Esempio n. 1
        static void CheckAnimName(string animName, Boolean patchAnim = false)
            string hashName     = string.Format("{0:x}", HashUtil.Hash(animName));
            string hashFilePath = greyhoundExportFolder + "\\xanims\\xanim_" + hashName + ".seanim";

            if (File.Exists(hashFilePath))
                Console.WriteLine("Found asset: {0:x}", animName.PadRight(40) + hashName);
                File.AppendAllText(greyhoundExportFolder + "\\AnimsFound.txt", hashName + "," + animName + Environment.NewLine);
                string destFileName = greyhoundExportFolder + "\\xanims\\" + animName + ".seanim";
                File.Copy(hashFilePath, destFileName, true);
                if (patchAnim)
                    SEAnim seAnim = SEAnim.Read(destFileName);
                    seAnim.AnimType = AnimationType.Absolute;
                    seAnim.AnimationBoneModifiers["tag_weapon"]    = AnimationType.Relative;
                    seAnim.AnimationBoneModifiers["tag_weapon_le"] = AnimationType.Relative;
                    seAnim.Write(destFileName, false);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Goes through each anim bone and compares it to the joints specified by user
        /// </summary>
        private void DoAnimScan()
            for (int i = 0; i < file_paths.Count; i++)
                outputTextbox.Invoke(new Action(() => outputTextbox.AppendText("Reading " + System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file_paths.ElementAt(i)) + " .... \n")));

                bool isCorrectAnim = ReadSEanimForJoint(SEAnim.Read(file_paths.ElementAt(i)));
                if (isCorrectAnim)
                    if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(ExportDirectory))
                    System.IO.DirectoryInfo dir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(ExportDirectory);
                    System.IO.File.Move(@file_paths.ElementAt(i), ExportDirectory + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file_paths.ElementAt(i)));
                    file_paths.RemoveAt(i);                                          //Remove the anim , then lower I to make sure to get the last element
                    animList.Invoke(new Action(() => animList.Items.RemoveAt(i--))); //Add file name to the UI list
                progressBar.Invoke(new Action(() => progressBar.Increment(1)));      //Increments the progress bar to inform the user how long till it's done
            System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Scan has been completed, anims can be found in \"SEanimations\" ");
            ScanInProgress = false;
        public static Animation Read(string FileName, STSkeleton skeleton)
            Animation anim   = new Animation();
            var       seanim = SEAnim.Read(FileName);

            anim.FrameCount = seanim.FrameCount;
            anim.CanLoop    = seanim.Looping;

            foreach (var bone in seanim.Bones)
                STBone genericBone = skeleton.GetBone(bone);
                if (genericBone != null)
                    var boneAnim = new Animation.KeyNode(bone);
                    boneAnim.RotType = Animation.RotationType.EULER;
                    boneAnim.UseSegmentScaleCompensate = false;

                    float PositionX = 0;
                    float PositionY = 0;
                    float PositionZ = 0;

                    float RotationX = 0;
                    float RotationY = 0;
                    float RotationZ = 0;

                    float ScaleX = 0;
                    float ScaleY = 0;
                    float ScaleZ = 0;

                    if (seanim.AnimType == AnimationType.Relative)
                        PositionX = genericBone.position[0];
                        PositionY = genericBone.position[1];
                        PositionZ = genericBone.position[2];

                        RotationX = genericBone.rotation[0];
                        RotationY = genericBone.rotation[1];
                        RotationZ = genericBone.rotation[2];

                        ScaleX = genericBone.scale[0];
                        ScaleY = genericBone.scale[1];
                        ScaleZ = genericBone.scale[2];


                    if (seanim.AnimationPositionKeys.ContainsKey(bone))
                        var translationKeys = seanim.AnimationPositionKeys[bone];
                        foreach (SEAnimFrame animFrame in translationKeys)
                            System.Console.WriteLine(animFrame.Frame + " T " + ((SELib.Utilities.Vector3)animFrame.Data).X);
                            System.Console.WriteLine(animFrame.Frame + " T " + ((SELib.Utilities.Vector3)animFrame.Data).Y);
                            System.Console.WriteLine(animFrame.Frame + " T " + ((SELib.Utilities.Vector3)animFrame.Data).Z);

