internal void Populate(RpbGetReq request)
            request.r  = R.IsLeft ? R.Left : R.Right.ToRpbOption();
   = Pr.IsLeft ? Pr.Left : Pr.Right.ToRpbOption();

            if (BasicQuorum.HasValue)
                request.basic_quorum = BasicQuorum.Value;

            if (NotFoundOk.HasValue)
                request.notfound_ok = NotFoundOk.Value;

            if (Head.HasValue)
                request.head = Head.Value;

            if (DeletedVclock.HasValue)
                request.deletedvclock = DeletedVclock.Value;

            if (IfModified != null)
                request.if_modified = IfModified;
Esempio n. 2
        internal void Populate(RpbGetReq request)
            request.r  = R;
   = Pr;

            if (BasicQuorum.HasValue)
                request.basic_quorum = BasicQuorum.Value;

            if (NotFoundOk.HasValue)
                request.notfound_ok = NotFoundOk.Value;

            if (Head.HasValue)
                request.head = Head.Value;

            if (DeletedVclock.HasValue)
                request.deletedvclock = DeletedVclock.Value;

            if (IfModified != null)
                request.if_modified = IfModified;

            request.timeout = (uint)Timeout;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// get
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bucket"></param>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        /// <param name="setOptions"></param>
        /// <param name="millisecondsReceiveTimeout"></param>
        /// <param name="asyncState"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Task <RiakObject> Get(string bucket,
                                     byte[] key,
                                     Action <GetOptions> setOptions = null,
                                     int millisecondsReceiveTimeout = 3000,
                                     object asyncState = null)
            var source = new TaskCompletionSource <RiakObject>(asyncState);

            var request = new RpbGetReq {
                bucket = bucket.GetBytes(), key = key

            if (setOptions != null)
                setOptions(new GetOptions(request));

            this._socket.Execute <RpbGetReq, RpbGetResp>(Codes.GetReq, Codes.GetResp, request,
                                                         ex => source.TrySetException(ex),
                                                         result =>
                if (result == null)
                    source.TrySetResult(new RiakObject(bucket, key, result.vclock, result.content));
            }, millisecondsReceiveTimeout);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the specified <paramref name="key"/> from the <paramref name="bucket"/>.
        /// Optionally can be read from rVal instances. By default, the server's
        /// r-value will be used, but can be overridden by rVal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='bucket'>
        /// The name of the bucket containing the <paramref name="key"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='key'>
        /// The key.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='options'>The <see cref="CorrugatedIron.Models.RiakGetOptions" /> responsible for
        /// configuring the semantics of this single get request. These options will override any previously
        /// defined bucket configuration properties.</param>
        /// <remarks>If a node does not respond, that does not necessarily mean that the
        /// <paramref name="bucket"/>/<paramref name="key"/> combination is not available. It simply means
        /// that fewer than R/PR nodes responded to the read request. See <see cref="CorrugatedIron.Models.RiakGetOptions" />
        /// for information on how different options change Riak's default behavior.
        /// </remarks>
        public RiakResult <RiakObject> Get(string bucket, string key, RiakGetOptions options = null)
            if (!IsValidBucketOrKey(bucket))
                return(RiakResult <RiakObject> .Error(ResultCode.InvalidRequest, InvalidBucketErrorMessage, false));

            if (!IsValidBucketOrKey(key))
                return(RiakResult <RiakObject> .Error(ResultCode.InvalidRequest, InvalidKeyErrorMessage, false));

            var request = new RpbGetReq {
                bucket = bucket.ToRiakString(), key = key.ToRiakString()

            options = options ?? new RiakGetOptions();

            var result = UseConnection(conn => conn.PbcWriteRead <RpbGetReq, RpbGetResp>(request));

            if (!result.IsSuccess)
                return(RiakResult <RiakObject> .Error(result.ResultCode, result.ErrorMessage, result.NodeOffline));

            if (result.Value.vclock == null)
                return(RiakResult <RiakObject> .Error(ResultCode.NotFound, "Unable to find value in Riak", false));

