public override void ViewWillAppear(bool animated)

            if (_timer == null)
                _timer = NSTimer.CreateRepeatingScheduledTimer(0.01, (timer) =>

                    _lineDataSeries.Append(_i, Math.Sin(_i * 0.1 + _phase));
                    _scatterDataSeries.Append(_i, Math.Cos(_i * 0.1 + _phase));

                    _phase += 0.01;

                    var customAnnotation = new SCICustomAnnotation();
                    if (_i % 100 == 0)
                        customAnnotation.CustomView = new UILabel(new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, 0, 10, 10))
                            Text = "Y", BackgroundColor = UIColor.LightGray
                        customAnnotation.X1Value        = _i;
                        customAnnotation.Y1Value        = 0.5;
                        customAnnotation.CoordinateMode = SCIAnnotationCoordinateMode.Absolute;
                        customAnnotation.YAxisId        = "firstYAxis";
                        // adding new custom annotation into the annotationGroup property

                        // removing annotations that are out of visible range
                        var customAn = _annotationCollection[0] as SCICustomAnnotation;

                        if (customAn != null)
                            if (customAn.X1Value.CompareTo(_i - 500) == 0)
                                // since the contentView is UIView element - we have to call removeFromSuperView method to remove it from screen
                    if (_i % 200 == 0)
                        customAnnotation.YAxisId = "secondaryYAxis";

                    // Extents bottom chart