                            boneAnim.XPOS.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                                Value = (float)((SELib.Utilities.Vector3)animFrame.Data).X + PositionX,
                                Frame = animFrame.Frame,
                            boneAnim.YPOS.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                                Value = (float)((SELib.Utilities.Vector3)animFrame.Data).Y + PositionY,
                                Frame = animFrame.Frame,
                            boneAnim.ZPOS.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                                Value = (float)((SELib.Utilities.Vector3)animFrame.Data).Z + PositionZ,
                                Frame = animFrame.Frame,
                    if (seanim.AnimationRotationKeys.ContainsKey(bone))
                        var rotationnKeys = seanim.AnimationRotationKeys[bone];
                        foreach (SEAnimFrame animFrame in rotationnKeys)
                            var quat  = ((SELib.Utilities.Quaternion)animFrame.Data);
                            var euler = STMath.ToEulerAngles(quat.X, quat.Y, quat.Z, quat.W);

                            System.Console.WriteLine(animFrame.Frame + " R " + euler.X);
                            System.Console.WriteLine(animFrame.Frame + " R " + euler.Y);
                            System.Console.WriteLine(animFrame.Frame + " R " + euler.Z);

                            boneAnim.XROT.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                                Value = euler.X + RotationX,
                                Frame = animFrame.Frame,
                            boneAnim.YROT.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                                Value = euler.Y + RotationY,
                                Frame = animFrame.Frame,
                            boneAnim.ZROT.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                                Value = euler.Z + RotationZ,
                                Frame = animFrame.Frame,
                    if (seanim.AnimationScaleKeys.ContainsKey(bone))
                        var scaleKeys = seanim.AnimationScaleKeys[bone];
                        foreach (SEAnimFrame animFrame in scaleKeys)
                            System.Console.WriteLine(animFrame.Frame + " S " + ((SELib.Utilities.Vector3)animFrame.Data).X);
                            System.Console.WriteLine(animFrame.Frame + " S " + ((SELib.Utilities.Vector3)animFrame.Data).Y);
                            System.Console.WriteLine(animFrame.Frame + " S " + ((SELib.Utilities.Vector3)animFrame.Data).Z);

                            boneAnim.XSCA.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                                Value = (float)((SELib.Utilities.Vector3)animFrame.Data).X + ScaleX,
                                Frame = animFrame.Frame,
                            boneAnim.YSCA.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                                Value = (float)((SELib.Utilities.Vector3)animFrame.Data).Y + ScaleY,
                                Frame = animFrame.Frame,
                            boneAnim.ZSCA.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                                Value = (float)((SELib.Utilities.Vector3)animFrame.Data).Z + ScaleZ,
                                Frame = animFrame.Frame,
                        boneAnim.XSCA.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                            Value = 1,
                            Frame = 0,
                        boneAnim.YSCA.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                            Value = 1,
                            Frame = 0,
                        boneAnim.ZSCA.Keys.Add(new Animation.KeyFrame()
                            Value = 1,
                            Frame = 0,

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FileName"></param>
        /// <param name="skeleton"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SBAnimation ImportSBAnimation(string FileName, SBSkeleton skeleton)
            SEAnim anim = SEAnim.Read(FileName);

            var sbAnim = new SBAnimation();

            sbAnim.FrameCount = anim.FrameCount;
            sbAnim.Name       = anim.DeltaTagName;

            Dictionary <string, SBTransformAnimation> nameToAnim = new Dictionary <string, SBTransformAnimation>();

            foreach (var v in anim.AnimationPositionKeys)
                if (!nameToAnim.ContainsKey(v.Key))
                    SBTransformAnimation an = new SBTransformAnimation();
                    an.Name = v.Key;
                    nameToAnim.Add(v.Key, an);

                var a = nameToAnim[v.Key];

                foreach (var k in v.Value)
                    if (k.Data is SELib.Utilities.Vector2 vc)
                        a.AddKey(k.Frame, (float)vc.X, SBTrackType.TranslateX, InterpolationType.Linear);
                        a.AddKey(k.Frame, (float)vc.Y, SBTrackType.TranslateY, InterpolationType.Linear);
                    if (k.Data is SELib.Utilities.Vector3 vc3)
                        a.AddKey(k.Frame, (float)vc3.X, SBTrackType.TranslateX, InterpolationType.Linear);
                        a.AddKey(k.Frame, (float)vc3.Y, SBTrackType.TranslateY, InterpolationType.Linear);
                        a.AddKey(k.Frame, (float)vc3.Z, SBTrackType.TranslateZ, InterpolationType.Linear);

            foreach (var v in anim.AnimationRotationKeys)
                if (!nameToAnim.ContainsKey(v.Key))
                    SBTransformAnimation an = new SBTransformAnimation();
                    an.Name = v.Key;
                    nameToAnim.Add(v.Key, an);

                var a = nameToAnim[v.Key];

                foreach (var k in v.Value)
                    if (k.Data is SELib.Utilities.Quaternion q)
                        var euler = Tools.CrossMath.ToEulerAngles(new OpenTK.Quaternion((float)q.X, (float)q.Y, (float)q.Z, (float)q.W).Inverted());

