Esempio n. 1
        ///	<para>
        ///		This method encrypts the given input file in either of the 2 algorithms 'DES' or 'RC2'.
        ///		Then it writes out the encrypted file
        ///	</para>
        /// <para>
        ///		This method first reads the input file to check to see if its already encrypted by this
        ///		same program. If its already encrypted it gives a error.
        ///	</para>
        /// <para>
        ///		According to the algorithm specified it then encrypts the file.
        ///		Also in the first 8 bytes of the new Encrypted it writes out "[saudes]" or "[saurc2]"
        ///		This is done so the while decrypting the program can know which algorithm was used to
        ///		encrypt the file. Also it used to check if the file has already encrypted
        /// </para>
        private void EncryptData()
            //try-catch block
                bool algo;           //a boolean variable to check which algorithm to use in encrypting
                                     //open the 'FileStream' on the file to be encrypted
                FileStream fin = new FileStream(opent.Text, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                //Make a file to save the encrypted data to and open a 'FileStream' on it
                FileStream fout = new FileStream(savet.Text, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);
                //set the position of the 'cursor' to the start of the file
                //make a byte array of the size 64 bits
                //this is called the 'Buffer Size' of the algorithm
                //i.e. while encrypting blocks of the size 64bits are processed at a single time
                //later other blocks are of the same size.
                //we use 64bits because both 'DES' and 'RC2' both algorithms have 64 bit 'Buffer Size'
                byte[] bin = new byte[4096];
                //set the total length of the file to me encrypted to a variable
                long totlen = fin.Length;
                long rdlen  = 0;
                int  len;
                //the code below is used to check if the file has already been encrypted by this program
                //make a byte array of length '4'
                byte[] tag = new byte[4];
                //read the first 4 bytes from the file to be encrypted
                fin.Read(tag, 0, tag.Length);
                //if it contains the chars "[sau" then it has been already encrypted by this program
                if ((tag[0] == (byte)'[') && (tag[1] == (byte)'S') && (tag[2] == (byte)'a') && (tag[3] == (byte)'u'))
                    //genrate a error to let the user know of the error
                    MessageBox.Show("This file is already Encrypted or in Invalid format!");
                    statusBar1.Text = "Error - Invalid File Format !!";

                    //if the file if ok the proceed with encryption
                    statusBar1.Text = "Encrypting...";
                    //set the file read cursor back to the 'Begning' of the opened file
                    fin.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                //make a object of the class 'SymmetricAlgorithm'
                SymmetricAlgorithm des;
                if (radioButton1.Checked)
                    //if the algorithm to be used is 'DES' then initilize the 'SymmetricAlgorithm' to 'DES_CSP'
                    des = new DES_CSP();
                    //set the variable to true because we are using 'DES' algorithm.
                    algo = true;
                    //if the algorithm to be used is 'RC2' then initilize the variable 'des' to 'RC2_CSP'
                    des = new RC2_CSP();
                    //set the key size of the algorithm to 40 bits since we are using a 40 bit key
                    des.KeySize = 40;

                    //uncomment the below code to kind out the bits of keys supported by RC2 algorithm

                    /*KeySizes[] ks = des.LegalKeySizes ;
                     * Console.WriteLine("Key Sizes Supported :") ;
                     * Console.WriteLIne("Minimum Size:" +ks[0].MinSize) ;
                     * Console.WriteLine("Skip size of key: "+ks[0].SkipSize) ;
                     * Console.WriteLine("Maximum Size: "+ks[0].MaxSize) ;

                    //set the bool variable to false since we are using the RC2 algorithm
                    algo = false;

                //Make a object of the inner class 'StoreCryptoStream' we pass the bool variable
                //containing the algotithm information and the FileStream
                StoreCryptoStream scs = new StoreCryptoStream(algo, fout);

                //make an object of the 'SymmetricStreamEncryptor' class and pass it the 'Key and the 'Vector'
                //this starem helps to encrypt data according to the algorithm used
                SymmetricStreamEncryptor sse = des.CreateEncryptor(symKey, symIV);

