public void EV_1101_SuppressXsiNilMultiprocessor() { String expected = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?><ClinicalDocument xmlns:xsi=\"\" classCode=\"DOCCLIN\" moodCode=\"EVN\" xmlns=\"urn:hl7-org:v3\"><author typeCode=\"AUT\" nullFlavor=\"NI\" contextControlCode=\"OP\"><time value=\"20140116103733.292-0500\" /><assignedAuthor classCode=\"ASSIGNED\"><id root=\"2BCF1373-9199-4574-A254-0E7558DE9825\" /></assignedAuthor></author></ClinicalDocument>"; ClinicalDocument document = new ClinicalDocument(); Author a = new Author(); a.Time = (TS)"20140116103733.292-0500"; a.AssignedAuthor = new AssignedAuthor(SET <II> .CreateSET(Guid.Parse("2BCF1373-9199-4574-A254-0E7558DE9825"))); document.Author.Add(a); a.NullFlavor = NullFlavor.NoInformation; XmlIts1Formatter formatter = new XmlIts1Formatter(); formatter.Settings = SettingsType.DefaultMultiprocessor; formatter.Settings |= SettingsType.SuppressXsiNil | SettingsType.SuppressNullEnforcement; formatter.GraphAides.Add(new ClinicalDocumentDatatypeFormatter()); formatter.ValidateConformance = false; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); using (XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(sw)) { var results = formatter.Graph(xw, document); xw.Flush(); String data = sw.ToString(); R2SerializationHelper.XmlIsEquivalent(expected, data); } }
public void EV_1101_DefaultSerializationLegacy() { String expected = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?><ClinicalDocument xmlns:xsi=\"\" classCode=\"DOCCLIN\" moodCode=\"EVN\" xmlns=\"urn:hl7-org:v3\"><author nullFlavor=\"NI\" xsi:nil=\"true\" /></ClinicalDocument>"; ClinicalDocument document = new ClinicalDocument(); Author a = new Author(); a.Time = DateTime.Now; a.AssignedAuthor = new AssignedAuthor(SET <II> .CreateSET(Guid.NewGuid())); document.Author.Add(a); a.NullFlavor = NullFlavor.NoInformation; XmlIts1Formatter formatter = new XmlIts1Formatter(); formatter.GraphAides.Add(new ClinicalDocumentDatatypeFormatter()); formatter.ValidateConformance = false; formatter.Settings = SettingsType.DefaultLegacy; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); using (XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(sw)) { formatter.Graph(xw, document); xw.Flush(); String data = sw.ToString(); R2SerializationHelper.XmlIsEquivalent(expected, data); } }
public void SetUnionTest01() { // Create sets SET <INT> firstSet = SET <INT> .CreateSET(1, 2, 3, 4), secondSet = SET <INT> .CreateSET(2, 4, 6); // Combine the sets SET <INT> resultant = firstSet.Union(secondSet); Console.WriteLine("The following SET is a result:"); foreach (var i in resultant) { Console.WriteLine(i); } // output: // The following set is a resultant: // 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 6 resultant.NullFlavor = null; Assert.IsTrue(resultant.Validate()); }
/// <summary> /// Create custodial data from either a RepositoryDevice or a HealthcareParticipant /// </summary> private Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.MFMI_MT700701UV01.Custodian CreateCustodian(RegistrationEvent registrationEvent, TargetConfiguration configuration) { ISystemConfigurationService sysConfig = this.Context.GetService(typeof(ISystemConfigurationService)) as ISystemConfigurationService; var subject = registrationEvent.FindComponent(SVC.Core.ComponentModel.HealthServiceRecordSiteRoleType.SubjectOf) as Person; var iiSet = new List <II>(CreateIISet(subject.AlternateIdentifiers)); iiSet.RemoveAll(ii => !configuration.NotificationDomain.Exists(o => o.Domain.Equals(ii.Root))); var oidData = sysConfig.OidRegistrar.FindData(iiSet[0].Root); if (oidData == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot find notification settings for " + oidData); } var retVal = new Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.MFMI_MT700701UV01.Custodian( new Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.COCT_MT090003UV01.AssignedEntity() ); // Device retVal.AssignedEntity.SetAssignedPrincipalChoiceList( new Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.COCT_MT090303UV01.Device( SET <II> .CreateSET(new II(oidData.Attributes.Find(o => o.Key == "CustodialDeviceId").Value ?? oidData.Oid)), null, oidData.Attributes.Find(o => o.Key == "CustodialDeviceName").Value ?? oidData.Description ) ); retVal.AssignedEntity.Id = SET <II> .CreateSET(new II(oidData.Oid)); return(retVal); }