                        a.AddKey(k.Frame, (float)q.X, SBTrackType.RotateX, InterpolationType.Linear);
                        a.AddKey(k.Frame, (float)q.Y, SBTrackType.RotateY, InterpolationType.Linear);
                        a.AddKey(k.Frame, (float)q.Z, SBTrackType.RotateZ, InterpolationType.Linear);
                        a.AddKey(k.Frame, (float)q.W, SBTrackType.RotateW, InterpolationType.Linear);
                    if (k.Data is SELib.Utilities.Vector3 vc)
                        a.AddKey(k.Frame, (float)vc.X, SBTrackType.RotateX, InterpolationType.Linear);
                        a.AddKey(k.Frame, (float)vc.Y, SBTrackType.RotateY, InterpolationType.Linear);
                        a.AddKey(k.Frame, (float)vc.Z, SBTrackType.RotateZ, InterpolationType.Linear);

            foreach (var v in anim.AnimationScaleKeys)
                if (!nameToAnim.ContainsKey(v.Key))
                    SBTransformAnimation an = new SBTransformAnimation();
                    an.Name = v.Key;
                    nameToAnim.Add(v.Key, an);

                var a = nameToAnim[v.Key];

                foreach (var k in v.Value)
                    if (k.Data is SELib.Utilities.Vector3 vc3)
                        a.AddKey(k.Frame, (float)vc3.X, SBTrackType.ScaleX, InterpolationType.Linear);
                        a.AddKey(k.Frame, (float)vc3.Y, SBTrackType.ScaleY, InterpolationType.Linear);
                        a.AddKey(k.Frame, (float)vc3.Z, SBTrackType.ScaleZ, InterpolationType.Linear);

Esempio n. 5
        public void FromSeanim(string FileName)
            SEAnim anim = SEAnim.Read(FileName);

            if (GetResFileU() != null)
                SkeletalAnimU             = new ResU.SkeletalAnim();
                SkeletalAnimU.FrameCount  = anim.FrameCount;
                SkeletalAnimU.FlagsScale  = ResU.SkeletalAnimFlagsScale.Maya;
                SkeletalAnimU.FlagsRotate = ResU.SkeletalAnimFlagsRotate.EulerXYZ;
                SkeletalAnimU.Loop        = anim.Looping;
                SkeletalAnimU.Name        = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName);
                SkeletalAnimU.Path        = "";
                SkeletalAnim             = new SkeletalAnim();
                SkeletalAnim.FrameCount  = anim.FrameCount;
                SkeletalAnim.FlagsScale  = SkeletalAnimFlagsScale.Maya;
                SkeletalAnim.FlagsRotate = SkeletalAnimFlagsRotate.EulerXYZ;
                SkeletalAnim.Loop        = anim.Looping;
                SkeletalAnim.Name        = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName);
                SkeletalAnim.Path        = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < anim.Bones.Count; i++)
                if (GetResFileU() != null)
                    var BoneAnimU = new ResU.BoneAnim();
                    BoneAnimU.Name = anim.Bones[i];
                    SkeletalAnimU.BindIndices[i] = ushort.MaxValue;
                    bool IsRoot = false;

                    if (!IsRoot)
                        BoneAnimU.ApplyIdentity               = false;
                        BoneAnimU.ApplyRotateTranslateZero    = false;
                        BoneAnimU.ApplyRotateZero             = false;
                        BoneAnimU.ApplyScaleOne               = true;
                        BoneAnimU.ApplyScaleVolumeOne         = true;
                        BoneAnimU.ApplyScaleUniform           = true;
                        BoneAnimU.ApplySegmentScaleCompensate = true;
                        BoneAnimU.ApplyTranslateZero          = false;
                        BoneAnimU.ApplyIdentity               = true;
                        BoneAnimU.ApplyRotateTranslateZero    = true;
                        BoneAnimU.ApplyRotateZero             = true;
                        BoneAnimU.ApplyScaleOne               = true;
                        BoneAnimU.ApplyScaleVolumeOne         = true;
                        BoneAnimU.ApplyScaleUniform           = true;
                        BoneAnimU.ApplySegmentScaleCompensate = false;
                        BoneAnimU.ApplyTranslateZero          = true;
                    var BoneAnim = new BoneAnim();
                    BoneAnim.Name = anim.Bones[i];
                    SkeletalAnim.BindIndices[i] = ushort.MaxValue;

