Esempio n. 1
        public static double GetPoints(Item item)
            if (item is IVvVItem && ((IVvVItem)item).IsVvVItem)

            double points = 0;

            Type type = item.GetType();

            if (Entries.ContainsKey(type))
                points = Entries[type];

                // Kind of ametuar, but if this arrizes more, we'll make a seperate function
                if (item is SOS && ((SOS)item).IsAncient)
                    points = 2500;

                if (item.Stackable)
                    points = points * item.Amount;

                if (item is RunicHammer)
                    RunicHammer hammer = (RunicHammer)item;

                    if (hammer.Resource == CraftResource.DullCopper)
                        points = 5 * hammer.UsesRemaining;
                    else if (hammer.Resource == CraftResource.ShadowIron)
                        points = 10 * hammer.UsesRemaining;
                    else if (hammer.Resource == CraftResource.Copper)
                        points = 25 * hammer.UsesRemaining;
                    else if (hammer.Resource == CraftResource.Bronze)
                        points = 100 * hammer.UsesRemaining;
                    else if (hammer.Resource == CraftResource.Gold)
                        points = 250 * hammer.UsesRemaining;
                    else if (hammer.Resource == CraftResource.Agapite)
                        points = 1000 * hammer.UsesRemaining;
                    else if (hammer.Resource == CraftResource.Verite)
                        points = 4000 * hammer.UsesRemaining;
                    else if (hammer.Resource == CraftResource.Valorite)
                        points = 8000 * hammer.UsesRemaining;
                else if (item is RunicSewingKit)
                    RunicSewingKit sewing = (RunicSewingKit)item;

                    if (sewing.Resource == CraftResource.SpinedLeather)
                        points = 10 * sewing.UsesRemaining;
                    else if (sewing.Resource == CraftResource.HornedLeather)
                        points = 100 * sewing.UsesRemaining;
                    else if (sewing.Resource == CraftResource.BarbedLeather)
                        points = 400 * sewing.UsesRemaining;
                else if (item is PowerScroll)
                    PowerScroll ps = (PowerScroll)item;

                    if (ps.Value == 105)
                        points = 50;
                    else if (ps.Value == 110)
                        points = 100;
                    else if (ps.Value == 115)
                        points = 500;
                    else if (ps.Value == 120)
                        points = 2500;
                else if (item is ScrollOfTranscendence)
                    SpecialScroll sot = (SpecialScroll)item;

                    points = sot.Value / 0.1 * 2;
                else if (item is Bait)
                    Bait bait = (Bait)item;

                    points = 10 * bait.UsesRemaining;
                else if (item is TreasureMap)
                    TreasureMap tmap = (TreasureMap)item;

                    if (tmap.Level == 1)
                        points = 50;
                    else if (tmap.Level == 2)
                        points = 100;
                    else if (tmap.Level == 3)
                        points = 250;
                    else if (tmap.Level == 4)
                        points = 500;
                    else if (tmap.Level == 5)
                        points = 750;
                    else if (tmap.Level == 6)
                        points = 1000;
                else if (item is MidnightBracers && item.LootType == LootType.Cursed)
                    points = 5000;
                else if (item is MonsterStatuette)
                    MonsterStatuette ms = (MonsterStatuette)item;

                    if (ms.Type == MonsterStatuetteType.Slime)
                        points = 5000;
                else if (item is PigmentsOfTokuno || item is LesserPigmentsOfTokuno)
                    BasePigmentsOfTokuno pigments = (BasePigmentsOfTokuno)item;
                    points = 500 * pigments.UsesRemaining;
                else if (item is ICombatEquipment)
                    points = GetPointsForEquipment(item);

                if (item.LootType != LootType.Blessed && points < 100 && item is IShipwreckedItem && ((IShipwreckedItem)item).IsShipwreckedItem)
                    points = 100;

Esempio n. 2
        public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            PlayerMobile from = sender.Mobile as PlayerMobile;

            for (i = 0; i < onsells[page].Length; i++)
                if (info.ButtonID == i + 1)
                    if (Banker.GetBalance(from) >= price[page][i] && price[page][i] != 0)
                        var it = Activator.CreateInstance(onsells[page][i]) as Item;

