Esempio n. 1
        public void TestBre2()
            const string       connStr = "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=BizTalkMgmtDb;Integrated Security=True;Min Pool Size=10;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Connect Timeout=30;Network Library=dbnmpntw;Application Name=ShoBiz";
            BtsCatalogExplorer bce     = new BtsCatalogExplorer();

            bce.ConnectionString = connStr;

            SqlRuleStore srs = new SqlRuleStore(connStr.Replace("BizTalkMgmtDb", "BizTalkRuleEngineDb"));

            RuleSetInfoCollection rsic = srs.GetRuleSets(RuleStore.Filter.LatestPublished);

            foreach (Policy p in bce.Applications["EPS Cloud Catalog"].Policies)
                PrintLine("Policy Name: {0}", p.Name);

            foreach (RuleSetInfo info in rsic)
                PrintLine("RuleSet found: {0} ({1}.{2})", info.Name, info.MajorRevision, info.MinorRevision);

                RuleSet rs = srs.GetRuleSet(info);

                RuleDisplayStringExtractor rdse = new RuleDisplayStringExtractor(srs, info);

                PrintLine("rules count: {0}", rs.Rules.Count);
                if (rs.Rules.Count == 0)
                IEnumerator iter = rs.Rules.GetEnumerator();
                while (iter.MoveNext())
                    DictionaryEntry de = (DictionaryEntry)iter.Current;
                    Rule            r  = de.Value as Rule;
                    PrintLine("Rule Display String Extractor ({0}): {1}", r.Name, rdse.ExtractRuleDisplayString(r));
Esempio n. 2
        void SaveTopic()
            //var bce = CatalogExplorerFactory.CatalogExplorer();
            //bce.ConnectionString = CatalogExplorerFactory.CatalogExplorer().ConnectionString;
                root = CreateDeveloperConceptualElement();
                var      srs = new SqlRuleStore(CatalogExplorerFactory.CatalogExplorer().ConnectionString.Replace("BizTalkMgmtDb", rulesDb));
                XElement intro;
                //find our policy in the crowd
                Policy p = null;
                foreach (Policy policy in CatalogExplorerFactory.CatalogExplorer().Applications[appName].Policies)
                    if (!policy.Name.Equals(ruleName))
                    p = policy;
                if (p == null)
                    intro = new XElement(xmlns + "introduction", new XElement(xmlns + "para", new XText("Policy was not found!")));
                    if (doc.Root != null)
                    ReadyToSave = true;

                var rs = srs.GetRuleSet(new RuleSetInfo(p.Name, p.MajorRevision, p.MinorRevision));

                root  = CreateDeveloperXmlReference();
                intro = new XElement(xmlns + "introduction", new XElement(xmlns + "para", new XText(string.Format("This section outlines the properties for the {0} rule set.", p.Name))));

                var exeConfInfo = new XElement(xmlns + "section",
                                               new XElement(xmlns + "title", new XText("Execution Configuration Properties")),
                                               new XElement(xmlns + "content",
                                                            new XElement(xmlns + "table",
                                                                         new XElement(xmlns + "tableHeader",
                                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "row",
                                                                                                   new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Property")),
                                                                                                   new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Value")))),
                                                                         new XElement(xmlns + "row",
                                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Fact Retriever Class Name")),
                                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText(null == rs.ExecutionConfiguration.FactRetriever ? "N/A" : rs.ExecutionConfiguration.FactRetriever.ClassName ?? "N/A"))),
                                                                         new XElement(xmlns + "row",
                                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Fact Retriever Assembly Name")),
                                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText(null == rs.ExecutionConfiguration.FactRetriever ? "N/A" : rs.ExecutionConfiguration.FactRetriever.AssemblyName ?? "N/A"))),
                                                                         new XElement(xmlns + "row",
                                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Max Execution Loop Depth")),
                                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText(rs.ExecutionConfiguration.MaxExecutionLoopDepth.ToString()))),
                                                                         new XElement(xmlns + "row",
                                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Maximum Working Memory Size")),
                                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText(rs.ExecutionConfiguration.MaxWorkingMemorySize.ToString()))),
                                                                         new XElement(xmlns + "row",
                                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Translation Duration (milliseconds)")),
                                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText(rs.ExecutionConfiguration.TranslationDuration.ToString()))),
                                                                         new XElement(xmlns + "row",
                                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Translator Class")),
                                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText(null == rs.ExecutionConfiguration.Translator ? "N/A" : rs.ExecutionConfiguration.Translator.ClassName ?? "N/A"))),
                                                                         new XElement(xmlns + "row",
                                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Translator Assembly")),
                                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText(null == rs.ExecutionConfiguration.Translator ? "N/A" : rs.ExecutionConfiguration.Translator.AssemblyName ?? "N/A")))

