoint(points))
                CvInvoke.Polylines(result, vp, true, new MCvScalar(0, 255, 0, 55), 2);

Esempio n. 5
        public static List <System.Drawing.Point> func(Bitmap bitmap1, Bitmap bitmap2)
            //Mat img1 = new Mat(@"roll/0.png", ImreadModes.Unchanged);
            //Mat img2 = new Mat(@"roll/1.png", ImreadModes.Unchanged);
            Mat  img1 = BitmapToMat(bitmap1);
            Mat  img2 = BitmapToMat(bitmap2);
            SIFT sift = SIFT.Create(20);

            //KeyPoint[] k = sift.Detect(img1);
            // Detect the keypoints and generate their descriptors using SIFT
            KeyPoint[] keypoints1, keypoints2;
            var        descriptors1 = new Mat <float>();
            var        descriptors2 = new Mat <float>();

            sift.DetectAndCompute(img1, null, out keypoints1, descriptors1);
            sift.DetectAndCompute(img2, null, out keypoints2, descriptors2);

            // Match descriptor vectors
            var bfMatcher    = new BFMatcher(NormTypes.L2, false);
            var flannMatcher = new FlannBasedMatcher();

            DMatch[] bfMatches    = bfMatcher.Match(descriptors1, descriptors2);
            DMatch[] flannMatches = flannMatcher.Match(descriptors1, descriptors2);

            // Draw matches
            var bfView = new Mat();

            Cv2.DrawMatches(img1, keypoints1, img2, keypoints2, bfMatches, bfView);
            var flannView = new Mat();

            Cv2.DrawMatches(img1, keypoints1, img2, keypoints2, flannMatches, flannView);

            using (new Window("SIFT matching (by BFMather)", bfView))
                using (new Window("SIFT matching (by FlannBasedMatcher)", flannView))
            List <System.Drawing.Point> points = new List <System.Drawing.Point>();

            foreach (DMatch match in bfMatches)
                System.Drawing.Point p = new System.Drawing.Point();
                p.X = (int)(keypoints1[match.QueryIdx].Pt.X - keypoints2[match.TrainIdx].Pt.X);
                p.Y = (int)(keypoints1[match.QueryIdx].Pt.Y - keypoints2[match.TrainIdx].Pt.Y);

Esempio n. 6
        public static List <CriteriaImageModel> CreateCriteriaArrays(FileInfo[] criteriaFiles)
            var criteriaImages = new List <CriteriaImageModel>();

            foreach (var o in criteriaFiles)
                using (var image = CvInvoke.Imread(o.FullName, ImreadModes.Grayscale))
                    var mdlImage = new Mat();
                    CvInvoke.Threshold(image, mdlImage, 127.0, 255.0, ThresholdType.BinaryInv);
                    var uModelImage      = mdlImage.GetUMat(AccessType.Read);
                    var modelDescriptors = new Mat();
                    var modelKeyPoints   = new VectorOfKeyPoint();
                    using (var featureDetector = new SIFT(0, 3, 0.04, 10.0, 1.6))
                        featureDetector.DetectAndCompute(uModelImage, null, modelKeyPoints, modelDescriptors, false);
                    criteriaImages.Add(new CriteriaImageModel
                        Info             = o,
                        Image            = uModelImage,
                        ModelDescriptors = modelDescriptors,
                        ModelKeyPoints   = modelKeyPoints
Esempio n. 7
        static void test_match()
            Bitmap             b1     = new Bitmap(@"C:\test\test_1\temp_menu.jpg");
            Bitmap             sl     = new Bitmap(@"C:\test\scroll_left.jpg");
            Image <Gray, Byte> slicon = new Image <Gray, byte>(sl);

            slicon = slicon.Not();
            Image <Gray, Byte> test = new Image <Gray, Byte>(b1);
            //long l;
            //Mat r = DrawMatches.Draw(slicon.Mat, test.Mat, out l);

            //SURF surfCPU = new SURF(400);
            //Brisk surfCPU = new Brisk();
            SIFT             surfCPU             = new SIFT();
            VectorOfKeyPoint modelKeyPoints      = new VectorOfKeyPoint();
            VectorOfKeyPoint observedKeyPoints   = new VectorOfKeyPoint();
            UMat             modelDescriptors    = new UMat();
            UMat             observedDescriptors = new UMat();

            surfCPU.DetectAndCompute(slicon, null, modelKeyPoints, modelDescriptors, false);
            surfCPU.DetectAndCompute(test, null, observedKeyPoints, observedDescriptors, false);

            var indices    = new Matrix <int>(observedDescriptors.Rows, 2);
            var dists      = new Matrix <float>(observedDescriptors.Rows, 2);
            var flannIndex = new Index(modelDescriptors, new KMeansIndexParams());

            flannIndex.KnnSearch(observedDescriptors, indices, dists, 2);
            for (int i = 0; i < indices.Rows; i++)
                if (dists.Data[i, 0] < (0.6 * dists.Data[i, 1]))
                    int idx1 = indices[i, 0];
                    int idx2 = indices[i, 1];
                    Program.logIt(string.Format("{0}-{1}", indices[i, 0], indices[i, 1]));
                    MKeyPoint p1 = modelKeyPoints[idx1];
                    MKeyPoint p2 = observedKeyPoints[idx2];
                    Program.logIt(string.Format("{0}-{1}", p1.Point, p2.Point));
Esempio n. 8
        public void ShowKeyPoints()
            var featureDetector = new SIFT();

