public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { cacheIsRunning = reader.ReadBoolean(); cacheIsRegistered = reader.ReadBoolean(); licenseIsExpired = reader.ReadBoolean(); name = reader.ReadObject() as string; inproc = reader.ReadBoolean(); cacheType = reader.ReadObject() as string; log = reader.ReadObject() as Log; perfCounters = reader.ReadObject() as PerfCounters; indexes = reader.ReadObject() as QueryIndex; backingSource = reader.ReadObject() as BackingSource; notifications = reader.ReadObject() as Notifications; cleanup = reader.ReadObject() as Cleanup; storage = reader.ReadObject() as Storage; evictionPolicy = reader.ReadObject() as EvictionPolicy; expirationPolicy = reader.ReadObject() as ExpirationPolicy; cluster = reader.ReadObject() as Cluster; _replicationStrategy = reader.ReadObject() as ReplicationStrategy; autoBalancing = reader.ReadObject() as AutoLoadBalancing; clientNodes = reader.ReadObject() as ClientNodes; _sqlDependencyConfig = reader.ReadObject() as SQLDependencyConfig; _taskConfiguration = reader.ReadObject() as TaskConfiguration; deathDetection = reader.ReadObject() as ClientDeathDetection; _runtimeContextValue = reader.ReadObject() as string == "1" ? RtContextValue.JVCACHE : RtContextValue.NCACHE; _synchronizationStrategy = reader.ReadObject() as SynchronizationStrategy; string temp = reader.ReadObject() as String; _dataFormat = Common.Enum.DataFormat.Binary; clientActivityNotification = reader.ReadObject() as ClientActivityNotification; }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _cacheId = reader.ReadObject() as string; _loadBalance = reader.ReadBoolean(); _isRegisteredLocal = reader.ReadBoolean(); //Needs to be intinalized at every read _serversPriorityList = new Dictionary <int, CacheServer>(); int lenght = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < lenght; i++) { _serversPriorityList.Add(reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadObject() as CacheServer); } _serverName = reader.ReadObject() as string; _bindIp = reader.ReadObject() as string; _serverRuntimeContext = reader.ReadObject() as string == "1" ? RtContextValue.JVCACHE : RtContextValue.NCACHE; if (reader.ReadBoolean()) { _serverMapping = reader.ReadObject() as ServerMapping; } _enableClientLogs = reader.ReadBoolean(); _logLevel = reader.ReadObject() as string; _enableServerPriorities = reader.ReadBoolean(); }
private static string ExtractDomainName(string path, RtContextValue _context) { string domainName = ""; string[] dcPath = path.Split(','); if (_context.Equals(RtContextValue.JVCACHE)) { foreach (string str in dcPath) { string[] keyvalue = str.Split('='); if (keyvalue[0].ToLower() == "dc") { domainName += keyvalue[1]; domainName += "."; } } } else { foreach (string str in dcPath) { int index = str.IndexOf('='); domainName += str.Substring(index + 1); domainName += "."; } } domainName = domainName.Remove(domainName.Length - 1); return(domainName); }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { cacheIsRunning = reader.ReadBoolean(); cacheIsRegistered = reader.ReadBoolean(); licenseIsExpired = reader.ReadBoolean(); name = reader.ReadObject() as string; inproc = reader.ReadBoolean(); configID = reader.ReadDouble(); lastModified = reader.ReadObject() as string; cacheType = reader.ReadObject() as string; log = reader.ReadObject() as Log; perfCounters = reader.ReadObject() as PerfCounters; autoBalancing = reader.ReadObject() as AutoLoadBalancing; indexes = reader.ReadObject() as QueryIndex; cleanup = reader.ReadObject() as Cleanup; storage = reader.ReadObject() as Storage; evictionPolicy = reader.ReadObject() as EvictionPolicy; cluster = reader.ReadObject() as Cluster; clientNodes = reader.ReadObject() as ClientNodes; _runtimeContextValue = reader.ReadObject() as string == "1" ? RtContextValue.JVCACHE : RtContextValue.NCACHE; }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { cacheIsRunning = reader.ReadBoolean(); cacheIsRegistered = reader.ReadBoolean(); licenseIsExpired = reader.ReadBoolean(); name = reader.ReadObject() as string; inproc = reader.ReadBoolean(); configID = reader.ReadString(); configVersion = reader.ReadDouble(); lastModified = reader.ReadObject() as string; cacheType = reader.ReadObject() as string; log = reader.ReadObject() as Log; perfCounters = reader.ReadObject() as PerfCounters; backingSource = reader.ReadObject() as BackingSource; notifications = reader.ReadObject() as Notifications; cleanup = reader.ReadObject() as Cleanup; storage = reader.ReadObject() as Storage; evictionPolicy = reader.ReadObject() as EvictionPolicy; cluster = reader.ReadObject() as Cluster; _replicationStrategy = reader.ReadObject() as ReplicationStrategy; security = reader.ReadObject() as Security; autoBalancing = reader.ReadObject() as AutoLoadBalancing; clientNodes = reader.ReadObject() as ClientNodes; _sqlDependencyConfig = reader.ReadObject() as SQLDependencyConfig; deathDetection = reader.ReadObject() as ClientDeathDetection; _runtimeContextValue = reader.ReadObject() as string == "1" ? RtContextValue.JVCACHE : RtContextValue.NCACHE; _synchronizationStrategy = reader.ReadObject() as SynchronizationStrategy; string temp = reader.ReadObject() as String; if (temp.ToLower().Equals("binary")) { _dataFormat = Common.Enum.DataFormat.Binary; } else if (temp.ToLower().Equals("object")) { _dataFormat = Common.Enum.DataFormat.Object; } clientActivityNotification = reader.ReadObject() as ClientActivityNotification; depversion = (double)reader.ReadObject(); }
public static void AddCache(string cacheId, int cachePort, RtContextValue serverRuntimeContext) { LoadXml(); if (_configuration != null) { if (_configuration.CacheConfigurationsMap == null) { _configuration.CacheConfigurationsMap = new Dictionary <string, CacheConfiguration>(); } if (!_configuration.CacheConfigurationsMap.ContainsKey(cacheId.ToLower())) { CacheConfiguration cacheConfiguration = new CacheConfiguration(); cacheConfiguration.CacheId = cacheId; cacheConfiguration.ServerRuntimeContext = serverRuntimeContext; cacheConfiguration.AddLocalServer(); _configuration.CacheConfigurationsMap[cacheId.ToLower()] = cacheConfiguration; } } SaveConfiguration(); }
public static void UpdateServerNodes(string cacheId, Alachisoft.NCache.Management.ClientConfiguration.CacheServerList serversPriorityList, RtContextValue serverRuntimeContext) { LoadXml(); if (_configuration != null) { if (_configuration.CacheConfigurationsMap == null) { _configuration.CacheConfigurationsMap = new Dictionary <string, CacheConfiguration>(); } cacheId = cacheId.ToLower(); CacheConfiguration cacheConfiguration = null; if (_configuration.CacheConfigurationsMap.TryGetValue(cacheId, out cacheConfiguration)) { cacheConfiguration.ServersPriorityList = serversPriorityList.ServersList; } else { cacheConfiguration = new CacheConfiguration(); cacheConfiguration.CacheId = cacheId; cacheConfiguration.BindIp = bindIp; cacheConfiguration.ServerRuntimeContext = serverRuntimeContext; cacheConfiguration.ServersPriorityList = serversPriorityList.ServersList; _configuration.CacheConfigurationsMap.Add(cacheId, cacheConfiguration); } } SaveConfiguration(); }
public void LoadConfiguration() { FileStream fs = null; string c_configFileName = null; XmlDocument configuration = new XmlDocument(); try { if (_cacheId == null) { return; } c_configFileName = DirectoryUtil.GetBaseFilePath("client.ncconf", _search, out _result); if (c_configFileName == null) { return; } FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(c_configFileName); fs = fileInfo.OpenRead(); configuration.Load(fs); fileInfo = null; bool serverPortFound = false; XmlNodeList serverPortList = configuration.GetElementsByTagName("ncache-server"); if (serverPortList != null && serverPortList.Count > 0) { XmlNode portNode = serverPortList.Item(0); if (portNode != null) { XmlAttributeCollection attributes = portNode.Attributes; if (attributes != null) { string currentAttrib = string.Empty; if (initParam.ServerList != null && initParam.ServerList.Length > 0) { if (initParam.ServerList[0].Port > 0) { _serverPort = initParam.ServerList[0].Port; } } else { if (attributes["port"] != null) { currentAttrib = attributes["port"].Value; if (currentAttrib != null) { _serverPort = Convert.ToInt32(currentAttrib); } } } } serverPortFound = true; } } if (!serverPortFound) { throw new Runtime.Exceptions.ConfigurationException("ncache-server missing in client confiugration"); } XmlNodeList cacheList = configuration.GetElementsByTagName("cache"); XmlNodeList cacheConfig = null; for (int i = 0; i < cacheList.Count; i++) { XmlNode cache = cacheList.Item(i); if (cache.Attributes.GetNamedItem("id").Value.ToLower().Equals(_cacheId.ToLower())) { if (cache.Attributes["load-balance"] != null) { this._balanceNodes = Convert.ToBoolean(cache.Attributes["load-balance"].Value); } if (initParam != null && initParam.IsSet(LOADBALANCE)) { this._balanceNodes = initParam.LoadBalance; } try { if (cache.Attributes["enable-client-logs"] != null) { this._enableClientLogs = Convert.ToBoolean(cache.Attributes["enable-client-logs"].Value.ToString()); } } catch (Exception) { } if (cache.Attributes["log-level"] != null) { this._enableDetailedClientLogs = cache.Attributes["log-level"].Value.ToString().ToLower() == "info" ? true : false; } this.serverRuntimeContext = RtContextValue.NCACHE; _importHashmap = true; cacheConfig = cache.ChildNodes; break; } } if (cacheConfig == null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_cacheId)) { if (_result != Search.GlobalSearch) { _search = _result + 1; LoadConfiguration(); } } return; } _search = _result; LoadRemoteServerMappingConfig(cacheConfig); LoadRemoteServerConfig(cacheConfig); } catch (Runtime.Exceptions.ConfigurationException) { throw; } catch (System.IO.IOException) { throw; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Runtime.Exceptions.ConfigurationException("An error occured while reading client.ncconf. " + e.Message); } finally { if (fs != null) { fs.Close(); } } }
public void LoadConfiguration() { FileStream fs = null; string c_configFileName = null; XmlDocument configuration = new XmlDocument(); try { if (_cacheId == null) { return; } c_configFileName = DirectoryUtil.GetBaseFilePath("client.ncconf", _search, out _result); if (c_configFileName == null) { return; } FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(c_configFileName); fs = fileInfo.OpenRead(); configuration.Load(fs); fileInfo = null; bool serverPortFound = false; XmlNodeList serverPortList = configuration.GetElementsByTagName("ncache-server"); CultureInfo cultureInfo = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; try { System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"); if (serverPortList != null && serverPortList.Count > 0) { XmlNode portNode = serverPortList.Item(0); if (portNode != null) { XmlAttributeCollection attributes = portNode.Attributes; if (attributes != null) { if (attributes["port"] != null && attributes["port"].Value != null) { try { _serverPortFromConfig = Convert.ToInt32(attributes["port"].Value); } catch (Exception) { } } if (initParam != null && initParam.IsSet(PORT)) { _serverPort = initParam.Port; } else { _serverPort = _serverPortFromConfig; } if (initParam != null && initParam.IsSet(OPTIMEOUT)) { _timeout = initParam.ClientRequestTimeOut * 1000; } else { if (attributes["client-request-timeout"] != null && attributes["client-request-timeout"].Value != null) { try { _timeout = Convert.ToInt32(attributes["client-request-timeout"].Value) * 1000; } catch (Exception) { } } } if (initParam != null && initParam.IsSet(CONNECTIONRETRIES)) { _retries = initParam.ConnectionRetries; } else { if (attributes["connection-retries"] != null && attributes["connection-retries"].Value != null) { try { _retries = Convert.ToInt32(attributes["connection-retries"].Value); } catch { } } } if (initParam != null && initParam.IsSet(RETRYINTERVAL)) { _retrySleep = initParam.RetryInterval * 1000; //: RetryInterval Property returns value/1000 } else { if (attributes["retry-interval"] != null && attributes["retry-interval"].Value != null) { try { _retrySleep = Convert.ToInt32(attributes["retry-interval"].Value) * 1000; } catch (Exception) { } } } if (initParam != null && initParam.IsSet(CONNECTIONTIMEOUT)) { _connectionTimeout = initParam.ConnectionTimeout * 1000; } else { if (attributes["connection-timeout"] != null && attributes["connection-timeout"].Value != null) { try { _connectionTimeout = Convert.ToInt32(attributes["connection-timeout"].Value) * 1000; } catch (Exception) { } } } if (initParam != null && initParam.IsSet(RETRYCONNECTIONDELAY)) { _retryConnectionDelay = initParam.RetryConnectionDelay * 1000; } else { if (attributes["retry-connection-delay"] != null && attributes["retry-connection-delay"].Value != null) { try { _retryConnectionDelay = Convert.ToInt32(attributes["retry-connection-delay"].Value) * 