Esempio n. 1
        public static KeyframeArray DecodeSHP0Keyframes(SHP0KeyframeEntries *entry, SHP0Node node)
            //If the node is null, assume the programmer has created a new entry and accessed
            //the keyframe collection for the first time before assigning the parent and will
            //set the frame count later manually.
            int numFrames = node == null ? 1 : node.FrameCount + (node.Loop ? 1 : 0);

            KeyframeArray kf = new KeyframeArray(numFrames)
                Loop = node.Loop

            if (entry == null)

            int    fCount = entry->_numEntries;
            BVec3 *vec    = entry->Entries;

            for (int i = 0; i < fCount; i++, vec++)
                kf.SetFrameValue((int)vec->_y, vec->_z, true)._tangent = vec->_x;

Esempio n. 2
        public void NewShp()
            SHP0Node node = ((BRRESNode)_resource).CreateResource <SHP0Node>("NewSHP");

            node.Version = 3;
            BaseWrapper res = this.FindResource(node, true);

            res = res.FindResource(node, false);
            res.TreeView.SelectedNode = res;
Esempio n. 3
        public void ImportShp()
            if (Program.OpenFile(FileFilters.SHP0, out string path) > 0)
                SHP0Node node = NodeFactory.FromFile(null, path) as SHP0Node;
                ((BRRESNode)_resource).GetOrCreateFolder <SHP0Node>().AddChild(node);

                BaseWrapper w = FindResource(node, true);
                w.TreeView.SelectedNode = w;
Esempio n. 4
        private unsafe void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Set vertices (0), normals (1), and/or colors (2, 3)
            //UVs are not morphed so there's no need to set them

            if (SelectedAnimation == null ||
                SelectedSource == null ||
                TargetModel == null ||
                TargetModel.Objects == null ||
                TargetModel.Objects.Length == 0)

            SHP0EntryNode entry = SelectedAnimation.FindChild(SelectedSource, false) as SHP0EntryNode;

            if (entry == null)

            if (MessageBox.Show(this, "Are you sure you want to continue?\nThis will edit the model and make the selected object's vertices, normals and/or colors default to the current morph.", "Are you sure?", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.Cancel)

            //Set the model to be only the bind pose with the SHP0 applied
            //This is so when the data is unweighted,
            //only the influence of the SHP0 will be set to the model.
            //Otherwise the entire CHR0 pose would be set as well
            float    frame = CurrentFrame;
            SHP0Node shp   = _mainWindow.SelectedSHP0;
            CHR0Node chr   = _mainWindow.SelectedCHR0;

            if (TargetModel != null)
                TargetModel.ApplyCHR(null, 0);
                TargetModel.ApplySHP(shp, frame);

            ResourceNode[] nodes = ((ResourceNode)TargetModel).FindChildrenByName(SelectedSource);
            foreach (ResourceNode n in nodes)
                if (n is MDL0VertexNode)
                    MDL0VertexNode   node = (MDL0VertexNode)n;
                    MDL0ObjectNode[] o    = new MDL0ObjectNode[node._objects.Count];
                    foreach (MDL0ObjectNode obj in o)
                        //Set the unweighted positions using the weighted positions
                        //Created using the SHP0
                        obj.SetEditedAssets(true, true, false, false, false);
                else if (n is MDL0NormalNode)
                    MDL0NormalNode   node = (MDL0NormalNode)n;
                    MDL0ObjectNode[] o    = new MDL0ObjectNode[node._objects.Count];
                    foreach (MDL0ObjectNode obj in o)
                        obj.SetEditedAssets(true, false, true, false, false);
                else if (n is MDL0ColorNode)
                    MDL0ColorNode    node = (MDL0ColorNode)n;
                    MDL0ObjectNode[] o    = new MDL0ObjectNode[node._objects.Count];
                    foreach (MDL0ObjectNode obj in o)
                        obj.SetEditedAssets(true, false, false, true, true);

            if (TargetModel != null)
                TargetModel.ApplyCHR(chr, frame);
                TargetModel.ApplySHP(shp, frame);