public void EV_1087Test() { RelatedPerson person = new RelatedPerson( SET <PN> .CreateSET(new PN(EntityNameUse.Legal, "John Smith")), SET <TEL> .CreateSET((TEL)"mailto:[email protected]"), "F", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Today, SET <AD> .CreateSET(AD.CreateAD(PostalAddressUse.Direct, new ADXP("123 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON"))), null); person.DeceasedInd = true; // This fails try { XmlIts1Formatter fmtr = new XmlIts1Formatter(); fmtr.Settings = SettingsType.DefaultLegacy; fmtr.GraphAides.Add(new DatatypeFormatter()); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); using (XmlStateWriter writer = new XmlStateWriter(XmlWriter.Create(sw))) { writer.WriteStartElement("test", "urn:hl7-org:v3"); fmtr.Graph(writer, person); writer.WriteEndElement(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail(); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a patient structure /// </summary> /// <param name="id">The unique identifier</param> /// <param name="name">The name of the patient</param> /// <param name="addr">The primary address</param> /// <param name="telecom">A primary telecom</param> /// <returns>A constructed patient structure</returns> public static Patient CreatePatient( II id, EN name, AD addr, TEL telecom ) { // Instantiate the object var retVal = new Patient(); // Populate address retVal.Addr = BAG<AD>.CreateBAG(addr); // Confidentiality Code retVal.ConfidentialityCode = "N"; // Effective Time of the types // High is populated as "Not Applicable" retVal.EffectiveTime = new IVL<TS>( (TS)DateTime.Now, new TS() { NullFlavor = NullFlavor.NotApplicable } ); // Telecom address retVal.Telecom = BAG<TEL>.CreateBAG(telecom); // Populate the ID retVal.Id = SET<II>.CreateSET(id); // Status Code retVal.StatusCode = RoleStatus.Active; // Return result return retVal; }
public void R2SETSimpleSerializationTest() { SET <INT> inti = SET <INT> .CreateSET(1, 2, 3, 4); string expectedXml = @"<test xmlns=""urn:hl7-org:v3"" xmlns:xsi=""""><item value=""1""/><item value=""2""/><item value=""3""/><item value=""4""/></test>"; string actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(inti); R2SerializationHelper.XmlIsEquivalent(expectedXml, actualXml); }
/// <summary> /// Create organization scoper /// </summary> private MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.COCT_MT150003UV03.Organization CreateOrganization(HealthcareParticipant scoper, List <MARC.Everest.Connectors.IResultDetail> details) { if (scoper == null) { return(null); } PN tName = null; if (scoper.LegalName != null) { tName = CreatePN(scoper.LegalName, details); } var id = scoper.AlternateIdentifiers.Find(o => o.Domain != this.m_configService.OidRegistrar.GetOid("CR_PID").Oid); // Basic return value var retVal = new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.COCT_MT150003UV03.Organization( SET <II> .CreateSET(CreateII(id, details)), scoper.Type != null ? CreateCD <String>(scoper.Type, details) : null, tName != null ? BAG <ON> .CreateBAG(new ON(tName.Use[0], tName.Part)) : null, null ); // Find all representatives foreach (HealthcareParticipant rep in scoper.FindAllComponents(HealthServiceRecordSiteRoleType.RepresentitiveOf)) { var cp = new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.COCT_MT150003UV03.ContactParty( CreateIISet(rep.AlternateIdentifiers, details), rep.Type != null ? CreateCD <String>(rep.Type, details) : null, rep.PrimaryAddress != null ? BAG <AD> .CreateBAG(CreateAD(rep.PrimaryAddress, details)) : null, null, null ); // Add telecoms if (rep.TelecomAddresses != null) { cp.Telecom = new BAG <TEL>(); foreach (var tel in rep.TelecomAddresses) { cp.Telecom.Add(CreateTEL(tel, details)); } } // Person info if (rep.Classifier == HealthcareParticipant.HealthcareParticipantType.Person && rep.LegalName != null) { cp.ContactPerson = new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.COCT_MT150003UV03.Person( BAG <EN> .CreateBAG(CreatePN(rep.LegalName, details)) ); } retVal.ContactParty.Add(cp); } return(retVal); }
public void R2SETSimpleParseTest() { SET <INT> inti = SET <INT> .CreateSET(1, 2, 3, 4); string actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(inti); SET <INT> int2 = R2SerializationHelper.ParseString <SET <INT> >(actualXml); Assert.AreEqual(inti, int2); }
