// Probably want to build a proper, dedicated line-drawing class if you start using this function extensively. public void InstantiateDominationLines(Ruler ruler) { Location loc = ruler.GetHomeLocation(); List <Location> lineLocations = new List <Location>(); foreach (Location location in ruler.GetControlledLocations()) { lineLocations.Add(location); } foreach (Location lineloc in lineLocations) { GameObject lineObj = Instantiate(linePrefab); LineRenderer line = lineObj.GetComponent <LineRenderer>(); // Set false to not scale to map holder and go offpos. Alternatively set localscale to 1,1,1 at bottom. lineObj.transform.SetParent(MapController.Instance.GetActiveMapHolder().transform, false); lineList.Add(lineObj); line.startWidth = lineStartSize; line.endWidth = lineEndSize; lineObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); line.SetPosition(0, ruler.GetPositionVector()); line.SetPosition(1, lineloc.GetPositionVector()); line.startColor = Color.blue; line.endColor = Color.red; } }