                    //Set base data and curves
                    var baseData = new BoneAnimData();
                    if (anim.AnimationPositionKeys.ContainsKey(anim.Bones[i]) &&
                        anim.AnimationPositionKeys[anim.Bones[i]].Count > 0)
                        BoneAnim.FlagsBase |= BoneAnimFlagsBase.Translate;
                        var keys = anim.AnimationPositionKeys[anim.Bones[i]];
                        var data = (SELib.Utilities.Vector3)keys[0].Data;

                        baseData.Translate = new Syroot.Maths.Vector3F((float)data.X, (float)data.Y, (float)data.Z);

                        if (keys.Count > 1)
                            AnimCurve curve = new AnimCurve();
                            CreateCurveData(curve, keys);
                    if (anim.AnimationRotationKeys.ContainsKey(anim.Bones[i]) &&
                        anim.AnimationRotationKeys[anim.Bones[i]].Count > 0)
                        BoneAnim.FlagsBase |= BoneAnimFlagsBase.Rotate;
                        var keys = anim.AnimationPositionKeys[anim.Bones[i]];
                        var data = (SELib.Utilities.Quaternion)keys[0].Data;

                        baseData.Rotate = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F((float)data.X, (float)data.Y, (float)data.Z, (float)data.W);

                        if (keys.Count > 1)
                            AnimCurve curve = new AnimCurve();
                            CreateCurveData(curve, keys);
                    if (anim.AnimationScaleKeys.ContainsKey(anim.Bones[i]) &&
                        anim.AnimationScaleKeys[anim.Bones[i]].Count > 0)
                        BoneAnim.FlagsBase |= BoneAnimFlagsBase.Scale;
                        var keys = anim.AnimationPositionKeys[anim.Bones[i]];
                        var data = (SELib.Utilities.Vector3)keys[0].Data;

                        baseData.Scale = new Syroot.Maths.Vector3F((float)data.X, (float)data.Y, (float)data.Z);

                        if (keys.Count > 1)
                            AnimCurve curve = new AnimCurve();
                            CreateCurveData(curve, keys);

                    //Set transforms
                    bool IsRoot = false;
                    if (!IsRoot)
                        BoneAnim.ApplyIdentity               = false;
                        BoneAnim.ApplyRotateTranslateZero    = false;
                        BoneAnim.ApplyRotateZero             = false;
                        BoneAnim.ApplyScaleOne               = true;
                        BoneAnim.ApplyScaleVolumeOne         = true;
                        BoneAnim.ApplyScaleUniform           = true;
                        BoneAnim.ApplySegmentScaleCompensate = true;
                        BoneAnim.ApplyTranslateZero          = false;
                        BoneAnim.ApplyIdentity               = true;
                        BoneAnim.ApplyRotateTranslateZero    = true;
                        BoneAnim.ApplyRotateZero             = true;
                        BoneAnim.ApplyScaleOne               = true;
                        BoneAnim.ApplyScaleVolumeOne         = true;
                        BoneAnim.ApplyScaleUniform           = true;
                        BoneAnim.ApplySegmentScaleCompensate = false;
                        BoneAnim.ApplyTranslateZero          = true;

            for (int frame = 0; frame < anim.FrameCount; frame++)
Esempio n. 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // SELib Unit Test
            Console.Title = "SELib Unit Tests";
            Console.WriteLine("SELib Unit Tests\n");

            Console.WriteLine("- SEAnims\n");

            #region SEAnim

                // Log
                Console.Write("-- Test 1   ");
                // Make it
                var anim = new SEAnim();
                // Add some keys
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 0, 0, 0, 0);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 5, 1, 1, 1);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 10, 10, 10, 10);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 30, 20, 20, 20);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 40, 30, 30, 30);

                // Save it
                // Done

                // Log
                Console.Write("-- Test 2   ");
                // Make it
                var anim = new SEAnim();
                // Add some keys
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 0, 0, 0, 0);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 5, 1, 1, 1);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 10, 10, 10, 10);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 30, 20, 20, 20);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 40, 30, 30, 30);
                // Add some scale
                anim.AddScaleKey("shoulder", 0, 1, 1, 1);
                anim.AddScaleKey("shoulder", 50, 3, 3, 3);

