Esempio n. 1
        private async Task RemoveGitConfig(RunnerActionPluginExecutionContext executionContext, GitCliManager gitCommandManager, string targetPath, string configKey, string configValue)
            int exitCode_configUnset = await gitCommandManager.GitConfigUnset(executionContext, targetPath, configKey);

            if (exitCode_configUnset != 0)
                // if unable to use git.exe unset http.extraheader or core.askpass, modify git config file on disk. make sure we don't left credential.
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(configValue))
                    executionContext.Warning("An unsuccessful attempt was made using git command line to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. Attempting to modify the git config file directly to remove the credential.");
                    string gitConfig = Path.Combine(targetPath, ".git/config");
                    if (File.Exists(gitConfig))
                        List <string> safeGitConfig     = new List <string>();
                        var           gitConfigContents = File.ReadAllLines(gitConfig);
                        foreach (var line in gitConfigContents)
                            if (!line.Contains(configValue))

                        File.WriteAllLines(gitConfig, safeGitConfig);
                    executionContext.Warning($"Unable to remove \"{configKey}\" from the git config. To remove the credential, execute \"git config --unset - all {configKey}\" from the repository root \"{targetPath}\".");
        private async Task RemoveGitConfig(RunnerActionPluginExecutionContext executionContext, GitCliManager gitCommandManager, string targetPath, string configKey, string configValue)
            int exitCode_configUnset = await gitCommandManager.GitConfigUnset(executionContext, targetPath, configKey);

            if (exitCode_configUnset != 0)
                // if unable to use git.exe unset http.extraheader or core.askpass, modify git config file on disk. make sure we don't left credential.
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(configValue))
                    executionContext.Warning("An unsuccessful attempt was made using git command line to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. Attempting to modify the git config file directly to remove the credential.");
                    string gitConfig = Path.Combine(targetPath, ".git/config");
                    if (File.Exists(gitConfig))
                        string gitConfigContent = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(targetPath, ".git", "config"));
                        if (gitConfigContent.Contains(configKey))
                            string setting = $"extraheader = {configValue}";
                            gitConfigContent = Regex.Replace(gitConfigContent, setting, string.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                            setting          = $"askpass = {configValue}";
                            gitConfigContent = Regex.Replace(gitConfigContent, setting, string.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                            File.WriteAllText(gitConfig, gitConfigContent);
                    executionContext.Warning($"Unable to remove \"{configKey}\" from the git config. To remove the credential, execute \"git config --unset - all {configKey}\" from the repository root \"{targetPath}\".");
Esempio n. 3
        // git lfs pull
        public async Task <int> GitLFSPull(RunnerActionPluginExecutionContext context, string repositoryPath, string additionalCommandLine, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            context.Debug($"Download LFS objects for git repository at: {repositoryPath}.");

            int retryCount   = 0;
            int pullExitCode = 0;

            while (retryCount < 3)
                pullExitCode = await ExecuteGitCommandAsync(context, repositoryPath, "lfs", "pull", additionalCommandLine, cancellationToken);

                if (pullExitCode == 0)
                    if (++retryCount < 3)
                        var backOff = BackoffTimerHelper.GetRandomBackoff(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
                        context.Warning($"Git lfs pull failed with exit code {pullExitCode}, back off {backOff.TotalSeconds} seconds before retry.");
                        await Task.Delay(backOff);

Esempio n. 4
        // git lfs fetch origin [ref]
        public async Task <int> GitLFSFetch(RunnerActionPluginExecutionContext context, string repositoryPath, string remoteName, string refSpec, string additionalCommandLine, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            context.Debug($"Fetch LFS objects for git repository at: {repositoryPath} remote: {remoteName}.");

            // default options for git lfs fetch.
            string options = StringUtil.Format($"fetch origin {refSpec}");

            int retryCount    = 0;
            int fetchExitCode = 0;

            while (retryCount < 3)
                fetchExitCode = await ExecuteGitCommandAsync(context, repositoryPath, "lfs", options, additionalCommandLine, cancellationToken);

                if (fetchExitCode == 0)
                    if (++retryCount < 3)
                        var backOff = BackoffTimerHelper.GetRandomBackoff(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
                        context.Warning($"Git lfs fetch failed with exit code {fetchExitCode}, back off {backOff.TotalSeconds} seconds before retry.");
                        await Task.Delay(backOff);

