Esempio n. 1
        public static async Task <List <RootRecord> > ReadSIEFiles(IEnumerable <int> years)
            var sieDir = Path.Join(GetCurrentOrSolutionDirectory(), "sbc_scrape", "scraped", "SIE");
            var files  = years.Select(year => $"output_{year}.se");

            return(await SBCExtensions.ReadSIEFiles(files.Select(file => Path.Combine(sieDir, file))));
Esempio n. 2
        public static async Task <List <RootRecord> > ReadSIEFiles(IEnumerable <string>?files = null)
            var sieDir = Path.Join(GetCurrentOrSolutionDirectory(), "sbc_scrape", "scraped", "SIE");

            if (files == null)
                files = new DirectoryInfo(sieDir).GetFiles("*.se").Select(o => o.Name);
            return(await SBCExtensions.ReadSIEFiles(files.Select(file => Path.Combine(sieDir, file))));
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task SbcInvoiceIntegrity()
            var years = new[] { 2019, 2020 };

            var sieFolder = Tools.GetOutputFolder("SIE");
            var sieFiles  = new DirectoryInfo(sieFolder).GetFiles($"output_*.se").Select(o => o.Name).Where(o => years.Any(p => o.Contains(p.ToString())));
            var sie       = await SBCExtensions.ReadSIEFiles(sieFiles.Select(file => Tools.GetOutputFolder("SIE", file)));

            var vouchers = sie.SelectMany(o => o.Children).OfType <VoucherRecord>().ToList();

                var slrsWithout24400 = vouchers.Where(o => o.VoucherType == VoucherType.SLR || o.VoucherType == VoucherType.TaxAndExpense).Where(o => o.Transactions.Any(t => t.AccountId == 24400) == false);
                // SLR/LB shouldn't have different companynames on transactions (only if shortened)
                // LR however has one for 24400 (person) and purpose on the other accounts
                foreach (var item in vouchers.Where(o => o.VoucherType == VoucherType.SLR || o.VoucherType == VoucherType.LB))
                    var names = item.Transactions.Select(o => o.CompanyName).Distinct().OrderBy(o => o.Length).ToList();
                    for (int i = 1; i < names.Count(); i++)
                        Assert.IsTrue(names[i].StartsWith(names[i - 1]));

            var lbs = vouchers.Where(o => o.VoucherType == VoucherType.LB).ToList();
                // Integrity
                var lbNo24400 = lbs.Where(o => o.Transactions.Any(t => t.AccountId == 24400) == false);

            var dir         = Tools.GetOutputFolder("sbc_html");
            var sbcInvoices = new sbc_scrape.SBC.InvoiceSource().ReadAll(dir).Where(o => years.Contains(o.RegisteredDate.Year));

            var byVerNum = sbcInvoices.GroupBy(o => o.IdSLR).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.ToList());
            var differentLinksSameVerNum = byVerNum.Where(o => o.Value.Select(p => p.InvoiceLink).Distinct().Count() > 2);


            var invoiceKeys = byVerNum.Select(o => o.Key).ToList();
            var slrs        = vouchers.Where(o => o.VoucherType == VoucherType.SLR).ToList();
            var slrKeys     = slrs.Select(o => o.Id).ToList();

            // All Invoices should exist as SLRs:
            // Note: Invoices correspondeing to SLRs are created only when payed, so no need to check the other way around
Esempio n. 4
        private async Task <(int[], List <InvoiceFull>, List <RootRecord>, List <Invoice>, List <Receipt>, List <BankTransaction>)> Prepare(int[] years)
            var store = new FileSystemKVStore(Tools.GetOutputFolder());

            var invoiceStore = new SBCScan.InvoiceStore(store);
            var files        = await invoiceStore.GetKeysParsed();

            var invoices = (await Task.WhenAll(files.Where(o => years.Contains(o.RegisteredDate.Year)).Select(async o => await invoiceStore.Get(o)).ToList())).ToList();