1000; } catch (Exception) { } } } } serverPortFound = true; } } if (!serverPortFound) { throw new Runtime.Exceptions.ConfigurationException( "ncache-server missing in client confiugration"); } XmlNodeList cacheList = configuration.GetElementsByTagName("cache"); XmlNodeList cacheConfig = null; for (int i = 0; i < cacheList.Count; i++) { XmlNode cache = cacheList.Item(i); if (cache.Attributes.GetNamedItem("id").Value.ToLower().Equals(_cacheId.ToLower())) { if (cache.Attributes["load-balance"] != null) { this._balanceNodes = Convert.ToBoolean(cache.Attributes["load-balance"].Value); } if (initParam != null && initParam.IsSet(LOADBALANCE)) { this._balanceNodes = initParam.LoadBalance; } if (cache.Attributes["default-readthru-provider"] != null) { this._defaultReadThruProvider = cache.Attributes["default-readthru-provider"].Value.ToString(); } if (initParam != null && initParam.IsSet(DEFAULTREADTHRUPROVIDER)) { this._defaultReadThruProvider = initParam.DefaultReadThruProvider; } if (cache.Attributes["default-writethru-provider"] != null) { this._defaultWriteThruProvider = cache.Attributes["default-writethru-provider"].Value.ToString(); } if (initParam != null && initParam.IsSet(DEFAULTWRITETHRUPROVIDER)) { this._defaultWriteThruProvider = initParam.DefaultWriteThruProvider; } try { if (cache.Attributes["enable-client-logs"] != null) { this._enableClientLogs = Convert.ToBoolean(cache.Attributes["enable-client-logs"].Value.ToString()); } } catch (Exception) { } if (cache.Attributes["log-level"] != null) { this._enableDetailedClientLogs = cache.Attributes["log-level"].Value.ToString().ToLower() == "info" ? true : false; } this.serverRuntimeContext = RtContextValue.NCACHE; _importHashmap = true; cacheConfig = cache.ChildNodes; break; } } if (cacheConfig == null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_cacheId)) { if (_result != Search.GlobalSearch) { _search = _result + 1; LoadConfiguration(); } } return; } _search = _result; LoadRemoteServerMappingConfig(cacheConfig); LoadRemoteServerConfig(cacheConfig); } finally { System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = cultureInfo; } } catch (Runtime.Exceptions.ConfigurationException) { throw; } catch (System.IO.IOException) { throw; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Runtime.Exceptions.ConfigurationException( "An error occurred while reading client.ncconf. " + e.Message); } finally { if (fs != null) { fs.Close(); } } }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { name = reader.ReadObject() as string; Status = (ClientNodeStatus)reader.ReadInt32(); clientRuntimeContext = reader.ReadObject() as string == "1" ? RtContextValue.JVCACHE : RtContextValue.NCACHE; }
public static string GetDomainName(string domainController, string port, string userName, string password, RtContextValue _context) { string _domainName = ""; if (_context.Equals(RtContextValue.JVCACHE)) { int ldapPort = ConvertPort(port); if (ldapPort == 0) { ldapPort = 389; } _ldapConnection = _ldapConnection = GetLdapConnection(domainController, ldapPort, userName, password); try { _ldapConnection.Bind(); _domainName = domainController; } catch (LdapException ex) { throw ex; } } else { #region -----Previous code----- DirectoryEntry adRoot = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + domainController, userName, password); DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(adRoot); try { SearchResult result = searcher.FindOne(); _domainName = ExtractDomainName(result.Path, _context); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { adRoot.Dispose(); searcher.Dispose(); } #endregion } return(_domainName); }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _cacheId = reader.ReadObject() as string; _loadBalance = reader.ReadBoolean(); _isRegisteredLocal = reader.ReadBoolean(); //Needs to be intinalized at every read _serversPriorityList = new Dictionary<int, CacheServer>(); int lenght = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < lenght; i++) { _serversPriorityList.Add(reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadObject() as CacheServer); } _serverName = reader.ReadObject() as string; _bindIp = reader.ReadObject() as string; _serverRuntimeContext = reader.ReadObject() as string == "1" ? RtContextValue.JVCACHE : RtContextValue.NCACHE; if (reader.ReadBoolean()) { _serverMapping = reader.ReadObject() as ServerMapping; } _enableClientLogs = reader.ReadBoolean(); _logLevel = reader.ReadObject() as string; _enableServerPriorities = reader.ReadBoolean(); }