Esempio n. 5
        // git fetch --no-tags --prune --progress --no-recurse-submodules [--depth=15] origin [+refs/pull/*:refs/remote/pull/*] [+refs/tags/1:refs/tags/1]
        public async Task <int> GitFetchNoTags(RunnerActionPluginExecutionContext context, string repositoryPath, string remoteName, int fetchDepth, List <string> refSpec, string additionalCommandLine, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            context.Debug($"Fetch git repository at: {repositoryPath} remote: {remoteName}.");
            if (refSpec != null && refSpec.Count > 0)
                refSpec = refSpec.Where(r => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r)).ToList();

            string options;

            // If shallow fetch add --depth arg
            // If the local repository is shallowed but there is no fetch depth provide for this build,
            // add --unshallow to convert the shallow repository to a complete repository
            if (fetchDepth > 0)
                options = StringUtil.Format($"--no-tags --prune --progress --no-recurse-submodules --depth={fetchDepth} {remoteName} {string.Join(" ", refSpec)}");
            else if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(repositoryPath, ".git", "shallow")))
                options = StringUtil.Format($"--no-tags --prune --progress --no-recurse-submodules --unshallow {remoteName} {string.Join(" ", refSpec)}");
                // default options for git fetch.
                options = StringUtil.Format($"--no-tags --prune --progress --no-recurse-submodules {remoteName} {string.Join(" ", refSpec)}");

            int retryCount    = 0;
            int fetchExitCode = 0;

            while (retryCount < 3)
                fetchExitCode = await ExecuteGitCommandAsync(context, repositoryPath, "fetch", options, additionalCommandLine, cancellationToken);

                if (fetchExitCode == 0)
                    if (++retryCount < 3)
                        var backOff = BackoffTimerHelper.GetRandomBackoff(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
                        context.Warning($"Git fetch failed with exit code {fetchExitCode}, back off {backOff.TotalSeconds} seconds before retry.");
                        await Task.Delay(backOff);

Esempio n. 6
        // git config --get remote.origin.url
        public async Task <Uri> GitGetFetchUrl(RunnerActionPluginExecutionContext context, string repositoryPath)
            context.Debug($"Inspect remote.origin.url for repository under {repositoryPath}");
            Uri fetchUrl = null;

            List <string> outputStrings = new List <string>();
            int           exitCode      = await ExecuteGitCommandAsync(context, repositoryPath, "config", "--get remote.origin.url", outputStrings);

            if (exitCode != 0)
                context.Warning($"'git config --get remote.origin.url' failed with exit code: {exitCode}, output: '{string.Join(Environment.NewLine, outputStrings)}'");
                // remove empty strings
                outputStrings = outputStrings.Where(o => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(o)).ToList();
                if (outputStrings.Count == 1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputStrings.First()))
                    string remoteFetchUrl = outputStrings.First();
                    if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(remoteFetchUrl, UriKind.Absolute))
                        context.Debug($"Get remote origin fetch url from git config: {remoteFetchUrl}");
                        fetchUrl = new Uri(remoteFetchUrl);
                        context.Debug($"The Origin fetch url from git config: {remoteFetchUrl} is not a absolute well formed url.");
                    context.Debug($"Unable capture git remote fetch uri from 'git config --get remote.origin.url' command's output, the command's output is not expected: {string.Join(Environment.NewLine, outputStrings)}.");

        public async Task GetSourceAsync(
            RunnerActionPluginExecutionContext executionContext,
            string repositoryPath,
            string repoFullName,
            string sourceBranch,
            string sourceVersion,
            bool clean,
            string submoduleInput,
            int fetchDepth,
            bool gitLfsSupport,
            string accessToken,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Validate args.
            ArgUtil.NotNull(executionContext, nameof(executionContext));
            executionContext.Output($"Syncing repository: {repoFullName}");
            Uri repositoryUrl = new Uri($"{repoFullName}");

            if (!repositoryUrl.IsAbsoluteUri)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Repository url need to be an absolute uri.");

            string targetPath = repositoryPath;