/// <summary> /// Example 69 /// Creates a patient structure /// </summary> /// <param name="id">The unique identifier</param> /// <param name="name">The name of the patient</param> /// <param name="addr">The primary address</param> /// <param name="telecom">A primary telecom</param> /// <returns>A constructed patient structure</returns> public Patient CreatePatient( II id, EN name, AD addr, TEL telecom ) { try { // Instantiate the object var retVal = new Patient(); // Populate address retVal.Addr = BAG <AD> .CreateBAG(addr); // Confidentiality Code retVal.ConfidentialityCode = "N"; // Effective Time of the types // High is populated as "Not Applicable" retVal.EffectiveTime = new IVL <TS>( (TS)DateTime.Now, new TS() { NullFlavor = NullFlavor.NotApplicable } ); // Telecom address retVal.Telecom = BAG <TEL> .CreateBAG(telecom); // Populate the ID retVal.Id = SET <II> .CreateSET(id); // Status Code retVal.StatusCode = RoleStatus.Active; // Set entity choice retVal.SetPatientEntityChoiceSubject( new Person() { AdministrativeGenderCode = AdministrativeGender.Male, Name = BAG <EN> .CreateBAG(name), BirthTime = DateTime.Now } ); // cannot return result for unit test purposes return(retVal); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Unit tests must not return a value, but Patient must be returned.."); return(new Patient()); } }
/// <summary> /// Function will create a component (the body of the CDA) /// </summary> private static Component2 CreateComponent() { // Create a component 2 structure, which contains the body of the CDA, set it's type code to COMP and // context conduction indicator (any data with context conduction code of AP will be conducted) to true var retVal = new Component2(ActRelationshipHasComponent.HasComponent, true); // Everest provides methods of creating abstract classes through a series of helper methods, // here we're creating an observation for asthma var asthma = ClinicalStatement.CreateObservation( x_ActMoodDocumentObservation.Eventoccurrence, new CD <String>("30049385", "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96", "SNOMED-CT", null, "Asthma", null) ); asthma.StatusCode = ActStatus.Completed; asthma.EffectiveTime = new IVL <TS>(new TS(DateTime.Now, DatePrecision.Year), null); // In Everest, we can create a date with a precision of year which can be interpreted as any time that year asthma.Reference.Add(new Reference(x_ActRelationshipExternalReference.SUBJ, ExternalActChoice.CreateExternalObservation( SET <II> .CreateSET(new II(Guid.NewGuid())), "CODE", "This is some text"))); // BodyChoice is a choice of either nonXml content or structured body, how would we know that? // Well, whenever a class as a property XChoice and SetXChoice the SetXChoice will contain // the options of what XChoice can be set to retVal.SetBodyChoice(new StructuredBody() { Component = new List <Component3>() // We can use type initializers to create the components (sections) { // We can create a section for history of present illness new Component3(ActRelationshipHasComponent.HasComponent, true, new Section() { Code = new CE <string>("10164-2", "2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"), Title = "History of Present Illness", Text = new ED("<content styleCode=\"Bold\">This is bold</content>") { Representation = EncapsulatedDataRepresentation.XML } // In the CDA ED type, we can use content tags to style the content }), new Component3(ActRelationshipHasComponent.HasComponent, true, new Section() { Code = new CE <string>("10153-2", "2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"), Title = "Past Medical History", Text = "We can also assign an ED directly as a string", Entry = new List <Entry>() // We can also add observations and sub-components { new Entry(x_ActRelationshipEntry.HasComponent, true, asthma) // See where we defined astma above as a clinical statement } }) } }); return(retVal); }
