public static int Init(InitOptions options) { var workspaceRoot = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); var workspaceName = options.WorkspaceName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(workspaceName)) { workspaceName = Path.GetFileName(workspaceRoot); ; } else { workspaceRoot = Path.Combine(workspaceRoot, workspaceName); Directory.CreateDirectory(workspaceRoot); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(workspaceRoot); } var runfiles = Runfiles.Create(); var templates = Templates.CreateDefault(runfiles); var workspaceMaker = new WorkspaceMaker(workspaceRoot, workspaceName, templates); workspaceMaker.Init(); Console.WriteLine("Workspace created, next steps:"); Console.WriteLine("bazel run //:gazelle"); Console.WriteLine("bazel build //..."); Console.WriteLine("bazel test //..."); return(0); }
private static string?FindGazelle(Runfiles runfiles) { // are we released? var artifactsFolder = runfiles.Rlocation($"rules_msbuild/.azpipelines/artifacts"); string?gazellePath = null; // if we're in nuget, runfiles will be directory-based, and this will work just fine on windows if (Directory.Exists(artifactsFolder)) { var subPath = Util.GetGazellePath(); gazellePath = Path.Combine(artifactsFolder, subPath); } else { string suffix = ""; if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { suffix = ".exe"; } gazellePath = runfiles.Rlocation($"rules_msbuild/gazelle/dotnet/gazelle-dotnet_/gazelle-dotnet{suffix}"); } if (gazellePath == null || !File.Exists(gazellePath)) { Console.Error.WriteLine( $"Failed to locate gazelle-dotnet binary at path {gazellePath}, please file an issue at"); return(null); } return(gazellePath); }
public void TestCreatesManifestBasedRunfiles() { using var mf = new MockFile("a/b c/d"); var r = Runfiles.Create( new Dictionary <string, string> { { "RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY", "1" }, { "RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE", mf.Path }, { "RUNFILES_DIR", "ignored when RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY=1" }, { "TEST_SRCDIR", "should always be ignored" } }); r.Rlocation("a/b").Should().Be("c/d"); r.Rlocation("foo").Should().BeNull(); if (IsWindows()) { r.Rlocation("c:/foo").Should().Be("c:/foo"); r.Rlocation("c:\\foo").Should().Be("c:\\foo"); } else { r.Rlocation("/foo").Should().Be("/foo"); } }
static int Main(string[] args) { // for testing building an executable in an external workspace if (args[0] == "ping") { Console.WriteLine("pong"); return(0); } Debug(string.Join(" ", args)); Debug(Environment.CurrentDirectory); if (args.Length != 1) { return(Fail($"Expected config file as only argument. Got {String.Join(" ", args)}")); } var runfiles = Runfiles.Create(); var config = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <TestConfig>(File.ReadAllText(args[0]), new JsonSerializerOptions() { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase }); config !.ReleaseTar = runfiles.Rlocation(config.ReleaseTar); config !.Bazel = runfiles.Rlocation(config.Bazel); Info($"Using release tar {config!.ReleaseTar}"); Info($"Using input workspace {config!.WorkspaceRoot}"); using var testRunner = new TestRunner(runfiles, config); var exitCode = testRunner.Run(); Debug($"testRunner exit code is {exitCode}"); return(exitCode); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var runfiles = Runfiles.Create(); var foo = runfiles.Rlocation("rules_msbuild/tests/examples/NuGet/Tool/foo.txt"); Console.WriteLine("runfile contents: " + File.ReadAllText(foo)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var runfiles = Runfiles.Create(); var path = runfiles.Rlocation("hello/RunfilesTest/foo.txt"); Console.WriteLine(File.ReadAllText(path)); }
public void TestDirectoryBasedEnvVars() { var dir = Files.CreateTempDirectory(); var envVars = Runfiles.Create( new Dictionary <string, string> { { "RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE", "ignored when RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY is not set to 1" }, { "RUNFILES_DIR", dir }, { "JAVA_RUNFILES", "ignored when RUNFILES_DIR has a value" }, { "TEST_SRCDIR", "should always be ignored" } }) .GetEnvVars(); envVars.Keys.Should().Equal("RUNFILES_DIR"); envVars["RUNFILES_DIR"].Should().Be(dir); }
