public SHARE_INFO_1[] EnumNetShares(string Server) { List <SHARE_INFO_1> ShareInfos = new List <SHARE_INFO_1>(); int entriesread = 0; int totalentries = 0; int resume_handle = 0; int nStructSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); IntPtr bufPtr = IntPtr.Zero; StringBuilder server = new StringBuilder(Server); int ret = NetShareEnum(server, 1, ref bufPtr, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, ref entriesread, ref totalentries, ref resume_handle); if (ret == NERR_Success) { IntPtr currentPtr = bufPtr; for (int i = 0; i < entriesread; i++) { SHARE_INFO_1 shi1 = (SHARE_INFO_1)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentPtr, typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); ShareInfos.Add(shi1); //Remember, 64-bit systems have 64-bit pointers. Using ToInt32 will cause an ArithmeticOverview exception. //Use ToInt64 if you need to. currentPtr = new IntPtr(currentPtr.ToInt32() + nStructSize); } NetApiBufferFree(bufPtr); return(ShareInfos.ToArray()); } else { ShareInfos.Add(new SHARE_INFO_1("ERROR=" + ret.ToString(), 10, string.Empty)); return(ShareInfos.ToArray()); } }
public static string[] EnumShares(string serverName, string userName, string domainName, string password) { string[] shareList = null; using (new ImpersonationHelper(userName, domainName, password)) { List <string> ShareInfos = new List <string>(); int entriesread = 0; int totalentries = 0; int resume_handle = 0; IntPtr bufPtr = IntPtr.Zero; int nStructSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); StringBuilder server = new StringBuilder(serverName); if (NetShareEnum(server, 1, ref bufPtr, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, ref entriesread, ref totalentries, ref resume_handle) == (int)NetError.NERR_Success) { IntPtr currentPtr = bufPtr; for (int i = 0; i < entriesread; i++) { SHARE_INFO_1 shi1 = (SHARE_INFO_1)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentPtr, typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); ShareInfos.Add(shi1.shi1_netname); currentPtr = new IntPtr(currentPtr.ToInt64() + nStructSize); } NetApiBufferFree(bufPtr); shareList = ShareInfos.ToArray(); } } return(shareList); }
public List <string> GetShares(List <string> targetedComputers) { List <string> filePathstoReview = new List <string>(); foreach (string singleComp in targetedComputers) { IntPtr buffer; uint entriesread; uint totalentries; uint resume_handle; if (NetShareEnum(singleComp, 1, out buffer, -1, out entriesread, out totalentries, out resume_handle) == 0) { Int64 ptr = buffer.ToInt64(); ArrayList alShare = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < entriesread; i++) { SHARE_INFO_1 shareInfo = (SHARE_INFO_1)Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(ptr), typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); if (shareInfo.shi1_type == 0) //Disk drive { alShare.Add(shareInfo.shi1_netname); } ptr += Marshal.SizeOf(shareInfo); } for (int i = 0; i < alShare.Count; i++) { filePathstoReview.Add("\\\\" + singleComp + "\\" + alShare[i].ToString()); } } } return(filePathstoReview); }
private static string[] GetSharesUsingNetAPI(string server) { List <string> shareList = new List <String>(); int entriesread = 0; int totalentries = 0; IntPtr resume_handle = IntPtr.Zero; int nStructSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); IntPtr bufPtr = IntPtr.Zero; int ret = NetShareEnum(server, 1, out bufPtr, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, out entriesread, out totalentries, resume_handle); if (ret == NERR_Success) { int currentPtr = (int)bufPtr; for (int i = 0; i < entriesread; i++) { SHARE_INFO_1 shi1 = (SHARE_INFO_1)Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)currentPtr, typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); if (shi1.shi1_type == STYPE_DISKTREE) { shareList.Add(shi1.shi1_netname); } currentPtr += nStructSize; } } NetApiBufferFree(bufPtr); string[] shares = new string[shareList.Count]; shareList.CopyTo(shares); return(shares); }
private void bwShare_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { String pc = (String)e.Argument; IntPtr res = IntPtr.Zero; int n = 0, m = 0; int r = NetShareEnum(new StringBuilder("\\\\" + pc), 1, ref res, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, ref n, ref m, IntPtr.Zero); if (r == 0) { try { List <string> shares = new List <string>(); for (int x = 0; x < n; x++) { SHARE_INFO_1 share = (SHARE_INFO_1)Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(res.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)) * x), typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); if (share.shi1_type == SHARE_TYPE.STYPE_DISKTREE) { shares.Add("\\\\" + pc + "\\" + share.shi1_netname); } } e.Result = shares; } finally { NetApiBufferFree(res); } } }