            var o = new RiakObject(bucket, key, result.Value.content, result.Value.vclock);

            return(RiakResult <RiakObject> .Success(o));
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve multiple objects from Riak.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='bucketKeyPairs'>
        /// An <see href="System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable&lt;T&gt;"/> of <see cref="CorrugatedIron.Models.RiakObjectId"/> to be retrieved
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='options'>The <see cref="CorrugatedIron.Models.RiakGetOptions" /> responsible for
        /// configuring the semantics of this single get request. These options will override any previously
        /// defined bucket configuration properties.</param>
        /// <returns>An <see cref="System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{T}"/> of <see cref="RiakResult{T}"/>
        /// is returned. You should verify the success or failure of each result separately.</returns>
        /// <remarks>Riak does not support multi get behavior. CorrugatedIron's multi get functionality wraps multiple
        /// get requests and returns results as an IEnumerable{RiakResult{RiakObject}}. Callers should be aware that
        /// this may result in partial success - all results should be evaluated individually in the calling application.
        /// In addition, applications should plan for multiple failures or multiple cases of siblings being present.</remarks>
        public IEnumerable <RiakResult <RiakObject> > Get(IEnumerable <RiakObjectId> bucketKeyPairs,
                                                          RiakGetOptions options = null)
            bucketKeyPairs = bucketKeyPairs.ToList();

            options = options ?? new RiakGetOptions();

            var results = UseConnection(conn =>
                var responses = bucketKeyPairs.Select(bkp =>
                    // modified closure FTW
                    var bk = bkp;
                    if (!IsValidBucketOrKey(bk.Bucket))
                        return(RiakResult <RpbGetResp> .Error(ResultCode.InvalidRequest, InvalidBucketErrorMessage, false));

                    if (!IsValidBucketOrKey(bk.Key))
                        return(RiakResult <RpbGetResp> .Error(ResultCode.InvalidRequest, InvalidKeyErrorMessage, false));

                    var req = new RpbGetReq {
                        bucket = bk.Bucket.ToRiakString(), key = bk.Key.ToRiakString()

                    return(conn.PbcWriteRead <RpbGetReq, RpbGetResp>(req));
                return(RiakResult <IEnumerable <RiakResult <RpbGetResp> > > .Success(responses));

            return(results.Value.Zip(bucketKeyPairs, Tuple.Create).Select(result =>
                if (!result.Item1.IsSuccess)
                    return RiakResult <RiakObject> .Error(result.Item1.ResultCode, result.Item1.ErrorMessage, result.Item1.NodeOffline);

                if (result.Item1.Value.vclock == null)
                    return RiakResult <RiakObject> .Error(ResultCode.NotFound, "Unable to find value in Riak", false);

                var o = new RiakObject(result.Item2.Bucket, result.Item2.Key, result.Item1.Value.content.First(), result.Item1.Value.vclock);

                if (result.Item1.Value.content.Count > 1)
                    o.Siblings = result.Item1.Value.content.Select(c =>
                                                                   new RiakObject(result.Item2.Bucket, result.Item2.Key, c, result.Item1.Value.vclock)).ToList();

                return RiakResult <RiakObject> .Success(o);
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the specified <paramref name="key"/> from the <paramref name="bucket"/>.
        /// Optionally can be read from <paramref name="rVal"/> instances. By default, the server's
        /// r-value will be used, but can be overridden by <paramref name="rVal"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='bucket'>
        /// The name of the bucket containing the <paramref name="key"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='key'>
        /// The key.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='rVal'>
        /// The number of nodes required to successfully respond to the read before the read is considered a success.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>If a node does not respond, that does not necessarily mean that the
        /// <paramref name="bucket"/>/<paramref name="key"/> combination is not available. It simply means
        /// that less than <paramref name="rVal" /> nodes successfully responded to the read request. Unfortunatley,
        /// the Riak API does not allow us to distinguish between a 404 resulting from less than <paramref name="rVal"/>
        /// nodes successfully responding and a <paramref name="bucket"/>/<paramref name="key"/> combination
        /// not being found in Riak.
        /// </remarks>
        public RiakResult <RiakObject> Get(string bucket, string key, uint rVal = RiakConstants.Defaults.RVal)
            var request = new RpbGetReq {
                Bucket = bucket.ToRiakString(), Key = key.ToRiakString(), R = rVal
            var result = UseConnection(conn => conn.PbcWriteRead <RpbGetReq, RpbGetResp>(request));

