public static void Main(String[] args)
        if (!SBMLExtensionRegistry.isPackageEnabled("comp"))
            Console.WriteLine("This copy of libSBML does not contain the 'comp' extension");
            Console.WriteLine("Unable to proceed with the resolver example the model.");

        // create custom resolver
        CustomResolver resolver = new CustomResolver();

        // add the resolver and store its index, so we can free it later.
        int index = SBMLResolverRegistry.getInstance().addResolver(resolver);

        // create a new document with comp enabled
        SBMLDocument doc = new SBMLDocument(new CompPkgNamespaces());

        // get a hold of a plugin object
        CompSBMLDocumentPlugin plugin = (CompSBMLDocumentPlugin)doc.getPlugin("comp");

        // create an external model definition
        ExternalModelDefinition external = plugin.createExternalModelDefinition();

        // set the source to the URI

        // resolve the model
        Model model = external.getReferencedModel();

        if (model == null)
            Console.Error.WriteLine("couldn't resolve");

        // model is ready to be used now, however, only as long and the document
        // holding the external model definition is still alive and referenced

        Console.WriteLine("Model id: " + model.getId());
        Console.WriteLine("# species: " + model.getNumSpecies());
        Console.WriteLine("# reactions: " + model.getNumReactions());

        // now that we are done get rid of the resolver
        // also clear the resolver instance, just to be sure that it has
        // no more references to the C# resolver

        // finally we can get rid of the C# resolver
        resolver = null;
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        Console.Write("This version of LibSBML: " + libsbml.getLibSBMLDottedVersion() + " includes: " + Environment.NewLine);

        for (int i = 0;
             i < SBMLExtensionRegistry.getNumRegisteredPackages();
            Console.Write("\t" + SBMLExtensionRegistry.getRegisteredPackageName(i) + Environment.NewLine);


    public static int Main(string[] args)
        if (args.Length != 1)
            Console.WriteLine(" Usage:  printRenderInformation <input file> \n" +
                              "      prints a summary of the render information object.");

        string inputFile = args[0];

        SBMLDocument doc = libsbml.readSBMLFromFile(inputFile);

        Console.WriteLine("Using libSBML: {0} supporting packages for:", libsbml.getLibSBMLDottedVersion());
        for (int i = 0; i < SBMLExtensionRegistry.getNumRegisteredPackages(); ++i)
            Console.WriteLine("\t {0}", SBMLExtensionRegistry.getRegisteredPackageName(i));

        Console.WriteLine("\nThe document is: level {0}, version {1}", doc.getLevel(), doc.getVersion());
        for (int i = 0; i < doc.getNumPlugins(); ++i)
            Console.WriteLine("  doc uses package: {0}", doc.getPlugin(i).getElementNamespace());


        long numErrors = doc.getNumErrors(libsbml.LIBSBML_SEV_ERROR);

        if (numErrors > 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Encountered errors while reading the file. ");
            Console.WriteLine("Please correct the following errors and try again.");

        Model model = doc.getModel();

        LayoutModelPlugin plugin = (LayoutModelPlugin)model.getPlugin("layout");

        if (plugin == null || plugin.getNumLayouts() == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("The loaded model contains no layout information, please add these first.");

        RenderListOfLayoutsPlugin lolPlugin = (RenderListOfLayoutsPlugin)plugin.getListOfLayouts().getPlugin("render");

        if (lolPlugin != null && lolPlugin.getNumGlobalRenderInformationObjects() > 0)
            Console.WriteLine("The loaded model contains global Render information: ");

            for (int i = 0; i < lolPlugin.getNumGlobalRenderInformationObjects(); ++i)
                GlobalRenderInformation info = lolPlugin.getRenderInformation(i);

        Layout layout = plugin.getLayout(0);

        RenderLayoutPlugin rPlugin = (RenderLayoutPlugin)layout.getPlugin("render");

        if (rPlugin != null && rPlugin.getNumLocalRenderInformationObjects() > 0)
            Console.WriteLine("The loaded model contains local Render information. ");
            // here we would do the same as above for the local render information ...
            for (int i = 0; i < rPlugin.getNumLocalRenderInformationObjects(); ++i)
                LocalRenderInformation info = rPlugin.getRenderInformation(i);
