private void Start() { // Set up game's stuff Application.targetFrameRate = 60; Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait; //Screen.SetResolution(540, 960, false); // Load profile SCR_Profile.Init(); SCR_Profile.LoadProfile(); bossSelecting = SCR_Profile.bossSelecting; RefreshSoundButtonStatus(); UpdateMoneyNumber(); UpdateBoss(); dgbBoss[0].GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial.SetFloat("_FlashAmount", 0); // Music SCR_WaitMusic.FadeIn(); SCR_PunchMusic.FadeOut(); SCR_RunSound.Stop(); // OK, confirm that menu is now the first state menuLoaded = true; // Skip right into gameplay for tutorial /* * if (SCR_Profile.showTutorial == 1) { * SceneManager.LoadScene("GSGameplay/SCN_Gameplay"); * } */ }
private void Update() { if (!musicPlayed && SCR_WaitMusic.ready && SCR_PunchMusic.ready) { musicPlayed = true; SCR_WaitMusic.Play(); SCR_PunchMusic.Play(); } }
public void RefreshSoundStatus() { if (SCR_Profile.soundOn == 1) { if (musicPlayed == true) { SCR_WaitMusic.Play(); SCR_PunchMusic.Play(); } } else { if (musicPlayed == true) { SCR_WaitMusic.Stop(); SCR_PunchMusic.Stop(); } } }
private void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; source = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); if (SCR_Audio.LOAD_FROM_FILE == true) { instance.StartCoroutine(LoadFromFile()); } else { ready = true; } } else { Destroy(gameObject); } }
public void Lose() { iTween.Stop(imgSecurityProgressFG.gameObject); imgSecurityProgressFG.GetComponent <SCR_SecurityProgress>().UpdateFlashAmount(0); imgSecurityProgressBG.gameObject.SetActive(false); imgSecurityProgressFG.gameObject.SetActive(false); pnlResult.SetActive(true); btnReplay.SetActive(true); btnMainMenu.SetActive(true); //txtResultTitle.text = boss.GetComponent<SCR_Boss>().resultTitle[SCR_Profile.bossSelecting]; //txtResultTitle.fontSize = boss.GetComponent<SCR_Boss>().resultTitleFontSize[SCR_Profile.bossSelecting]; const int FONT_MIN = 80; const int FONT_MAX = 155; const int LENGTH_MIN = 8; const int LENGTH_MAX = 16; txtResultTitle.text = SCR_Profile.bosses[SCR_Profile.bossSelecting].name; int l = txtResultTitle.text.Length; if (l < LENGTH_MIN) { l = LENGTH_MIN; } if (l > LENGTH_MAX) { l = LENGTH_MAX; } float r = 1 - (float)(l - LENGTH_MIN) / (LENGTH_MAX - LENGTH_MIN); txtResultTitle.fontSize = (int)(FONT_MIN + (FONT_MAX - FONT_MIN) * r); SCR_WaitMusic.FadeIn(); SCR_PunchMusic.FadeOut(); if (maxBossY > SCR_Profile.highScore) { imgHighScore.SetActive(true); } else { imgHighScore.SetActive(false); } SCR_Profile.ReportScore(maxBossY); txtPunchNumber.GetComponent <Text>().text = maxCombo.ToString(); txtHeightNumber.GetComponent <Text>().text = maxBossY.ToString(); txtBestNumber.GetComponent <Text>().text = SCR_Profile.highScore.ToString(); int money = (int)(maxBossY * 0.5); AddMoney(money); txtMoneyNumber.GetComponent <Text>().text = "$" + totalReward.ToString(); imgSecurityProgressBG.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0); imgSecurityProgressFG.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0); // -- // bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < SCR_Profile.bosses.Length; i++) { if (SCR_Profile.bosses[i].unlocked == 0 && >= SCR_Profile.bosses[i].cost) { if (SCR_Profile.bosses[i].recommended == 0) { shouldSelect = i; found = true; break; } } } if (found) { imgNotice.SetActive(true); } // -- // SCR_UnityAnalytics.FinishGame(maxBossY); }
// ================================================== private void Update() { float dt = Time.deltaTime; if (SCR_Gameplay.instance.gameState == GameState.BOSS_FALLING) { dt = 0; } if (state == PlayerState.TRANSFORM) { trasnformCount += dt; if (trasnformCount >= PLAYER_TRANSFORM_TIME) { SwitchState(PlayerState.WALK); } if (trasnformCount >= PLAYER_TEAR_TIME && trasnformCount - dt < PLAYER_TEAR_TIME) { tearParticle.transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, tearParticle.transform.position.z); foreach (Transform child in tearParticle.transform) { child.