/// <summary>
        /// (non-Javadoc)
        /// @see com.lowagie.text.rtf.parser.properties.RtfPropertyListener#beforeChange(java.lang.String)
        /// </summary>
        public void BeforePropertyChange(string propertyName)
            // do we have any text to do anything with?
            // if not, then just return without action.
            if (_buffer.Length == 0) return;

            if (propertyName.StartsWith(RtfProperty.CHARACTER))
                // this is a character change,
                // add a new chunck to the current paragraph using current character settings.
                Chunk chunk = new Chunk();
                _buffer = new StringBuilder(255);
                Hashtable charProperties = RtfParser.GetState().Properties.GetProperties(RtfProperty.CHARACTER);
                string defFont = (string)charProperties[RtfProperty.CHARACTER_FONT];
                if (defFont == null) defFont = "0";
                RtfDestinationFontTable fontTable = (RtfDestinationFontTable)RtfParser.GetDestination("fonttbl");
                Font currFont = fontTable.GetFont(defFont);
                int fs = Font.NORMAL;
                if (charProperties.ContainsKey(RtfProperty.CHARACTER_BOLD)) fs |= Font.BOLD;
                if (charProperties.ContainsKey(RtfProperty.CHARACTER_ITALIC)) fs |= Font.ITALIC;
                if (charProperties.ContainsKey(RtfProperty.CHARACTER_UNDERLINE)) fs |= Font.UNDERLINE;
                Font useFont = FontFactory.GetFont(currFont.Familyname, 12, fs, new BaseColor(0, 0, 0));

                chunk.Font = useFont;
                if (_iTextParagraph == null) _iTextParagraph = new Paragraph();

                if (propertyName.StartsWith(RtfProperty.PARAGRAPH))
                    // this is a paragraph change. what do we do?
                    if (propertyName.StartsWith(RtfProperty.SECTION))

                        if (propertyName.StartsWith(RtfProperty.DOCUMENT))