            // input Submodules can be ['', true, false, recursive]
            // '' or false indicate don't checkout submodules
            // true indicate checkout top level submodules
            // recursive indicate checkout submodules recursively
            bool checkoutSubmodules       = false;
            bool checkoutNestedSubmodules = false;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(submoduleInput))
                if (string.Equals(submoduleInput, Pipelines.PipelineConstants.CheckoutTaskInputs.SubmodulesOptions.Recursive, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    checkoutSubmodules       = true;
                    checkoutNestedSubmodules = true;
                    checkoutSubmodules = StringUtil.ConvertToBoolean(submoduleInput);

            executionContext.Debug($"repository url={repositoryUrl}");

            // Initialize git command manager with additional environment variables.
            Dictionary <string, string> gitEnv = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // Disable prompting for git credential manager
            gitEnv["GCM_INTERACTIVE"] = "Never";

            // Git-lfs will try to pull down asset if any of the local/user/system setting exist.
            // If customer didn't enable `LFS` in their pipeline definition, we will use ENV to disable LFS fetch/checkout.
            if (!gitLfsSupport)
                gitEnv["GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE"] = "1";

            // Add the public variables.
            foreach (var variable in executionContext.Variables)
                // Add the variable using the formatted name.
                string formattedKey = (variable.Key ?? string.Empty).Replace('.', '_').Replace(' ', '_').ToUpperInvariant();
                gitEnv[formattedKey] = variable.Value?.Value ?? string.Empty;

            GitCliManager gitCommandManager = new GitCliManager(gitEnv);
            await gitCommandManager.LoadGitExecutionInfo(executionContext);

            // Make sure the build machine met all requirements for the git repository
            // For now, the requirement we have are:
            // 1. git version greater than 2.9 since we need to use auth header.
            // 2. git-lfs version greater than 2.1 since we need to use auth header.
            // 3. git version greater than 2.14.2 if use SChannel for SSL backend (Windows only)
            RequirementCheck(executionContext, gitCommandManager, gitLfsSupport);

            // prepare askpass for client cert private key, if the repository's endpoint url match the runner config url
            var systemConnection = executionContext.Endpoints.Single(x => string.Equals(x.Name, WellKnownServiceEndpointNames.SystemVssConnection, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            // Check the current contents of the root folder to see if there is already a repo
            // If there is a repo, see if it matches the one we are expecting to be there based on the remote fetch url
            // if the repo is not what we expect, remove the folder
            if (!await IsRepositoryOriginUrlMatch(executionContext, gitCommandManager, targetPath, repositoryUrl))
                // Delete source folder
                IOUtil.DeleteDirectory(targetPath, cancellationToken);
                // delete the index.lock file left by previous canceled build or any operation cause git.exe crash last time.
                string lockFile = Path.Combine(targetPath, ".git\\index.lock");
                if (File.Exists(lockFile))
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        executionContext.Debug($"Unable to delete the index.lock file: {lockFile}");

                // delete the shallow.lock file left by previous canceled build or any operation cause git.exe crash last time.
                string shallowLockFile = Path.Combine(targetPath, ".git\\shallow.lock");
                if (File.Exists(shallowLockFile))
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        executionContext.Debug($"Unable to delete the shallow.lock file: {shallowLockFile}");

                // When repo.clean is selected for a git repo, execute git clean -ffdx and git reset --hard HEAD on the current repo.
                // This will help us save the time to reclone the entire repo.
                // If any git commands exit with non-zero return code or any exception happened during git.exe invoke, fall back to delete the repo folder.
                if (clean)
                    Boolean softCleanSucceed = true;