            var sieFolder = Tools.GetOutputFolder("SIE");
            var sieFiles  = new DirectoryInfo(sieFolder).GetFiles($"output_*.se").Select(o => o.Name).Where(o => years.Any(p => o.Contains(p.ToString())));
            var sie       = await SBCExtensions.ReadSIEFiles(sieFiles.Select(file => Tools.GetOutputFolder("SIE", file)));

            var dir             = Tools.GetOutputFolder("sbc_html");
            var sbcInvoices     = new InvoiceSource().ReadAll(dir).Where(o => years.Contains(o.RegisteredDate.Year)).ToList();
            var sbcReceipts     = new ReceiptsSource().ReadAll(dir).Where(o => years.Contains(o.Date.Year)).ToList();
            var sbcTransactions = new BankTransactionSource().ReadAll(dir).Where(o => years.Contains(o.CurrencyDate.Year)).ToList();

            return(years, invoices, sie.ToList(), sbcInvoices, sbcReceipts, sbcTransactions);
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task MatchSbcHtmlAndSIE()
            var year  = 2020;
            var roots = await SBCExtensions.ReadSIEFiles(new[] { "" }.Select(file => Tools.GetOutputFolder("SIE", file)), SBCExtensions.ProcessCompanyNameMode.SeparateIdAndName);

            var allVouchers = roots.SelectMany(o => o.Children).OfType <VoucherRecord>();

            var resultRecords = roots.SelectMany(o => o.Children).OfType <ResultRecord>();

            var accountChanged = allVouchers.Where(o => o.Transactions.Where(
                                                       t => t.AccountId >= 40000 && t.AccountId < 70000 && t.Amount != 0).GroupBy(t => Math.Sign(t.Amount)).Count() > 1).ToList();

            // From here, ignore AV
            allVouchers = allVouchers.Where(o => o.VoucherType != VoucherType.AV);
            //var byType = allVouchers.GroupBy(v => v.VoucherTypeCode).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.ToList());

            var htmlFolder   = Tools.GetOutputFolder("sbc_html");
            var transactions = new BankTransactionSource().ReadAll(htmlFolder).Where(r => r.AccountingDate.Year == year).ToList();

            bool IsIncomeAccount(int accountId) => accountId >= 30110 && accountId <= 32910;

            // BGINB
            // AG
            // IT-A06 - 16899 OBS Konto?
            // KI - 16410 "Skattefordran"?
            var bankgiroSum   = transactions.Where(o => o.Amount > 0 && o.Text.Any()).Sum(o => o.Amount);           // o.Reference.EndsWith("BGINB") || o.Reference.EndsWith(" AG"))
            var incomes       = allVouchers.SelectMany(o => o.Transactions.Where(t => IsIncomeAccount(t.AccountId)));
            var incomesSum    = incomes.Sum(o => o.Amount);
            var resIncomedSum = resultRecords.Where(o => IsIncomeAccount(o.AccountId)).Sum(o => o.Amount);

            //var soso = transactions.Where(o => o.Amount > 0).ToList();
            var unusedVouchers = allVouchers.ToList();
            var result         = MatchTransactions(transactions, unusedVouchers, (0, 0));
            var matched        = result.matched;

            transactions = result.unmatched;

            //var unmatchedTxStrings = matchTx.Where(o => !o.Item2.Any()).Select(o => o.Item1.ToString());
            //transactions = transactions.Where(tx => unmatchedTxStrings.Contains(tx.ToString())).ToList();

            result = MatchTransactions(transactions, unusedVouchers, (-3, 3));
            transactions = result.unmatched;

            var withDate = transactions.Select(o => (LocalDate.FromDateTime(o.AccountingDate), $"TX\t{o}"))
                           .Concat(unusedVouchers.Select(o => (o.Date, FullVoucher(o))))
                           .OrderBy(o => o.Item1).ToList();

            string FullVoucher(VoucherRecord v)
                return($"{v}\n\t\t" + string.Join("\n\t\t", v.Transactions.Select(o => $"{o.Amount} {o.CompanyName}")));

            var dbg = string.Join("\n", withDate.Select(o => $"{o.Item1.ToSimpleDateString()}\t{o.Item2}"));

