public void Inferrence()
            // hide
            var client = TestClient.GetInMemoryClient(c => c.DisableDirectStreaming().PrettyJson());
            var infer  = client.Infer;
            var parent = new MyParent {
                Id = 1337, MyJoinField = JoinField.Root <MyParent>()


            var child = new MyChild {
                Id = 1338, MyJoinField = JoinField.Link <MyChild>(parentId: "1337")


            child = new MyChild {
                Id = 1339, MyJoinField = JoinField.Link <MyChild, MyParent>(parent)

             * here we index `parent` and rather than fishing out the parent id by inspecting `parent` we just pass the instance
             * to `Routing` which can infer the correct routing key based on the JoinField property on the instance
            var indexResponse = client.Index(parent, i => i.Routing(Routing.From(parent)));


             * The same goes for when we index a child, we can pass the instance directly to `Routing` and NEST will use the parent id
             * already specified on `child`. Here we use the static import `using static Nest.Infer` and it's `Route()` static method to
             * create an instance of `Routing`
            indexResponse = client.Index(child, i => i.Routing(Route(child)));

            /** Wouldn't be handy if NEST does this automatically? It does! */
            indexResponse = client.IndexDocument(child);

            /** You can always override the default inferred routing though */
            indexResponse = client.Index(child, i => i.Routing("explicit"));

            indexResponse = client.Index(child, i => i.Routing(null));

             * This works for both the fluent and object initializer syntax

            var indexRequest = new IndexRequest <MyChild>(child);

            indexResponse = client.Index(indexRequest);

             * Its important to note that the routing is resolved at request time, not instantation time
             * here we update the `child`'s `JoinField` after already creating the index request for `child`
            child.MyJoinField = JoinField.Link <MyChild>(parentId: "something-else");
            indexResponse     = client.Index(indexRequest);