                    // git clean -ffdx
                    int exitCode_clean = await gitCommandManager.GitClean(executionContext, targetPath);

                    if (exitCode_clean != 0)
                        executionContext.Debug($"'git clean -ffdx' failed with exit code {exitCode_clean}, this normally caused by:\n    1) Path too long\n    2) Permission issue\n    3) File in use\nFor futher investigation, manually run 'git clean -ffdx' on repo root: {targetPath} after each build.");
                        softCleanSucceed = false;

                    // git reset --hard HEAD
                    if (softCleanSucceed)
                        int exitCode_reset = await gitCommandManager.GitReset(executionContext, targetPath);

                        if (exitCode_reset != 0)
                            executionContext.Debug($"'git reset --hard HEAD' failed with exit code {exitCode_reset}\nFor futher investigation, manually run 'git reset --hard HEAD' on repo root: {targetPath} after each build.");
                            softCleanSucceed = false;

                    // git clean -ffdx and git reset --hard HEAD for each submodule
                    if (checkoutSubmodules)
                        if (softCleanSucceed)
                            int exitCode_submoduleclean = await gitCommandManager.GitSubmoduleClean(executionContext, targetPath);

                            if (exitCode_submoduleclean != 0)
                                executionContext.Debug($"'git submodule foreach git clean -ffdx' failed with exit code {exitCode_submoduleclean}\nFor futher investigation, manually run 'git submodule foreach git clean -ffdx' on repo root: {targetPath} after each build.");
                                softCleanSucceed = false;

                        if (softCleanSucceed)
                            int exitCode_submodulereset = await gitCommandManager.GitSubmoduleReset(executionContext, targetPath);

                            if (exitCode_submodulereset != 0)
                                executionContext.Debug($"'git submodule foreach git reset --hard HEAD' failed with exit code {exitCode_submodulereset}\nFor futher investigation, manually run 'git submodule foreach git reset --hard HEAD' on repo root: {targetPath} after each build.");
                                softCleanSucceed = false;

                    if (!softCleanSucceed)
                        //fall back
                        executionContext.Warning("Unable to run \"git clean -ffdx\" and \"git reset --hard HEAD\" successfully, delete source folder instead.");
                        IOUtil.DeleteDirectory(targetPath, cancellationToken);

            // if the folder is missing, create it
            if (!Directory.Exists(targetPath))

            // if the folder contains a .git folder, it means the folder contains a git repo that matches the remote url and in a clean state.
            // we will run git fetch to update the repo.
            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(targetPath, ".git")))
                // init git repository
                int exitCode_init = await gitCommandManager.GitInit(executionContext, targetPath);

                if (exitCode_init != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to use git.exe init repository under {targetPath}, 'git init' failed with exit code: {exitCode_init}");

                int exitCode_addremote = await gitCommandManager.GitRemoteAdd(executionContext, targetPath, "origin", repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri);

                if (exitCode_addremote != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to use git.exe add remote 'origin', 'git remote add' failed with exit code: {exitCode_addremote}");


            // disable git auto gc
            int exitCode_disableGC = await gitCommandManager.GitDisableAutoGC(executionContext, targetPath);

            if (exitCode_disableGC != 0)
                executionContext.Warning("Unable turn off git auto garbage collection, git fetch operation may trigger auto garbage collection which will affect the performance of fetching.");

            // always remove any possible left extraheader setting from git config.
            if (await gitCommandManager.GitConfigExist(executionContext, targetPath, $"http.{repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri}.extraheader"))
                executionContext.Debug("Remove any extraheader setting from git config.");
                await RemoveGitConfig(executionContext, gitCommandManager, targetPath, $"http.{repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri}.extraheader", string.Empty);

            List <string> additionalFetchArgs    = new List <string>();
            List <string> additionalLfsFetchArgs = new List <string>();

            // add accessToken as basic auth header to handle auth challenge.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken))
                additionalFetchArgs.Add($"-c http.extraheader=\"AUTHORIZATION: {GenerateBasicAuthHeader(executionContext, accessToken)}\"");