public new void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { _clientId = reader.ReadObject() as string; _clientContext = reader.ReadObject() as string == "1" ? RtContextValue.JVCACHE : RtContextValue.NCACHE; base.Deserialize(reader); }
public static DomainInfo GetDomainInfo(string domainController, string port, string userName, string password, string searchBase, RtContextValue _context) { int ldapPort = ConvertPort(port); if (ldapPort == 0) { ldapPort = 389; } DomainInfo domainInfo = new DomainInfo(); if (domains != null && domains.Contains(domainController)) { domainInfo.DomainName = domainController; domainInfo.Users = (ArrayList)domains[domainController]; domainInfo.DistiguishNames = (Hashtable)domains[domainController + "1"]; return(domainInfo); } if (domains == null) { domains = new Hashtable(); } ArrayList users = new ArrayList(); if (_context.Equals(RtContextValue.JVCACHE)) { Hashtable distinguishNames = new Hashtable(); //Connection Build for Ldap Authentication _ldapConnection = GetLdapConnection(domainController, ldapPort, userName, password); string filter = "(objectClass=*)"; String[] attribsToReturn; string attribs = "cn"; // split the single string expression from the string argument into an array of strings attribsToReturn = attribs.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest(searchBase, filter, System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchScope.Subtree, attribsToReturn); try { SearchResponse searchResponse = (SearchResponse)_ldapConnection.SendRequest(searchRequest); if (searchResponse.Entries.Count > 0) { foreach (SearchResultEntry entry in searchResponse.Entries) { // retrieve a specific attribute SearchResultAttributeCollection attributes = entry.Attributes; foreach (DirectoryAttribute attribute in attributes.Values) { users.Add(attribute[0].ToString()); distinguishNames.Add(attribute[0].ToString(), entry.DistinguishedName); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } domainInfo.Users = users; domainInfo.DistiguishNames = distinguishNames; domains[domainController] = users; domains[domainController + "1"] = distinguishNames; } else { #region --- Previous Code ---- DirectoryEntry adRoot = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + domainController, userName, password); DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(adRoot); searcher.SearchScope = System.DirectoryServices.SearchScope.Subtree; searcher.ReferralChasing = ReferralChasingOption.All; searcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person))"; searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add("SAMAccountname"); searcher.PageSize = 1000; try { SearchResultCollection result = searcher.FindAll(); foreach (SearchResult a in result) { DirectoryEntry entry = a.GetDirectoryEntry(); string UserName = a.Properties["SAMAccountname"][0].ToString(); users.Add(UserName); } } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { adRoot.Dispose(); searcher.Dispose(); } domainInfo.Users = users; domains[domainController] = users; #endregion } return(domainInfo); }
public void Deserialize(Runtime.Serialization.IO.CompactReader reader) { cacheIsRunning= reader.ReadBoolean(); cacheIsRegistered = reader.ReadBoolean(); licenseIsExpired = reader.ReadBoolean(); name = reader.ReadObject() as string; inproc = reader.ReadBoolean(); configID = reader.ReadDouble(); lastModified = reader.ReadObject() as string; cacheType = reader.ReadObject() as string; log = reader.ReadObject() as Log; perfCounters = reader.ReadObject() as PerfCounters; autoBalancing = reader.ReadObject() as AutoLoadBalancing; indexes = reader.ReadObject() as QueryIndex; cleanup = reader.ReadObject() as Cleanup; storage = reader.ReadObject() as Storage; evictionPolicy = reader.ReadObject() as EvictionPolicy; cluster = reader.ReadObject() as Cluster; clientNodes = reader.ReadObject() as ClientNodes; _runtimeContextValue = reader.ReadObject() as string == "1" ? RtContextValue.JVCACHE : RtContextValue.NCACHE; }