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } } else if (state == PlayerState.WALK || state == PlayerState.GRAB) { x += direction * PLAYER_WALK_SPEED * dt; if (x <= -(SCR_Gameplay.SCREEN_W * 0.5f - PLAYER_REVERSE_X)) { x = -(SCR_Gameplay.SCREEN_W * 0.5f - PLAYER_REVERSE_X); direction = 1; } else if (x >= (SCR_Gameplay.SCREEN_W * 0.5f - PLAYER_REVERSE_X)) { x = (SCR_Gameplay.SCREEN_W * 0.5f - PLAYER_REVERSE_X); direction = -1; } if (state == PlayerState.WALK) { if (bossScript.IsTalking()) { if (Mathf.Abs(x - bossScript.x) < PLAYER_GRAB_RANGE) { bossScript.Grabbed(); SCR_WaitMusic.FadeOut(); SCR_PunchMusic.FadeIn(); SwitchState(PlayerState.GRAB); SCR_Gameplay.instance.TriggerTutorial(TutorialStep.THROW); } } } if (state == PlayerState.GRAB) { bossScript.x = x + direction * PLAYER_GRAB_RANGE; bossScript.y = y + PLAYER_GRAB_HEIGHT; bossScript.direction = -direction; } if (SCR_Gameplay.instance.gameState == GameState.BOSS_FALLING || SCR_Gameplay.instance.gameState == GameState.BOSS_RUNNING) { SwitchState(PlayerState.WATCH); } } else if (state == PlayerState.CHARGE) { chargeCount += dt; if (chargeCount >= PLAYER_CHARGE_TIME && chargeCount - dt < PLAYER_CHARGE_TIME) { bossScript.Thrown(); float particleX = (x + bossScript.x) * 0.5f; float particleY = (y + bossScript.y) * 0.5f; punchParticle.transform.position = new Vector3(SCR_Gameplay.SCREEN_W * 0.5f + particleX, particleY, punchParticle.transform.position.z); foreach (Transform child in punchParticle.transform) { child.gameObject.SetActive(true); } Material shockMaterial = punchParticle.transform.Find("Shock").GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial; shockMaterial.SetColor("_TintColor", PUNCH_PARTICLE_COLORS[0]); if (SCR_Profile.showTutorial == 0) { SCR_Gameplay.instance.ShowSecurityProgress(); } } else if (chargeCount >= PLAYER_CHARGE_TIME + PLAYER_THROW_TIME) { SwitchState(PlayerState.WATCH); chargeCount = 0; } } else if (state == PlayerState.THROW) { chargeCount += dt; if (chargeCount >= PLAYER_THROW_TIME) { chargeCount = 0; SwitchState(PlayerState.WATCH); } } else if (state == PlayerState.FLY_UP || state == PlayerState.PUNCH || state == PlayerState.FLY_DOWN) { if (state == PlayerState.FLY_UP) { var distance = SCR_Helper.DistanceBetweenTwoPoint(x, y, bossScript.x, bossScript.y); if (distance <= PLAYER_PUNCH_RANGE * bossScript.currentScale.x / bossScript.originalScale.x) { Punch(distance); SwitchState(PlayerState.PUNCH); speedY = 0; trail.GetComponent <SCR_Trail>().TurnParticleOff(); } else if (y > SCR_Gameplay.instance.cameraHeight + SCR_Gameplay.SCREEN_H) { SwitchState(PlayerState.FLY_DOWN); speedY = 0; trail.GetComponent <SCR_Trail>().TurnParticleOff(); } } else if (state == PlayerState.PUNCH) { speedY -= SCR_Gameplay.GRAVITY * dt; target.SetActive(false); punchCount -= dt; if (punchCount < 0) { punchCount = 0; SwitchState(PlayerState.FLY_DOWN); } } else if (state == PlayerState.FLY_DOWN) { speedY -= SCR_Gameplay.GRAVITY * dt; target.SetActive(false); } x += speedX * dt; y += speedY * dt; if (speedX < 0 && x <= -(SCR_Gameplay.SCREEN_W * 0.5f - PLAYER_REVERSE_X)) { x = -(SCR_Gameplay.SCREEN_W * 0.5f - PLAYER_REVERSE_X); speedX = -speedX; direction = 1; Ricochet(); } else if (speedX > 0 && x >= (SCR_Gameplay.SCREEN_W * 0.5f - PLAYER_REVERSE_X)) { x = (SCR_Gameplay.SCREEN_W * 0.5f - PLAYER_REVERSE_X); speedX = -speedX; direction = -1; Ricochet(); } if (state == PlayerState.FLY_UP) { trail.GetComponent <SCR_Trail>().MoveTo(x, y); } else if (state == PlayerState.FLY_DOWN) { if (y <= SCR_Gameplay.instance.cameraHeight - PLAYER_SIZE || y <= PLAYER_START_Y) { y = PLAYER_START_Y; SwitchState(PlayerState.LAND); landCount = 0; landParticle.SetActive(true); landParticle.transform.position = new Vector3(SCR_Gameplay.SCREEN_W * 0.5f + x, y + PLAYER_SMOKE_OFFSET_Y, landParticle.transform.position.z); } } } else if (state == PlayerState.LAND) { landCount += dt; if (landCount >= PLAYER_LAND_TIME) { SwitchState(PlayerState.WATCH); } } else if (state == PlayerState.WATCH) { if (bossScript.x < x) { direction = -1; } else { direction = 1; } } if (y <= SCR_Gameplay.instance.cameraHeight - PLAYER_SIZE) { marker.SetActive(true); marker.transform.position = new Vector3(SCR_Gameplay.SCREEN_W * 0.5f + x, SCR_Gameplay.instance.cameraHeight, landParticle.transform.position.z); } else { marker.SetActive(false); } transform.position = new Vector3(SCR_Gameplay.SCREEN_W * 0.5f + x, y, transform.position.z); transform.localScale = new Vector3(SCR_Gameplay.SCREEN_SCALE * PLAYER_SCALE * (-direction), SCR_Gameplay.SCREEN_SCALE * PLAYER_SCALE, 1); float shadowScale = 1 - (y - PLAYER_START_Y) / PLAYER_SHADOW_DISTANCE; if (shadowScale < 0) { shadowScale = 0; } shadow.transform.position = new Vector3(SCR_Gameplay.SCREEN_W * 0.5f + x, shadow.transform.position.y, shadow.transform.position.z); shadow.transform.localScale = new Vector3(SCR_Gameplay.SCREEN_SCALE * PLAYER_SHADOW_SCALE * shadowScale, SCR_Gameplay.SCREEN_SCALE * PLAYER_SHADOW_SCALE * shadowScale, 1); }