            if (!result.IsSuccess)
                return(RiakResult <RiakObject> .Error(result.ResultCode, result.ErrorMessage));

            if (result.Value.VectorClock == null)
                return(RiakResult <RiakObject> .Error(ResultCode.NotFound));

            var o = new RiakObject(bucket, key, result.Value.Content, result.Value.VectorClock);

            return(RiakResult <RiakObject> .Success(o));
Esempio n. 7
        public async Task <Either <RiakException, RiakObject> > Get(string bucket, string key, RiakGetOptions options = null)
            options = options ?? RiakClient.DefaultGetOptions();

            if (!IsValidBucketOrKey(bucket))
                return(new Either <RiakException, RiakObject>(new RiakException((uint)ResultCode.InvalidRequest, InvalidBucketErrorMessage, false)));

            if (!IsValidBucketOrKey(key))
                return(new Either <RiakException, RiakObject>(new RiakException((uint)ResultCode.InvalidRequest, InvalidKeyErrorMessage, false)));

            var request = new RpbGetReq {
                bucket = bucket.ToRiakString(), key = key.ToRiakString()

            options = options ?? new RiakGetOptions();

                var result = await _connection.PbcWriteRead <RpbGetReq, RpbGetResp>(_endPoint, request).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (result.vclock == null)
                    return(new Either <RiakException, RiakObject>(new RiakException((uint)ResultCode.NotFound, "Unable to find value in Riak", false)));

                var riakObject = new RiakObject(bucket, key, result.content, result.vclock);

                return(new Either <RiakException, RiakObject>(riakObject));
            catch (RiakException riakException)
                return(new Either <RiakException, RiakObject>(riakException));
Esempio n. 8
        public IObservable <Either <RiakException, RiakObject> > Get(IEnumerable <RiakObjectId> bucketKeyPairs, RiakGetOptions options = null)
            var observable = Observable.Create <Either <RiakException, RiakObject> >(async obs =>
                    bucketKeyPairs = bucketKeyPairs.ToList();
                    options        = options ?? new RiakGetOptions();

                    foreach (var bucketKeyPair in bucketKeyPairs)
                        // modified closure FTW
                        var bk = bucketKeyPair;
                        if (!IsValidBucketOrKey(bk.Bucket))
                            obs.OnNext(new Either <RiakException, RiakObject>(new RiakException((uint)ResultCode.InvalidRequest, InvalidBucketErrorMessage, false)));

                        if (!IsValidBucketOrKey(bk.Key))
                            obs.OnNext(new Either <RiakException, RiakObject>(new RiakException((uint)ResultCode.InvalidRequest, InvalidKeyErrorMessage, false)));

                        var req = new RpbGetReq
                            bucket = bk.Bucket.ToRiakString(),
                            key    = bk.Key.ToRiakString()

                            var result = await _connection.PbcWriteRead <RpbGetReq, RpbGetResp>(_endPoint, req)

                            if (result.vclock == null)
                                obs.OnNext(new Either <RiakException, RiakObject>(new RiakException((uint)ResultCode.NotFound, "Unable to find value in Riak", false)));

                            var riakObject = new RiakObject(bk.Bucket, bk.Key, result.content.First(), result.vclock);

                            if (result.content.Count > 1)
                                riakObject.Siblings = result.content
                                                      .Select(c => new RiakObject(bk.Bucket, bk.Key, c, result.vclock))

                            obs.OnNext(new Either <RiakException, RiakObject>(riakObject));
                        catch (RiakException riakException)
                            obs.OnNext(new Either <RiakException, RiakObject>(riakException));

                catch (Exception exception)