/// <summary> /// Create a person name from the specified name set /// </summary> public PN CreatePN(MARC.HI.EHRS.SVC.Core.DataTypes.NameSet nameSet, List <IResultDetail> dtls) { PN retVal = new PN(); try { if (nameSet.Use == NameSet.NameSetUse.OfficialRecord) { retVal.Use = SET <CS <EntityNameUse> > .CreateSET(EntityNameUse.Legal, EntityNameUse.OfficialRecord); } else if (nameSet.Use != NameSet.NameSetUse.Search) { retVal.Use = new SET <CS <EntityNameUse> >((EntityNameUse)Enum.Parse(typeof(EntityNameUse), nameSet.Use.ToString())); } } catch { throw; } // Parts foreach (var part in nameSet.Parts) { switch (part.Type) { case NamePart.NamePartType.Family: retVal.Part.Add(new ENXP(part.Value, EntityNamePartType.Family)); break; case NamePart.NamePartType.Delimeter: retVal.Part.Add(new ENXP(part.Value, EntityNamePartType.Delimiter)); break; case NamePart.NamePartType.Given: retVal.Part.Add(new ENXP(part.Value, EntityNamePartType.Given)); break; case NamePart.NamePartType.Prefix: retVal.Part.Add(new ENXP(part.Value, EntityNamePartType.Prefix)); break; case NamePart.NamePartType.Suffix: retVal.Part.Add(new ENXP(part.Value, EntityNamePartType.Suffix)); break; default: retVal.Part.Add(new ENXP(part.Value)); dtls.Add(new PersistenceResultDetail(ResultDetailType.Warning, String.Format("Can't represent name part type '{0}' in HL7v3", part.Type), null)); break; } } return(retVal); }
public void R2SETTypeOverrideSerializationTest() { SET <IQuantity> inti = SET <IQuantity> .CreateSET( (INT)1, (REAL)2, new PQ(3, "ft")); string expectedXml = @"<test xmlns=""urn:hl7-org:v3"" xmlns:xsi=""""><item xsi:type=""INT"" value=""1""/><item xsi:type=""REAL"" value=""2""/><item xsi:type=""PQ"" value=""3"" unit=""ft""/></test>"; string actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(inti); R2SerializationHelper.XmlIsEquivalent(expectedXml, actualXml); }
public void R2SETTypeOverrideParseTest() { SET <IQuantity> inti = SET <IQuantity> .CreateSET( (INT)1, (REAL)2, new PQ(3, "ft")); string actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(inti); SET <IQuantity> int2 = R2SerializationHelper.ParseString <SET <IQuantity> >(actualXml); Assert.AreEqual(inti, int2); }
public void R2SETNestedParseTest() { SET <IColl> inti = SET <IColl> .CreateSET( SET <INT> .CreateSET(1, 2, 3), LIST <INT> .CreateList(1, 1, 2), BAG <ST> .CreateBAG("1", "2") ); string actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(inti); SET <IColl> int2 = R2SerializationHelper.ParseString <SET <IColl> >(actualXml); Assert.AreEqual(inti, int2); }
public void R2SETNestedSerializationTest() { SET <IColl> inti = SET <IColl> .CreateSET( SET <INT> .CreateSET(1, 2, 3), LIST <INT> .CreateList(1, 1, 2), BAG <ST> .CreateBAG("1", "2") ); string expectedXml = @"<test xmlns=""urn:hl7-org:v3"" xmlns:xsi=""""><item xsi:type=""DSET_INT""><item value=""1""/><item value=""2""/><item value=""3""/></item><item xsi:type=""LIST_INT""><item value=""1""/><item value=""1""/><item value=""2""/></item><item xsi:type=""BAG_ST""><item value=""1"" language=""en-US""/><item value=""2"" language=""en-US""/></item></test>"; string actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(inti); R2SerializationHelper.XmlIsEquivalent(expectedXml, actualXml); }
/// <summary> /// Create patient structure for the person suitable for a create /// </summary> private Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.MFMI_MT700701UV01.Subject2 <Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT201301UV02.Patient> CreatePatient(RegistrationEvent registrationEvent, TargetConfiguration configuration) { // Get the subject from the list of components var subject = registrationEvent.FindComponent(SVC.Core.ComponentModel.HealthServiceRecordSiteRoleType.SubjectOf) as Person; var masking = subject.FindComponent(SVC.Core.ComponentModel.HealthServiceRecordSiteRoleType.FilterOf) as MaskingIndicator; var providerOrg = subject.FindComponent(SVC.Core.ComponentModel.HealthServiceRecordSiteRoleType.PlaceOfEntry | SVC.Core.ComponentModel.HealthServiceRecordSiteRoleType.InformantTo) as HealthcareParticipant; if (subject == null) // validate { return(null); } var iiSet = new List <II>(CreateIISet(subject.AlternateIdentifiers)); iiSet.RemoveAll(ii => !configuration.NotificationDomain.Exists(o => o.Domain.Equals(ii.Root))); // Construct the return value var retVal = new Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.MFMI_MT700701UV01.Subject2 <Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT201301UV02.Patient>( new Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT201301UV02.Patient( new SET <II>(iiSet), CreatePerson(subject, configuration), null )); // Act as a source? // Masking indicator if (masking != null) { retVal.registeredRole.ConfidentialityCode = new SET <CE <string> >(CreateCD <String>(masking.MaskingCode)); } // Provider org var oidData = m_configService.OidRegistrar.FindData(iiSet[0].Root); if (oidData != null) { retVal.registeredRole.ProviderOrganization = new Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.COCT_MT150003UV03.Organization() { Id = SET <II> .CreateSET(new II(oidData.Oid)), Name = BAG <ON> .CreateBAG(ON.CreateON(null, new ENXP(oidData.Attributes.Find(o => o.Key == "CustodialOrgName").Value ?? oidData.Description))), ContactParty = new List <Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.COCT_MT150003UV03.ContactParty>() { new Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.COCT_MT150003UV03.ContactParty() { NullFlavor = NullFlavor.NoInformation } } }; } return(retVal); }
public void R2CDCETranslationParseTest() { var cdi = new CE <String>("232323232", "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96") { OriginalText = new ED("Burnt ear with iron. Burnt other ear calling for ambulance"), Translation = SET <CD <String> > .CreateSET( new CD <String>("burn", "2.16.840.1.113883.19.5.2") ) }; string actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(cdi); var cd2 = R2SerializationHelper.ParseString <CE <String> >(actualXml); Assert.AreEqual(cdi, cd2); }
public void R2ONQualifierSerializationTest() { ON inti = new ON(); inti.Part.Add(new ENXP("Health Level Seven, ")); inti.Part.Add(new ENXP("Inc.", EntityNamePartType.Suffix) { Qualifier = SET <CS <EntityNamePartQualifier> > .CreateSET(EntityNamePartQualifier.LegalStatus) }); string expectedXml = @"<test xmlns=""urn:hl7-org:v3"" xmlns:xsi="""" flavorId=""EN.ON""><part value=""Health Level Seven, ""/><part type=""TITLE"" value=""Inc."" qualifier=""LS SFX""/></test>"; string actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(inti); R2SerializationHelper.XmlIsEquivalent(expectedXml, actualXml); }
public void R2CDCETranslationSerializationTest() { string expectedXml = @"<test xmlns=""urn:hl7-org:v3"" flavorId=""CD.CE"" code=""232323232"" codeSystem=""2.16.840.1.113883.6.96""><originalText value=""Burnt ear with iron. Burnt other ear calling for ambulance""/><translation code=""burn"" codeSystem=""2.16.840.1.113883.19.5.2""/></test>"; var cdi = new CE <String>("232323232", "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96") { OriginalText = new ED("Burnt ear with iron. Burnt other ear calling for ambulance"), Translation = SET <CD <String> > .CreateSET( new CD <String>("burn", "2.16.840.1.113883.19.5.2") ) }; string actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(cdi); R2SerializationHelper.XmlIsEquivalent(expectedXml, actualXml); }
public void R2ADLineLevelSerializationTest() { String expectedXml = @"<test xmlns=""urn:hl7-org:v3"" use=""WP DIR""><part type=""SAL"" value=""1050 W Wishard Blvd""/><part type=""ADL"" value=""RG 5th floor""/><part type=""CTY"" value=""Indianapolis""/><part type=""STA"" value=""IN""/><part type=""ZIP"" value=""46240""/></test>"; var adi = AD.CreateAD( SET <PostalAddressUse> .CreateSET(PostalAddressUse.WorkPlace, PostalAddressUse.Direct), new ADXP("1050 W Wishard Blvd", AddressPartType.StreetAddressLine), new ADXP("RG 5th floor", AddressPartType.AdditionalLocator), new ADXP("Indianapolis", AddressPartType.City), new ADXP("IN", AddressPartType.State), new ADXP("46240", AddressPartType.PostalCode) ); String actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(adi); R2SerializationHelper.XmlIsEquivalent(expectedXml, actualXml); }
public void R2ADLineLevelParseTest() { var adi = AD.CreateAD( SET <PostalAddressUse> .CreateSET(PostalAddressUse.WorkPlace, PostalAddressUse.Direct), new ADXP("1050 W Wishard Blvd", AddressPartType.StreetAddressLine), new ADXP("RG 5th floor", AddressPartType.AdditionalLocator), new ADXP("Indianapolis", AddressPartType.City), new ADXP("IN", AddressPartType.State), new ADXP("46240", AddressPartType.PostalCode) ); String actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(adi); var ad2 = R2SerializationHelper.ParseString <AD>(actualXml); Assert.AreEqual(adi, ad2); }
public void R2ADISO3166ParseTest() { var adi = AD.CreateAD( SET <PostalAddressUse> .CreateSET(PostalAddressUse.WorkPlace, PostalAddressUse.Direct), new ADXP("Windsteiner Weg", AddressPartType.StreetName), new ADXP("54a", AddressPartType.BuildingNumber), new ADXP("D", AddressPartType.Country) { CodeSystem = "1.0.3166.1.2", Code = "DEU" } ); String actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(adi); var ad2 = R2SerializationHelper.ParseString <AD>(actualXml); Assert.AreEqual(adi, ad2); }