            Emgu.CV.Flann.LinearIndexParams ip = new Emgu.CV.Flann.LinearIndexParams();
            Emgu.CV.Flann.SearchParams      sp = new SearchParams();
            DescriptorMatcher matcher          = new FlannBasedMatcher(ip, sp);
            Rectangle         cropRect         = new Rectangle(842, 646, 70, 70);
            Mat mask = new Mat(new Size(70, 70), DepthType.Cv8U, 1);

            CvInvoke.Rectangle(mask, new Rectangle(0, 0, 70, 70), new MCvScalar(255, 255, 255), -1);
            CvInvoke.Circle(mask, new Point(35, 37), 22, new MCvScalar(0, 0, 0), -1);

            String[] folders = { @"Linage2\Main\PartyAuto", @"Linage2\Main\PartyManual" };
            foreach (String folder in folders)
                DirectoryInfo imageFolder = new DirectoryInfo(folder);
                FileInfo[]    files       = Utils.GetFilesByExtensions(imageFolder, ".jpg", ".png").ToArray();
                foreach (FileInfo finfo in files)
                    Mat img  = CvInvoke.Imread(finfo.FullName, ImreadModes.Color);
                    Mat crop = CVUtil.crop_color_frame(img, cropRect);
                    VectorOfKeyPoint modelKeyPoints = new VectorOfKeyPoint();
                    Mat modelDescriptors            = new Mat();
                    featureDetector.DetectAndCompute(crop, mask, modelKeyPoints, modelDescriptors, false);
                    Mat result = new Mat();
                    Features2DToolbox.DrawKeypoints(crop, modelKeyPoints, result, new Bgr(Color.Red));

                    //BOWImgDescriptorExtractor bow = new BOWImgDescriptorExtractor(featureDetector, matcher);

            /*BOWKMeansTrainer bowtrainer = new BOWKMeansTrainer(1000, new MCvTermCriteria(10, 0.001), 1, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.KMeansInitType.PPCenters);
             * foreach (Mat m in lstModelDescriptors) {
             *  bowtrainer.Add(m);
             * }
             * Mat dict = new Mat();
             * bowtrainer.Cluster();
             * StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
             * Image<Bgr, Byte> imgsave = dict.ToImage<Bgr, Byte>();
             * (new XmlSerializer(typeof(Image<Bgr, Byte>))).Serialize(new StringWriter(sb), imgsave);
             * Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString());*/
Esempio n. 9
        private void FillImageSet(List <ImageData> set, string prefix)
            if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                var files = Directory.GetFiles(dialog.SelectedPath, "*.dcm");
                foreach (var file in files)
                    var ds      = new DicomImage(file);
                    var dsBones = new DicomImage(file)
                        WindowWidth  = 100,
                        WindowCenter = 500
                    var    image        = ds.RenderImage().AsBitmap();
                    var    imageBones   = dsBones.RenderImage().AsBitmap();
                    string newName      = prefix + "/" + Path.GetFileName(file).Replace(".dcm", ".jpg");
                    string newBonesName = prefix + "/" + Path.GetFileName(file).Replace(".dcm", "_bones.jpg");
                    Feature2D s;
                    switch (algorithm)
                    case Algo.ORB:
                        s = new ORBDetector();

                    case Algo.SURF:
                        s = new SURF(0.8);

                        s = new SIFT();
                    Mat mat              = CvInvoke.Imread(newBonesName, ImreadModes.Grayscale);
                    Mat matOrig          = CvInvoke.Imread(newName, ImreadModes.Unchanged);
                    var vec              = new VectorOfKeyPoint();
                    Mat modelDescriptors = new Mat();
                    s.DetectAndCompute(mat, null, vec, modelDescriptors, false);
                    ImageData id = new ImageData(matOrig, mat)
                        KeyPoints   = vec,
                        Descriptors = modelDescriptors
        public KeyPoints SIFTDescriptor()
            KeyPoints result = new KeyPoints();
            //SiFT Descriptor
            SIFT             siftAlgo           = null;
            VectorOfKeyPoint modelKeyPointsSift = null;

                siftAlgo           = new SIFT();
                modelKeyPointsSift = new VectorOfKeyPoint();

                MKeyPoint[] siftPoints = siftAlgo.Detect(preProcessedImageInGrayScale);
                UMat siftDescriptors = new UMat();
                siftAlgo.DetectAndCompute(preProcessedImageInGrayScale, null, modelKeyPointsSift, siftDescriptors, true);
                Image <Gray, Byte> outputImage = new Image <Gray, byte>(
                    new Bgr(255, 255, 255),

                string folderName = @"C:\Projects\LeafService\SiftImage";
                string pathString = System.IO.Path.Combine(folderName, "Sift" + DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks);
                if (Directory.Exists(pathString))
                    string newFilePath = Path.Combine(pathString, "SiftImage" + DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks);
                    outputImage.Save(folderName + ".jpg");

                result.Descriptor = siftDescriptors;
                result.Points     = siftPoints;
Esempio n. 11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            VectorOfKeyPoint modelKeyPoints, observedKeyPoints = new VectorOfKeyPoint();
            Mat img0 = new Mat(@"D:\Desktop\SI4\testImg0.jpg");
            Mat img1 = new Mat(@"D:\Desktop\SI4\testImg1.jpg");
            VectorOfVectorOfDMatch vectorOfDMatch = new VectorOfVectorOfDMatch();
            FastDetector           fd             = new FastDetector();