public void LoadConfiguration() { FileStream fs = null; string c_configFileName = null; XmlDocument configuration = new XmlDocument(); try { if (_cacheId == null) return; c_configFileName = DirectoryUtil.GetBaseFilePath("client.ncconf",_search,out _result); if (c_configFileName == null) { return; } FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(c_configFileName); fs = fileInfo.OpenRead(); configuration.Load(fs); fileInfo = null; bool serverPortFound = false; XmlNodeList serverPortList = configuration.GetElementsByTagName("ncache-server"); if (serverPortList != null && serverPortList.Count > 0) { XmlNode portNode = serverPortList.Item(0); if (portNode != null) { XmlAttributeCollection attributes = portNode.Attributes; if (attributes != null) { string currentAttrib = string.Empty; if (initParam.ServerList !=null && initParam.ServerList.Length > 0) { if(initParam.ServerList[0].Port > 0) _serverPort = initParam.ServerList[0].Port; } else { if (attributes["port"] != null) { currentAttrib = attributes["port"].Value; if (currentAttrib != null) { _serverPort = Convert.ToInt32(currentAttrib); } } } } serverPortFound = true; } } if (!serverPortFound) throw new Runtime.Exceptions.ConfigurationException("ncache-server missing in client confiugration"); XmlNodeList cacheList = configuration.GetElementsByTagName("cache"); XmlNodeList cacheConfig = null; for (int i = 0; i < cacheList.Count; i++) { XmlNode cache = cacheList.Item(i); if (cache.Attributes.GetNamedItem("id").Value.ToLower().Equals(_cacheId.ToLower())) { if (cache.Attributes["load-balance"] != null) { this._balanceNodes = Convert.ToBoolean(cache.Attributes["load-balance"].Value); } if (initParam != null && initParam.IsSet(LOADBALANCE)) { this._balanceNodes = initParam.LoadBalance; } try { if (cache.Attributes["enable-client-logs"] != null) this._enableClientLogs = Convert.ToBoolean(cache.Attributes["enable-client-logs"].Value.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { } if(cache.Attributes["log-level"] != null) this._enableDetailedClientLogs = cache.Attributes["log-level"].Value.ToString().ToLower() == "info" ? true : false; this.serverRuntimeContext = RtContextValue.NCACHE; _importHashmap = true; cacheConfig = cache.ChildNodes; break; } } if (cacheConfig == null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_cacheId)) { if (_result != Search.GlobalSearch) { _search = _result + 1; LoadConfiguration(); } } return; } _search = _result; LoadRemoteServerMappingConfig(cacheConfig); LoadRemoteServerConfig(cacheConfig); } catch (Runtime.Exceptions.ConfigurationException) { throw; } catch (System.IO.IOException) { throw; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Runtime.Exceptions.ConfigurationException("An error occured while reading client.ncconf. " + e.Message); } finally { if (fs != null) fs.Close(); } }
public static void AddCache(string cacheId, RtContextValue serverRuntimeContext) { LoadXml(); if (_configuration != null) { if (_configuration.CacheConfigurationsMap == null) _configuration.CacheConfigurationsMap = new Dictionary<string, CacheConfiguration>(); if (!_configuration.CacheConfigurationsMap.ContainsKey(cacheId.ToLower())) { CacheConfiguration cacheConfiguration = new CacheConfiguration(); cacheConfiguration.CacheId = cacheId; cacheConfiguration.ServerRuntimeContext = serverRuntimeContext; cacheConfiguration.AddLocalServer(); _configuration.CacheConfigurationsMap[cacheId.ToLower()] = cacheConfiguration; } } SaveConfiguration(); }
public static void UpdateServerNodes(string cacheId, Alachisoft.NCache.Management.ClientConfiguration.CacheServerList serversPriorityList, RtContextValue serverRuntimeContext) { LoadXml(); if (_configuration != null) { if (_configuration.CacheConfigurationsMap == null) _configuration.CacheConfigurationsMap = new Dictionary<string, CacheConfiguration>(); cacheId = cacheId.ToLower(); CacheConfiguration cacheConfiguration = null; if (!_configuration.CacheConfigurationsMap.TryGetValue(cacheId, out cacheConfiguration)) { cacheConfiguration = new CacheConfiguration(); cacheConfiguration.CacheId = cacheId; cacheConfiguration.BindIp = bindIp; cacheConfiguration.ServerRuntimeContext = serverRuntimeContext; _configuration.CacheConfigurationsMap.Add(cacheId, cacheConfiguration); } cacheConfiguration.ServersPriorityList = serversPriorityList.ServersList; } SaveConfiguration(); }