            // Prepare gitlfs url for fetch and checkout
            if (gitLfsSupport)
                // Initialize git lfs by execute 'git lfs install'
                executionContext.Debug("Setup the local Git hooks for Git LFS.");
                int exitCode_lfsInstall = await gitCommandManager.GitLFSInstall(executionContext, targetPath);

                if (exitCode_lfsInstall != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git-lfs installation failed with exit code: {exitCode_lfsInstall}");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken))
                    string authorityUrl = repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri.Replace(repositoryUrl.PathAndQuery, string.Empty);
                    additionalLfsFetchArgs.Add($"-c http.{authorityUrl}.extraheader=\"AUTHORIZATION: {GenerateBasicAuthHeader(executionContext, accessToken)}\"");

            List <string> additionalFetchSpecs = new List <string>();


            if (IsPullRequest(sourceBranch))

            int exitCode_fetch = await gitCommandManager.GitFetch(executionContext, targetPath, "origin", fetchDepth, additionalFetchSpecs, string.Join(" ", additionalFetchArgs), cancellationToken);

            if (exitCode_fetch != 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git fetch failed with exit code: {exitCode_fetch}");

            // Checkout
            // sourceToBuild is used for checkout
            // if sourceBranch is a PR branch or sourceVersion is null, make sure branch name is a remote branch. we need checkout to detached head.
            // (change refs/heads to refs/remotes/origin, refs/pull to refs/remotes/pull, or leave it as it when the branch name doesn't contain refs/...)
            // if sourceVersion provide, just use that for checkout, since when you checkout a commit, it will end up in detached head.
            string sourcesToBuild;

            if (IsPullRequest(sourceBranch) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceVersion))
                sourcesToBuild = GetRemoteRefName(sourceBranch);
                sourcesToBuild = sourceVersion;

            // fetch lfs object upfront, this will avoid fetch lfs object during checkout which cause checkout taking forever
            // since checkout will fetch lfs object 1 at a time, while git lfs fetch will fetch lfs object in parallel.
            if (gitLfsSupport)
                int exitCode_lfsFetch = await gitCommandManager.GitLFSFetch(executionContext, targetPath, "origin", sourcesToBuild, string.Join(" ", additionalLfsFetchArgs), cancellationToken);

                if (exitCode_lfsFetch != 0)
                    // local repository is shallow repository, lfs fetch may fail due to lack of commits history.
                    // this will happen when the checkout commit is older than tip -> fetchDepth
                    if (fetchDepth > 0)
                        executionContext.Warning($"Git lfs fetch failed on shallow repository, this might because of git fetch with depth '{fetchDepth}' doesn't include the lfs fetch commit '{sourcesToBuild}'.");

                    // git lfs fetch failed, get lfs log, the log is critical for debug.
                    int exitCode_lfsLogs = await gitCommandManager.GitLFSLogs(executionContext, targetPath);

                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git lfs fetch failed with exit code: {exitCode_lfsFetch}. Git lfs logs returned with exit code: {exitCode_lfsLogs}.");

            // Finally, checkout the sourcesToBuild (if we didn't find a valid git object this will throw)
            int exitCode_checkout = await gitCommandManager.GitCheckout(executionContext, targetPath, sourcesToBuild, cancellationToken);

            if (exitCode_checkout != 0)
                // local repository is shallow repository, checkout may fail due to lack of commits history.
                // this will happen when the checkout commit is older than tip -> fetchDepth
                if (fetchDepth > 0)
                    executionContext.Warning($"Git checkout failed on shallow repository, this might because of git fetch with depth '{fetchDepth}' doesn't include the checkout commit '{sourcesToBuild}'.");

                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git checkout failed with exit code: {exitCode_checkout}");

            // Submodule update
            if (checkoutSubmodules)

                int exitCode_submoduleSync = await gitCommandManager.GitSubmoduleSync(executionContext, targetPath, checkoutNestedSubmodules, cancellationToken);

                if (exitCode_submoduleSync != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git submodule sync failed with exit code: {exitCode_submoduleSync}");