            MKeyPoint[] points0 = fd.Detect(img0);
            MKeyPoint[] points1 = fd.Detect(img1);
            MKeyPoint[] points2 = fd.Detect(img1, img0);
            SIFT   sift        = new SIFT();
            GpuMat outputArray = new GpuMat();

            sift.DetectAndCompute(img0, img1, new VectorOfKeyPoint(points2), outputArray, false);
Esempio n. 12
        public void FindMatches(Image <Rgb, byte> SubMap, out VectorOfKeyPoint VectorSubMapKeyPoint,
                                out Mat SubMapDiscriptors, out VectorOfVectorOfDMatch matches,
                                out Mat mask, out System.Drawing.Rectangle zone, out Mat homography, int k, double uniquenessThreshold, SIFTParametrs parametrs)
            VectorSubMapKeyPoint = new VectorOfKeyPoint();
            SubMapDiscriptors    = new Mat();
            matches = new VectorOfVectorOfDMatch();
            zone    = new System.Drawing.Rectangle();
            using (SIFT siftCPU = new SIFT(parametrs.nFeatures, parametrs.nOctaveLayers,
                                           parametrs.contrastThreshold, parametrs.edgeThreshold, parametrs.sigma))
                siftCPU.DetectAndCompute(SubMap, null, VectorSubMapKeyPoint, SubMapDiscriptors, false);
            matches = new VectorOfVectorOfDMatch();
            using (Emgu.CV.Flann.LinearIndexParams ip = new Emgu.CV.Flann.LinearIndexParams())
                using (Emgu.CV.Flann.SearchParams sp = new SearchParams())
                    using (Emgu.CV.Features2D.DescriptorMatcher matcher = new FlannBasedMatcher(ip, sp))
                        matcher.KnnMatch(MapDiscriptors, matches, k, null);

            mask = new Mat(matches.Size, 1, DepthType.Cv8U, 1);
            mask.SetTo(new MCvScalar(255));
            Features2DToolbox.VoteForUniqueness(matches, uniquenessThreshold, mask);

            homography = null;

            int nonZeroCount = CvInvoke.CountNonZero(mask);

            if (nonZeroCount >= 4)
                nonZeroCount = Features2DToolbox.VoteForSizeAndOrientation(VectorSubMapKeyPoint, VectorMapKeyPoint,
                                                                           matches, mask, 1.5, 20);
                if (nonZeroCount >= 4)
                    homography = Features2DToolbox.GetHomographyMatrixFromMatchedFeatures(
                        VectorSubMapKeyPoint, VectorMapKeyPoint, matches, mask, 2);
        public void DrawSIFTDescriptor(string inputFile, string outputFile)
            //SiFT Descriptor
            SIFT             siftAlgo           = null;
            VectorOfKeyPoint modelKeyPointsSift = null;

                siftAlgo           = new SIFT();
                modelKeyPointsSift = new VectorOfKeyPoint();

                using (Image <Bgr, byte> inputImage = new Image <Bgr, byte>(inputFile))
                    MKeyPoint[] siftPoints = siftAlgo.Detect(inputImage);
                    UMat siftDescriptors = new UMat();
                    siftAlgo.DetectAndCompute(inputImage, null, modelKeyPointsSift, siftDescriptors, true);
                    using (Image <Gray, Byte> outputImage = new Image <Gray, byte>(
                            new Bgr(255, 255, 255),
Esempio n. 14
        private void testToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            VectorOfVectorOfDMatch matches = new VectorOfVectorOfDMatch();
            Mat testImage  = CvInvoke.Imread(@"Linage2\Main\PartyAuto\2e35av2fwbk.png", ImreadModes.Color);
            Mat modelImage = CVUtil.crop_color_frame(testImage, new Rectangle(842, 646, 70, 70));

            Image <Bgr, Byte> img = modelImage.ToImage <Bgr, Byte>();

            CvInvoke.cvSetImageROI(img, new Rectangle(0, 0, 35, 35));

            //UMat uModelImage = modelImage.GetUMat(AccessType.Read);
            var featureDetector             = new SIFT();
            Mat modelDescriptors            = new Mat();
            VectorOfKeyPoint modelKeyPoints = new VectorOfKeyPoint();

            VectorOfKeyPoint observedKeyPoints = new VectorOfKeyPoint();

            featureDetector.DetectAndCompute(modelImage, null, modelKeyPoints, modelDescriptors, false);
            log("model size = " + modelKeyPoints.Size);
            Mat observedDescriptors = new Mat();

            featureDetector.DetectAndCompute(testImage, null, observedKeyPoints, observedDescriptors, false);

            int    k = 2;
            double uniquenessThreshold = 0.80;
            Mat    mask;
            Mat    homography = null;

            // Bruteforce, slower but more accurate
            // You can use KDTree for faster matching with slight loss in accuracy
            using (Emgu.CV.Flann.LinearIndexParams ip = new Emgu.CV.Flann.LinearIndexParams())
                using (Emgu.CV.Flann.SearchParams sp = new SearchParams())
                    using (DescriptorMatcher matcher = new FlannBasedMatcher(ip, sp))

                        matcher.KnnMatch(observedDescriptors, matches, k, null);
                        mask = new Mat(matches.Size, 1, DepthType.Cv8U, 1);
                        mask.SetTo(new MCvScalar(255));
                        Features2DToolbox.VoteForUniqueness(matches, uniquenessThreshold, mask);