                        Banker.Withdraw(from, price[page][i]);
                        if (it.Name != null)
                            from.SendMessage("购买一个" + it.Name.ToString() + ", 花费了{0}个金币", price[page][i]);
                            from.SendMessage("购买一个东东" + ", 花费{0}个金币", price[page][i]);
                        if (it is Pitcher)                        //玻璃水壶
                            it = new Pitcher(BeverageType.Water); //装的是水
                        //if (page == 0 && i ==3)
                        else if (it is GlassMug)
                            it = new Jug(BeverageType.Water);//水壶 10次
                        else if (it is MysticBook)
                            ((MysticBook)it).Content = (1ul << ((MysticBook)it).BookCount) - 1;//allspells
                        else if (it is SpellweavingBook)
                            ((SpellweavingBook)it).Content = (1ul << ((SpellweavingBook)it).BookCount) - 1;//allspells
                        else if (it is SewingKit)
                            it = new RunicSewingKit(CraftResource.BarbedLeather, 15);
                        else if (it is SmithHammer)
                            it = new RunicHammer(CraftResource.Valorite, 15);
                        from.SendGump(new BuyGump(from, page));
                        from.SendMessage("钱不够了"); break;
            switch (info.ButtonID)
            case prev:
                if (page > 0)
                    from.SendGump(new BuyGump(from, --page));

            case next:
                if (page < onsells.Length - 1)
                    from.SendGump(new BuyGump(from, ++page));

            case 0:
            case close:
Esempio n. 3
        public static double GetPoints(Item item)
            double points = 0;

            Type type = item.GetType();

            if (Entries.ContainsKey(type))
                points = Entries[type];

                if (item.Stackable)
                    points = points * item.Amount;

                if (item is RunicHammer)
                    RunicHammer hammer = (RunicHammer)item;

                    if (hammer.Resource == CraftResource.DullCopper)
                        points = 5 * hammer.UsesRemaining;
                    else if (hammer.Resource == CraftResource.ShadowIron)
                        points = 10 * hammer.UsesRemaining;
                    else if (hammer.Resource == CraftResource.Copper)
                        points = 25 * hammer.UsesRemaining;
                    else if (hammer.Resource == CraftResource.Bronze)
                        points = 100 * hammer.UsesRemaining;
                    else if (hammer.Resource == CraftResource.Gold)
                        points = 250 * hammer.UsesRemaining;
                    else if (hammer.Resource == CraftResource.Agapite)
                        points = 1000 * hammer.UsesRemaining;
                    else if (hammer.Resource == CraftResource.Verite)
                        points = 4000 * hammer.UsesRemaining;
                    else if (hammer.Resource == CraftResource.Valorite)
                        points = 8000 * hammer.UsesRemaining;
                else if (item is RunicSewingKit)
                    RunicSewingKit sewing = (RunicSewingKit)item;

                    if (sewing.Resource == CraftResource.SpinedLeather)
                        points = 10 * sewing.UsesRemaining;
                    else if (sewing.Resource == CraftResource.HornedLeather)
                        points = 100 * sewing.UsesRemaining;
                    else if (sewing.Resource == CraftResource.BarbedLeather)
                        points = 400 * sewing.UsesRemaining;
                else if (item is PowerScroll)
                    PowerScroll ps = (PowerScroll)item;

                    if (ps.Value == 105)
                        points = 50;
                    else if (ps.Value == 110)
                        points = 100;
                    else if (ps.Value == 115)
                        points = 500;
                    else if (ps.Value == 120)
                        points = 2500;
                else if (item is ScrollofTranscendence)
                    SpecialScroll sot = (SpecialScroll)item;

                    points = sot.Value / 0.1 * 2;
                else if (item is Bait)
                    Bait bait = (Bait)item;

                    points = 10 * bait.UsesRemaining;
                else if (item is TreasureMap)
                    TreasureMap tmap = (TreasureMap)item;

                    if (tmap.Level == 1)
                        points = 50;
                    else if (tmap.Level == 2)
                        points = 100;
                    else if (tmap.Level == 3)
                        points = 250;
                    else if (tmap.Level == 4)
                        points = 500;
                    else if (tmap.Level == 5)
                        points = 750;
                    else if (tmap.Level == 6)
                        points = 1000;
                else if (item is MidnightBracers && item.LootType == LootType.Cursed)
                    points = 5000;
                else if (item is MonsterStatuette)
                    MonsterStatuette ms = (MonsterStatuette)item;

                    if (ms.Type == MonsterStatuetteType.Slime)
                        points = 5000;
                else if (item is PigmentsOfTokuno || item is LesserPigmentsOfTokuno)
                    BasePigmentsOfTokuno pigments = (BasePigmentsOfTokuno)item;
                    points = 500 * pigments.UsesRemaining;

