Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RunStatus" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputs">The inputs used for this run. (required).</param>
        /// <param name="outputs">The outputs produced by this run. (required).</param>
        /// <param name="startedAt">The time at which the task was started (required).</param>
        /// <param name="id">The ID of the individual run. (required).</param>
        /// <param name="jobId">The ID of the job that generated this run. (required).</param>
        /// <param name="annotations">An optional dictionary to add annotations to inputs. These annotations will be used by the client side libraries..</param>
        /// <param name="message">Any message produced by the task. Usually error/debugging hints..</param>
        /// <param name="finishedAt">The time at which the task was completed.</param>
        /// <param name="source">Source url for the status object. It can be a recipe or a function..</param>
        /// <param name="entrypoint">The ID of the first step in the run..</param>
        /// <param name="status">The status of this run..</param>
        /// <param name="steps">steps.</param>
        public RunStatus
            List <AnyOf <StepStringInput, StepIntegerInput, StepNumberInput, StepBooleanInput, StepFolderInput, StepFileInput, StepPathInput, StepArrayInput, StepJSONObjectInput> > inputs, List <AnyOf <StepStringOutput, StepIntegerOutput, StepNumberOutput, StepBooleanOutput, StepFolderOutput, StepFileOutput, StepPathOutput, StepArrayOutput, StepJSONObjectOutput> > outputs, DateTime startedAt, string id, string jobId, // Required parameters
            Dictionary <string, string> annotations = default, string message = default, DateTime finishedAt = default, string source = default, string entrypoint = default, RunStatusEnum status = RunStatusEnum.Unknown, Dictionary <string, StepStatus> steps = default                                                                                                                                                          // Optional parameters
        ) : base()                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   // BaseClass
            // to ensure "inputs" is required (not null)
            this.Inputs = inputs ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("inputs is a required property for RunStatus and cannot be null");
            // to ensure "outputs" is required (not null)
            this.Outputs   = outputs ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("outputs is a required property for RunStatus and cannot be null");
            this.StartedAt = startedAt;
            // to ensure "id" is required (not null)
            this.Id = id ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("id is a required property for RunStatus and cannot be null");
            // to ensure "jobId" is required (not null)
            this.JobId       = jobId ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("jobId is a required property for RunStatus and cannot be null");
            this.Annotations = annotations;
            this.Message     = message;
            this.FinishedAt  = finishedAt;
            this.Source      = source;
            this.Entrypoint  = entrypoint;
            this.Status      = status;
            this.Steps       = steps;

            // Set non-required readonly properties with defaultValue
            this.ApiVersion = "v1beta1";
            this.Type       = "RunStatus";
Esempio n. 2
 public TableData(
     int reportIid, string reportFile, ReportTypeEnum reportType,
     PrintStatusEnum printStatus,
     int printPathIid, int numCopy, bool sendMessage, bool graph,
     SortDirectionEnum groupDirection1, SortDirectionEnum groupDirection2, SortDirectionEnum groupDirection3,
     string groupHeader1, string groupHeader2, string groupHeader3,
     string groupTable1, string groupTable2, string groupTable3,
     SortDirectionEnum sortDirection1, SortDirectionEnum sortDirection2, SortDirectionEnum sortDirection3,
     string sortHeader1, string sortHeader2, string sortHeader3,
     string sortTable1, string sortTable2, string sortTable3,
     int bulletinNumber, string batchName, int batchUser,
     int batchPathId, int emailId, OutputEnum outputType,
     int dirPathId, string CompletedReportFile, CopyStatusEnum copyStatus, EmailStatusEnum emailStatus, RunStatusEnum runStatus, int eMailType)
     ReportIid                = reportIid;
     ReportFile               = reportFile;
     ReportType               = reportType;
     PrintStatus              = printStatus;
     PrintPathIid             = printPathIid;
     NumCopy                  = numCopy;
     SendMessage              = sendMessage;
     Graph                    = graph;
     GroupDirection1          = groupDirection1;
     GroupDirection2          = groupDirection2;
     GroupDirection3          = groupDirection3;
     GroupHeader1             = groupHeader1;
     GroupHeader2             = groupHeader2;
     GroupHeader3             = groupHeader3;
     GroupTable1              = groupTable1;
     GroupTable2              = groupTable2;
     GroupTable3              = groupTable3;
     SortDirection1           = sortDirection1;
     SortDirection2           = sortDirection2;
     SortDirection3           = sortDirection3;
     SortHeader1              = sortHeader1;
     SortHeader2              = sortHeader2;
     SortHeader3              = sortHeader3;
     SortTable1               = sortTable1;
     SortTable2               = sortTable2;
     SortTable3               = sortTable3;
     BulletinNumber           = bulletinNumber;
     BatchName                = batchName;
     BatchUser                = batchUser;
     BatchPathId              = batchPathId;
     EmailId                  = emailId;
     OutputType               = outputType;
     DirPathId                = dirPathId;
     this.CompletedReportFile = CompletedReportFile;
     CopyStatus               = copyStatus;
     EmailStatus              = emailStatus;
     RunStatus                = runStatus;
     EmailType                = eMailType;
Esempio n. 3
 public void UpdateScriptRecordStatusInDatabase(int scriptId, RunStatusEnum runStatus)
     DatabaseUtil.RunFreeTextQueryInSqlRunner(Constants.UpdateRunStatusQuery, new List <SqlParameter>
         new SqlParameter(Constants.RunStatusIdParam, SqlDbType.Int)
             Value = runStatus
         new SqlParameter(Constants.ScriptIdParam, SqlDbType.Int)
             Value = scriptId
     }, true);