                        int nonZeroCount = CvInvoke.CountNonZero(mask);
                        if (nonZeroCount >= 4)
                            nonZeroCount = Features2DToolbox.VoteForSizeAndOrientation(modelKeyPoints, observedKeyPoints,
                                                                                       matches, mask, 1.5, 20);
                            if (nonZeroCount >= 4)
                                homography = Features2DToolbox.GetHomographyMatrixFromMatchedFeatures(modelKeyPoints, observedKeyPoints, matches, mask, 2);
                                PointF[] src =
                                    new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(0, modelImage.Height - 1), new PointF(modelImage.Width - 1, modelImage.Height - 1), new PointF(modelImage.Width - 1, 0)
                                PointF[] points = CvInvoke.PerspectiveTransform(src, homography);
                                foreach (var p in points)
                                Point[] ap = Array.ConvertAll(points,
                                                              new Converter <PointF, Point>(CVUtil.PointFToPoint));

                                CvInvoke.Polylines(testImage, ap, true, new MCvScalar(255, 0, 0));
                                CvInvoke.Rectangle(testImage, new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), new MCvScalar(255, 255, 0));
                                CvInvoke.Circle(testImage, new Point(100, 100), 50, new MCvScalar(255, 255, 0), -1);
                            //Mat modelMatches = new Mat();
                            //Features2DToolbox.DrawKeypoints(modelImage, modelKeyPoints, result, new Bgr(Color.Red));
                            //Features2DToolbox.DrawKeypoints(testImage, observedKeyPoints, result, new Bgr(Color.Red));
                            //Features2DToolbox.DrawMatches(modelImage, modelKeyPoints, testImage, observedKeyPoints, matches, modelMatches,
                            //    new MCvScalar(255, 0, 0), new MCvScalar(0, 255, 0));

                            //Mat model1 = new Mat();
                            //Features2DToolbox.DrawKeypoints(modelImage, modelKeyPoints, model1, new Bgr(Color.Red));
                            //modelMatches = crop_color_frame(testImage,new Rectangle(842,646,70,70));
            log("Done " + mask.Size);

Esempio n. 15
        public FeatureResult GetFeature(Bitmap bmpSrc)
            Mat matTest = CVUtil.BitmapToMat(bmpSrc);

            matTest = ProcessImage(matTest);

            /*Bitmap bmp = Utils.cropImage(bmpSrc, cropRect);
             * Mat matTest = CVUtil.BitmapToMat(bmp);
             * if (colorIndex != -1)
             * {
             *  matTest = matTest.Split()[colorIndex];
             * }*/
            Mat observedDescriptors            = new Mat();
            VectorOfKeyPoint observedKeyPoints = new VectorOfKeyPoint();

            featureDetector.DetectAndCompute(matTest, mask, observedKeyPoints, observedDescriptors, false);
            int    k = 2;
            double uniquenessThreshold = 0.80;

            //Mat homography = null;
            // Bruteforce, slower but more accurate
            // You can use KDTree for faster matching with slight loss in accuracy
            using (Emgu.CV.Flann.KdTreeIndexParams ip = new Emgu.CV.Flann.KdTreeIndexParams())
                using (Emgu.CV.Flann.SearchParams sp = new SearchParams())
                    using (DescriptorMatcher matcher = new FlannBasedMatcher(ip, sp))
                        VectorOfVectorOfDMatch matches = new VectorOfVectorOfDMatch();
                        foreach (SimpleFeatureData sd in this)

                        matcher.KnnMatch(observedDescriptors, matches, k, null);
                        lastMatches          = matches;
                        lastObserved         = matTest;
                        lastObservedKeyPoint = observedKeyPoints;
                        //Mat mat = new Mat();
                        //Features2DToolbox.DrawKeypoints(matTest, observedKeyPoints, mat, new Bgr(Color.Blue));
                        Mat uniqueMask = new Mat(matches.Size, 1, DepthType.Cv8U, 1);
                        uniqueMask.SetTo(new MCvScalar(255));
                        Features2DToolbox.VoteForUniqueness(matches, uniquenessThreshold, uniqueMask);

                        int nonZeroCount = CvInvoke.CountNonZero(uniqueMask);
                        if (nonZeroCount > 4)
                            String            retLabel = GetLabelFromMatches(matches, uniqueMask);
                            SimpleFeatureData mfd      = lastMatchFeatureData;
                                //int nonZeroCount2 = Features2DToolbox.VoteForSizeAndOrientation(mfd.keyPoints, observedKeyPoints, matches, uniqueMask, 1.5, 20);
                                //Console.WriteLine("nonZeroCount2=" + nonZeroCount2);
                                if (nonZeroCount > 4)
                                    Mat homography = Features2DToolbox.GetHomographyMatrixFromMatchedFeatures(mfd.keyPoints, observedKeyPoints, matches, uniqueMask, 2);

                                     * Rectangle rect = CVUtil.GetRect(mfd.keyPoints);
                                     * PointF[] src = {
                                     *  new PointF(rect.X,rect.Y),new PointF(rect.X,rect.Y + rect.Height-1),
                                     *  new PointF(rect.X + rect.Width-1,rect.Y + rect.Height-1),new PointF(rect.X + rect.Width-1,rect.Y)
                                     * };
                                     * PointF[] points = CvInvoke.PerspectiveTransform(src, homography);
                                     * foreach (var p in points)
                                     * {
                                     *  Console.WriteLine(p.ToString());
                                     * }
                                     * Point[] ap = Array.ConvertAll(points,
                                     * new Converter<PointF, Point>(CVUtil.PointFToPoint));
                                     * Mat testImage = matTest.Clone();
                                     * CvInvoke.Polylines(testImage, ap, true, new MCvScalar(255, 0, 0));
                                    //CvInvoke.Rectangle(testImage, new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), new MCvScalar(255, 255, 0));
                                    //CvInvoke.Circle(testImage, new Point(100, 100), 50, new MCvScalar(255, 255, 0), -1);
                                    FeatureResult ret = new FeatureResult();
                                    ret.keyPoint         = observedKeyPoints;
                                    ret.label            = retLabel;
                                    ret.homography       = homography;
                                    ret.matchFeatureData = mfd;
                            }catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 16
        List <float> ExtractSiftFeatureVector(TaggedImage image, int keyPointCount, SiftSortingMethod sortingMethod, bool doDrawImage)
            // use the emgu functions to gather keypoints