                List <string> additionalSubmoduleUpdateArgs = new List <string>();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken))
                    string authorityUrl = repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri.Replace(repositoryUrl.PathAndQuery, string.Empty);
                    additionalSubmoduleUpdateArgs.Add($"-c http.{authorityUrl}.extraheader=\"AUTHORIZATION: {GenerateBasicAuthHeader(executionContext, accessToken)}\"");

                int exitCode_submoduleUpdate = await gitCommandManager.GitSubmoduleUpdate(executionContext, targetPath, fetchDepth, string.Join(" ", additionalSubmoduleUpdateArgs), checkoutNestedSubmodules, cancellationToken);

                if (exitCode_submoduleUpdate != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git submodule update failed with exit code: {exitCode_submoduleUpdate}");
        public async Task RunAsync(RunnerActionPluginExecutionContext executionContext, CancellationToken token)
            string runnerWorkspace = executionContext.GetRunnerContext("workspace");

            ArgUtil.Directory(runnerWorkspace, nameof(runnerWorkspace));
            string tempDirectory = executionContext.GetRunnerContext("temp");

            ArgUtil.Directory(tempDirectory, nameof(tempDirectory));

            var repoFullName = executionContext.GetInput(Pipelines.PipelineConstants.CheckoutTaskInputs.Repository);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(repoFullName))
                repoFullName = executionContext.GetGitHubContext("repository");

            var repoFullNameSplit = repoFullName.Split("/", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            if (repoFullNameSplit.Length != 2)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(repoFullName);

            string expectRepoPath;
            var    path = executionContext.GetInput(Pipelines.PipelineConstants.CheckoutTaskInputs.Path);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                expectRepoPath = IOUtil.ResolvePath(runnerWorkspace, path);
                if (!expectRepoPath.StartsWith(runnerWorkspace.Replace(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"Input path '{path}' should resolve to a directory under '{runnerWorkspace}', current resolved path '{expectRepoPath}'.");
                // When repository doesn't has path set, default to sources directory 1/repoName
                expectRepoPath = Path.Combine(runnerWorkspace, repoFullNameSplit[1]);

            var workspaceRepo = executionContext.GetGitHubContext("repository");

            // for self repository, we need to let the worker knows where it is after checkout.
            if (string.Equals(workspaceRepo, repoFullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                var workspaceRepoPath = executionContext.GetGitHubContext("workspace");

                executionContext.Debug($"Repository requires to be placed at '{expectRepoPath}', current location is '{workspaceRepoPath}'");
                if (!string.Equals(workspaceRepoPath.Trim(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar), expectRepoPath.Trim(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar), IOUtil.FilePathStringComparison))
                    executionContext.Output($"Repository is current at '{workspaceRepoPath}', move to '{expectRepoPath}'.");
                    var count   = 1;
                    var staging = Path.Combine(tempDirectory, $"_{count}");
                    while (Directory.Exists(staging))
                        staging = Path.Combine(tempDirectory, $"_{count}");

                        executionContext.Debug($"Move existing repository '{workspaceRepoPath}' to '{expectRepoPath}' via staging directory '{staging}'.");
                        IOUtil.MoveDirectory(workspaceRepoPath, expectRepoPath, staging, CancellationToken.None);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        executionContext.Debug("Catch exception during repository move.");
                        executionContext.Warning("Unable move and reuse existing repository to required location.");
                        IOUtil.DeleteDirectory(expectRepoPath, CancellationToken.None);

                    executionContext.Output($"Repository will locate at '{expectRepoPath}'.");

                executionContext.Debug($"Update workspace repository location.");
                executionContext.SetRepositoryPath(repoFullName, expectRepoPath, true);

            string sourceBranch;
            string sourceVersion;
            string refInput = executionContext.GetInput(Pipelines.PipelineConstants.CheckoutTaskInputs.Ref);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(refInput))
                sourceBranch  = executionContext.GetGitHubContext("ref");
                sourceVersion = executionContext.GetGitHubContext("sha");
                sourceBranch  = refInput;
                sourceVersion = executionContext.GetInput(Pipelines.PipelineConstants.CheckoutTaskInputs.Version);  // version get removed when checkout move to repo in the graph
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceVersion) && RegexUtility.IsMatch(sourceBranch, WellKnownRegularExpressions.SHA1))
                    sourceVersion = sourceBranch;