public void R2ONQualifierParseTest() { ON inti = new ON() { Flavor = "EN.ON" }; inti.Part.Add(new ENXP("Health Level Seven, ")); inti.Part.Add(new ENXP("Inc.", EntityNamePartType.Title) { Qualifier = SET <CS <EntityNamePartQualifier> > .CreateSET(EntityNamePartQualifier.LegalStatus) }); string actualXml = R2SerializationHelper.SerializeAsString(inti); var int2 = R2SerializationHelper.ParseString <ON>(actualXml); Assert.AreEqual(inti, int2); }
public static ClinicalDocument CreateAPSDocument(PatientData recordTarget, PatientData father, PhysicianData author, DateTime docDate, params Section[] sections) { var doc = CreateCDA( LIST <II> .CreateList(new II(""), new II("")), new CE <String>("57055-6", "2.16.840.1.113883.6.1", "LOINC", null, "Antepartum Summary Note", null), "Antepartum Summary", docDate, recordTarget, null, null, author, sections ); // Father of fetus if (father != null) { SET <II> fatherIds = new SET <II>(); foreach (var id in father.OtherIds) { fatherIds.Add(new II(id.Key, id.Value)); } doc.Participant.Add(new Participant1(ParticipationType.IND, ContextControl.OverridingNonpropagating, null, new IVL <TS>(new TS(recordTarget.DateOfBirth, DatePrecision.Year)), null) { AssociatedEntity = new AssociatedEntity(RoleClassAssociative.NextOfKin, fatherIds, new CE <string>("xx - fatherofbaby ", " 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 ", null, null, " Father of fetus ", null), SET <AD> .CreateSET(AD.FromSimpleAddress(PostalAddressUse.HomeAddress, father.Address, null, father.City, father.State, " CA ", null)), SET <TEL> .CreateSET(new TEL() { NullFlavor = NullFlavor.NoInformation }), new Person(SET <PN> .CreateSET(PN.FromFamilyGiven(EntityNameUse.Legal, father.FamilyName, father.GivenName))), null) }); } return(doc); }
public void SetIntersectTest01() { // Create sets SET <INT> firstSet = SET <INT> .CreateSET(1, 2, 3, 4), secondSet = SET <INT> .CreateSET(2, 4, 6); // Intersect the sets SET <INT> resultant = firstSet.Intersection(secondSet); Console.WriteLine("The following integers intersect:"); foreach (var i in resultant) { Console.WriteLine(i); } // output: // The following integers intersect: // 2 // 4 resultant.NullFlavor = null; Assert.IsTrue(resultant.Validate()); }
public void SETExceptionOps01() { // Create a set of all integers from 0 to 9 SET <INT> ints = new SET <INT>(10); for (var i = 0; i <= 9; i++) { ints.Add(i); } // Get a set of even numbers SET <INT> evens = SET <INT> .CreateSET(2, 4, 6, 8); // Get a resultant set SET <INT> results = ints.Except(evens); foreach (var i in results) { Console.Write(i); } results.NullFlavor = null; Assert.IsTrue(results.Validate()); }
/// <summary> /// Create the person portion /// </summary> private MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT201304UV02.Person CreatePerson(Person patient, List <IResultDetail> details) { var retVal = new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT201304UV02.Person(); // Patient names if (patient.Names != null) { retVal.Name = new BAG <PN>(); foreach (var nam in patient.Names) { retVal.Name.Add(CreatePN(nam, details)); } } // Create AsOtherIds retVal.AsOtherIDs = new List <MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT201303UV02.OtherIDs>(); if (patient.OtherIdentifiers != null) { foreach (var othId in patient.OtherIdentifiers) { var otherIdentifier = new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT201303UV02.OtherIDs( SET <II> .CreateSET(CreateII(othId.Value, details)), RoleStatus.Active, null, null); // Any extensions that apply to this? var propertyPath = String.Format("OtherIdentifiers[{0}{1}]", othId.Value.Domain, othId.Value.Identifier); var othAltId = patient.FindAllExtensions(o => o.Name == "AssigningIdOrganizationExtraId" && o.PropertyPath == propertyPath); var extId = patient.FindAllExtensions(o => o.Name == "AssigningIdOrganizationId" && o.PropertyPath == propertyPath); var extName = patient.FindAllExtensions(o => o.Name == "AssigningIdOrganizationName" && o.PropertyPath == propertyPath); var extCode = patient.FindExtension(o => o.Name == "AssigningIdOrganizationCode" && o.PropertyPath == propertyPath); if (othAltId != null) { foreach (var id in othAltId) { otherIdentifier.Id.Add(CreateII(id.Value as DomainIdentifier, details)); } } // Any of the extensions that apply to scoping org applied if (extId != null || extName != null || extCode != null) { // Scoping org otherIdentifier.ScopingOrganization = new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.COCT_MT150002UV01.Organization( null, extCode != null ? CreateCD <String>(extCode.Value as CodeValue, details) : null, null, null ); // Extended identifiers (scoping id org id) if (extId != null) { otherIdentifier.ScopingOrganization.Id = new SET <II>(); foreach (var ii in extId) { otherIdentifier.ScopingOrganization.Id.Add(CreateII(ii.Value as DomainIdentifier, details)); } } // Extension identifiers for name if (extName != null) { otherIdentifier.ScopingOrganization.Name = new BAG <ON>(); foreach (var on in extName) { otherIdentifier.ScopingOrganization.Name.Add(new ON(EntityNameUse.Legal, new ENXP[] { new ENXP(on.Value as String) })); } } } retVal.AsOtherIDs.Add(otherIdentifier); } } return(retVal); }
/// <summary> /// Convert the specified patient record to a registration event /// </summary> internal MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.MFMI_MT700711UV01.RegistrationEvent <MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT201310UV02.Patient, object> CreateRegistrationEvent(RegistrationEvent res, List <IResultDetail> details) { // Patient var patient = res.FindComponent(SVC.Core.ComponentModel.HealthServiceRecordSiteRoleType.SubjectOf) as Person; if (patient == null) { return new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.MFMI_MT700711UV01.RegistrationEvent <MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT201310UV02.Patient, object>() { NullFlavor = NullFlavor.NoInformation } } ; var scoper = patient.FindComponent(HealthServiceRecordSiteRoleType.PlaceOfEntry | HealthServiceRecordSiteRoleType.InformantTo) as HealthcareParticipant; var queryParameter = patient.FindComponent(HealthServiceRecordSiteRoleType.CommentOn | HealthServiceRecordSiteRoleType.ComponentOf) as QueryParameters; var mask = patient.FindComponent(HealthServiceRecordSiteRoleType.FilterOf) as MaskingIndicator; var myOidData = this.m_configService.OidRegistrar.GetOid("CR_CID"); // Return status var retVal = new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.MFMI_MT700711UV01.RegistrationEvent <MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT201310UV02.Patient, object>( ActStatus.Active, new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.MFMI_MT700711UV01.Subject2 <MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT201310UV02.Patient>( new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT201310UV02.Patient( CreateIISet(patient.AlternateIdentifiers, details), ConvertStatus(patient.Status, details), null, new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.COCT_MT150003UV03.Organization( SET <II> .CreateSET(new II(myOidData.Oid, null)), null, BAG <ON> .CreateBAG(ON.CreateON(null, new ENXP(myOidData.Attributes.Find(o => o.Key == "CustodialOrgName").Value ?? myOidData.Description))), new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.COCT_MT150003UV03.ContactParty() { NullFlavor = NullFlavor.NoInformation } ), null ) ) ); // Custodian retVal.Custodian = new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.MFMI_MT700701UV01.Custodian( new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.COCT_MT090003UV01.AssignedEntity( SET <II> .CreateSET(new II(this.m_configService.Custodianship.Id.Domain)) ) { RepresentedOrganization = new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.COCT_MT150003UV03.Organization( SET <II> .CreateSET(new II(this.m_configService.Custodianship.Id.Domain, null)), null, BAG <ON> .CreateBAG(ON.CreateON(null, new ENXP(this.m_configService.Custodianship.Name))), new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.COCT_MT150003UV03.ContactParty() { NullFlavor = NullFlavor.NoInformation } ) } ); retVal.Subject1.registeredRole.SetPatientEntityChoiceSubject(CreatePersonDetail(patient, details)); // Mask if (mask != null) { retVal.Subject1.registeredRole.ConfidentialityCode = new SET <CE <string> >( CreateCD <String>(mask.MaskingCode, details) ); } if (patient.VipCode != null) { retVal.Subject1.registeredRole.VeryImportantPersonCode = CreateCD <String>(patient.VipCode, details); } // Query observation if (queryParameter != null) { retVal.Subject1.registeredRole.SubjectOf1.Add(new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT201310UV02.Subject( new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT202310UV02.QueryMatchObservation( new CD <string>(queryParameter.MatchingAlgorithm == MatchAlgorithm.Soundex ? "PHCM" : "PTNM", "2.16.840.1.113883."), new INT((int)(queryParameter.Confidence * 100)) ) )); } return(retVal); }
