Esempio n. 1
    //Renders an image on a static position with the given angle and flip
    public static void RenderAdvancedStatic
        (IntPtr texture, float posX, float posY
        , ushort spriteWidth, ushort spriteHeight
        , ushort spriteX, ushort spriteY
        , float angle, SDL.SDL_Point center,
        SDL.SDL_RendererFlip flip)
        SDL.SDL_Rect source = new SDL.SDL_Rect
            x = spriteX,
            y = spriteY,
            w = spriteWidth,
            h = spriteHeight

        SDL.SDL_Rect target = new SDL.SDL_Rect
            x = (int)(posX),
            y = (int)(posY),
            w = spriteWidth,
            h = spriteHeight

        SDL.SDL_RenderCopyEx(Renderer, texture, ref source, ref target,
                             angle, ref center, flip);
Esempio n. 2
 public static void Draw(IntPtr texture, SDL.SDL_Rect src, SDL.SDL_Rect dst, SDL.SDL_RendererFlip flip)
     SDL.SDL_Point centre;
     centre.x = dst.x;
     centre.y = dst.y;
     SDL.SDL_RenderCopyEx(Shared.Renderer, texture, ref src, ref dst, 0, ref centre, flip);
Esempio n. 3
        public void DrawObject(GameObject gameObject, SDL.SDL_RendererFlip flip = SDL.SDL_RendererFlip.SDL_FLIP_NONE)
            var texture = gameObject.Texture;
            var center  = new SDL.SDL_Point();

            center.x = gameObject.Rect.w / 2;
            center.y = gameObject.Rect.h / 2;
            SDL.SDL_RenderCopyEx(_render, texture.Pointer, ref texture.Rect, ref gameObject.Rect, gameObject.Rotation, ref center, flip);
Esempio n. 4
 //Renders an image on screen depending on the camera position with
 //the given angle and flip.
 public static void RenderAdvancedDynamic
     (IntPtr texture, float camX, float camY
     , float posX, float posY
     , ushort spriteWidth, ushort spriteHeight
     , ushort spriteX, ushort spriteY
     , float angle, SDL.SDL_Point center,
     SDL.SDL_RendererFlip flip)
     RenderAdvancedStatic(texture, posX - camX, posY - camY
                          , spriteWidth, spriteHeight, spriteX, spriteY,
                          angle, center, flip);
Esempio n. 5
        public void DrawTexture(Texture texture, Transformation2D transformation, bool flip)
            SDL.SDL_Point center;
            SDL.SDL_Rect  sourceRect   = texture.SourceRectangle;
            SDL.SDL_Rect  renderRect   = texture.RenderRectangle;
            double        angleDegrees = transformation.RotationRadians * _rad2deg;

            renderRect.x = (int)transformation.Position.X;
            renderRect.y = (int)transformation.Position.Y;
            center.x     = (renderRect.w) / 2;
            center.y     = (renderRect.h) / 2;
            SDL.SDL_RendererFlip renderFlip = flip ? SDL.SDL_RendererFlip.SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL : SDL.SDL_RendererFlip.SDL_FLIP_NONE;
            SDL.SDL_RenderCopyEx(_renderer, texture.SDLTexture, ref sourceRect, ref renderRect, angleDegrees, ref center, renderFlip);
Esempio n. 6
    public Image(IntPtr renderer, string fileName, SDL.SDL_RendererFlip flipFlag = SDL.SDL_RendererFlip.SDL_FLIP_NONE)
        _renderer = renderer;

        IntPtr img = SDL_image.IMG_Load(fileName);

        Texture = SDL.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(_renderer, img);

        SDL.SDL_QueryTexture(Texture, out Format, out Access, out Params.w, out Params.h);

        SetColor(255, 255, 255);

        FlipFlag = flipFlag;
Esempio n. 7
 public void SetAnimation(string name, char flip_axis)
     SDL.SDL_RendererFlip flip = SDL.SDL_RendererFlip.SDL_FLIP_NONE;
         if (flip_axis == 'h')
             flip = SDL.SDL_RendererFlip.SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL;
         else if (flip_axis == 'v')
             flip = SDL.SDL_RendererFlip.SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL;
         else if (flip_axis == 'n')
             flip = SDL.SDL_RendererFlip.SDL_FLIP_NONE;
         else if (flip_axis == 'b')
             flip = SDL.SDL_RendererFlip.SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL | SDL.SDL_RendererFlip.SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL;
             throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
     catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e)
         Console.WriteLine("SetAnimation: Flip axis must be vertical (v), horizontal (h), both (b) or none (n)");
             _currentAnimation = _animations.Find(x => x.Name == name);
             if (_currentAnimation != null)
                 _currentAnimation.Flip = SDL.SDL_RendererFlip.SDL_FLIP_NONE;
         catch (ArgumentNullException e)
             Console.WriteLine("No animation set! No animation found with name: " + name);
Esempio n. 8
        //Renders texture at given point
        public void render(int x, int y, SDL.SDL_Rect?clip = null, double angle = 0, SDL.SDL_Point?center = null, SDL.SDL_RendererFlip flip = SDL.SDL_RendererFlip.SDL_FLIP_NONE)
            //Set rendering space and render to screen
            SDL.SDL_Rect renderQuad = new SDL.SDL_Rect {
                x = x, y = y, w = mWidth, h = mHeight

            var myCenter = center ?? new SDL.SDL_Point();

            //Set clip rendering dimensions
            if (clip != null)
                renderQuad.w = clip.Value.w;
                renderQuad.h = clip.Value.h;

                var myClip = clip.Value;

                SDL.SDL_RenderCopyEx(Program.gRenderer, mTexture, ref myClip, ref renderQuad, angle, ref myCenter, flip);

            SDL.SDL_RenderCopyEx(Program.gRenderer, mTexture, IntPtr.Zero, ref renderQuad, angle, ref myCenter, flip);
Esempio n. 9
        public void DrawEx(IntPtr rendererId, int x, int y, double angle, Vector?center, SDL.SDL_RendererFlip flipMode)
            var source = new SDL.SDL_Rect()
                x = this.X,
                y = this.Y,
                w = Width,
                h = Height

            var destination = new SDL.SDL_Rect()
                x = x,
                y = y,
                w = Width,
                h = Height

            if (center.HasValue)
                var centerPoint = new SDL.SDL_Point {
                    x = (int)center.Value.X, y = (int)center.Value.Y
                SDL.SDL_RenderCopyEx(rendererId, TextureId, ref source, ref destination, angle, ref centerPoint, flipMode);
                SDL.SDL_RenderCopyEx(rendererId, TextureId, ref source, ref destination, angle, IntPtr.Zero, flipMode);
Esempio n. 10
 public void setFlip(SDL.SDL_RendererFlip flip)
     this.flip = flip;
Esempio n. 11
 public void RenderCopyEx(SDLTexture TheTexture, ref SDL.SDL_Rect Srcrect, ref SDL.SDL_Rect Dstrect, double Angle, ref SDL.SDL_Point Center, SDL.SDL_RendererFlip Flip)
     Util.ThrowIfResultIsError(SDL.SDL_RenderCopyEx(myPtr, TheTexture.Ptr, ref Srcrect, ref Dstrect, Angle, ref Center, Flip));