private void EnumNetShares(string Server) { if (!CheckServerAvailablity(Server, 445)) { Logger.WriteLine(String.Format("[x] Cannot contact server {0} on port 445", Server)); return; } Logger.WriteLine(String.Format("[*] Server {0} listening on port 445", Server)); int entriesread = 0; int totalentries = 0; int resume_handle = 0; int nStructSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); IntPtr bufPtr = IntPtr.Zero; StringBuilder server = new StringBuilder(Server); int ret = NetShareEnum(server, 1, ref bufPtr, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, ref entriesread, ref totalentries, ref resume_handle); if (ret == NERR_Success) { IntPtr currentPtr = bufPtr; for (int i = 0; i < entriesread; i++) { SHARE_INFO_1 shi1 = (SHARE_INFO_1)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentPtr, typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); Logger.WriteLine(String.Format("[*] Server: {0} ShareName: {1}, ShareType: {2}, Remark {3}", server, shi1.shi1_netname, shi1.shi1_type, shi1.shi1_remark)); currentPtr += nStructSize; } NetApiBufferFree(bufPtr); } else { Logger.WriteLine(String.Format("[x] Server: {0}, Error={1}", Server, ret.ToString())); return; } }
public static SHARE_INFO_1[] EnumNetShares(string Server) { List<SHARE_INFO_1> ShareInfos = new List<SHARE_INFO_1>(); int entriesread = 0; int totalentries = 0; int resume_handle = 0; int nStructSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); IntPtr bufPtr = IntPtr.Zero; StringBuilder server = new StringBuilder(Server); int ret = NetShareEnum(server, 1, ref bufPtr, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, ref entriesread, ref totalentries, ref resume_handle); if (ret == NERR_Success) { IntPtr currentPtr = bufPtr; for (int i = 0; i < entriesread; i++) { SHARE_INFO_1 shi1 = (SHARE_INFO_1)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentPtr, typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); ShareInfos.Add(shi1); currentPtr += nStructSize; } NetApiBufferFree(bufPtr); return ShareInfos.ToArray(); } else { ShareInfos.Add(new SHARE_INFO_1("ERROR=" + ret.ToString(), 10, string.Empty)); return ShareInfos.ToArray(); } }
private static List <ShareInfo> GetShareInfoNT(string serverName, IList <ShareType> shareTypes) { int level = 2; int entriesRead, totalEntries, nRet, hResume = 0; IntPtr pBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; List <ShareInfo> shareInfoList = new List <ShareInfo>(); try { nRet = NetShareEnum(serverName, level, out pBuffer, -1, out entriesRead, out totalEntries, ref hResume); if (nRet == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { //Need admin for level 2, drop to level 1 level = 1; nRet = NetShareEnum(serverName, level, out pBuffer, -1, out entriesRead, out totalEntries, ref hResume); } if (nRet == NO_ERROR && entriesRead > 0) { Type t = (level == 2) ? typeof(SHARE_INFO_2) : typeof(SHARE_INFO_1); int offset = Marshal.SizeOf(t); for (int i = 0, lpItem = pBuffer.ToInt32(); i < entriesRead; i++, lpItem += offset) { IntPtr pItem = new IntPtr(lpItem); if (level == 1) { SHARE_INFO_1 shareInfo = (SHARE_INFO_1)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pItem, t); if (shareTypes.Contains(shareInfo.ShareType)) { shareInfoList.Add(new ShareInfo(serverName, shareInfo.NetName, string.Empty, shareInfo.ShareType, shareInfo.Remark)); } } else { SHARE_INFO_2 shareInfo = (SHARE_INFO_2)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pItem, t); if (shareTypes.Contains(shareInfo.ShareType)) { shareInfoList.Add(new ShareInfo(serverName, shareInfo.NetName, shareInfo.Path, shareInfo.ShareType, shareInfo.Remark)); } } } } } finally { // Clean up buffer allocated by system if (IntPtr.Zero != pBuffer) { NetApiBufferFree(pBuffer); } } return(shareInfoList); }
public override bool GetItemIsContainer(int index) { if (index == 0) { return(true); } else { SHARE_INFO_1 info = internal_list.Keys[index - 1]; return((info.shi1_type == NetshareType.DISKTREE) || (info.shi1_type == NetshareType.SPECIAL)); } }