            VectorOfKeyPoint vectorOfKeypoints = new VectorOfKeyPoint();

            Mat output = image.GetMat().Clone(); // only needed for drawing

            sift.DetectAndCompute(image.GetMat(), null, vectorOfKeypoints, output, false);

            // put it into useful data formats

            List <MKeyPoint> keyPoints = new List <MKeyPoint>(vectorOfKeypoints.ToArray());

            // sort

            switch (sortingMethod)
            case SiftSortingMethod.Response:
                keyPoints.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.Response < p2.Response ? 1 : (p1.Response == p2.Response ? 0 : -1));

            case SiftSortingMethod.Size:
                keyPoints.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.Size < p2.Size ? 1 : (p1.Size == p2.Size ? 0 : -1));

            case SiftSortingMethod.None:

            // expand/trim
            while (keyPoints.Count < keyPointCount)
                keyPoints.Add(new MKeyPoint());

            if (keyPoints.Count > keyPointCount)
                keyPoints.RemoveRange(keyPointCount, keyPoints.Count - keyPointCount);

            // visualize

            if (doDrawImage)
                vectorOfKeypoints = new VectorOfKeyPoint(keyPoints.ToArray());

                Features2DToolbox.DrawKeypoints(image.GetMat(), vectorOfKeypoints, output, new Bgr(0, 0, 255), Features2DToolbox.KeypointDrawType.DrawRichKeypoints);

                String win1 = "SIFT";          //The name of the window
                CvInvoke.NamedWindow(win1);    //Create the window using the specific name

                CvInvoke.Imshow(win1, output); //Show the image
                CvInvoke.WaitKey(0);           //Wait for the key pressing event
                CvInvoke.DestroyWindow(win1);  //Destroy the window if key is pressed

            // convert to list

            List <float> result = new List <float>(5 * keyPointCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < keyPoints.Count; ++i)
                MKeyPoint current = keyPoints[i];

                result.Add(current.Point.X / (float)output.Size.Width);
                result.Add(current.Point.Y / (float)output.Size.Height);

Esempio n. 17
        public Bitmap DrawSift(Image <Rgb, byte> modelimage, Image <Rgb, byte> observedimage)
            int    k = 2;
            double uniquenessThreshold = 0.80;

            VectorOfKeyPoint modelKeyPoints    = new VectorOfKeyPoint(),
                             observedKeyPoints = new VectorOfKeyPoint();

            Mat modeldiscriptors    = new Mat();
            Mat observeddiscriptors = new Mat();

            //observedKeyPoints = observedKeyPoints.Resize(1.0 / Compression, Inter.Area);
            using (SIFT siftCPU = new SIFT(0, 5, 0.04, 10.0, 1.6))
                siftCPU.DetectAndCompute(modelimage, null, modelKeyPoints, modeldiscriptors, false);
                observedKeyPoints = new VectorOfKeyPoint(siftCPU.Detect(observedimage));
                siftCPU.Compute(observedimage, observedKeyPoints, observeddiscriptors);
            VectorOfVectorOfDMatch matches = new VectorOfVectorOfDMatch();

            using (Emgu.CV.Flann.LinearIndexParams ip = new Emgu.CV.Flann.LinearIndexParams())
                using (Emgu.CV.Flann.SearchParams sp = new SearchParams())
                    using (Emgu.CV.Features2D.DescriptorMatcher matcher = new FlannBasedMatcher(ip, sp))
                        matcher.KnnMatch(observeddiscriptors, matches, k, null);

            Mat mask = new Mat(matches.Size, 1, DepthType.Cv8U, 1);

            mask.SetTo(new MCvScalar(255));
            Features2DToolbox.VoteForUniqueness(matches, uniquenessThreshold, mask);

            Mat homography = null;

            int nonZeroCount = CvInvoke.CountNonZero(mask);

            if (nonZeroCount >= 4)
                nonZeroCount = Features2DToolbox.VoteForSizeAndOrientation(modelKeyPoints, observedKeyPoints,
                                                                           matches, mask, 1.5, 20);
                if (nonZeroCount >= 4)
                    homography = Features2DToolbox.GetHomographyMatrixFromMatchedFeatures(modelKeyPoints,
                                                                                          observedKeyPoints, matches, mask, 2);

            observedimage = new Image <Rgb, byte>(DrawZone(observedimage.Mat, observedKeyPoints, matches, mask).Bitmap);
            //modelKeyPoints.FilterByPixelsMask(new Image<Gray, byte>(mask.Bitmap));
            //observedKeyPoints.FilterByPixelsMask(new Image<Gray, byte>(mask.Bitmap));

            Mat result = new Mat();

            //Draw the matched keypoints
            Features2DToolbox.DrawMatches(modelimage, modelKeyPoints, observedimage, observedKeyPoints,
                                          matches, result, new MCvScalar(0, 255, 0), new MCvScalar(255, 0, 0), mask);
            if (homography != null)
                //draw a rectangle along the projected model
                SD.Rectangle rect = new SD.Rectangle(SD.Point.Empty, modelimage.Size);
                PointF[]     pts  = new PointF[]
                    new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom),
                    new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom),
                    new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top),
                    new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top)
                pts = CvInvoke.PerspectiveTransform(pts, homography);

