Esempio n. 1
    /// Generates a List of nodes that is a depth-first traversal of
    /// walk of sector graph from the specified root.
    /// <param name="nodes">List into which walk results will be written.</param>
    /// <param name="root">The Sector at which to start the traversal.</param>
    /// <param name="stopFlags">Flag set to test at each SECTR_Portal. A failed test will stop the traversal.</param>
    /// <param name="maxDepth">The depth into the graph at which to end the traversal. -1 means no limit.</param>
    /// <returns>A List of Nodes in depth-first traveral order.</returns>
    public static void DepthWalk(ref List <Node> nodes, SECTR_Sector root, SECTR_Portal.PortalFlags stopFlags, int maxDepth)
        if (root == null)
        else if (maxDepth == 0)
            Node node = new Node();
            node.Sector = root;

        // We only want to visit each Sector once, so we'll mark them
        // in order to avoid cycles.
        int numSectors = SECTR_Sector.All.Count;

        for (int sectorIndex = 0; sectorIndex < numSectors; ++sectorIndex)
            SECTR_Sector.All[sectorIndex].Visited = false;

        // Use a stack for the search, to keep implementation similar
        // to the breadth first search above.
        Stack <Node> nodeStack = new Stack <Node>(numSectors);
        Node         rootNode  = new Node();

        rootNode.Sector = root;
        rootNode.Depth  = 1;
        root.Visited = true;
        int exploredNodes = 0;

        while (nodeStack.Count > 0)
            Node nextNode = nodeStack.Pop();

            if (maxDepth < 0 || nextNode.Depth <= maxDepth)
                int numPortals = nextNode.Sector.Portals.Count;
                for (int portalIndex = 0; portalIndex < numPortals; ++portalIndex)
                    SECTR_Portal portal = nextNode.Sector.Portals[portalIndex];
                    if (portal && (portal.Flags & stopFlags) == 0)
                        SECTR_Sector neighborSector = portal.FrontSector == nextNode.Sector ? portal.BackSector : portal.FrontSector;
                        if (neighborSector && !neighborSector.Visited)
                            Node neighborNode = new Node();
                            neighborNode.Parent = nextNode;
                            neighborNode.Sector = neighborSector;
                            neighborNode.Portal = portal;
                            neighborNode.Depth  = nextNode.Depth + 1;
                            neighborSector.Visited = true;
Esempio n. 2
    /// Finds the shortest path through the portal graph between two points.
    /// The start and end points must currently be within Sector in the graph.
    /// <param name="path">List into which search results will be written.</param>
    /// <param name="start">The world space position at which to start the search.</param>
    /// <param name="goal">The world space goal of the search.</param>
    /// <param name="stopFlags">Flag set to test at each SECTR_Portal. A failed test will stop the traversal.</param>
    /// <returns>A list of nodes from the Start to the Goal. Empty if there is no path.</returns>
    public static void FindShortestPath(ref List <Node> path, Vector3 start, Vector3 goal, SECTR_Portal.PortalFlags stopFlags)
        // This is an implementation of a basic A* search.
        // Implementation is optimized through use of a priority queue open list
        // and a dictionary for the closed list.

        // Get the list of starting portals, all of which will be pushed on to the open set.
        // There may be multiple candidate Sectors becuase the bounding boxes may overlap.
        SECTR_Sector.GetContaining(ref initialSectors, start);
        SECTR_Sector.GetContaining(ref goalSectors, goal);

        int numInitialSectors = initialSectors.Count;

        for (int initialSectorIndex = 0; initialSectorIndex < numInitialSectors; ++initialSectorIndex)
            SECTR_Sector sector = initialSectors[initialSectorIndex];
            if (goalSectors.Contains(sector))
                Node newElement = new Node();
                newElement.Sector = sector;

            int numPortals = sector.Portals.Count;
            for (int portalIndex = 0; portalIndex < numPortals; ++portalIndex)
                SECTR_Portal portal = sector.Portals[portalIndex];
                if ((portal.Flags & stopFlags) == 0)
                    Node newElement = new Node();
                    newElement.Portal           = portal;
                    newElement.Sector           = sector;
                    newElement.ForwardTraversal = sector == portal.FrontSector;
                    newElement.Cost             = Vector3.Magnitude(start - portal.transform.position);
                    float estimate = Vector3.Magnitude(goal - portal.transform.position);
                    newElement.CostPlusEstimate = newElement.Cost + estimate;

        // Time to do some A*...
        while (openSet.Count > 0)
            Node         current = openSet.Dequeue();
            SECTR_Sector sector  = current.ForwardTraversal ? current.Portal.BackSector : current.Portal.FrontSector;
            if (!sector)

            // If the current element Sector contains the goal point, we're done.
            // NOTE: I *think* it's correct to end here but we should prove that
            // this is correct even strange connections of concave Sector.
            if (goalSectors.Contains(sector))
                Node.ReconstructPath(path, current);

            int numPortals = sector.Portals.Count;
            for (int portalIndex = 0; portalIndex < numPortals; ++portalIndex)
                SECTR_Portal portal = sector.Portals[portalIndex];
                if (portal != current.Portal && (portal.Flags & stopFlags) == 0)
                    // Create a new SearchElement for this neighbor.
                    Node neighborElement = new Node();
                    neighborElement.Parent           = current;
                    neighborElement.Portal           = portal;
                    neighborElement.Sector           = sector;
                    neighborElement.ForwardTraversal = sector == portal.FrontSector;
                    neighborElement.Cost             = current.Cost + Vector3.Magnitude(neighborElement.Portal.transform.position - current.Portal.transform.position);
                    float estimate = Vector3.Magnitude(goal - neighborElement.Portal.transform.position);
                    neighborElement.CostPlusEstimate = neighborElement.Cost + estimate;

                    // If the closed list already contains this portal,
                    // and that version is closer than us, we'll skip this node.
                    Node closedElement = null;
                    closedSet.TryGetValue(neighborElement.Portal, out closedElement);
                    if (closedElement != null && closedElement.CostPlusEstimate < neighborElement.CostPlusEstimate)

                    // Check to see if the neighbor is already on the open list.
                    Node openElement = null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < openSet.Count; ++i)
                        if (openSet[i].Portal == neighborElement.Portal)
                            openElement = openSet[i];
                    // Skip this neighbor if the open neighbor is better than us.
                    if (openElement != null && openElement.CostPlusEstimate < neighborElement.CostPlusEstimate)

                    // Add this neighbor to the open list.

            // Once all neighbors are considered, put this node onto the close list.
            if (!closedSet.ContainsKey(current.Portal))
                closedSet.Add(current.Portal, current);