                // Save it
                // Done

                // Log
                Console.Write("-- Test 3   ");
                // Make it
                var anim = new SEAnim();
                // Add some keys
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 0, 0, 0, 0);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 5, 1, 1, 1);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 10, 10, 10, 10);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 30, 20, 20, 20);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 40, 30, 30, 30);
                // Add some scale
                anim.AddScaleKey("shoulder", 0, 1, 1, 1);
                anim.AddScaleKey("shoulder", 50, 3, 3, 3);
                // Add some note
                anim.AddNoteTrack("hello_world", 3);
                anim.AddNoteTrack("bye", 50);

                // Save it
                // Done

                // Log
                Console.Write("-- Test 4   ");
                // Make it
                var anim = new SEAnim();
                // Add some keys
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 0, 0, 0, 0);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 5, 1, 1, 1);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 10, 10, 10, 10);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 30, 20, 20, 20);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 40, 30, 30, 30);
                // Add some scale
                anim.AddScaleKey("shoulder", 0, 1, 1, 1);
                anim.AddScaleKey("shoulder", 50, 3, 3, 3);
                // Add some note
                anim.AddNoteTrack("hello_world", 3);
                anim.AddNoteTrack("bye", 50);

                // Save it (Really, we don't need doubles!!)
                anim.Write("test4.seanim", true);
                // Done

                // Log
                Console.Write("-- Test 5   ");
                // Make it
                var anim = new SEAnim();
                // Add some keys
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 0, 0, 0, 0);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 5, 1, 1, 1);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 10, 10, 10, 10);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 30, 20, 20, 20);
                anim.AddTranslationKey("shoulder", 40, 30, 30, 30);
                // Add some scale
                anim.AddScaleKey("shoulder", 0, 1, 1, 1);
                anim.AddScaleKey("shoulder", 50, 3, 3, 3);
                // Add some rot
                anim.AddRotationKey("shoulder", 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
                anim.AddRotationKey("shoulder", 50, 0.3, 0.2, 0.5, 1); // Random quat for test
                // Add some note
                anim.AddNoteTrack("hello_world", 3);
                anim.AddNoteTrack("bye", 50);

                // Save it
                // Done

                // Log
                Console.Write("-- Test 6   ");
                // Read from test 5
                var anim = SEAnim.Read("test5.seanim");

                // Check data
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(anim.AnimationNotetracks.Count == 2);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(anim.AnimationPositionKeys.Count == 1);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(anim.AnimationRotationKeys.Count == 1);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(anim.AnimationScaleKeys.Count == 1);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(anim.BoneCount == 1);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(anim.FrameCount == 51);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(anim.FrameRate == 30.0);

                // Version
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(anim.APIVersion == "v1.0.1");

                // Check functions
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(anim.RenameBone("shoulder", "shoulder") == false);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(anim.RenameBone("shoulder", "new_shoulder") == true);

                // Done


            Console.WriteLine("\n- SEModels\n");

            #region SEModel

                // Log
                Console.Write("-- Test 1   ");
                // Make it
                var model = new SEModel();
                // Add some bones
                model.AddBone("bone_0001", -1, Vector3.Zero, Quaternion.Identity, Vector3.Zero, Quaternion.Identity, Vector3.One);
                model.AddBone("bone_0002", 0, Vector3.Zero, Quaternion.Identity, Vector3.Zero, Quaternion.Identity, Vector3.One);
                model.AddBone("bone_0003", 0, Vector3.Zero, Quaternion.Identity, Vector3.Zero, Quaternion.Identity, Vector3.One);
                model.AddBone("bone_0004", 2, Vector3.Zero, Quaternion.Identity, new Vector3(22, 22, 22), Quaternion.Identity, Vector3.One);

                // Save it
                // Done

                // Log
                Console.Write("-- Test 2   ");
                // Make it
                var model = new SEModel();
                // Allow globals too
                model.ModelBoneSupport = ModelBoneSupportTypes.SupportsBoth;

                // Add some bones
                model.AddBone("bone_0001", -1, Vector3.Zero, Quaternion.Identity, Vector3.Zero, Quaternion.Identity, Vector3.One);
                model.AddBone("bone_0002", 0, Vector3.Zero, Quaternion.Identity, Vector3.Zero, Quaternion.Identity, Vector3.One);
                model.AddBone("bone_0003", 0, Vector3.Zero, Quaternion.Identity, Vector3.Zero, Quaternion.Identity, Vector3.One);
                model.AddBone("bone_0004", 2, Vector3.Zero, Quaternion.Identity, new Vector3(22, 22, 22), Quaternion.Identity, Vector3.One);