/// <summary> /// Enumerates the shares on Windows NT /// </summary> /// <param name="server">The server name</param> /// <param name="shares">The ShareCollection</param> protected static void EnumerateSharesNT(string server, ShareCollection shares) { int level = 2; int entriesRead, totalEntries, nRet, hResume = 0; IntPtr pBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; try { nRet = NetShareEnum(server, level, out pBuffer, -1, out entriesRead, out totalEntries, ref hResume); if (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED == nRet) { //Need admin for level 2, drop to level 1 level = 1; nRet = NetShareEnum(server, level, out pBuffer, -1, out entriesRead, out totalEntries, ref hResume); } if (NO_ERROR == nRet && entriesRead > 0) { Type t = (2 == level) ? typeof(SHARE_INFO_2) : typeof(SHARE_INFO_1); int offset = Marshal.SizeOf(t); IntPtr pItem = pBuffer; for (long i = 0; i < entriesRead; i++) { if (1 == level) { SHARE_INFO_1 si = (SHARE_INFO_1)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pItem, t); shares.Add(si.NetName, string.Empty, si.ShareType, si.Remark); } else { SHARE_INFO_2 si = (SHARE_INFO_2)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pItem, t); shares.Add(si.NetName, si.Path, si.ShareType, si.Remark); } pItem = IntPtr.Add(pItem, offset); } } } finally { // Clean up buffer allocated by system if (IntPtr.Zero != pBuffer) { NetApiBufferFree(pBuffer); } } }
public override string GetItemDisplaySummaryInfo(int index) { string ret = string.Empty; if (index != 0) { SHARE_INFO_1 info = internal_list.Keys[index - 1]; ret = string.Format ("{0} {1}", info.shi1_type.ToString(), info.shi1_remark); } return(ret); }
public static List <string> GetSharedPrinter(string Server) { List <string> lstString = new List <string>(); SHARE_INFO_1[] shareInfo = EnumNetShares(Server); for (int i = 0; i < shareInfo.Length; i++) { SHARE_INFO_1 info = shareInfo[i]; if (info.shi1_type == Convert.ToInt32(SHARE_TYPE.STYPE_PRINTQ)) { lstString.Add(info.shi1_netname); } } return(lstString); }
public static string[] EnumShares(string serverName, string userName, string domainName, string password) { string[] shareList = null; try { using (new ImpersonationHelper(userName, domainName, password)) { List <string> ShareInfos = new List <string>(); int entriesread = 0; int totalentries = 0; int resume_handle = 0; IntPtr bufPtr = IntPtr.Zero; int nStructSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); StringBuilder server = new StringBuilder(serverName); if (NetShareEnum(server, 1, ref bufPtr, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, ref entriesread, ref totalentries, ref resume_handle) == (int)NetError.NERR_Success) { IntPtr currentPtr = bufPtr; for (int i = 0; i < entriesread; i++) { SHARE_INFO_1 shi1 = (SHARE_INFO_1)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentPtr, typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); ShareInfos.Add(shi1.shi1_netname); currentPtr = new IntPtr(currentPtr.ToInt64() + nStructSize); } NetApiBufferFree(bufPtr); shareList = ShareInfos.ToArray(); } } } catch (ImersonationFailureException ex) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Failed to impersontate user {0}/{1} when enumerate share on server {2}", domainName, userName, serverName), ex); } catch { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Failed to enumerate share on server {0}", serverName)); } return(shareList); }
public static Share GetNetShareInfo(string serverName, string netName) { IntPtr ptr = IntPtr.Zero; int errCode = NetShareGetInfo(serverName, netName, 1, ref ptr); if (errCode == NO_ERROR) { SHARE_INFO_1 shareInfo = (SHARE_INFO_1) Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); Share sh = new Share(@"\\" + serverName, shareInfo.NetName, "", shareInfo.ShareType, shareInfo.Remark); NetApiBufferFree(ptr); return(sh); } else { throw new Exception(FormatMessage(errCode)); } }
protected static void EnumerateSharesNT(string server, ShareCollection shares) { int level = 2; int entriesRead, totalEntries, nRet, hResume = 0; IntPtr pBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; try { nRet = NetShareEnum(server, level, out pBuffer, -1, out entriesRead, out totalEntries, ref hResume); if (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED == nRet) { level = 1; nRet = NetShareEnum(server, level, out pBuffer, -1, out entriesRead, out totalEntries, ref hResume); } if (NO_ERROR == nRet && entriesRead > 0) { Type t = (2 == level)?typeof(SHARE_INFO_2):typeof(SHARE_INFO_1); int offset = Marshal.SizeOf(t); for (int i = 0, lpItem = pBuffer.ToInt32(); i < entriesRead; i++, lpItem += offset) { IntPtr pItem = new IntPtr(lpItem); if (1 == level) { SHARE_INFO_1 si = (SHARE_INFO_1)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pItem, t); shares.Add(si.NetName, string.Empty, si.ShareType, si.Remark); } else { SHARE_INFO_2 si = (SHARE_INFO_2)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pItem, t); shares.Add(si.NetName, si.Path, si.ShareType, si.Remark); } } } } finally { if (IntPtr.Zero != pBuffer) { NetApiBufferFree(pBuffer); } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets list of the shared folders on a given network computer. Only /// non special folders are returned. /// </summary> /// <param name="in_network_computer">Network computer name</param> /// <returns>List of the shared folders</returns> public static List <string> GetSharedFolders(string in_network_computer) { List <SHARE_INFO_1> ShareInfos = new List <SHARE_INFO_1>(); int entriesread = 0; int totalentries = 0; int resume_handle = 0; int nStructSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); IntPtr bufPtr = IntPtr.Zero; StringBuilder server = new StringBuilder(in_network_computer); int ret = NetShareEnum(server, 1, ref bufPtr, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, ref entriesread, ref totalentries, ref resume_handle); if (ret == NERR_Success) { IntPtr currentPtr = bufPtr; for (int i = 0; i < entriesread; i++) { SHARE_INFO_1 shi1 = (SHARE_INFO_1)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentPtr, typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); ShareInfos.Add(shi1); currentPtr = new IntPtr(currentPtr.ToInt32() + nStructSize); } NetApiBufferFree(bufPtr); // convert to string array (add only non special folders) List <string> retval = new List <string>(); foreach (SHARE_INFO_1 info in ShareInfos) { if (info.shi1_type == (uint)SHARE_TYPE.STYPE_DISKTREE) { retval.Add(info.shi1_netname); } } return(retval); } else { return(null); } }
//nb. share info 1 not 502/3 due to privilege issues :-( public SHARE_INFO_1[] EnumNetShares(string Server) { List <SHARE_INFO_1> ShareInfos = new List <SHARE_INFO_1>(); int entriesread = 0; int totalentries = 0; int resume_handle = 0; int nStructSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); IntPtr bufPtr = IntPtr.Zero; StringBuilder server = new StringBuilder(Server); int ret = NetShareEnum(server, 1, ref bufPtr, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, ref entriesread, ref totalentries, ref resume_handle); if (ret == NERR_Success) { IntPtr currentPtr = bufPtr; for (int i = 0; i < entriesread; i++) { if (MainWindow._cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested == true) { throw new OperationCanceledException(); } SHARE_INFO_1 shi1 = (SHARE_INFO_1)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentPtr, typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); ShareInfos.Add(shi1); currentPtr = new IntPtr(currentPtr.ToInt32() + nStructSize); } NetApiBufferFree(bufPtr); return(ShareInfos.ToArray()); } else { //ShareInfos.Add(new SHARE_INFO_1("ERROR=" + ret.ToString(), 10, string.Empty)); //return ShareInfos.ToArray(); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// 检查IP的共享文件夹 /// </summary> /// <param name="Server">IP地址</param> /// <returns>共享文件夹目录</returns> static private ArrayList EnumNetShares(string Server) { // List<SHARE_INFO_1> ShareInfos = new List<SHARE_INFO_1>(); ArrayList shareinfo = new ArrayList(); int entriesread = 0; int totalentries = 0; int resume_handle = 0; int nStructSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); IntPtr bufPtr = IntPtr.Zero; StringBuilder server = new StringBuilder(Server); //使用NetShareEnum获取远程文件夹共享内容 int ret = NetShareEnum(server, 1, ref bufPtr, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, ref entriesread, ref totalentries, ref resume_handle); if (ret == NERR_Success) { IntPtr currentPtr = bufPtr; for (int i = 0; i < entriesread; i++) { SHARE_INFO_1 shi1 = (SHARE_INFO_1)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentPtr, typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); if (shi1.shi1_type == 0)//Disk drive类型 { shareinfo.Add(shi1.shi1_netname); } //64位系统需要调用64位指针, 使用 ToInt32 会出错,使用ToInt64 currentPtr = new IntPtr(currentPtr.ToInt64() + nStructSize); } NetApiBufferFree(bufPtr); return(shareinfo); } else { return(null); } }
protected void SetUp() { var info = new SHARE_INFO_1(); m_Share = new ShareInfo(info); }
public ShareInfo(SHARE_INFO_1 info) { m_Info = info; }
