public void Given_PublicKeyWithDetailsFromPrivateKey_When_GetKeyType_Then_ExceptionThrownOrPublicEnumIsRetunedDependingOnFlag(
            [Values(true, false)] bool throwExceptionWhenPublicKeyHasTooMuchInfo)
            // Arrange
            var rsaKey = new RsaKey(new RSAParameters()
                Exponent = new byte[1],
                Modulus  = new byte[1],
                D        = new byte[1]
            }, true);

            // Act
            var    res = KeyTypeEnum.Private;
            Action act = () => res = rsaKey.GetKeyType(throwExceptionWhenPublicKeyHasTooMuchInfo);

            // Assert
            if (throwExceptionWhenPublicKeyHasTooMuchInfo)
                act.ShouldThrow <EnvCryptException>()
                .Contain("has information from the private key");
                act.ShouldNotThrow <EnvCryptException>();
        public void Given_ValidPublicKey_When_GetKeyType_Then_ExceptionThrown()
            // Arrange
            var rsaKey = new RsaKey(new RSAParameters()
                Exponent = new byte[1]
            }, true);

            // Act
            Action act = () => rsaKey.GetKeyType();

            // Assert
            act.ShouldThrow <EnvCryptException>().And.Message.Should().Contain("does not have enough data to be a public or private key");
        public void Given_ValidPublicKey_When_GetKeyType_Then_CorrectEnumValueReturned()
            // Arrange
            var rsaKey = new RsaKey(new RSAParameters()
                Exponent = new byte[1],
                Modulus  = new byte[1],
            }, true);

            // Act
            var result = rsaKey.GetKeyType(true);

            // Assert
        public void Given_ValidPrivateKey_When_GetKeyType_Then_CorrectEnumValueReturned()
            // Arrange
            var rsaKey = new RsaKey(new RSAParameters()
                D        = new byte[1],
                DP       = new byte[1],
                Exponent = new byte[1],
                Modulus  = new byte[1],
                DQ       = new byte[1],
                InverseQ = new byte[1],
                P        = new byte[1],
                Q        = new byte[1],
            }, true);

            // Act
            var result = rsaKey.GetKeyType();

            // Assert