            var invoices = new InvoiceSource().ReadAll(htmlFolder).Where(r => r.RegisteredDate.Year == year).ToList();
            var receipts = new ReceiptsSource().ReadAll(htmlFolder).Where(r => r.Date.Year == year).ToList();

            var recInv = receipts.Select(receipt => {
                return(new { Receipt = receipt, Invoices = invoices.Where(o => o.Amount == receipt.Amount && o.PaymentDate == receipt.Date).ToList() });

            var triedMatchedInvoices = invoices.Select(invoice => {
                var matchedVouchers = unusedVouchers
                                      .Where(o => o.Series == invoice.VerSeries)
                                      .Where(o => o.SerialNumber == invoice.VerNum)
                                      //.Where(o => o.GetTransactionsMaxAmount() == invoice.Amount && o.Date == NodaTime.LocalDate.FromDateTime(invoice.RegisteredDate))
                                      //.Where(o => o.CompanyName == invoice.Supplier)
                if (matchedVouchers.Count() == 1)
                    RemoveVouchers(matchedVouchers, unusedVouchers);

                return(new { Invoice = invoice, Vouchers = matchedVouchers });

            var matchedInvoices = triedMatchedInvoices.Where(o => o.Vouchers.Count == 1).Select(o => new { o.Invoice, Voucher = o.Vouchers.Single() }).ToList();
            var mismatch        = triedMatchedInvoices.Where(o => o.Vouchers.Count != 1).ToList();

            var matchedReceipts = MatchReceipts(receipts, unusedVouchers);

            var doubleUse = matchedReceipts.SelectMany(o => o.Item2).GroupBy(o => o.Id).Where(o => o.Count() > 1).ToList();
            //var sieDir = Path.Join(Tools.GetCurrentOrSolutionDirectory(), "sbc_scrape", "scraped", "SIE");
            //var tmp = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(sieDir, "accountsexport.txt"));
Esempio n. 6
        public async Task TestMethod1()
            Func <int, bool> accountFilter = accountId => accountId.ToString().StartsWith("45");

            //Load SBC invoices
            var fromSBC = (await Tools.LoadSBCInvoices(accountFilter)).Select(o => new SBCVariant {
                AccountId      = o.AccountId,
                Amount         = o.Amount,
                CompanyName    = o.Supplier,
                DateRegistered = NodaTime.LocalDate.FromDateTime(o.RegisteredDate),
                DateFinalized  = o.PaymentDate.HasValue ? NodaTime.LocalDate.FromDateTime(o.PaymentDate.Value) : (NodaTime.LocalDate?)null,
                Source         = o,

            //Load SIE vouchers
            List <TransactionMatched> fromSIE;
                var files  = Enumerable.Range(2010, 10).Select(o => $"output_{o}.se");
                var sieDir = Tools.GetOutputFolder("SIE");
                var roots  = await SBCExtensions.ReadSIEFiles(files.Select(file => Path.Combine(sieDir, file)));

                var allVouchers = roots.SelectMany(o => o.Children).OfType <VoucherRecord>();

                var matchResult = MatchSLRResult.MatchSLRVouchers(allVouchers, VoucherRecord.DefaultIgnoreVoucherTypes);
                fromSIE = TransactionMatched.FromVoucherMatches(matchResult, TransactionMatched.RequiredAccountIds).Where(o => accountFilter(o.AccountId)).ToList();

            var sbcByName = fromSBC.GroupBy(o => o.CompanyName).ToDictionary(o => o.Key, o => o.ToList());
            var sieByName = fromSIE.GroupBy(o => o.CompanyName).ToDictionary(o => o.Key, o => o.ToList());

            //Create name lookup (can be truncated in one source but not the other):
            Dictionary <string, string> nameLookup;
                var(Intersection, OnlyInA, OnlyInB) = IntersectInfo(sbcByName.Keys, sieByName.Keys);
                nameLookup = Intersection.ToDictionary(o => o, o => o);