Esempio n. 4
        public void Generate(Mobile m, Container cont, bool spawning, int luck)
            int index = 0;

            foreach (LootPackEntry entry in m_Entries)
                if (!entry.AtSpawnTime && spawning)

                int itemIndex = Utility.Random(entry.Types.Count);

                bool drop = false;
                if (entry.DropChance >= 100)
                    drop = true;
                    if (entry.DropChance >= Utility.Random(100))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Create: DropChance >= Creation Chance... ");
                        drop = true;

                if (!drop)

                //Console.WriteLine("Create: Drop Test Passed");

                 * Item check = (Item)Activator.CreateInstance(entry.Types[itemIndex]);
                 * int loop = 1;
                 * if (!check.Stackable)
                 *  loop = entry.DropAmount;

                for (int a = 0; a < ((entry.Types[itemIndex] == typeof(Gold)) ? 1 : entry.DropAmount); a++)
                    Item looted = null;
                    if (entry.Types[itemIndex] == typeof(BasePotion))
                        int t = Utility.Random(LootPack.LowPotions.Count);
                        Server.LootPackItem lpi = new Server.LootPackItem(Custom.LootPack.LowPotions[t], 1);
                        looted = lpi.Construct(true, true, true);
                    else if (entry.Types[itemIndex] == typeof(TreasureMap))
                        looted = new TreasureMap(Utility.Random(5), Map.Felucca);
                        ((TreasureMap)looted).Decoder = m;
                    else if (entry.Types[itemIndex] == typeof(BaseRunicTool))
                        switch (Utility.Random(2))
                        case 0: looted = new RunicSewingKit(GetRandomLeather()); break;

                        case 1: looted = new RunicHammer(GetRandomMetal()); break;

                        // case 2: looted = new RunicSaw(GetRandomWood()); break;
                        // case 3: looted = new RunicFletcherTools(GetRandomWood()); break;
                        case 2: looted = new RunicSewingKit(GetRandomLeather()); break;    //J.I.C
                        Server.LootPackItem lpi = new Server.LootPackItem(entry.Types[itemIndex], 1);
                        looted = lpi.Construct(true, true, true);

                    if (looted == null)

                    //Console.WriteLine("Create: Construct Test Passed");
                    //Console.WriteLine("Mutate: # of Possible Attributes = " + entry.AttributeAmount);

                    int chance = 0;
                    for (int b = 0; b < entry.AttributeAmount; b++)
                        chance = Utility.Random(100);
                        //Console.WriteLine("Mutate: Attach Chance " + chance);
                        int propCount = ItemProps.BonusCount(looted);
                        if (propCount < entry.AttributeAmount && entry.AttributeChance >= chance)
                            //Console.WriteLine("Mutate: Prop Chance >= Attach Chance");
                            looted = Mutate(m, luck, looted, index, itemIndex);

                    if (looted == null)

                    // if (looted is BaseRanged/*.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(BaseRanged))*/ && 1 >= Utility.Random(200))

                    /* {
                     *   ((BaseRanged)looted).EnergyBow = true;
                     *   ((BaseRanged)looted).EnergyCost = Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 10);
                     * }*/

                    //if (looted.GetType() == typeof(ScrollofCombatSecrets) || 1 >= Utility.Random(1000))
                    //looted.LootType = LootType.Blessed;

                    if (looted.Stackable)
                        looted.Amount = entry.DropAmount;

                    //Skill Bonus Bug Fix

                    if (!cont.TryDropItem(m, looted, false))

                    if (entry.Types.Count > 1)
                        itemIndex = Utility.Random(entry.Types.Count);

                    if (looted.Stackable)