                Point[] points = Extensions.ConvertAll <PointF, Point>(pts, Point.Round);
                SD.Point[] points = Array.ConvertAll <PointF, SD.Point>(pts, SD.Point.Round);
                using (VectorOfPoint vp = new VectorOfPoint(points))
                    CvInvoke.Polylines(result, vp, true, new MCvScalar(0, 0, 255), 2);

Esempio n. 18
        public ConcurrentDictionary <string, MatOfFloat> CalcSiftHashes(IEnumerable <ImageInfo> infos, out Task result, int thumbSize = 100)
            Trace.WriteLine("CalcSiftHashes started");


            var hashesDict = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, MatOfFloat>();

            var tasks = new List <Task>();

            foreach (ImageInfo info in infos)
                var task = new Task(() =>
                    Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;


                    //var mem = new MemoryStream();

                    //// copy to byte array
                    //int stride = ((BitmapImage)info.Image).PixelWidth * 4;
                    //byte[] buffer = new byte[stride * ((BitmapImage)info.Image).PixelHeight];
                    //((BitmapImage)info.Image).CopyPixels(buffer, stride, 0);

                    //// create bitmap
                    //Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(((BitmapImage)info.Image).PixelWidth, ((BitmapImage)info.Image).PixelHeight, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

                    //// lock bitmap data
                    //BitmapData bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, bitmap.PixelFormat);

                    //// copy byte array to bitmap data
                    //Marshal.Copy(buffer, 0, bitmapData.Scan0, buffer.Length);

                    //// unlock


                    //Mat sourceMat = Cv2.ImDecode(mem.GetBuffer(), ImreadModes.Unchanged);

                    //var resizedMat = sourceMat.Resize(new OpenCvSharp.Size(thumbSize, thumbSize), 0, 0, InterpolationFlags.Nearest);

                    //var scale = (double)thumbSize / Max(sourceMat.Width, sourceMat.Height);
                    //var resizedMat = sourceMat.Resize(new OpenCvSharp.Size(0, 0), scale, scale, InterpolationFlags.Nearest);

                    //var grayScaledMat = new Mat();
                    //Cv2.CvtColor(resizedMat, grayScaledMat, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY);

                    //var siftPoints = SURF.Create(400);
                    SIFT siftPoints = SIFT.Create();

                    MatOfFloat descriptors = new MatOfFloat();

                    //var keypoints = siftPoints.Detect(info.StoredMat).ToArray();
                    //siftPoints.Compute(info.StoredMat, ref keypoints, descriptors);

                    double scale = Math.Min((float)thumbSize / info.StoredMat.Width, (float)thumbSize / info.StoredMat.Height);
                    Mat resized  = info.StoredMat.Resize(new OpenCvSharp.Size(0, 0), scale, scale, InterpolationFlags.Area);
                    siftPoints.DetectAndCompute(resized, null, out KeyPoint[] keypoints, descriptors);

                    if (!ValidateDescriptor(descriptors))
                        descriptors = new MatOfFloat(thumbSize, thumbSize);

                    hashesDict.TryAdd(info.FilePath, descriptors);




            foreach (var task in tasks)

            result = Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray());
            result.ContinueWith(o => DisiblePublishingProgress());

Esempio n. 19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Read Images
            String modelImageLocation    = @"C:\EMT\Image\EMT_Lab7\model.png";
            String observedImageLocation = @"C:\EMT\Image\EMT_Lab7\observed3.png";

            Mat modelImage    = CvInvoke.Imread(modelImageLocation, ImreadModes.Grayscale);
            Mat observedImage = CvInvoke.Imread(observedImageLocation, ImreadModes.Grayscale);

            //Create a sift variable
            int  threshold = 170;
            SIFT siftCPU   = new SIFT(threshold);

            //Extract features from the model image
            //Store Keypoint and Descriptors
            VectorOfKeyPoint modelKeyPoints = new VectorOfKeyPoint();
            Mat modelDescriptors            = new Mat();

            siftCPU.DetectAndCompute(modelImage, null, modelKeyPoints, modelDescriptors, false);

            //Extract features from the observed image
            //Store Keypoint and Descriptors
            VectorOfKeyPoint observedKeypoints = new VectorOfKeyPoint();
            Mat observedDescriptors            = new Mat();

            siftCPU.DetectAndCompute(observedImage, null, observedKeypoints, observedDescriptors, false);

            //Create a Brute-Force Matcher to match modelDescriptors to observedDescriptors
            //using DistanceType - Squared Eucledian distance
            //Stores results of matching to matches
            BFMatcher matcher = new BFMatcher(DistanceType.L2);
            VectorOfVectorOfDMatch matches = new VectorOfVectorOfDMatch();
            int k = 2;             // number of nearest neighbours to search

            matcher.KnnMatch(observedDescriptors, matches, k, null);

            //Eliminate the matched features whose scale and rotation
            // do not agree with the majority's scale and rotation

            //Create a mask to store the matches
            Mat mask = new Mat(matches.Size, 1, DepthType.Cv8U, 1);

            mask.SetTo(new MCvScalar(255));

            //Create Uniqueness threshold to set limit to uniqueness
            //Store results in mask
            double uniquenessThreshold = 0.8;

            Features2DToolbox.VoteForUniqueness(matches, uniquenessThreshold, mask);

