protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (RssReader rss = new RssReader()) { rss.FeedUrl = ""; foreach (RssItem item in rss.Execute()) { //Response.Write(item.Title + "<br />"); //listBox1.Items.Add(item.Title); //row = new DataGridViewRow; //row.Cells[1].Value = item.Title; //row.Cells[2].Value = item.Description; //grid.Rows.Add(item.Date, item.Title, item.Description, item.LinkFeed); TableRow tRow = new TableRow(); TableCell tCelltitle = new TableCell(); tCelltitle.Text = item.Title; tRow.Cells.Add(tCelltitle); TableCell tCelllink = new TableCell(); tCelllink.Text = "<a href='" + item.LinkFeed + "'>View</a>"; tRow.Cells.Add(tCelllink); FeedTable.Rows.Add(tRow); } //grid.Sort(this.grid.Columns["date"], ListSortDirection.Descending); } }
// private TimeSpan _UpdateFrequenzy; /// <summary> /// Gets the time before the feed get's silently updated. /// Is TimeSpan.Zero unless the CreateAndCache method has been used. /// </summary> // public TimeSpan UpdateFrequenzy //{ // get { return _UpdateFrequenzy; } //} #endregion #region Methods public static RssReader Create(string feedUrl) { RssReader reader = new RssReader(feedUrl); reader.Execute(); return(reader); }
private void SendDownloadQuery() { while (ThreadStopCheck) { RssReader rss = new RssReader(); rss.FeedUrl = ",10,7"; foreach (RssItem item in rss.Execute()) { int i = 0; for (int j = 0; j < Ani.Count; j++) { item.Title.Replace('_', ' '); if (item.Title.Contains("1280x720") || item.Title.Contains("1920x1080") || item.Title.Contains("1080p") || item.Title.Contains("720p")) { item.Title.Replace("1280x720", ""); item.Title.Replace("1920x1080", ""); item.Title.Replace("1080p", ""); item.Title.Replace("720p", ""); if (item.Title.Contains(Ani[j].name) && item.Title.Contains(Ani[j].Ep)) { WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.DownloadFileCompleted += new AsyncCompletedEventHandler(fake2); webClient.DownloadProgressChanged += new DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler(fake); webClient.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(item.Link), item.Title + ".torrent"); int Ep = Convert.ToInt32(Ani[j].Ep); ++Ep; AniName Variable = Ani[j]; Variable.Ep = Convert.ToString(Ep); Ani[i] = Variable; TweetToPerson(Ani[j], list_TweetUser); } i++; } } } int timerCheck = 0; while (ThreadStopCheck && timerCheck < 10000) { Thread.Sleep(1); timerCheck++; } } this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { bt_Refresh.Enabled = true; })); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves the remote RSS feed and inserts it into the cache /// when it has expired. /// </summary> private static void RefreshCache(string key, object item, CacheItemRemovedReason reason) { if (reason != CacheItemRemovedReason.Removed) { string feedUrl = key.Replace("RssReader_", String.Empty); RssReader reader = new RssReader(feedUrl); reader.Execute(); reader._UpdateFrequenzy = ((RssReader)item).UpdateFrequenzy; HttpRuntime.Cache.Add("RssReader_" + feedUrl, reader, null, DateTime.Now.Add(reader.UpdateFrequenzy), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.Normal, RefreshCache); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates an RssReader instance from the specified URL /// and inserts it into the cache. When it expires from the cache, /// it automatically retrieves the remote RSS feed and inserts it /// to the cache again. /// </summary> /// <param name="feedUrl">The URI of the RSS feed.</param> /// <param name="updateFrequenzy">The time before it should update it self.</param> /// <returns>An instance of the RssReader class.</returns> public static RssReader CreateAndCache(string feedUrl, TimeSpan updateFrequenzy) { if (HttpRuntime.Cache["RssReader_" + feedUrl] == null) { RssReader reader = new RssReader(feedUrl); reader.Execute(); reader._UpdateFrequenzy = updateFrequenzy; HttpRuntime.Cache.Add("RssReader_" + feedUrl, reader, null, DateTime.Now.Add(updateFrequenzy), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.Normal, RefreshCache); } return((RssReader)HttpContext.Current.Cache["RssReader_" + feedUrl]); }