                    // If Ref is a SHA and the repo is self, we need to use github.ref as source branch since it might be refs/pull/*
                    if (string.Equals(workspaceRepo, repoFullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        sourceBranch = executionContext.GetGitHubContext("ref");
                        sourceBranch = "refs/heads/master";

            bool   clean          = StringUtil.ConvertToBoolean(executionContext.GetInput(Pipelines.PipelineConstants.CheckoutTaskInputs.Clean), true);
            string submoduleInput = executionContext.GetInput(Pipelines.PipelineConstants.CheckoutTaskInputs.Submodules);

            int fetchDepth = 0;

            if (!int.TryParse(executionContext.GetInput("fetch-depth"), out fetchDepth) || fetchDepth < 0)
                fetchDepth = 0;

            bool   gitLfsSupport = StringUtil.ConvertToBoolean(executionContext.GetInput(Pipelines.PipelineConstants.CheckoutTaskInputs.Lfs));
            string accessToken   = executionContext.GetInput(Pipelines.PipelineConstants.CheckoutTaskInputs.Token);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken))
                accessToken = executionContext.GetGitHubContext("token");

            // register problem matcher
            string problemMatcher = @"    
    ""problemMatcher"": [
            ""owner"": ""checkout-git"",
            ""pattern"": [
                    ""regexp"": ""^fatal: (.*)$"",
                    ""message"": 1
            string matcherFile    = Path.Combine(tempDirectory, $"git_{Guid.NewGuid()}.json");

            File.WriteAllText(matcherFile, problemMatcher, new UTF8Encoding(false));
                await new GitHubSourceProvider().GetSourceAsync(executionContext,
                executionContext.Output("##[remove-matcher owner=checkout-git]");
        public async Task DownloadFromContainerAsync(
            RunnerActionPluginExecutionContext context,
            String destination,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Find out all container items need to be processed
            List <FileContainerItem> containerItems = new List <FileContainerItem>();
            int retryCount = 0;

            while (retryCount < 3)
                    containerItems = await _fileContainerHttpClient.QueryContainerItemsAsync(_containerId,
                                                                                             cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

                catch (OperationCanceledException) when(cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    context.Debug($"Container query has been cancelled.");
                catch (Exception ex) when(retryCount < 2)
                    context.Warning($"Fail to query container items under #/{_containerId}/{_containerPath}, Error: {ex.Message}");

                var backOff = BackoffTimerHelper.GetRandomBackoff(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));
                context.Warning($"Back off {backOff.TotalSeconds} seconds before retry.");
                await Task.Delay(backOff);

            if (containerItems.Count == 0)
                context.Output($"There is nothing under #/{_containerId}/{_containerPath}");

            // container items will include both folders, files and even file with zero size
            // Create all required empty folders and emptry files, gather a list of files that we need to download from server.
            int foldersCreated                = 0;
            int emptryFilesCreated            = 0;
            List <DownloadInfo> downloadFiles = new List <DownloadInfo>();

            foreach (var item in containerItems.OrderBy(x => x.Path))
                if (!item.Path.StartsWith(_containerPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Item {item.Path} is not under #/{_containerId}/{_containerPath}");

                var localRelativePath = item.Path.Substring(_containerPath.Length).TrimStart('/');
                var localPath         = Path.Combine(destination, localRelativePath);

                if (item.ItemType == ContainerItemType.Folder)
                    context.Debug($"Ensure folder exists: {localPath}");
                else if (item.ItemType == ContainerItemType.File)
                    if (item.FileLength == 0)
                        context.Debug($"Create empty file at: {localPath}");
                        var parentDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(localPath);
                        using (new FileStream(localPath, FileMode.Create))
                        context.Debug($"Prepare download {item.Path} to {localPath}");
                        downloadFiles.Add(new DownloadInfo(item.Path, localPath));
                    throw new NotSupportedException(item.ItemType.ToString());

            if (foldersCreated > 0)
                context.Output($"{foldersCreated} folders created.");

            if (emptryFilesCreated > 0)
                context.Output($"{emptryFilesCreated} empty files created.");

            if (downloadFiles.Count == 0)
                context.Output($"There is nothing to download");