                var         rulesList = new List <XElement>();
                IEnumerator iter      = rs.Rules.GetEnumerator();

                while (iter.MoveNext())
                    var de = (DictionaryEntry)iter.Current;
                    var r  = de.Value as Rule;
                    if (null == r)
                    var rsi  = new RuleSetInfo(p.Name, p.MajorRevision, p.MinorRevision);
                    var rdse = new RuleDisplayStringExtractor(srs, rsi);
                    var s    = new XElement(xmlns + "section",
                                            new XElement(xmlns + "title", new XText(string.Format("Rule: {0}", r.Name))),
                                            new XElement(xmlns + "content",
                                                         new XElement(xmlns + "para", new XElement(xmlns + "legacyBold", new XText("Rule display:"))),
                                                         new XElement(xmlns + "code", new XAttribute("language", "other"), new XText(rdse.ExtractRuleDisplayString(r))),
                                                         new XElement(xmlns + "para", new XElement(xmlns + "legacyBold", new XText("Rule properties:"))),
                                                         new XElement(xmlns + "table",
                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "tableHeader",
                                                                                   new XElement(xmlns + "row",
                                                                                                new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Property")),
                                                                                                new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Value")))),
                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "row",
                                                                                   new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Active")),
                                                                                   new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText(r.Active.ToString()))),
                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "row",
                                                                                   new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Priority")),
                                                                                   new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText(r.Priority.ToString()))),
                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "row",
                                                                                   new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Vocabulary Definition Id")),
                                                                                   new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText(r.VocabularyLink == null ? "N/A" : r.VocabularyLink.DefinitionId ?? "N/A"))),
                                                                      new XElement(xmlns + "row",
                                                                                   new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Vocabulary Id")),
                                                                                   new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText(r.VocabularyLink == null ? "N/A" : r.VocabularyLink.VocabularyId ?? "N/A")))


                //parent section
                var section = new XElement(xmlns + "section",
                                           new XElement(xmlns + "title", new XText("Business RuleSet Properties")),
                                           new XElement(xmlns + "content",
                                                        new XElement(xmlns + "para", new XText(rs.CurrentVersion.Description ?? "The current version of this rule set has no comments associated with it.")),
                                                        new XElement(xmlns + "table",
                                                                     new XElement(xmlns + "tableHeader",
                                                                                  new XElement(xmlns + "row",
                                                                                               new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Property")),
                                                                                               new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Value")))),
                                                                     new XElement(xmlns + "row",
                                                                                  new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Current Version")),
                                                                                  new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText(rs.CurrentVersion.MajorRevision + "." + rs.CurrentVersion.MinorRevision))),
                                                                     new XElement(xmlns + "row",
                                                                                  new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Last Modified By")),
                                                                                  new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText(rs.CurrentVersion.ModifiedBy))),
                                                                     new XElement(xmlns + "row",
                                                                                  new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText("Modification Timestamp")),
                                                                                  new XElement(xmlns + "entry", new XText(rs.CurrentVersion.ModifiedTime.ToString())))),
                                                        new XElement(xmlns + "sections", rulesList.ToArray(), exeConfInfo)

                root.Add(intro, section);
                if (doc.Root != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
                HandleException("BusinessRuleTopic.DoWork", ex);