                AddLookups(OnlyInA, OnlyInB);
                AddLookups(OnlyInB, OnlyInA);
                void AddLookups(List <string> enumA, List <string> enumB)
                    for (int i = enumA.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        var itemA = enumA[i];
                        var itemB = enumB.FirstOrDefault(o => o.StartsWith(itemA));
                        if (itemB != null)
                            nameLookup.Add(itemB, itemA);
                            nameLookup.Add(itemA, itemB);

                //Non-matched: intersectInfo.OnlyInA and intersectInfo.OnlyInB

            var matches = new List <(TransactionMatched, SBCVariant)>();

            foreach (var(sieName, sieList) in sieByName)
                if (nameLookup.ContainsKey(sieName))
                    var inSbc = sbcByName[nameLookup[sieName]].GroupBy(o => o.Amount).ToDictionary(o => o.Key, o => o.ToList());

                    //Multiple passes of the following until no more matches
                    while (true)
                        var newMatches = new List <(TransactionMatched, SBCVariant)>();
                        for (int sieIndex = sieList.Count - 1; sieIndex >= 0; sieIndex--)
                            var item = sieList[sieIndex];
                            if (inSbc.TryGetValue(item.Amount, out var sbcSameAmount))
                                var sbcSameAmountAccount = sbcSameAmount.Where(o => o.AccountId == item.AccountId);
                                //Find those with same register date (could be many)
                                //If multiple or none, take those with closest payment date.
                                //Remove match from inSbc so it can't be matched again
                                var found = new List <SBCVariant>();
                                if (item.DateRegistered is NodaTime.LocalDate dateRegistered)
                                    found = sbcSameAmountAccount.Where(o => (dateRegistered - item.DateRegistered.Value).Days <= 1).ToList();
                                    found = sbcSameAmountAccount.Where(o => (o.DateFinalized.HasValue && item.DateFinalized.HasValue) &&
                                                                       (o.DateFinalized.Value - item.DateFinalized.Value).Days <= 1).ToList();

                                if (found.Count > 1)
                                    var orderByDateDiff = found
                                                          .Where(o => (o.DateFinalized.HasValue && item.DateFinalized.HasValue))
                                                          .Select(o => new
#pragma warning disable CS8629 // Nullable value type may be null.
                                        Diff = Math.Abs((o.DateFinalized.Value - item.DateFinalized.Value).Days),
#pragma warning restore CS8629 // Nullable value type may be null.
                                        Object = o
                                                          .OrderBy(o => o.Diff);
                                    var minDiff = orderByDateDiff.First().Diff;
                                    if (orderByDateDiff.Count(o => o.Diff == minDiff) == 1)
                                        found = orderByDateDiff.Take(1).Select(o => o.Object).ToList();
                                if (found.Count == 1)
                                    newMatches.Add((item, found.Single()));
                        if (!newMatches.Any())

            var nonmatchedSBC = sbcByName.Values.SelectMany(o => o).Except(matches.Select(o => o.Item2));
            //Remove cancelled-out pairs (same everything but opposite amount):
            var cancelling = nonmatchedSBC.GroupBy(o => $"{o.CompanyName} {Math.Abs(o.Amount)} {o.DateRegistered?.ToSimpleDateString()} {o.DateFinalized?.ToSimpleDateString()}")
                             .Where(o => o.Count() == 2 && o.Sum(o => o.Amount) == 0).SelectMany(o => o);

            nonmatchedSBC = nonmatchedSBC.Except(cancelling);

            var nonmatched = nonmatchedSBC.Concat(sieByName.Values.SelectMany(o => o).Except(matches.Select(o => o.Item1)));

            var all = matches.Select(o => o.Item1).Concat(nonmatched);

            var sss = string.Join("\n",
                                  .OrderBy(o => o.CompanyName).ThenBy(o => o.DateRegistered)
                                  .Select(o => $"{o.CompanyName}\t{o.Amount}\t{o.AccountId}\t{o.DateRegistered?.ToSimpleDateString()}\t{o.DateFinalized?.ToSimpleDateString()}\t{(nonmatched.Contains(o) ? "X" : "")}\t{((o is SBCVariant) ? "SBC" : "")}")