            //Calculate the Homography of the model and observed images
            Mat homography   = null;
            int nonZeroCount = CvInvoke.CountNonZero(mask);

            if (nonZeroCount >= 4)
                nonZeroCount = Features2DToolbox.VoteForSizeAndOrientation(modelKeyPoints, observedKeypoints, matches, mask, 1.5, 20);

                if (nonZeroCount >= 4)
                    homography = Features2DToolbox.GetHomographyMatrixFromMatchedFeatures(modelKeyPoints, observedKeypoints, matches, mask, 2);

            //Re-read the images in color format
            modelImage    = CvInvoke.Imread(modelImageLocation, ImreadModes.AnyColor);
            observedImage = CvInvoke.Imread(observedImageLocation, ImreadModes.AnyColor);

            // Draw Match lines between matched points in the model and observed image
            Mat result = new Mat();

            Features2DToolbox.DrawMatches(modelImage, modelKeyPoints, observedImage, observedKeypoints, matches, result, new MCvScalar(255, 255, 255), new MCvScalar(255, 255, 255), mask);

            //draw a rectangle of the matched object at the observed image
            if (homography != null)
                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, modelImage.Size);

                PointF[] pts = new PointF[]
                    new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom),
                    new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom),
                    new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top),
                    new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top)

                pts = CvInvoke.PerspectiveTransform(pts, homography);

                Point[] points = Array.ConvertAll <PointF, Point>(pts, Point.Round);

                using (VectorOfPoint vp = new VectorOfPoint(points))
                    CvInvoke.Polylines(result, vp, true, new MCvScalar(255, 0, 0, 255), 5);

            CvInvoke.Imshow("Keypoint Image", result);
Esempio n. 20
        public Mat Stitch()
            Mat src1Gray = new Mat();
            Mat src2Gray = new Mat();

            Cv2.CvtColor(src1Color, src1Gray, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY);
            Cv2.CvtColor(src2Color, src2Gray, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY);

            // Setting hyperparameters
            int numBestMatch = 10;

            // Detect the keypoints and generate their descriptors using SIFT
            SIFT sift = SIFT.Create();

            KeyPoint[] keypoints1, keypoints2;
            MatOfFloat descriptors1 = new MatOfFloat();
            MatOfFloat descriptors2 = new MatOfFloat();

            sift.DetectAndCompute(src1Gray, null, out keypoints1, descriptors1);
            sift.DetectAndCompute(src2Gray, null, out keypoints2, descriptors2);

            // Matching descriptor vectors with a brute force matcher
            BFMatcher matcher = new BFMatcher();

            DMatch[] matches = matcher.Match(descriptors1, descriptors2);

            // Sort the match points
            Comparison <DMatch> DMatchComparison = delegate(DMatch match1, DMatch match2)
                if (match1 < match2)

            Array.Sort(matches, DMatchComparison);

            // Get the best n match points
            int n = Math.Min(numBestMatch, keypoints1.Length);

            Point2f[] imagePoints1 = new Point2f[n];
            Point2f[] imagePoints2 = new Point2f[n];
            DMatch[]  bestMatches  = new DMatch[n];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                imagePoints1[i] = keypoints1[matches[i].QueryIdx].Pt;
                imagePoints2[i] = keypoints2[matches[i].TrainIdx].Pt;
                bestMatches[i]  = matches[i];

            // visiualize match result
            Mat matchImg = new Mat();

            Cv2.DrawMatches(src1Color, keypoints1, src2Color, keypoints2, bestMatches, matchImg, Scalar.All(-1), Scalar.All(-1), null, DrawMatchesFlags.NotDrawSinglePoints);
            using (new OpenCvSharp.Window("SIFT matching", WindowMode.AutoSize, matchImg))

            // Get homographic matrix that represents a transformation.
            // The size of such matrix is 3x3, which can represents every possible matrix transformation in 2-D plane.
            Mat h**o = Cv2.FindHomography(InputArray.Create <Point2f>(imagePoints2), InputArray.Create <Point2f>(imagePoints1));

            // calculate the transformed location of the second image's conor
            // use this value to calculate the size of result image
            Point2f[] transfromedConors = transfromConors(src2Color.Size(), h**o);

            // make sure the result image is large enough
            double maxWidth  = src1Color.Width;
            double maxHeight = src1Color.Height;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (transfromedConors[i].X > maxWidth)
                    maxWidth = transfromedConors[i].X;
                if (transfromedConors[i].Y > maxHeight)
                    maxHeight = transfromedConors[i].Y;
            OpenCvSharp.Size resultSize = new OpenCvSharp.Size(maxWidth, maxHeight);

            // the position that the first image should be copied to in the final result
            int src1StartPositonY = 0;
            int src1StartPositonX = 0;

            // if still some X coordinate is less than 0, do shift operation along x-axis
            bool   shouldShiftX   = false;
            double shiftDistanceX = double.MinValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (transfromedConors[i].X < 0)
                    shouldShiftX   = true;
                    shiftDistanceX = Math.Max(shiftDistanceX, -transfromedConors[i].X);
            if (shouldShiftX)
                 * matrix for shifting algong x-axis
                 * 1 0 d
                 * 0 1 0
                 * 0 0 1
                Mat shiftMatrix = new Mat(3, 3, h**o.Type());
                shiftMatrix.Set <double>(0, 0, 1);
                shiftMatrix.Set <double>(0, 1, 0);
                shiftMatrix.Set <double>(0, 2, shiftDistanceX);
                shiftMatrix.Set <double>(1, 0, 0);
                shiftMatrix.Set <double>(1, 1, 1);
                shiftMatrix.Set <double>(1, 2, 0);
                shiftMatrix.Set <double>(2, 0, 0);
                shiftMatrix.Set <double>(2, 1, 0);
                shiftMatrix.Set <double>(2, 2, 1);
                h**o              = shiftMatrix * h**o;
                resultSize.Width  = resultSize.Width + (int)shiftDistanceX;
                src1StartPositonX = (int)shiftDistanceX;