public void ProcessFeed() { try { _logger.Log("ProcessFeed() called...", LogCategory.Information); using (var rss = new RssReader(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FeedUrl"])) { var items = rss.Execute().ToList(); var newNofication = new List <RssItem>(); if (items.Count <= 0) { return; } try { using (IDataContext dataContext = _dataContextFactory.Create(ConnectionType.Ip)) { var notifications = dataContext.Query <NotificationMessage>().ToList(); newNofication.AddRange(notifications.Any() ? items.Where(rssItem => notifications.All(n => n.StartDate != rssItem.Date)) : items); foreach (var rssNotification in newNofication) { var notification = new NotificationMessage { Text = rssNotification.Title, Link = rssNotification.Link, StartDate = rssNotification.Date, EndDate = rssNotification.ExpireOn, NotificationId = Guid.NewGuid() }; dataContext.Add(notification); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogException(ex); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogException(ex); } }
public static ICollection <string> GetFeeds() { var titles = new List <string>(); using (var reader = new RssReader("")) { titles.AddRange(reader.Execute().Select(i => i.Title)); } using (var reader = new RssReader("")) { titles.AddRange(reader.Execute().Select(i => i.Title)); } return(titles); }
public static RssReader Create(string feedUrl) { RssReader reader = new RssReader(feedUrl); reader.Execute(); return reader; }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves the remote RSS feed and inserts it into the cache /// when it has expired. /// </summary> private static void RefreshCache(string key, object item, CacheItemRemovedReason reason) { if (reason != CacheItemRemovedReason.Removed) { string feedUrl = key.Replace("RssReader_", String.Empty); RssReader reader = new RssReader(feedUrl); reader.Execute(); reader._UpdateFrequency = ((RssReader)item).UpdateFrequency; HttpRuntime.Cache.Add("RssReader_" + feedUrl, reader, null, DateTime.Now.Add(reader.UpdateFrequency), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.Normal, RefreshCache); } }
/// <summary> /// Get News Feeds from the assigned RSS Aggregator. /// </summary> /// <param name="feedURL">URL to fetch the news feed.</param> /// <param name="alreadySelectedStocks">The Symbols of User selected Stocks, in CSV format.</param> /// <returns>A string containing (News Title, News Link)</returns> public string LoadPerStockNews(string feedURL, string alreadySelectedStocks) { string newsFeeds = ""; if (isShowNews) { GUIVariables gui = new GUIVariables(); using (RssReader rss = new RssReader()) { rss.FeedUrl = feedURL + alreadySelectedStocks; foreach (RssItem item in rss.Execute()) { // string makeLink = item.Title + " " + "[" + "<a href='" + item.Link + "' target='_blank'>" + "link" + "</a>" + "]"; // newsFeeds = newsFeeds + makeLink + " " + gui.LineBreak; string makeLink = gui.RedFontStart + ">>" + gui.RedFontEnd + "<a href='" + item.Link + "' style=\"text-decoration:none; font-family:Verdana;\" target='_blank'>" + item.Title + "</a>"; newsFeeds = newsFeeds + makeLink + " " + gui.LineBreak; } } } return newsFeeds; }
/// <summary> /// Get News Feeds from the assigned RSS Aggregator. /// </summary> /// <param name="alreadySelectedStocks">The Symbols of User selected Stocks, in CSV format.</param> /// <returns>A string containing (News Title, News Link)</returns> public string LoadPerStockNews(string alreadySelectedStocks) { string newsFeeds = ""; if (isShowNews) { GUIVariables gui = new GUIVariables(); // // You can use the class with Caching. // RssReader reader = RssReader.CreateAndCache("", new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0)); // foreach (RssItem item in reader.Items) // { // Response.Write(item.Title +"<br />"); // } // You can also use the class directly without caching. using (RssReader rss = new RssReader()) { // Show personalized News for all Users, Don't Cache. rss.FeedUrl = yahooNewsFeedRSSFinanceURL + alreadySelectedStocks; foreach (RssItem item in rss.Execute()) { // string makeLink = item.Title + " " + "[" + "<a href='" + item.Link + "' target='_blank'>" + "link" + "</a>" + "]"; // newsFeeds = newsFeeds + makeLink + " " + gui.LineBreak; string makeLink = gui.RedFontStart + ">>" + gui.RedFontEnd + "<a href='" + item.Link + "' style=\"text-decoration:none; font-family:Verdana;\" target='_blank'>" + item.Title + "</a>"; newsFeeds = newsFeeds + makeLink + " " + gui.LineBreak; } } } return newsFeeds; }