                // a little extra feature here to show how to compose crypto
                // components that support ICryptoStream
                SHA1_CSP sha = new SHA1_CSP();

                // wire up the encryptor - hash - StoreCryptoStream

                //read from the file to encrypt
                while (rdlen < totlen)
                    //set the number of bytes read
                    len = fin.Read(bin, 0, 4096);
                    //write the encrypted data
                    sse.Write(bin, 0, len);
                    //increase the size of bytes read
                    rdlen = rdlen + len;
                //free up the resources

                statusBar1.Text = "Encryption Compelete !";
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("An exception occured while encrypting :" + e.ToString());
                statusBar1.Text = "Error";
Esempio n. 2
        ///	<para>
        ///		This Method computes the 'Key' and the 'Initilization Vector' to be used in encrypting / decrypting.
        ///		It generates the key according to the algorithm.
        ///		It returns is key generation is sucessful
        ///	</para>
        ///	<para>
        ///		If the algorithm to be used is 'DES' then it generates a 64bit Key and 64bit Vector
        ///		from the provided 'Password' .Then this is stored in to a 'byte' array having 'length' '8'.
        ///		since 1 byte = 8 bits , hence a byte array having length '8' will contain a key of
        ///		8 x 8 =64 bits.
        ///		We use a 64bit key since DES supports a minimum 64 bit key
        ///	</para >
        ///	<para>
        ///		If the algorithm to be used is 'RC2' then it generates a 40bit Key and a 40 bit Vector
        ///		from the provided 'Password'.
        ///		We use a 40 bit key here since RC2 supports a minimum 40 bit key (it does not support a 64bit key).
        ///	</para>
        private bool GenerateKee(bool isDES)
            //try-catch block
                //store the password in a string
                string pass = passt.Text;
                int    i;
                int    len;
                //convert the password in to a Char array
                char[] cp = pass.ToCharArray();
                len = cp.GetLength(0);
                //initilize a byte array
                byte[] bt = new byte[len];
                //convert the Char array of the Password to a byte array
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    bt[i] = (byte)cp[i];

                //if we are producing a Key-Vector for the 'DES' algotithm
                if (isDES)
                    //initilize the byte arrays which will contain the 'Key' and the 'Vector' respectively
                    //to a length of '8' (see above why we use a array of length '8')
                    symKey = new byte[8];
                    symIV  = new byte[8];

                    //make a instance of the class 'SHA1_CSP()'
                    //this class is usefull in coverting 'byte' into 'Hash'.
                    SHA1_CSP sha = new SHA1_CSP();
                    //write the Hash of the byte array containing the password
                    //close the stream

                    //now Initilize the 'Key' array with the lower 64bits of the Hash of the 'Password' provided by the
                    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        symKey[i] = sha.Hash[i];
                    //initilize the 'Vector' array wiht the higher 64 bits of Hash of the 'Password' provided by
                    //the user
                    for (i = 8; i < 16; i++)
                        symIV[i - 8] = sha.Hash[i];
                    //if the algorithm is 'RC2' then genrate the following Key

                    //inilize the Key and Vector arrays to a length of '5' (see above why we use '5')
                    symKey = new byte[5];
                    symIV  = new byte[5];

                    //make a instance of the class 'SHA1_CSP'
                    //this class wreites the hash of a given byte
                    SHA1_CSP sha = new SHA1_CSP();
                    //write the Hash of the byte array containing the user password
                    //close the stream
                    //now Initilize the Key array to lower 40 bits of the Hash of the 'Password' provided by the user
                    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                        symKey[i] = sha.Hash[i];
                    //initilize the Vector array to 40bits of hash
                    for (i = 5; i < 10; i++)
                        symIV[i - 5] = sha.Hash[i];
                //since every thing went properly return 'true'
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("A Exception Occured in Generating Keys :" + e.ToString());
                //retuen false since there was a error