public ShareInfo() { m_Info = new SHARE_INFO_1(); }
/// <summary> /// Enumerates the shares on Windows NT /// </summary> /// <param name="server">The server name</param> /// <param name="shares">The ShareCollection</param> protected static void EnumerateSharesNT(string server, ShareCollection shares) { int level = 2; int entriesRead, totalEntries, nRet, hResume = 0; IntPtr pBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; try { nRet = NetShareEnum(server, level, out pBuffer, -1, out entriesRead, out totalEntries, ref hResume); if (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED == nRet) { //Need admin for level 2, drop to level 1 level = 1; nRet = NetShareEnum(server, level, out pBuffer, -1, out entriesRead, out totalEntries, ref hResume); } if (NO_ERROR == nRet && entriesRead > 0) { Type t = (2 == level) ? typeof(SHARE_INFO_2) : typeof(SHARE_INFO_1); int offset = Marshal.SizeOf(t); for (int i = 0, lpItem = pBuffer.ToInt32(); i < entriesRead; i++, lpItem += offset) { IntPtr pItem = new IntPtr(lpItem); if (1 == level) { SHARE_INFO_1 si = (SHARE_INFO_1)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pItem, t); if (si.ShareType == ShareType.Special && si.NetName.Length == 2) { } else { shares.Add(si.NetName, string.Empty, si.ShareType, si.Remark); //Console.WriteLine(trim(si.NetName) + " no path " + si.ShareType + "\t" + si.Remark); } } else { SHARE_INFO_2 si = (SHARE_INFO_2)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pItem, t); if (si.ShareType == ShareType.Special && si.NetName.Length == 2 && si.Path.Length == 3) { } else { shares.Add(si.NetName, si.Path, si.ShareType, si.Remark); //Console.Write(trim(si.NetName) + " " + trim(si.Path) + " " + si.ShareType + "\t" + si.Remark + "\n"); } } } } } finally { // Clean up buffer allocated by system if (IntPtr.Zero != pBuffer) { NetApiBufferFree(pBuffer); } } }
public void SetUp() { var info = new SHARE_INFO_1(); m_Share = new SharePanelItem(null, new ShareInfo(info)); }
internal ShareInfo1(SHARE_INFO_1 shi1) { NetName = shi1.shi1_netname; Type = (ShareTypes)shi1.shi1_type; Remark = shi1.shi1_remark; }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool verboseDebug = Array.Exists(args, match => match.ToLower() == "-verbose"); ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(max_threadpool, max_threadpool); // ShowWindow(GetConsoleWindow(), 0); if (args.Length >= 2) { string option = args[0].ToLower(); string domain = args[1]; if (option == "passwordbruteforce") { Console.WriteLine("Starting password brute force"); string query = ""; string properties = "samaccountname"; string filter = ""; try { filter = "(samaccountname=*" + args[3] + "*)"; } catch { filter = ""; } try { query = "(&(objectClass=user)" + filter + ")"; List <string> users = LdapQuery(domain, query, properties, false, true); Console.WriteLine("Bruteforcing {0} accounts", users.Count); foreach (string u in users) { Task t = Task.Run(() => { using (PrincipalContext pc = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, domain)) { if (verboseDebug) { Console.WriteLine("Password brute force against {0}\\{1}", domain, u); } // validate the credentials if (pc.ValidateCredentials(u, args[2])) { Console.WriteLine("[SUCCESS] {0}\\{1} password is {2}", domain, u, args[2]); } } }); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: PasswordBruteForce catched an unexpected exception"); ShowDebug(e, verboseDebug); } } else if (option == "dumpallusers") { string query = ""; string properties = "name,givenname,displayname,samaccountname,adspath,distinguishedname,memberof,ou,mail,proxyaddresses,lastlogon,pwdlastset,mobile,streetaddress,co,title,department,description,comment,badpwdcount,objectcategory,userpassword,scriptpath,managedby,managedobjects"; try { query = "(&(objectClass=user))"; LdapQuery(domain, query, properties); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: DumpAllUsers catched an unexpected exception"); ShowDebug(e, verboseDebug); } } else if (option == "dumplocalgroup") { string query = ""; string properties = "name"; string computername = ""; try { computername = "(name=*" + args[2] + "*)"; } catch { computername = ""; } try { query = "(&(objectClass=computer)" + computername + ")"; List <string> computers = LdapQuery(domain, query, properties, false, true); Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Querying {0} computer(s).", computers.Count)); foreach (string c in computers) { Task t = Task.Run(() => { DumpLocalAdminGroups(c); }); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: DumpLocalGroup catched an unexpected exception"); ShowDebug(e, verboseDebug); } } else if (option == "dumpremotesession") { string query = ""; string properties = "name"; string computername = ""; try { try { computername = args[2]; DumpRemoteSession(computername); } catch { query = "(&(objectClass=computer))"; List <string> computers = LdapQuery(domain, query, properties, false, true); Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Querying {0} computer(s).", computers.Count)); foreach (string c in computers) { Task t = Task.Run(() => { DumpRemoteSession(c); }); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: DumpRemoteSession catched an unexpected exception"); ShowDebug(e, verboseDebug); } } else if (option == "dumplocaladmin") { string query = ""; string properties = "name"; string computername = ""; try { computername = "(name=*" + args[2] + "*)"; } catch { computername = ""; } try { query = "(&(objectClass=computer)" + computername + ")"; List <string> computers = LdapQuery(domain, query, properties, false, true); Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Querying {0} computer(s).", computers.Count)); foreach (string c in computers) { Console.WriteLine("\nComputer {0}\n------------------------", c); DumpLocalAdminMembers(c, "Administrators"); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: DumpLocalAdmin catched an unexpected exception"); ShowDebug(e, verboseDebug); } } else if (option == "dumplapspassword") { string query = ""; string properties = "name,ms-mcs-AdmPwd"; string computername = ""; try { computername = "(name=*" + args[2] + "*)"; } catch { computername = ""; } try { query = "(&(objectClass=user)" + computername + ")"; LdapQuery(domain, query, properties); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: CheckAdmin catched an unexpected exception"); ShowDebug(e, verboseDebug); } } else if (option == "checkadmin") { string query = ""; string properties = "name"; string computername = ""; try { computername = "(name=*" + args[2] + "*)"; } catch { computername = ""; } try { query = "(&(objectClass=computer)" + computername + ")"; List <string> computers = LdapQuery(domain, query, properties, false, true); Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Querying {0} computer(s).", computers.Count)); foreach (string c in computers) { Task t = Task.Run(() => { CheckLocalAdminRight(c); }); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: CheckAdmin catched an unexpected exception"); ShowDebug(e, verboseDebug); } } else if (option == "dumptrust") { Console.WriteLine("Domain Trust\n----------------------"); Domain currentDomain = Domain.GetCurrentDomain(); foreach (TrustRelationshipInformation d in currentDomain.GetAllTrustRelationships()) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} <- ({1}){2} -> {3}", d.SourceName, d.TrustType, d.TrustDirection, d.TargetName)); } Console.WriteLine("\nForest Trust\n----------------------"); Forest forest = Forest.GetCurrentForest(); foreach (TrustRelationshipInformation f in forest.GetAllTrustRelationships()) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} <- ({1}){2} -> {3}", f.SourceName, f.TrustType, f.TrustDirection, f.TargetName)); } } else if (option == "dumpuser") { string query = ""; string properties = "name,givenname,displayname,samaccountname,adspath,distinguishedname,memberof,ou,mail,proxyaddresses,lastlogon,pwdlastset,mobile,streetaddress,co,title,department,description,comment,badpwdcount,objectcategory,userpassword,scriptpath,managedby,managedobjects"; try { query = "(&(objectClass=user)(samaccountname=*" + args[2] + "*))"; LdapQuery(domain, query, properties); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: DumpUser required a user argument"); ShowDebug(e, verboseDebug); } } else if (option == "dumpusersemail") { string query = ""; string properties = "name,samaccountname,mail"; try { query = "(&(objectClass=user))"; LdapQuery(domain, query, properties); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: DumpUsersEmail catched an unexpected exception"); ShowDebug(e, verboseDebug); } } else if (option == "dumpuserpassword") { string query = ""; string properties = "name,samaccountname,userpassword"; try { query = "(&(objectClass=user))"; LdapQuery(domain, query, properties); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: DumpUserPassword catched an unexpected exception"); ShowDebug(e, verboseDebug); } } else