public void TestManifestBasedCtorArgumentValidation() { AssertThrows <ArgumentException>(() => Runfiles.CreateManifestBasedForTesting(null)); AssertThrows <ArgumentException>(() => Runfiles.CreateManifestBasedForTesting("")); using var mf = new MockFile("a b"); Runfiles.CreateManifestBasedForTesting(mf.Path); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var r = Runfiles.Create(); var contents = File.ReadAllText(r.Rlocation("rules_msbuild/tests/dotnet/tools/runfiles/integration/foo.txt")); Console.Write(contents); }
private void AssertRlocationArg(Runfiles runfiles, string path, string error) { var e = AssertThrows <ArgumentException>(() => runfiles.Rlocation(path)); if (error != null) { e.Message.Should().Contain(error); } }
public void TestFailsToCreateManifestBasedBecauseManifestDoesNotExist() { var e = AssertThrows <FileNotFoundException>( () => Runfiles.Create(new Dictionary <string, string> { { "RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY", "1" }, { "RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE", "non-existing path" } })); e.Message.Should().Contain("non-existing path"); }
public static string UpdateWorkspaceTemplate(Runfiles runfiles, string tarPath, string url) { var workspaceTemplate = File.ReadAllText(runfiles.Rlocation("rules_msbuild/dotnet/tools/Bzl/WORKSPACE.tpl")); var sha256 = File.ReadAllText(tarPath + ".sha256"); var indexMatch = Regex.Match(workspaceTemplate, @"http_archive\(.*\s+name = ""rules_msbuild"",", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline); var index = (indexMatch.Index + indexMatch.Length); var section = workspaceTemplate[index..];
public void TestDirectoryBasedCtorArgumentValidation() { AssertThrows <ArgumentException>( () => Runfiles.CreateDirectoryBasedForTesting(null)); AssertThrows <ArgumentException>(() => Runfiles.CreateDirectoryBasedForTesting("")); AssertThrows <ArgumentException>( () => Runfiles.CreateDirectoryBasedForTesting("non-existent directory is bad")); Runfiles.CreateDirectoryBasedForTesting(BazelEnvironment.GetTmpDir()); }
public void TestManifestBasedRlocation() { using var mf = new MockFile( "Foo/runfile1 C:/Actual Path\\runfile1", "Foo/Bar/runfile2 D:\\the path\\run file 2.txt"); var r = Runfiles.CreateManifestBasedForTesting(mf.Path); r.Rlocation("Foo/runfile1").Should().Be("C:/Actual Path\\runfile1"); r.Rlocation("Foo/Bar/runfile2").Should().Be("D:\\the path\\run file 2.txt"); r.Rlocation("unknown").Should().BeNull(); }
public void TestDirectoryBasedRlocation() { // The DirectoryBased implementation simply joins the runfiles directory and the runfile's path // on a "/". DirectoryBased does not perform any normalization, nor does it check that the path // exists. var dir = Path.Combine(BazelEnvironment.GetTmpDir() !, "mock/runfiles"); Directory.CreateDirectory(dir).Exists.Should().Be(true); var r = Runfiles.CreateDirectoryBasedForTesting(dir); // Escaping for "\": once for string and once for regex. r.Rlocation("arg").Should().MatchRegex(@".*[/\\]mock[/\\]runfiles[/\\]arg"); }
public static int Gazelle(GazelleOptions options) { var runfiles = Runfiles.Create(); var gazelle = FindGazelle(runfiles); if (gazelle == null) { return(1); } var process = Process.Start(gazelle); process !.WaitForExit(); return(process.ExitCode); }
private static int Test(string tarPath) { var workspaceRoot = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); var workspaceName = Path.GetFileName(workspaceRoot); var runfiles = Runfiles.Create(); var templates = Templates.CreateDefault(runfiles); var workspaceContents = Util.UpdateWorkspaceTemplate(runfiles, tarPath, $"file:{tarPath}"); templates.Workspace = new Template("WORKSPACE", workspaceContents); var workspaceMaker = new WorkspaceMaker(workspaceRoot, workspaceName, templates); workspaceMaker.Init(); return(0); }
public void TestCreatesDirectoryBasedRunfiles() { var dir = Files.CreateTempDirectory(); var r = Runfiles.Create( new Dictionary <string, string> { { "RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE", "ignored when RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY is not set to 1" }, { "RUNFILES_DIR", dir }, { "TEST_SRCDIR", "should always be ignored" } }); r.Rlocation("a/b").Should().EndWith("/a/b"); r.Rlocation("foo").Should().EndWith("/foo"); }