public string LoadGenericNews(string url, bool isByPassCache) { string newsFeeds = ""; if (isShowNews) { GUIVariables gui = new GUIVariables(); if (!isByPassCache && HttpRuntime.Cache["genericNews"] != null) { newsFeeds = Convert.ToString(HttpRuntime.Cache["genericNews"]); } else { using (RssReader rss = new RssReader()) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { rss.FeedUrl = yahooGenericNewsFeedRSSFinanceURL; } else { rss.FeedUrl = url; } foreach (RssItem item in rss.Execute()) { // string makeLink = item.Title + " " + "[" + "<a href='" + item.Link + "' target='_blank'>" + "link" + "</a>" + "]"; // newsFeeds = newsFeeds + makeLink + " " + gui.LineBreak; string makeLink = gui.RedFontStart + ">>" + gui.RedFontEnd + "<a href='" + item.Link + "' style=\"text-decoration:none; font-family:Verdana;\" target='_blank'>" + item.Title + "</a>"; newsFeeds = newsFeeds + makeLink + " " + gui.LineBreak; } // HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("genericNews", newsFeeds, null, System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(newsRefreshRate)); HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("genericNews", newsFeeds, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(newsRefreshRate), System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration); } } } return newsFeeds; }
/// <summary> /// Creates an RssReader instance from the specified URL and inserts it into the cache. /// When it expires from the cache, it automatically retrieves the remote RSS feed and inserts it to the cache again. /// </summary> /// <param name="feedUrl">The URI of the RSS feed.</param> /// <param name="updateFrequency">The time before it should update it self.</param> /// <returns>An instance of the RssReader class.</returns> public static RssReader CreateAndCache(string feedUrl, TimeSpan updateFrequency) { if (HttpRuntime.Cache["RssReader_" + feedUrl] == null) { RssReader reader = new RssReader(feedUrl); reader.Execute(); reader._UpdateFrequency = updateFrequency; HttpRuntime.Cache.Add("RssReader_" + feedUrl, reader, null, DateTime.Now.Add(updateFrequency), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.Normal, RefreshCache); } return (RssReader)HttpContext.Current.Cache["RssReader_" + feedUrl]; }
private void INPUT_OPTION_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Ahh... F*****g int nTemp = 0; PRINT_OPTION.Clear(); bool CheckSelect = false; string TempURL = ""; CheckboxSelect Chbox = new CheckboxSelect(TempURL, 14); Chbox.InputCheckbox(nTemp++, CH_ANIME, "Anime"); Chbox.InputCheckbox(nTemp++, CH_MUSIC, "Music"); Chbox.InputCheckbox(nTemp++, CH_MANGA, "Manga"); Chbox.InputCheckbox(nTemp++, CH_HENTAI, "Hentai"); Chbox.InputCheckbox(nTemp++, CH_OTHER, "Other"); Chbox.InputCheckbox(nTemp++, CH_RAWS, "Raws"); Chbox.InputCheckbox(nTemp++, CH_DRAMA, "Drama"); Chbox.InputCheckbox(nTemp++, CH_MVIDEO, "Music Video"); Chbox.InputCheckbox(nTemp++, CH_NONENG, "Non-English"); Chbox.InputCheckbox(nTemp++, CH_BATCH, "Batch"); Chbox.InputCheckbox(nTemp++, CH_HANIME, "Hentai Anime"); Chbox.InputCheckbox(nTemp++, CH_HMANGA, "Hentai Manga"); Chbox.InputCheckbox(nTemp++, CH_HGAMES, "Hentai Games"); Chbox.InputCheckbox(nTemp++, CH_JAV, "JAV"); nTemp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { if (++nTemp == 6) { nTemp = 7; } if (Chbox.returnChbox(i).Checked == true) { CheckSelect = true; if (Chbox.returnURL() != TempURL) { Chbox.AddURL("," + nTemp); } else { Chbox.AddURL(nTemp.ToString()); } PRINT_OPTION.AppendText("Select " + (i + 1) + ". " + Chbox.returnName(i) + "\n"); } } if (!CheckSelect) { PRINT_OPTION.AppendText("Please select at least one.\n"); return; } try { rss = new RssReader(); rss.FeedUrl = Chbox.returnURL(); PRINT_OPTION.AppendText("Successfuly opening\n"); PRINT_SEED.Items.Clear(); foreach (RssItem item in rss.Execute()) { PRINT_SEED.Items.Add(item.Title); } } catch (Exception exc) { exc.ToString(); PRINT_OPTION.AppendText("Error opening\n"); } }