Esempio n. 1
		private void Startup()
			//Initialize the map object
			Visible = false;
			if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight)
				v = SCANcontroller.controller.BigMap.V;
				b = SCANcontroller.controller.BigMap.Body;
				data = SCANcontroller.controller.BigMap.Data;
			else if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneHasPlanetarium)
				v = null;
				b = SCANcontroller.controller.kscMap.Body;
				data = SCANcontroller.controller.kscMap.Data;
			if (spotmap == null)
				spotmap = new SCANmap();
				spotmap.setSize(320, 240);

			showOrbit = SCANcontroller.controller.map_orbit;
			showAnomaly = SCANcontroller.controller.map_markers;

			if (HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.SPACECENTER)
				showWaypoints = false;
				showWaypoints = SCANcontroller.controller.map_waypoints;

			TooltipsEnabled = SCANcontroller.controller.toolTips;

        private void RedrawMap()
            map = new SCANmap();
            orbitingBody = vessel.mainBody;
            map.setSize(screenWidth, screenHeight);
            map.mapscale *= (zoomLevel * zoomLevel + zoomModifier);
            mapCenterLong = vessel.longitude;
            mapCenterLat  = vessel.latitude;
            // That's really just sweeping the problem under the carpet instead of fixing it, but meh.
            if (zoomLevel == 0)
                mapCenterLat = 0;
            map.centerAround(mapCenterLong, mapCenterLat);

            // Compute and store the map scale factors in mapSizeScale.  We
            // use these values for every segment when drawing trails, so it
            // makes sense to compute it only when it changes.
            mapSizeScale    = new Vector2d(360.0 * map.mapscale / map.mapwidth, 180.0 * map.mapscale / map.mapheight);
            redrawDeviation = redrawEdge * 180 / (zoomLevel * zoomLevel + zoomModifier);
            try {
                localAnomalies = SCANcontroller.controller.getData(vessel.mainBody).getAnomalies();
            } catch {
                Debug.Log("JSISCANsatRPM: Could not get a list of anomalies, what happened?");
            // MATH!
            double kmPerDegreeLon  = (2 * Math.PI * (orbitingBody.Radius / 1000d)) / 360d;
            double pixelsPerDegree = Math.Abs(longitudeToPixels(mapCenterLong + (((mapCenterLong + 1) > 360) ? -1 : 1), mapCenterLat) - longitudeToPixels(mapCenterLong, mapCenterLat));

            pixelsPerKm = pixelsPerDegree / kmPerDegreeLon;
Esempio n. 3
        private void Startup()
            //Initialize the map object
            Visible = false;
            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight)
                v    = SCANcontroller.controller.BigMap.V;
                b    = SCANcontroller.controller.BigMap.Body;
                data = SCANcontroller.controller.BigMap.Data;
            else if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneHasPlanetarium)
                v    = null;
                b    = SCANcontroller.controller.kscMap.Body;
                data = SCANcontroller.controller.kscMap.Data;
            if (spotmap == null)
                spotmap = new SCANmap();
                spotmap.setSize(320, 240);

            showOrbit   = SCANcontroller.controller.map_orbit;
            showAnomaly = SCANcontroller.controller.map_markers;

            if (HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.SPACECENTER)
                showWaypoints = false;
                showWaypoints = SCANcontroller.controller.map_waypoints;

            TooltipsEnabled = SCANcontroller.controller.toolTips;

Esempio n. 4
        protected override void DrawWindowPre(int id)
            WindowCaption = SCANuiUtil.toDMS(spotmap.CenteredLat, spotmap.CenteredLong);

            if (IsResizing && !inRepaint())
                if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
                    double scale = spotmap.MapScale;
                    IsResizing = false;
                    if (resizeW < WindowSize_Min.x)
                        resizeW = WindowSize_Min.x;
                    else if (resizeW > WindowSize_Max.x)
                        resizeW = WindowSize_Max.x;
                    if (resizeH < WindowSize_Min.y)
                        resizeH = WindowSize_Min.y;
                    else if (resizeH > WindowSize_Max.y)
                        resizeH = WindowSize_Max.y;

                    spotmap.setSize((int)resizeW, (int)resizeH);
                    spotmap.MapScale = scale;
                    spotmap.centerAround(spotmap.CenteredLong, spotmap.CenteredLat);
                    spotmap.resetMap(spotmap.MType, false);
                    float yy = Input.mousePosition.y;
                    float xx = Input.mousePosition.x;
                    if (Input.mousePosition.y < 0)
                        yy = 0;
                    if (Input.mousePosition.x < 0)
                        xx = 0;

                    resizeH    += dragStart.y - yy;
                    dragStart.y = yy;
                    resizeW    += xx - dragStart.x;
                    dragStart.x = xx;
                if (Event.current.isMouse)

            //Lock space center click through
            if (HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.SPACECENTER)
                Vector2 mousePos = Input.mousePosition;
                mousePos.y = Screen.height - mousePos.y;
                if (WindowRect.Contains(mousePos) && !controlLock)
                    InputLockManager.SetControlLock(ControlTypes.CAMERACONTROLS | ControlTypes.KSC_ALL, lockID);
                    controlLock = true;
                else if (!WindowRect.Contains(mousePos) && controlLock)
                    controlLock = false;

            //Lock tracking scene click through
            if (HighLogic.LoadedScene == GameScenes.TRACKSTATION)
                Vector2 mousePos = Input.mousePosition;
                mousePos.y = Screen.height - mousePos.y;
                if (WindowRect.Contains(mousePos) && !controlLock)
                    InputLockManager.SetControlLock(ControlTypes.TRACKINGSTATION_UI, lockID);
                    controlLock = true;
                else if (!WindowRect.Contains(mousePos) && controlLock)
                    controlLock = false;