                // Save it
                // Done


            // Pause
            Console.Write("\nPress any key to continue...");
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Print the log to the file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="File">The file to debug</param>
        /// <param name="FileOutput">The output log file</param>
        private static void DebugLOGSEAnim(string File, string FileOutput)
            // Load the anim
            var anim = SEAnim.Read(File);
            // Load bones
            var bones = anim.Bones;

            // Log
            Console.WriteLine("   Writing log to file...");
            // Prepare output
            using (StreamWriter writeFile = new StreamWriter(FileOutput))
                // Log
                writeFile.WriteLine("-- SEAnim Debugger Utility --");
                // Output initial info
                writeFile.WriteLine("   Header:");
                // Header data
                    writeFile.WriteLine("   - Frame count: " + anim.FrameCount);
                    writeFile.WriteLine("   - Frame rate: " + anim.FrameRate);
                    writeFile.WriteLine("   - Animation type: " + anim.AnimType.ToString());
                    writeFile.WriteLine("   - Bone count: " + anim.BoneCount);
                    writeFile.WriteLine("   - Notetrack count: " + anim.NotificationCount);
                    writeFile.WriteLine("   - Modifiers count: " + anim.AnimationBoneModifiers.Count);
                    // Check for delta
                    if (anim.AnimType == AnimationType.Delta)
                        // Delta bone must be the first one
                        writeFile.WriteLine("   - Delta tag \"" + anim.DeltaTagName + "\"");
                // Separate and prepare keys by bone
                writeFile.WriteLine("\n   Frames:");
                // Output keys
                foreach (string Bone in anim.Bones)
                    // Bone header
                    writeFile.WriteLine("   - Bone \"" + Bone + "\" data:");
                    // Translation header
                    writeFile.Write("    - Translations [");
                    // Check for translation keys
                    if (anim.AnimationPositionKeys.ContainsKey(Bone))
                        // Output translation keys
                        var translationKeys = anim.AnimationPositionKeys[Bone];
                        // Count
                        writeFile.WriteLine(translationKeys.Count + "]");
                        // Output values
                        foreach (SEAnimFrame frame in translationKeys)
                            // Output the vector
                            writeFile.WriteLine("    [" + frame.Frame + "] {0} {1} {2}", ((Vector3)frame.Data).X, ((Vector3)frame.Data).Y, ((Vector3)frame.Data).Z);
                        // Had no keys
                    // Rotation header
                    writeFile.Write("    - Rotations [");
                    // Check for rotation keys
                    if (anim.AnimationRotationKeys.ContainsKey(Bone))
                        // Output rotation keys
                        var rotKeys = anim.AnimationRotationKeys[Bone];
                        // Count
                        writeFile.WriteLine(rotKeys.Count + "]");
                        // Output values
                        foreach (SEAnimFrame frame in rotKeys)
                            // Output the quat
                            writeFile.WriteLine("    [" + frame.Frame + "] {0} {1} {2} {3}", ((Quaternion)frame.Data).X, ((Quaternion)frame.Data).Y, ((Quaternion)frame.Data).Z, ((Quaternion)frame.Data).W);
                        // Had no keys
                    // Scales header
                    writeFile.Write("    - Scales [");
                    // Check for scale keys
                    if (anim.AnimationScaleKeys.ContainsKey(Bone))
                        // Output scale keys
                        var scaleKeys = anim.AnimationScaleKeys[Bone];
                        // Count
                        writeFile.WriteLine(scaleKeys.Count + "]");
                        // Output values
                        foreach (SEAnimFrame frame in scaleKeys)
                            // Output the vector
                            writeFile.WriteLine("    [" + frame.Frame + "] {0} {1} {2}", ((Vector3)frame.Data).X, ((Vector3)frame.Data).Y, ((Vector3)frame.Data).Z);
                        // Had no keys
                // Separate and prepare notes
                writeFile.WriteLine("\n   Notifications:");
                // Output notetracks
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <SEAnimFrame> > Notetrack in anim.AnimationNotetracks)
                    // Note header
                    writeFile.WriteLine("   - Note \"" + Notetrack.Key + "\" data:");
                    // Loop and output keys
                    foreach (SEAnimFrame frame in Notetrack.Value)
                        // Log it
                        writeFile.WriteLine("   [" + frame.Frame + "] plays");