if (option == "dumpallcomputers") { string query = ""; string properties = "name,displayname,operatingsystem,description,adspath,objectcategory,serviceprincipalname,distinguishedname,cn,lastlogon,managedby,managedobjects"; try { query = "(&(objectClass=computer))"; LdapQuery(domain, query, properties); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: DumpAllComputers catched an unexpected exception"); ShowDebug(e, verboseDebug); } } else if (option == "dumpcomputer") { string query = ""; string properties = "name,displayname,operatingsystem,description,adspath,objectcategory,serviceprincipalname,distinguishedname,cn,lastlogon,managedby,managedobjects"; try { query = "(&(objectClass=computer)(name=*" + args[2] + "))"; LdapQuery(domain, query, properties); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: DumpComputer required a computer name argument"); ShowDebug(e, verboseDebug); } } else if (option == "dumpallgroups") { string query = ""; string properties = "name,adspath,distinguishedname,member,memberof"; try { query = "(&(objectClass=group))"; LdapQuery(domain, query, properties); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: DumpAllGroups required a computer name argument"); ShowDebug(e, verboseDebug); } } else if (option == "dumpgroup") { string query = ""; string properties = "name,adspath,distinguishedname,member,memberof"; try { query = "(&(objectClass=group)(name=*" + args[2] + "))"; LdapQuery(domain, query, properties); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: DumpGroup required a group name argument"); ShowDebug(e, verboseDebug); } } else if (option == "dumppasswordpolicy") { string query = ""; string properties = "name,distinguishedName,msDS-MinimumPasswordLength,msDS-PasswordHistoryLength,msDS-PasswordComplexityEnabled,msDS-PasswordReversibleEncryptionEnabled,msDS-LockoutThreshold,msDS-PasswordSettingsPrecedence"; try { query = "(&(objectClass=msDS-PasswordSettings))"; LdapQuery(domain, query, properties); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: DumpPasswordPolicy catched an unexpected exception"); ShowDebug(e, verboseDebug); } } else if (option == "dumppwdlastset") { // Based on string query = ""; string properties = "name,givenname,displayname,samaccountname,adspath,distinguishedname,memberof,ou,mail,proxyaddresses,lastlogon,pwdlastset,mobile,streetaddress,co,title,department,description,comment,badpwdcount,objectcategory,userpassword,scriptpath"; var date = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-(DateTime.Today.Day + 90)); long dateUtc = date.ToFileTimeUtc(); try { query = "(&(objectCategory=computer)(pwdlastset>=" + dateUtc.ToString() + ")(operatingSystem=*windows*))"; LdapQuery(domain, query, properties); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: DumpPasswordPolicy catched an unexpected exception"); ShowDebug(e, verboseDebug); } } else if (option == "checkmanaged") { /* */ if (ListFilesSearchForManaged("\\\\" + domain + "\\SYSVOL", verboseDebug)) { string query = ""; string properties = "managedobjects,samaccountname"; Console.WriteLine("Users that have a managedobjects attribute"); try { query = "(&(objectClass=user))"; LdapQuery(domain, query, properties, false); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: checkmanaged on users catched an unexpected exception"); ShowDebug(e, verboseDebug); } Console.WriteLine("Computers that have a managedby attribute"); properties = "managedby,name"; try { query = "(&(objectClass=computer))"; LdapQuery(domain, query, properties, false); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: checkmanaged on computers catched an unexpected exception"); ShowDebug(e, verboseDebug); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Managedby GPO not found"); } } else if (option == "dumplastlogon") { // Based on string query = ""; string properties = "name,givenname,displayname,samaccountname,adspath,distinguishedname,memberof,ou,mail,proxyaddresses,lastlogon,pwdlastset,mobile,streetaddress,co,title,department,description,comment,badpwdcount,objectcategory,userpassword,scriptpath"; var date = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-(DateTime.Today.Day + 90)); long dateUtc = date.ToFileTimeUtc(); try { query = "(&(objectCategory=computer)(lastLogon>=" + dateUtc.ToString() + ")(operatingSystem=*windows*))"; LdapQuery(domain, query, properties); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: DumpPasswordPolicy catched