            // if still some Y coordinate is less than 0, do shift operation along y-axis
            bool   shouldShiftY   = false;
            double shiftDistanceY = double.MinValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (transfromedConors[i].Y < 0)
                    shouldShiftY   = true;
                    shiftDistanceY = Math.Max(shiftDistanceY, -transfromedConors[i].Y);
            if (shouldShiftY)
                 * matrix for shifting algong y-axis
                 * 1 0 0
                 * 0 1 d
                 * 0 0 1
                Mat shiftMatrix = new Mat(3, 3, h**o.Type());
                shiftMatrix.Set <double>(0, 0, 1);
                shiftMatrix.Set <double>(0, 1, 0);
                shiftMatrix.Set <double>(0, 2, 0);
                shiftMatrix.Set <double>(1, 0, 0);
                shiftMatrix.Set <double>(1, 1, 1);
                shiftMatrix.Set <double>(1, 2, shiftDistanceY);
                shiftMatrix.Set <double>(2, 0, 0);
                shiftMatrix.Set <double>(2, 1, 0);
                shiftMatrix.Set <double>(2, 2, 1);
                h**o = shiftMatrix * h**o;
                resultSize.Height = resultSize.Height + (int)shiftDistanceY;
                src1StartPositonY = (int)shiftDistanceY;

            Mat result = new Mat();

            Cv2.WarpPerspective(src2Color, result, h**o, resultSize);
            src1Color.CopyTo(new Mat(result, new OpenCvSharp.Rect(src1StartPositonX, src1StartPositonY, src1Gray.Cols, src1Gray.Rows)));

Esempio n. 21
        //public static long Classify(VectorOfKeyPoint modelKeyPoints, Mat modelDescriptors, Mat observedImage, double uniquenessThreshold, int k, int detectionType)
        public static long Classify(Mat modelDescriptors, Mat observedImage, double uniquenessThreshold, int k, int detectionType)
            var score = 0L;

            using (var matches = new VectorOfVectorOfDMatch())
                Mat mask = null;
                //Mat homography = null;
                var observedKeyPoints = new VectorOfKeyPoint();
                var obsImage          = new Mat();
                CvInvoke.Threshold(observedImage, obsImage, 127.0, 255.0, ThresholdType.BinaryInv);
                using (UMat uObservedImage = obsImage.GetUMat(AccessType.Read))
                    switch (detectionType)
                        using (var featureDetector = new SIFT(0, 3, 0.04, 10.0, 1.6))
                            var observedDescriptors = new Mat();
                            featureDetector.DetectAndCompute(uObservedImage, null, observedKeyPoints, observedDescriptors, false);
                            using (var ip = new KdTreeIndexParams())
                                using (var sp = new SearchParams())
                                    using (DescriptorMatcher matcher = new FlannBasedMatcher(ip, sp))
                                        matcher.KnnMatch(observedDescriptors, matches, k, null);
                                        mask = new Mat(matches.Size, 1, DepthType.Cv8U, 1);
                                        mask.SetTo(new MCvScalar(255));
                                        Features2DToolbox.VoteForUniqueness(matches, uniquenessThreshold, mask);
                                        score = 0;
                                        for (int i = 0; i < matches.Size; i++)
                                            if (mask.GetData(i)[0] == 0)
                                            foreach (var e in matches[i].ToArray())
                                        //var nonZeroCount = CvInvoke.CountNonZero(mask);
                                        //if (nonZeroCount >= 4)
                                        //    nonZeroCount = Features2DToolbox.VoteForSizeAndOrientation(modelKeyPoints, observedKeyPoints, matches, mask, 1.5, 20);
                                        //    if (nonZeroCount >= 4)
                                        //        homography = Features2DToolbox.GetHomographyMatrixFromMatchedFeatures(modelKeyPoints, observedKeyPoints, matches, mask, 2);

                    case 1:
                        using (var featureDetector = new KAZE())
                            var observedDescriptors = new Mat();
                            featureDetector.DetectAndCompute(uObservedImage, null, observedKeyPoints, observedDescriptors, false);
                            using (var ip = new KdTreeIndexParams())
                                using (var sp = new SearchParams())
                                    using (DescriptorMatcher matcher = new FlannBasedMatcher(ip, sp))
                                        matcher.KnnMatch(observedDescriptors, matches, k, null);
                                        mask = new Mat(matches.Size, 1, DepthType.Cv8U, 1);
                                        mask.SetTo(new MCvScalar(255));
                                        Features2DToolbox.VoteForUniqueness(matches, uniquenessThreshold, mask);
                                        score = 0;
                                        for (int i = 0; i < matches.Size; i++)
                                            if (mask.GetData(i)[0] == 0)
                                            foreach (var e in matches[i].ToArray())
                                        //var nonZeroCount = CvInvoke.CountNonZero(mask);
                                        //if (nonZeroCount >= 4)
                                        //    nonZeroCount = Features2DToolbox.VoteForSizeAndOrientation(modelKeyPoints, observedKeyPoints, matches, mask, 1.5, 20);
                                        //    if (nonZeroCount >= 4)
                                        //        homography = Features2DToolbox.GetHomographyMatrixFromMatchedFeatures(modelKeyPoints, observedKeyPoints, matches, mask, 2);