/// <summary> /// Create the response message /// </summary> public MARC.Everest.Interfaces.IInteraction Create(MARC.Everest.Interfaces.IInteraction request, RegistryQueryResult results, List <IResultDetail> dtls) { // GEt the config services ISystemConfigurationService configService = Context.GetService(typeof(ISystemConfigurationService)) as ISystemConfigurationService; ILocalizationService localeService = Context.GetService(typeof(ILocalizationService)) as ILocalizationService; var retHl7v3 = new List <MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.MFMI_MT700711UV01.Subject1 <MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT201304UV02.Patient, object> >(results.Results.Count); UvDeComponentUtil dCompUtil = new UvDeComponentUtil(); dCompUtil.Context = this.Context; PRPA_IN201309UV02 rqst = request as PRPA_IN201309UV02; // Convert results to HL7v3 foreach (RegistrationEvent res in results.Results) { var retRec = new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.MFMI_MT700711UV01.Subject1 <MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT201304UV02.Patient, object>( false, dCompUtil.CreateRegistrationEventDetail(res, dtls) ); if (retRec.RegistrationEvent == null) { retRec = new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.MFMI_MT700711UV01.Subject1 <MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT201304UV02.Patient, object>( false, new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.MFMI_MT700711UV01.RegistrationEvent <MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT201304UV02.Patient, object>() { NullFlavor = NullFlavor.NoInformation } ); } retHl7v3.Add(retRec); } if (retHl7v3.Count > 1) { dtls.Add(new InsufficientRepetitionsResultDetail(ResultDetailType.Warning, localeService.GetString("MSGE06E"), null)); } // Create the response PRPA_IN201310UV02 response = new PRPA_IN201310UV02 ( Guid.NewGuid(), DateTime.Now, PRPA_IN201310UV02.GetInteractionId(), ProcessingID.Production, "T", AcknowledgementCondition.Never, MessageUtil.CreateReceiver(rqst.Sender), MessageUtil.CreateSenderUv(new Uri(rqst.Receiver[0].Telecom.Value), configService), null ) { Acknowledgement = new List <MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.MCCI_MT100300UV01.Acknowledgement>() { new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.MCCI_MT100300UV01.Acknowledgement( dtls.Count(a => a.Type == ResultDetailType.Error) == 0 ? AcknowledgementType.ApplicationAcknowledgementAccept : AcknowledgementType.ApplicationAcknowledgementError, new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.MCCI_MT100200UV01.TargetMessage(request.Id) ) } }; response.controlActProcess = new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.MFMI_MT700711UV01.ControlActProcess <MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT201307UV02.QueryByParameter, MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.PRPA_MT201304UV02.Patient, object>("EVN") { Id = SET <II> .CreateSET(new II(configService.Custodianship.Id.Domain, Guid.NewGuid().ToString())), Code = new CD <string>(PRPA_IN201310UV02.GetTriggerEvent().Code, PRPA_IN201310UV02.GetTriggerEvent().CodeSystem), QueryAck = new MARC.Everest.RMIM.UV.NE2008.QUQI_MT120001UV01.QueryAck( rqst.controlActProcess.queryByParameter.QueryId, "complete", (AcknowledgementType)response.Acknowledgement[0].TypeCode == AcknowledgementType.ApplicationAcknowledgementError ? QueryResponse.ApplicationError : results.TotalResults == 0 ? QueryResponse.NoDataFound : QueryResponse.DataFound, results.TotalResults, results.Results.Count, results.TotalResults - results.Results.Count - results.StartRecordNumber ), queryByParameter = rqst.controlActProcess.queryByParameter }; response.controlActProcess.LanguageCode = MessageUtil.GetDefaultLanguageCode(this.Context); if (retHl7v3.Count > 0) { response.controlActProcess.Subject.Add(retHl7v3[0]); } return(response); }