an unexpected exception"); ShowDebug(e, verboseDebug); } } else if (option == "getshare") { string hostname = args[1]; string username = ""; string password = ""; if (args.Length > 2) { username = args[2].Split('\\')[1]; domain = args[2].Split('\\')[0]; password = args[3]; const int LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS = 9; const int LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT = 0; IntPtr phToken = IntPtr.Zero; bool bResult = false; if (username != null) { bResult = LogonUser(username, domain, password, LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, ref phToken); if (!bResult) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + GetLastError()); } } bResult = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(phToken); if (!bResult) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + GetLastError()); } } int entriesread = 0; int totalentries = 0; int resume_handle = 0; int structSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); IntPtr bufPtr = IntPtr.Zero; int ret = NetShareEnum(hostname, 1, ref bufPtr, 0xFFFFFFFF, ref entriesread, ref totalentries, ref resume_handle); if (ret == 0) { IntPtr currentPtr = bufPtr; for (int i = 0; i < entriesread; i++) { SHARE_INFO_1 shi1 = (SHARE_INFO_1)Marshal.PtrToStructure(currentPtr, typeof(SHARE_INFO_1)); Console.WriteLine("\\\\{0}\\{1}", hostname, shi1); currentPtr += structSize; } } } else if (option == "getservice") { string hostname = args[1]; string username = ""; string password = ""; if (args.Length > 2) { username = args[2].Split('\\')[1]; domain = args[2].Split('\\')[0]; password = args[3]; const int LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS = 9; const int LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT = 0; IntPtr phToken = IntPtr.Zero; bool bResult = false; if (username != null) { bResult = LogonUser(username, domain, password, LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, ref phToken); if (!bResult) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + GetLastError()); } } bResult = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(phToken); if (!bResult) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + GetLastError()); } } ServiceController[] services = ServiceController.GetServices(hostname); foreach (ServiceController service in services) { Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", service.ServiceName, service.Status); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid argument: {0} not found", option); } } else { if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0] == "set") { foreach (DictionaryEntry de in Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables()) { Console.WriteLine("{0}={1}", de.Key, de.Value); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: missing arguments"); Console.WriteLine("Usage: {0} options domain [arguments]", System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); } } }
public static SHARE_INFO_1[] GetShareInfos_1(string server_name) { List <SHARE_INFO_1> ret_list = new List <SHARE_INFO_1>(); IntPtr net_buffer = IntPtr.Zero; int entries_readed = 0; int entries_total = 0; uint resume_handle = 0; int res = 0; int res_free = 0; do { if ((server_name == null) || (server_name == string.Empty)) { res = WinApiNET.NetShareEnum (IntPtr.Zero, NET_INFO_LEVEL.LEVEL_1, ref net_buffer, WinApiNET.MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, ref entries_readed, ref entries_total, ref resume_handle); } else { res = WinApiNET.NetShareEnum (server_name, NET_INFO_LEVEL.LEVEL_1, ref net_buffer, WinApiNET.MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, ref entries_readed, ref entries_total, ref resume_handle); } //check result if (res == WinApiNET.NERR_Success) { //success, add to result list ret_list.AddRange(SHARE_INFO_1.FromBuffer(net_buffer, entries_readed)); //free buffer res_free = WinApiNET.NetApiBufferFree(net_buffer); if (res_free != WinApiNET.NERR_Success) { throw new Win32Exception(res_free); } //break cycle break; } if (res == WinApiNET.ERROR_MORE_DATA) { //success, but more data available ret_list.AddRange(SHARE_INFO_1.FromBuffer(net_buffer, entries_readed)); //free buffer res_free = WinApiNET.NetApiBufferFree(net_buffer); if (res_free != WinApiNET.NERR_Success) { throw new Win32Exception(res_free); } //continue cycle continue; } //now res is error code Win32Exception win_ex = new Win32Exception(res); throw win_ex; } while (true); return(ret_list.ToArray()); }