public void TestCopyObjectAsync() { var client = new S3Service(); String bucketName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SCREEN3_S3_BUCKET"); client.CopyObject(bucketName, @"source/", bucketName, @"archive/").Wait(); }
public override FileOperationResult CopyTo(S3CommanderFile dest, bool overwrite, bool move, RemoteInfo info) { var entry = dest as Entry; if (entry == null) { return(FileOperationResult.NotSupported); } try { if (!overwrite && S3Service.ObjectExists(entry.bucketName, entry.key)) { return(FileOperationResult.Exists); } var source = bucketName + "/" + key; var target = entry.bucketName + "/" + entry.key; if (SetProgress(source, target, 0, 100) == false) { return(FileOperationResult.UserAbort); } S3Service.CopyObject(bucketName, key, entry.bucketName, entry.key); if (move) { if (SetProgress(source, target, 50, 100) == false) { return(FileOperationResult.UserAbort); } DeleteFile(); } if (SetProgress(source, target, 100, 100) == false) { return(FileOperationResult.UserAbort); } return(FileOperationResult.OK); } catch (Exception ex) { Context.Log.Error(ex); return(FileOperationResult.WriteError); } }
public async Task ProcessSourceFile(S3Object fileInfo) { LambdaLogger.Log($"About to download file, {fileInfo.Key}\n"); String resultFileName = await this.DownloadFileAsync(fileInfo.BucketName, fileInfo.Key, this.Temp_Folder + "originSourceFiles/"); string dailyTargetFolder = this.Temp_Folder + $"originExtractedFiles/{fileInfo.Key}/"; LambdaLogger.Log($"Download file, {fileInfo.Key}, about to extract to {dailyTargetFolder}.\n"); List <String> dailyFileList = this.ExtractIntoDayData(resultFileName, dailyTargetFolder); LambdaLogger.Log($"Extracted files done. items {dailyFileList.Count} \n"); foreach (string path in dailyFileList) { this.AddDailyFileIntoStockDict(path); } TickerBLL bll = new TickerBLL(this.S3_Bucket_Name, this.Temp_Folder); // save tickers into S3 foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <TickerEntity> > tickerGroup in this.stockDict) { await bll.SaveTickersToS3(tickerGroup.Key, tickerGroup.Value, true); LambdaLogger.Log($"Save to S3 for {tickerGroup.Key} with items {tickerGroup.Value.Count} \n"); } // move file to archive S3Service service = new S3Service(); string archiveKey = fileInfo.Key.Replace("source", "archive"); await service.CopyObject(this.S3_Bucket_Name, fileInfo.Key, this.S3_Bucket_Name, archiveKey); await service.DeleteObject(this.S3_Bucket_Name, fileInfo.Key); // about to clean things File.Delete(resultFileName); FileHelper.ClearDirectory(this.Temp_Folder + $"originExtractedFiles/", true); this.stockDict = new Dictionary <string, List <TickerEntity> >(); LambdaLogger.Log("Temp folder cleared"); }
public void CopyObject(string sourceBucketName, string sourceKey, string destBucketName, string destKey) { client.CopyObject(sourceBucketName, sourceKey, destBucketName, destKey); }