            // Start multi-task to download all files.
            using (_downloadCancellationTokenSource = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken))
                // try download all files for the first time.
                DownloadResult downloadResult = await ParallelDownloadAsync(context, downloadFiles.AsReadOnly(), Math.Min(downloadFiles.Count, Environment.ProcessorCount), _downloadCancellationTokenSource.Token);

                if (downloadResult.FailedFiles.Count == 0)
                    // all files have been download succeed.
                    context.Output($"{downloadFiles.Count} files download succeed.");
                    context.Output($"{downloadResult.FailedFiles.Count} files failed to download, retry these files after a minute.");

                // Delay 1 min then retry failed files.
                for (int timer = 60; timer > 0; timer -= 5)
                    context.Output($"Retry file download after {timer} seconds.");
                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), _uploadCancellationTokenSource.Token);

                // Retry download all failed files.
                context.Output($"Start retry {downloadResult.FailedFiles.Count} failed files upload.");
                DownloadResult retryDownloadResult = await ParallelDownloadAsync(context, downloadResult.FailedFiles.AsReadOnly(), Math.Min(downloadResult.FailedFiles.Count, Environment.ProcessorCount), _downloadCancellationTokenSource.Token);

                if (retryDownloadResult.FailedFiles.Count == 0)
                    // all files have been download succeed after retry.
                    context.Output($"{downloadResult.FailedFiles} files download succeed after retry.");
                    throw new Exception($"{retryDownloadResult.FailedFiles.Count} files failed to download even after retry.");
Esempio n. 10
        private async Task <DownloadResult> DownloadAsync(RunnerActionPluginExecutionContext context, int downloaderId, CancellationToken token)
            List <DownloadInfo> failedFiles   = new List <DownloadInfo>();
            Stopwatch           downloadTimer = new Stopwatch();

            while (_fileDownloadQueue.TryDequeue(out DownloadInfo fileToDownload))
                    int  retryCount     = 0;
                    bool downloadFailed = false;
                    while (true)
                            context.Debug($"Start downloading file: '{fileToDownload.ItemPath}' (Downloader {downloaderId})");
                            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileToDownload.LocalPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, bufferSize: _defaultFileStreamBufferSize, useAsync: true))
                                using (var downloadStream = await _fileContainerHttpClient.DownloadFileAsync(_containerId, fileToDownload.ItemPath, token, _projectId))
                                    await downloadStream.CopyToAsync(fs, _defaultCopyBufferSize, token);

                                    await fs.FlushAsync(token);

                                    context.Debug($"File: '{fileToDownload.LocalPath}' took {downloadTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds} milliseconds to finish download (Downloader {downloaderId})");
                        catch (OperationCanceledException) when(token.IsCancellationRequested)
                            context.Debug($"Download has been cancelled while downloading {fileToDownload.ItemPath}. (Downloader {downloaderId})");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            context.Warning($"Fail to download '{fileToDownload.ItemPath}', error: {ex.Message} (Downloader {downloaderId})");

                        if (retryCount < 3)
                            var backOff = BackoffTimerHelper.GetRandomBackoff(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
                            context.Warning($"Back off {backOff.TotalSeconds} seconds before retry. (Downloader {downloaderId})");
                            await Task.Delay(backOff);
                            // upload still failed after 3 tries.
                            downloadFailed = true;

                    if (downloadFailed)
                        // tracking file that failed to download.

                    Interlocked.Increment(ref _downloadFilesProcessed);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // We should never
                    context.Error($"Error '{ex.Message}' when downloading file '{fileToDownload}'. (Downloader {downloaderId})");

            return(new DownloadResult(failedFiles));