public void TestManifestBasedEnvVars() { var dir = Files.CreateTempDirectory(); var mf = Path.Combine(dir, "MANIFEST"); File.WriteAllLines(mf, Array.Empty <string>(), Encoding.UTF8); var envvars = Runfiles.Create( new Dictionary <string, string> { { "RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY", "1" }, { "RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE", mf }, { "RUNFILES_DIR", "ignored when RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY=1" }, { "JAVA_RUNFILES", "ignored when RUNFILES_DIR has a value" }, { "TEST_SRCDIR", "should always be ignored" } }) .GetEnvVars(); envvars.Keys.Should().Equal("RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY", "RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE", "RUNFILES_DIR"); envvars["RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY"].Should().Be("1"); envvars["RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE"].Should().Be(mf); envvars["RUNFILES_DIR"].Should().Be(dir); var rfDir = Path.Combine(dir, "foo.runfiles"); Directory.CreateDirectory(rfDir); mf = Path.Combine(dir, "foo.runfiles_manifest"); File.WriteAllLines(mf, Array.Empty <string>(), Encoding.UTF8); envvars = Runfiles.Create( new Dictionary <string, string> { { "RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY", "1" }, { "RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE", mf }, { "RUNFILES_DIR", "ignored when RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY=1" }, { "TEST_SRCDIR", "should always be ignored" } }) .GetEnvVars(); envvars["RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY"].Should().Be("1"); envvars["RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE"].Should().Be(mf); envvars["RUNFILES_DIR"].Should().Be(rfDir); }
public void TestRlocationArgumentValidation() { var dir = Files.CreateTempDirectory(); var r = Runfiles.Create(new Dictionary <string, string> { { "RUNFILES_DIR", dir } }).Runfiles; AssertRlocationArg(r, null, null); AssertRlocationArg(r, "", null); AssertRlocationArg(r, "../foo", "is not normalized"); AssertRlocationArg(r, "foo/..", "is not normalized"); AssertRlocationArg(r, "foo/../bar", "is not normalized"); AssertRlocationArg(r, "./foo", "is not normalized"); AssertRlocationArg(r, "foo/.", "is not normalized"); AssertRlocationArg(r, "foo/./bar", "is not normalized"); AssertRlocationArg(r, "//foobar", "is not normalized"); AssertRlocationArg(r, "foo//", "is not normalized"); AssertRlocationArg(r, "foo//bar", "is not normalized"); AssertRlocationArg(r, "\\foo", "path is absolute without a drive letter"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var runfiles = Runfiles.Create(); var root = BazelEnvironment.GetWorkspaceRoot(); var tocList = new List <(string, string)>(); for (var i = 0; i < args.Length; i += 2) { var label = new Label(args[i]); var file = args[i + 1]; Info($"Processing: {label.RawValue} => {file}"); var rlocation = runfiles.Rlocation($"rules_msbuild/{file}"); var contents = File.ReadAllText(rlocation); var destRel = string.Join('/', "docs", Path.GetFileName(label.Package) + ".md"); var dest = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(root, destRel)); contents = LabelLinkRegex.Replace(contents, (match) => { var labelLink = new Label(match.Groups["label"].Value); string package; if (labelLink.IsRelative) { package = labelLink.Package; } else { package = labelLink.Package; } var labelRel = string.Join('/', package, labelLink.Name); var targetFile = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(root, labelRel)); var rel = Path.GetRelativePath(Path.GetDirectoryName(dest) !, targetFile).Replace('\\', '/'); Info($"{labelLink.RawValue} => {rel}"); return($"[{match.Groups["link_text"]}]({rel})"); });
public TestRunner(Runfiles runfiles, TestConfig config) { _runfiles = runfiles; _config = config; }
public static Templates CreateDefault(Runfiles runfiles) { var templates = new Templates(); var toLoad = new (string, string, string)[]